Do you like Chairman Mao? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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By FreeStyle
HoniSoit wrote:This is a bit misleading. Mao, as opposed to Hitler and Stalin, didn't deliberately pursue policies and programs that would result in mass killing/death. Nevertheless, mass starvation and killings did occur, and Mao (it would more accurately to say the leadership, and the institutions as well) certainly should be held responsible - but not to the same extent as Stalin, let along Hitler.

It is your word that is misleading. Mao is expert in being a chinese emperor. A typical chinese emperor's policy is to keep the people at the brink of starvation, utilize its power of control over the natural and human resources, deleberately put some of the people to death, and with death as a fear, to control the whole people in the country. mao actually eliminated all of those who dared to go against his wills, so there was nobody who make decision with mao, but there was everybody who followed mao's orders.

mao's only contribution to china was his death. We also would like to thank the US army who got mao's son killed during the korean war, thus there was no chance for his son to grow into "mao the second".
By Oblisk
I don't like Mao too much for being anti-Confucian.
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By HoniSoit
keep the people at the brink of starvation, utilize its power of control over the natural and human resources, deleberately put some of the people to death, and with death as a fear, to control the whole people in the country.

And do you have evidence that Mao did this deliberately?
By FreeStyle
HoniSoit wrote:And do you have evidence that Mao did this deliberately?

In a cold winter, a beggar asked you for some food, you simply ignored him, and the next day, he died of hunger.

Are you responsible for his death? Did you deliberately kill him?

What if it was you who took away all his belongings to make him a beggar? Did you deliberately kill him?

mao urged to raise the national steel production to match the production of the US and GB. The result was that everybody was put into the steel mill, and anything make from iron in the household was took away to be burnt as part of the "national steel production". When this policy proved to be a failure, and people began to starve, mao simply ignored them and continue with his work on atomic bombs. what was more, there was no food supply, even on the humanitarian level, to those starving. Where was the food gooing? To mao's army and the atomic bomb project.
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By FallenRaptor
Mao was a good revolutionary and theorist, but he made several mistakes as leader of China and things didn't go the way he wanted to, to say the least. He's responsible for modernizing China, but he would probably have a heart attack if he saw what China has become today.
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By Far-Right Sage
Don't compare Hitler to Mao as if they did the same thing.

Both acted in the interests of their nation and people. The difference is, of course, the severely larger number of people killed by one of them…and we all know who that is.

The leader of a movement isn't automatically responsible for everything his nation does

Which can be said for Mao, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Chiang Kai-Shek, and every other head of state with authoritarian powers.

The Chinese are fiercely proud, their revolution was passionate and a passionate revolution is always brutal

And this was not true back in Germany?

Imperialism (the British Empire) and foreign hegemony (the USSR) was more a threat to independent-minded Western Europeans than the Chinese, who never before had the gall to stand against their opponents.

As for the deaths due to crop failure, well there were mistakes certainly, industrializing agriculture isn't as easy as it was thought to be, remember the dust-bowl?

This explanation completely glosses over the mass executions.

There are climate factors as well and Mao apologized for his part. When did Hitler ever apologize for anything?

One doesn’t apologize when one believes he is right.

Mao was scary, but he seemed sincerely to love his people

I’m sure Hitler actually harbored a secretive hate for the German people…

This is logic at work!

Hypocritical justification in the extreme.
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By smallpox
As for Mao...he can truly be called the "Father" of modern China.

Deng Xiaoping is more of a "father" than Mao ever was if a nation is even to have such a metaphorical thing as a parent.
He introduced the tools which are making modern China richer by the day (rather he took away the tools set by Mao which prevented China from growing).

Before he took up the fight against foreign oppression and the invasion of China he was the Dean of Humanities at Beijing University. After the vile act of Woodrow Wilson at the end of the First World War when Wilson - arguably one of the worst excuses for a human being let alone a country's leader - gifted the former German "concessions" in China to the Japanese - without of course asking China, he realized that honor was not something China could ever expect from a foreign government of the time.

