The New, and very Dangerous "Left" - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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Antifa hasn't killed anyone. Fascists have. That makes Antifa less dangerous than the Right.
Both the far left and the far right are dangerous, both slaughtered people in the millions; Added that once one rise, the other follows in response in that the only justification for either is the other.

Center and center-left ideologies are the only ones that have, thus far, proven to bring peace and prosperity.

As a general note; ALL extremists are bad, regardless of where they lie on the spectrum.
anasawad wrote:As a general note; ALL extremists are bad, regardless of where they lie on the spectrum.
QFT. All extremism can be bad.
Elyzabeth wrote:People on the "woke" hard-left seem so self-righteous about their monopoly over Truth (with a capital T) that many of them apparently see no reason to allow dissenting, politically incorrect, views to be expressed.

I recently heard someone speculate--and I think it was David Starkey, but I'm not sure--that today's left have no God, so positions of political power, to them, take on a religious significance. If I were to elaborate on what I heard, I would say that is probably also why they have such a fascination with eliminating private ownership of guns--because they do not believe in a society where people are joint tenants in the sovereignty of the nation.

Ah, I found it, and queued it up to the salient point:

The whole interview is 50 minutes, and I think it's worth watching for people interested in a very long term historical perspective of Brexit. However, this queued up little clip puts a very fine point on it.
This myth of a new and dangerous left seems to have been cooked up by Trump in the wake of the Charlottesville violence and related right wing violence.

He basically created a villain out of antifa in order to distract from the actual violence.
Pants-of-dog wrote:This myth of a new and dangerous left seems to have been cooked up by Trump in the wake of the Charlottesville violence and related right wing violence.

He basically created a villain out of antifa in order to distract from the actual violence.

The crazy cry baby Democrats suffer from Trump derangement syndrome.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Some might, but since that has nothing to do with what I said, it is irrelevant.

Blaming Trump for Antifa becoming a domestic terrorist group seems to me like Trump derangement syndrome.
Your statement makes no sense since antifa never became a terrorist group.

The only thing that happened was that Trump noticed them, called them terrorists, and then all unthinking Republicans agreed with him.
Antifa does not even meet the definition of "terrorist". People thinking they are terrorist are either Nazis, or they support them, as no one else is even concerned about them.

FBI and all legitimate intelligence agencies have not classified Antifa as anything of the kind, so you guys are just dreaming, like Trump, that Nazis will be cool again. :knife:
Pants-of-dog wrote:Your statement makes no sense since antifa never became a terrorist group.

The only thing that happened was that Trump noticed them, called them terrorists, and then all unthinking Republicans agreed with him.

Antifa Attacks Reporter Andy Ngo, Media Goes Silent
Jul 1, 2019
It's not. Trump just threatened to call it such, and every Trump worshiper with a keyboard is now calling it that.
Finfinder wrote:"Early phase" is a pretty wide term.

Fact: The viability of a fetus is after 28 weeks.
Fact: the majority of US abortions take place within the first 7 weeks, when the fetus ia as small as a blueberry.
Fact: 90% of US abortions take place within the first 13 weeks.
Fact: The cortex, the epicenter of human consciousness, starts to form after six months gestation.

Nobody calls it murder when a tree, an organism without counsciousness, is cut down. So why should you call an early abortion murder?
Made this post on TLTE, but just remembered this thread exists, so....again:

I just came across this on Instagram, many are sharing it. (Note, it's also in a twitter thread, that's where I got the pics' links)


So "Progressives" have entered the book burning phase.

Can someone explain to me how exactly are these people considered liberals?
I mean, for fuck's sake, Destroying books, historical revisionism, discrediting science based on feelings, extreme ideological purity standards, etc; How is this even being allowed to happen?

There should be a very clear line drawn between cultural and societal progress and destroying things you don't like and calling it progress.
Racism, sexism, etc are bad, but you don't combat it by destroying books from an era when it was the standard.
And you sure as hell don't combat them by enforcing racial or gender quotas and all these other bullshit ideas.

Everything seems to indicate that the far left has indeed taken a radical turn into becoming just another one of those discredited and outdated ideological movements that belong nowhere other than the trash can of history along with all other extreme movements of both the left and the right, right down there along with communism, fascism, Christian theocracy, and hopefully soon, Islamism, etc.
anasawad wrote:Made this post on TLTE, but just remembered this thread exists, so....again:

I just came across this on Instagram, many are sharing it. (Note, it's also in a twitter thread, that's where I got the pics' links)


So "Progressives" have entered the book burning phase.

