Asian men are reluctant to help females, fear accusations of sexual misconduct - Politics | PoFo

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Some Korean men are refusing to help women. A woman in her 20s lost consciousness and fainted when she was on the subway.
Apparently there were a bunch of men in their 20s and 30s who refused to help, and saying something to the extent of 'It has nothing to do with me.'
Which got the women on the internet angry.
According to the woman, the reason being all able body Korean men have to serve military service; they do learn CPR in the military. So it was expected for men in their 20s and 30s, who likely just got out of the military, to jump in to help because they know how to do CPR. But a lot of the men on the train didn't help.
Their reason being they did not want to be accused of sexual harassment.
There were a few incidents where men were actually accused of sexual harassment, for trying to help the women. Back in 2014, a South Korean woman had actually tried to sue a male EMT paramedic, for doing CPR and doing chest compressions on her. Although the paramedic was not charged or convicted of anything, since he was reported, he still had to go through an investigation. There was also another story shared of a young Korean man going up the steps in the subway station, and there was a woman in front of him, seemingly about to fall. He put out his hands and tried to grab her from the back to prevent her from falling. The girl freaked out and called the police on him, and he ended up in the police station.
These are the men's side of the story. They'd rather be a bystander than getting their names tainted with sexual assault.

Crazy Ajumma - September 14, 2024

You literally can't have it both ways. Every instinct of being and character makes me want to help. But it's not worth the risk to get involved and that’s the sad state of the world.
Why should they take the risk? It's not just a bad reputation, it could destroy their life and career and future.

Some might be thinking about the man: "At least he should call for help." But I can envision that just leading to other accusations against him like "Instead of calling why didn't you help?" Or "Why did you just stand by and not help if you knew CPR?"

In the U.S. there was a woman who sued a man for giving her mouth-to-mouth after she had been drowning at the beach.
The title is misleading. Men in general are reluctant to help because women will accuse them of harassment, assault or abuse. Some women just want attention or they feel like a victim.

It's a crazy world where the weaker folks cry foul even when someone is trying to help.

I'm not a fan of Asian men but I don't think they're wrong to be standoffish. Asian men don't like dealing with hysterical women and they can seem cold.

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