America's Right Wing is definitely coming unglued - Politics | PoFo

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Funny how slowly the political spectrum, and the level of mendacity tolerated by the general public, changes. Why it takes so long to filter out the unbelievable bullsh*t we hear daily/hourly from the reactionaries is way beyond me. I cannot think of any other modern, industrialized nation populated by so many people so determined to stay so ignorant, for no reason other than they're right wing ideologues. Ideology over reality baby, all day long! But now we have Romney running like a rabbit from his MAIN talking point - I'm a great bidnessman!. Make no mistake, this 'where ARE your tax returns, Mr CEO?' tact President Obama is using to bludgeon the lying a-hole is poison. Fatal.


Meanwhile, right wing darling Bachmann is running around accusing Hillary's staff of being 'infiltrated' by the Muslim Brotherhood!

Uncorked, panic stricken, meltdown, just choose any word you'd like to describe this historic dissolution of the reactionary influence in America. These people are poison to our democracy, may they all rot in hell.
If you were female and Japanese then we would have a Rei replacement, but I am disappoint. Regardless, welcome to Pofo.

I consider myself to be very socially conservative but I basically agree with you, the American right has been losing it. Bachmann is a moron who is ready to move to Switzerland at the drop of a hat if anyone calls her on it, clearly she expects to be called on it sooner or later... yet the far right keeps going along with her BS, to the surprise of everyone including apparently herself.
Plutus Aurelius is this your first election cycle as an adult? One week of effective attacks that change the momentum of debate for a time do not constitute the dissolution of reactionary, conservative, or republican influence in America or even this election. Tighten up those screws.
Rilzik wrote:Plutus Aurelius is this your first election cycle as an adult? One week of effective attacks that change the momentum of debate for a time do not constitute the dissolution of reactionary, conservative, or republican influence in America or even this election. Tighten up those screws.

You must admit that the Bachmann and Allen West stuff coming from actual, sitting members of congress is unusual.
Rilzik wrote:Plutus Aurelius is this your first election cycle as an adult? One week of effective attacks that change the momentum of debate for a time do not constitute the dissolution of reactionary, conservative, or republican influence in America or even this election. Tighten up those screws.


The right is admirably disciplined, well-funded, and most importantly never stops attacking.

The technique goes something like this: a previously unacceptable rightwing idea (say child labor) is introduced via think tanks, and a talking points script is developed. Suddenly child labor is a subject on right wing radio, Fox News, etc. You start hearing the same narratives repeated over and over, i.e, "it's good for character development...I worked as a child and now I own a prepares children for the demanding roles of adulthood" inifnitum.

At first there's a great row, and child labor advocates are labelled as Dickensian troglodytes. But they don't give up, and little by little the previously unacceptable ideas become mainstream. The ultimate victory is seeing Wolf Blitzer moderate a panel discussion with advocates on both sides of the "issue," an issue which didn't even exist a few years ago. Puzzled viewers assume this must be okay since it's on CNN, and reactionaries who would have been ashamed to advocate child labor before are now emboldened to trumpet their views with obnoxious relish.

This same process is repeated with issue after issue, year after year, and decade after decade with unrelenting determination.

Now consider the left. When Hillary Clinton presented the idea of single payer at the beginning of the Clinton era, the idea was of course roundly attacked and denounced. The democrats surrendered and slunk away. They had no cadre to take the heat and keep repeating the idea at every opportunity at every possible venue.

Technically this is called controlling the Overton window, and the right is the past master of this technique.

Of course, this is not the only path the right has taken to achieve success. The take home point is that the right is essentially Leninist in its disposition: relentlessly focused on obtaining an keeping power, and with a well-trained and disciplined cadre to carry out its strategies.

The left has nothing at all comparable. It's like comparing the Wermacht to the Italian Army.
Well, isn't this just the comedy of politics?

You got to move away from this.

Let me tell you two things, Plutus Aurelius:

(1) The right wing, anywhere, will never come unglued. Nor will the Left Wing. This is standard operating procedure. Absurdity.

This is the nature of democracy: vying for the votes of the 90% whose political thoughts go about as deep as a creek.


(2) Don't pay attention and do not care to mainstream political thought; simply heckle both sides as much as you possibly can. Take away other people's faith in the democratic system in America, Canada or anywhere else for that matter.

What you are doing right now is utterly pointless -- do you actually think there will be change barring some catastrophic event which necessitates grave change?
Blue Puppy wrote:So you think they're going to relax child labor laws?

Not by force majeure. It will be accomplished by slow chipping away, as a statue gradually emerges from a stone. Food stamps won't be eliminated, they will be gradually withdrawn. Social Security will be dismantled through privatisation, and by phony emergencies created to divert money away from the fund. High on the hitlist will be federal revenue sharing, in order to gradually starve medicaid, state unemployment insurance, and state education pass throughs to local districts.

This will all be done under the aegis of "saving" Social Security, and "reforming" federalism, etc.
Blue Puppy wrote:You are the model conservative sir, let's keep on lying and sabotaging everything. Thank God for the internet where we can be obvious about it.

Who's laughing now, Al Gore?

Yeah letting people spend their own money instead of giving it to a government bureaucrat to use really is ''sabotaging everything''. :roll:

Personally I greatly prefer being treated like an adult and spending my own money, I dont view it as ''sabotage'' when someone wants to remove government controlled welfare.
quetzalcoatl wrote:Not by force majeure. It will be accomplished by slow chipping away, as a statue gradually emerges from a stone. Food stamps won't be eliminated, they will be gradually withdrawn. Social Security will be dismantled through privatisation, and by phony emergencies created to divert money away from the fund. High on the hitlist will be federal revenue sharing, in order to gradually starve medicaid, state unemployment insurance, and state education pass throughs to local districts.

This will all be done under the aegis of "saving" Social Security, and "reforming" federalism, etc. we go again.

The whole world is nuts and ultra-right-wingnutz are the only sane ones left.
Quetzalcoatl, your "hitlist" is nonsense.
Want me to prove it?

Tell us all how you plan to refuse Social Security when you retire.

Have a warm and fuzzy day Sir... :lol:
As I stated in the OP, Mitt's little tax return problem is poison. When you have Corporate Network News (CNN) putting up screen shots like this..........


So how does ole Mitt respond on Faux News, panties firmly bunched?............"“John Kerry ran for president, you know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars, she never released her tax returns. Somehow, this wasn’t an issue.”

Now THAT'S desperation, folks. Kerry released 20 years of his tax returns, no problem. Does Mitt think Teresa ran for president? WTH?


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