Foreign possessions worldwide have withdrawn, there's nothing to suggest that imperialism ended because of Mao. It's not like Mao freed Shandong.
The Russians in Dong Bei and the Americans in the Pacific and their Open Door Policies ever since the 1900's did far more to withdraw foreign presence in China than Mao did. Did India have a Mao? Did Canada? Did Brazil? Did every European once-colony have a Mao except China? Yet imperialism is long dead world wide.
Plus it was a secret agreement between the Allies and Japan that forced Shandong into Japanese possession. Woodrow tried to do away with these secret agreements as a whole (including Italy in Dalmatia and so forth) but was not able to convey enough political leverage against the other powers.

He saw the 30 million deaths by starvation by the corrupt, nepotism of the GMD and their American puppets and the hated invader, and he left his cushy post and took up the fight against the heinous crimes being committed for money.

The 30 million deaths was a reference to events from the 1960's to the end of the 1970's. If Mao is going to be a dictator, that means he has to take responsibility for what happened in China during that time.

It was he that helped China throw off the yoke of slavery to foreign tyrants and their syncophantic puppets in the GMD.

And then, Mao, on the back of his white worse, sword at hand, grind on his face, galloped over to Nagasaki and Hiroshima and forced the Japanese to surrender :lol:
No wait! The Americans, the Russians and the Nationalists did far more than Mao ever did against the Japanese, how come he gets all the credits?

It was he that raised the people of China from the mud of foreign oppression.

No people were pretty fed up already and like I said, China would be independent today with or without a Mao. This anti-imperialistic fantasy of Mao is nothing but an excuse to pardon the fact that every single policy Mao enacted was devastating for China. So you can say "oh! but he de-colonized China" while decolonization was rampant and inevitable world wide.
Might just as well praise him for the continued existance of gravity. After all, gravity continued during Mao's reign.

It was he for whom his later adult life was spent fighting against those that were trying to destroy China.

Your insistence on repeating the same thing only demonstrates the lack of confidence you have in the stories you're trying to assert.

More of the same
blah blah blah


again....freed China :roll:

Poor pitiful foreigners. Grasping at any straw they possibly can to soothe their fear of their growing insignificance. Looking hither, thither and yon desparately to find a way to obfuscate the evil that has been and continues to be perpetrated by them around the world.

What's the difference if the argument is from a Chinese or a Zimbabwan? Validity should only be considered on the argument and not ad hominem.

You know, repeating the same thing over and over again might make your post looks enormous and you can thusly discourage some opposition which you seem to fear, but it doesn't convince me of anything other than there are some serious questions about what you are posting. Even if I knew absolutely nothing about China, I would be incredibly weary of your post because of this rhetoric.

Now, I disagree, de-colonization can not be attributed to Mao Zedong.
That aside, can anyone at all tell me one good thing Mao did for China?
In my opinion, the average Chinese values national unity and economic stability foremost. Am I wrong? By the end of Mao's reign, China was on the verge of another regionalized civil war and was in economic shamble. We should be throwing eggs at his portraits.
By Watermoon
If his intentions were not good,will he have so many fans?

Today,he is still the No.1.

People talking about corruption,richer and poor...
all owe to Deng.

Well,maybe all the people are the same poor then
they will shut up.

Inland ppl might more like mao,
inshore of course support deng.
He brought good life.
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By kamiraito
If his intentions were not good,will he have so many fans?

Today,he is still the No.1.

People talking about corruption,richer and poor...
all owe to Deng.

Well,maybe all the people are the same poor then
they will shut up.

Inland ppl might more like mao,
inshore of course support deng.
He brought good life.

of course.

We like Mao because of his power,strong,wisdom,and success.

He is a man of great achievements

good life?no,just richer and ignorance

people who is poor will hate Mao more,so you are naive.

on the contrary,people who rich may get better education,so they can think,like a hero is human nature.

Why you like deng only because he give you rich?if there is no Mao,China will not establish。

And there is no Deng.

