ABC Going Back To China To Serve Motherland. Possible? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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I was born in America, as my Chinese parents emigrated from Hong Kong (my dad is Mainland, my mom is Hong Konger) before my birth. As I result, I have been able to see both the Western and Eastern worlds as I grew up. However, seeing so many things wrong with China today, I want to do my best to change it for the greater good - directly. After college, it is my dream to return to China and mire myself into PRC politics.

This absurd desire of mines is absurd because of the following reasons:
-not born in China, therefore not a Chinese national
-xenophobia in China = ABCs will be condemned and looked down on
-Communist Party of China is self-selective and hard enough to get into as it is
-other salient factors I am overlooking

Is this goal of mines realistic at all? It has always been a dream of mines to become a politician, a servant of the people and patriot of the country. I struggled with an identity crisis in the past of whether I should consider myself American or Chinese and I chose the latter. Let's face it, it's human nature to judge how one looks. Because of this, I believe I will have a better time "fitting in" in China even though I am an ABC. Am I wrong? This is also another reason why I wish to return to China.

I'm also aware that most of the people in this forum are Westerners, so I'll probably be roasted for this. Oh well, it was worth a try.
If I'm correct, you'd likely have to give up your US citizenship to do it (A Chinese requirement)- even then I believe it would be hard as hell. You'd need quite the guanxi.

Also, after living in China for nearly 5 years, I'd say you have your work cut out for you.

It has always been a dream of mines to become a politician, a servant of the people and patriot of the country.

What does that mean to you exactly? In what way would you change things?

Have you spent any time in China?(I assume you have, but you didn't state it directly).
It doesn't sound like you could serve "the greater good" by joining the Chinese political machine. Perhaps there is a politician you agree with that you could work for. But it might be easier to "do good" in some other role: perhaps educating Chinese about democracy and civil rights, Internet activism, joining an NGO, writing, investigation.. All of this, of course, in the context of a dictatorship. So you'd be limited in what you could do if you go back.

But if we're thinking concretely, how would you end up working positively in the government (and not be a passive tool of the regime)? What kinds of work would you be interested in?
Andropov - It's been serving them pretty well since 1776 and 1789, despite the occasional victories of the totalitarian naysayers, wouldn't you say? ;)

That said I have no idea what Saviour himself actually believes.
Sorry to say but to get into the CCP, you need to know their game really really well. Since you are born in the US, it would take years for you to even learn how things go around.

And even if you joined they will never trust you because of your US background.

As for changing China? Sorry to say I couldn't come up with anything useful. The Chinese really hadn't changed in 5000 years.

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