Do you like Chairman Mao? - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues in the People's Republic of China.

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By kamiraito
Do you like Chairman Mao?haha,he is a real man,and hero of fighting.

When i was small,i dont like him because of Cultural Revolution and the population in China.

As i grown up,i found he is a hero,a real man,a man with plentiful of desire and talent.

He is really self-renewal,he love study,books,discussion,he is overmatch,never fear,never
be beaten by enemy of war and politics.haha

Maybe he made some big mistake,but he is still a hero.

A hero should be full of desire,assimilate others,be a spirit leader.
Poem,War,Politic,Thought,philosophy,he good at them all.

My english is poor ,thank you for correcting my mistake. ^_^

remember,anyone hate Mao, is weak,the angry like a discarded woman's bitterness
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By kamiraito
His words"与人斗,其乐无穷"is my most appreciated

means: It's very enjoyed to combat with others
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By Dr House
Do you like Chairman Mao?haha,he is a real man,and hero of fighting.


He killed 30 million people with that great Leap "forward" of his. He's no hero to me.
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By kamiraito
yes,like Caocao,Napoleon

Hero is still man,will make mistake.

He admited it.Great and hard
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By Eauz
Dr House wrote:He killed 30 million people with that great Leap "forward" of his. He's no hero to me.
Are you sure about that?
By John08
Mao was no Socialist. Mao is no hero of mine.
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By Suska
I think mao is a pretty cool guy. eh kills 10 to 70 millions and doesnt afraid of anything :up:
By John08
You scare me sometimes. You know that Suska?
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By Suska
You scare me sometimes. You know that Suska?
I didn no dat. I'm flattered, ty.

Mao did a lot for China, and China is a hard country to do a lot for. While Stalin was directly annihilating people for personal reasons Mao seemed sincere. Scary motherfucker on the order of globe-changing mafioso nonetheless. The fact is when China so much as stubs its toe half a million people die.
By John08
I didn no dat. I'm flattered, ty.

Welcome. And I'm not easy to scare either.

Mao did a lot for China, and China is a hard country to do a lot for

Agreed. Stalin did alot for the USSR. But, I think that what they did after (and to an excent what they did as they were helping) makes them overall very bad people/leaders. I'm not of the school of thought that says the end justifies the means.
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By kamiraito
In fact,the reason i admire Mao is not what he do for China,is just who he is,what qualities he have.ha
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By Suska
naturally. Mao was a very handsome man. If anyone wants to let me dig him up I'd do him.
By John08
If anyone wants to let me dig him up I'd do him

OK, that's just gross. Now, I've lost all respect for you.
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By Suska
well you already were scared of me... :p yer right tho, I wouldn't do a dead mao, maybe a live mao... probably not though, i bet he was into the kinky shit
By John08
Yah, but when I lose respect for people, the fear tends to leave. So really, you've just completly reversed your position with me.
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By Suska
dont tell me you havent thought about it
Mao was a charismatic guy
...that hair
...the mole
...the cherubic figure...
By Political Interest
Mao was a wicked man. He came to power merely by wooing the peasant population of China who were unaware of the meaning of Marxism other than the deceptive prospect of land reform. Mao was able to court favour with the majority of the country through these methods, with many most likely not understanding what would come about if they supported him. We can see this in the way by which collectivisation in China was voluntary up until late 1957, after which it became forced and many people suffered because of the policies of 'The Great Leap Forward'. Do any of these Marxists truly believe that the peasants of China would have supported Mao if they had have had a retrospective knowledge of what would occur? This is the only reason why he came to power, because of wooing the peasants. The 'Cultural Revolution' was absolute state sponsored terror of the highest order, whereby anyone who was not revolutionary enough or who criticised Mao to the slightest extent was beaten or killed. All for what? It was merely a ploy on his part to erode the power base of Liu Shaoqui and Deng Xiaoping because the failure of the 'Great Leap Forward' had lowered his status in the eyes of the Chinese people, while at the same time the subsequent reforms by Liu and Deng bolstered their positions. We should never forget the crimes of the CCP in East-Turkestan, where over 40 Nuclear weapons have been tested and where birth defects due to the fallout are quite common. During the 'Cultural Revolution' the CCP desecrated Masjids and persecuted Islam in China. How can anyone call such disgusting crimes against humanity anything less than evil? Mao was very much an ideologue who did not compromise and forced his Marxism down the throats of all of the people in China, be they Han, Uyghur or Mongol. His excesses and a lack of respect for human nature, as well as his political manuevering caused all the people he governed incredible turmoil. Because he was a Marxist and one who persecuted Islam and Muslims, I would not have respected him.
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By Ombrageux
Mao was a man unafraid of sacrificing his own people to pursue his aims. Unlike virtually every other third world country in the world, he was able to challenge the US and France in two separate theaters and defeat them both.
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By Nets
Unlike virtually every other third world country in the world

Unlike every other third world country in the world, China has 20% of the World's population.

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