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By kamiraito
deng is a wise man,a great man,But not a hero for human nature.

Mao is much more greater than deng,maybe today ,deng's thought will be out of date,because deng die before he out of time.
By Watermoon
Big joke. No wonder so many people in china treat him as God.

if there is no Mao,China will not establish。

People have better education would think as a leader,people's live are not as important as one's personal power,and he's a hero. Thanks to that kind of better education.
people who rich may get better education,so they can think,like a hero is human nature.
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By HoniSoit
smallpox wrote:That aside, can anyone at all tell me one good thing Mao did for China?

Well, you repeatedly ignored the enormous improvement of standard of livings under Mao, and disregarded the broader political context that sees, among many things, the isolation of China from access to market and essential raw materials from industrialisation. If you overlook all the social, economic and political conditions at the time, and attempt to attribute all the evils to one leader, is it really surprising you would reach the mistaken view that Mao has done nothing good at all (which is not really better than people praising Mao as if he's a god, both of whom primarily base their conclusion more on emotions than sound scholarship)?
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By kamiraito
People have better education would think as a leader,people's live are not as important as one's personal power,and he's a hero. Thanks to that kind of better education.

haha ,stupid comprehension.

People who educationed should think Mao is a hero.Not in hero's education.
By Watermoon
Noelnada,LOL...If he thinks the same,china should be controlled by Japanese,as long as he dare say that in public,he will be beaten to death by chinese right now! I am very sure.
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By Noelnada
Noelnada,LOL...If he thinks the same,china should be controlled by Japanese,as long as he dare say that in public,he will be beaten to death by chinese right now! I am very sure.

I'm all for the control of the panregion Asia by China. It's just common sense. After that well, i think China being vassal of the panregion Europe is also common sense. Then when the time will come and that panregion Asia will be ready, we will pass the leadership.

(i talk, i talk, but we are not living in 1930 anymore :lol: )

We will have to be wiser than the people livin in the 20th century, if we expect a good life .
By Watermoon
China being vassal of the panregion Europe is also common sense. Do you know why those people fan Mao so much? Because they dont have such common sense. Being vassal? No way.
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By Noelnada
Being vassal? No way.

It's funny because China and USA treat European countries like vassals on a bilateral scale, but the European Union treat China and USA as vassals on the global scale. Post-modernity makes things complicated.

Do you know why those people fan Mao so much?

I like Mao too, because well, i'm a fanboy of historical figures.
By Watermoon
You like Mao,you think Hitler is okay,you also think china that controlled by japanese was not a big deal.
You didnot experience that,so you have no feeling of slaughter in Nanjing. Everything happened here will be okay to you. You think Mao would support Europe? No,Russia might be the last friend.
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By Noelnada
You didnot experience that,so you have no feeling of slaughter in Nanjing. Everything happened here will be okay to you.

Oh well, my personnal experience of suffering and what happened here in my own life, is enough to help me put into perspectives other people suffering. But my point is not that it is ok, my point is, what has been done can not be undone. It is our responsibility to make sure that what happened do not happen again. We should not let our feelings obscure our judgement.

china that controlled by japanese was not a big deal

The last time (before independence) that the people living in Belgium were not controlled by another people was before Julius Caesar invaded us. That's in 60 BC. And Belgium was controlled by Germany during World War 2 as well. We didn't asked the foreigners to control us. I do not take Nation-States as a permanent feature of the political organization of man neither. Communism is supposed to mean the abolition of all Nation-States by the way. Chinese Communist Party ?
By Watermoon
China is one party,but not Communist. You think Mao time is Communist? Beause all the people have the same food,education,medical treatment? No,you have nothing. All are not free but work for it. When the lunch time,everyone go to have lunch.You dont need to care the money.Then finally one day,the whole contry has no food. Let's starve to death together. It happened. When you want share stuff from others,others have the same thought. More and more people didnot like to work,study was uselss too.(Culture revolution) How would an uneducated nation be strong and great?
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