Can someone explain to me how exactly are these people considered liberals?
I mean, for fuck's sake, Destroying books, historical revisionism, discrediting science based on feelings, extreme ideological purity standards, etc; How is this even being allowed to happen?

There should be a very clear line drawn between cultural and societal progress and destroying things you don't like and calling it progress.
Racism, sexism, etc are bad, but you don't combat it by destroying books from an era when it was the standard.
And you sure as hell don't combat them by enforcing racial or gender quotas and all these other bullshit ideas.

Everything seems to indicate that the far left has indeed taken a radical turn into becoming just another one of those discredited and outdated ideological movements that belong nowhere other than the trash can of history along with all other extreme movements of both the left and the right, right down there along with communism, fascism, Christian theocracy, and hopefully soon, Islamism, etc.

There are plenty of right wingers trying to forcibly teach creationism instead of the normal curriculum and the big bang, theory of evolution..

They'd love to burn books too.

Frankly, you say what you like about the commies and anarchs on here, but they seem rather more well-read and fascinated by old literature.

You're extrapolating based on one twitter post. I know you're a lot more clever than that.

I wouldn't just moan about lefties doing it, it's not very fair. As you said, there are many others who would do it. Even though I'm a Theocrat of sorts, I'd never force my ideas on anyone else or expect others to live in my type of society.

IMHO the problem comes when any type of ideologue wants to force their narrow-band ideology on the whole world.
There are plenty of right wingers trying to forcibly teach creationism instead of the normal curriculum and the big bang, theory of evolution..

True, and we already fight them for it.

Frankly, you say what you like about the commies and anarchs on here, but they seem rather more well-read and fascinated by old literature.

Sure, but taking a small sample and calling it the norm isn't really factual.

Since you, also, are well-read on history; I am sure you are fully aware of the consequences and what the coming developments will be when more and more people become mere zealot ideologues.

And since you mentioned the people here being well-read and educated, you accidentally stumbled on a huge problem with the current situation.
The more educated and well-read individuals who act as thought leaders and organizers of ideological movements define their perspective movements; Now, on the subject of "commies", what do you think will happen when a movement, with its thought leaders ascribe to things like gulags and ideological purity, takes power?
Or how about people who wholeheartedly believe that offense should be punishable by having one's life crushed for it?
Do you think that ends well?

You're extrapolating based on one twitter post. I know you're a lot more clever than that.

Ooh boy, this is just one example, these behaviors and patterns are spreading like wildfire among the progressive movement nowadays.
Heck, just now there is an outrage going on over the prime minister of Canada doing blackface when he was a kid which should serve as a good example of the point I mentioned regarding extreme ideological purity.

Last time this ideological purity extremism was a thing, millions died.

I wouldn't just moan about lefties doing it, it's not very fair. As you said, there are many others who would do it.

Yea, except we're going on and on about everyone else doing it, yet liberal movements don't seem to have a problem or simply ignore these radical behaviors and trends on the far left progressives.
There are full-on wars going on against Islamists.
Radical right-wingers are being shunned and fought against in every way.
Enter these guys who everyone seems fine with them.

Each and every single one of those types of movements, throughout history, only managed to take power and inflict untold miseries on people because it was allowed to grow out of control unaddressed.

Even though I'm a Theocrat of sorts, I'd never force my ideas on anyone else or expect others to live in my type of society.

So do I, the problem isn't with people like you, the problem is with people who do want to enforce their ideologies on others.

Islamists are a problem in the middle east, they're basically our version of fascists and they aren't weak or few and, as such, anyone who actually lived in the middle east and socialized would have came across them and had troubles with them or heard of people having troubles with them regardless of which country since they're everywhere and funded by 100s of billions of dollars of oil money.
I'm a Shiite who recently became an atheist, coming from a highly mixed family and married to a Christian woman. That alone should tell you how much endless trouble I got with hardline Islamists; And, thus far, it seems to me that the exact same types of mentality, strategies, and ideological purity that hardline Islamists are used to are the exact same ones more and more becoming the norm among those far left, so-called, progressives.

And we already know what type of system results from these things.
Different themes, the same type of tyrannical regime that will be more than glad to "get rid" of people for thought crimes.
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