Car lies run deep - Politics | PoFo

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By QatzelOk
This image is unrelated to the story but adds gravitas

Frank wrote:October 17, 2009 - 9:55 AM

"Public transport is not the solution. It was 30 years a go but we did not made them usable then. Now it is time for private transport using low pollution. For example: electric car using a dedicated lane with a signal guiding them. You could go 200km/h safely because you don't drive. Autopilot take care of that and they are 10x faster to react then a human.

Wasted several hours on public transport because of the new station failure last day. STM sould be sued for scam base on the fact they don't deliver the good we have paid for."

The above piece is a letter to the editor regarding a newspaper article on mass transit developments. Notice how the Frank character proposes 200 km/h self-guided electric cars, and then goes on to talk about what a scam mass transit is.

Is this an example of a text (car promotion) that has destroyed common sense? Or is Frank's rant dripping with irony that I just don't get?
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By Dr House
For the love of God, stop flooding the car sub-forum, Qatz.
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By QatzelOk
He talks about getting stuck in a subway station because of an electrical problem (typically this is what causes the system to freeze) and then he goes on to propose electric-guided cars on a grid. What kind of failures would something this complicated have?

Isn't it common sense to assume that auto-pilot electric cars on a street grid would be constantly breaking down and paralyzing everyone?
By jaycola
Toronto is investing billions into mass transit adding nearly 125 KM of new light rail transit lines.
Along with Bike lanes, car pool lanes and upgrades and extentions to subways, there is a focus away from the personal car in this city.

I agree the idea of personal transports on electrified lines is an unlikely fix for our tansit woes but faster and efficient transit is a good thing for urban dwellers.

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By Suska
While I think the light rail proposal itself looks acceptable, I can't help wondering why the people who make such videos always use this godawful stern-lady voice actor type. Do they not watch movies? Its been parodied like a bazillion times and to my ear sounds like a parody itself - I half expect them to start talking soothingly about how robocop and the police state are really your friend... "sit back and enjoy the revitalization that the combine has in store for you!"
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By Dr House
QatzelOk wrote:He talks about getting stuck in a subway station because of an electrical problem (typically this is what causes the system to freeze) and then he goes on to propose electric-guided cars on a grid. What kind of failures would something this complicated have?

Isn't it common sense to assume that auto-pilot electric cars on a street grid would be constantly breaking down and paralyzing everyone?

no one cares
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By danholo
Mass transit is key for the development of a city. If you got that wrong, the citizens will leave. :)
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By QatzelOk
Isn't it common sense to assume that auto-pilot electric cars on a street grid would be constantly breaking down and paralyzing everyone?

no one cares

Of course they care! One of the biggest liabilities of a subway is the way a single incident can paralyze a hundred thousand commuters.

Now imagine if all the roadways had an electric grid, and millions of auto-piloted craft using it. The possibility of mass collapse because of a single incident would be horrible, and the technical glitches would leave people stranded all the time.

Simplicity is key to future transit, which is why light trains and bicycles are the choice options. Frank's comment demonstrated that he doesn't understand the workings of a transport network. But he obviously cares about getting stuck, so his own proposal would frequently piss him off if implemented.

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