Riot After Chinese Teachers Attempt to Stop Gaokao Cheating - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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#14259483 ... -cheating/

Corruption surrounding China’s college entrance exam (gaokao)—the world’s largest standardized test—has long been noted, and every year schemes to cheat on this future-determining rite of passage become widely covered scandals. China is now the world’s largest smartphone market, and in 2011 authorities initiated measures to combat the use of phones and customized wireless devices for cheating. Ahead of this year’s exam, China Daily reported on a Ministry of Education campaign to fight cheating that had already yielded a number of arrests. For the Daily Telegraph, Malcolm Moore reports on a riot sparked by measures to guard against cheating in Zhongxiang, Hubei province:

When students at the No. 3 high school in Zhongxiang arrived to sit their exams earlier this month, they were dismayed to find they would be supervised not by their own teachers, but by 54 external invigilators randomly drafted in from different schools across the county.

The invigilators wasted no time in using metal detectors to relieve students of their mobile phones and secret transmitters, some of them designed to look like pencil erasers.

[...]For the students, and for their assembled parents waiting outside the school gates to pick them up afterwards, the new rules were an infringement too far.

As soon as the exams finished, a mob swarmed into the school in protest.

[...]By late afternoon, the invigilators were trapped in a set of school offices, as groups of students pelted the windows with rocks. Outside, an angry mob of more than 2,000 people had gathered to vent its rage, smashing cars and chanting: “We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat.” [Source]

Cheating in china is a widespread practice, noted throughout society—from schoolchildren to the political elite. The South China Morning Post relays a few post-riot Weibo comments that help to explain the seemingly contradictory quote “there is no fairness if you do not let us cheat”:

On Weibo microblogs, people seem shocked and discussed implications of the conflict.

“Everyone is trying to break laws in China,” one microblogger wrote. “That’s why those [students] who were caught [cheating] call it unfair.”

“That’s what happens when there’s no rule of law in this country,” another wrote. [Source]

At the Atlantic, Matt Schiavenza looks at China’s educational legacy and the egalitarian theory behind the gaokao to conclude that, for Chinese students, cheating is a must:

In theory, the gaokao is China’s great equalizer: A farmer from rural Sichuan has every bit a chance to succeed as does a politician’s son in Beijing, no small accomplishment in a country with such income inequality. But — abuse over the quota system aside — the overwhelming emphasis on examinations is blamed for creating graduates who lack creativity and innovation, both skills the Chinese government hope will spur the country’s next phase of economic growth.

But in the meantime, the simple fact remains that, in Chinese schools, you’d almost have to be crazy not to cheat on your tests.

Is cheating acceptable if it occurs on a level playing field and is an open secret?

In Cambodia police are stationed at schools during exams to prevent parents from throwing answer sheets through the windows, confiscate electrical communications and protect teachers who leaked incorrect exam papers to students, who may become aggrieved.

I read about a student whose academic record "disappeared" after an official sold it to someone less accomplished.

“We want fairness. There is no fairness if you do not let us cheat.”

Remember the Chinese and S Korean badminton teams disqualified from the London Olympics for deliberately attempting to lose games. A loss leads to fewer points, a lower rank and softer lineups in the next round. Something I consider legitimate due to my experiences playing poker- make a negative expected value decision now as it will lead to many positive expected value decisions later.
It's really too bad that China does not institute a policy similar to the DPRK of sending family members to labour camps for life. They should institute this policy when it comes to cheating on exams. They could also sign a treaty with Russia to send them to Siberia.
Legislation has recently been passed imposing the death penalty on polluters allowing the state to "slaughter a chicken to scare the monkeys". Party members aren't punished for breaking the law. Symbolic prosecutions are pursued to scare others or are conducted as PR campaigns to improve public opinion of the regime.

Anyone who gets too far out of line and threatens the CPP's legitimacy or stability can be prosecuted. Bo Xilai made other party members nervous due to his growing personality cult and Maoist nostalgia. The rail minister, following the high profile high speed rail crash, was put on trial to appease demands for justice. It also presented a good opportunity for Beijing to attempt to bring his fiefdom to heel. The rail ministry is being broken up and dispersed as we speak.
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