Car-company-designed suburbs are Fascist - Politics | PoFo

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First, let's look briefly at Arendt's definition of fascism, as it relates to North American post-war suburbia:

IEP wrote:...For Arendt, the popular appeal of totalitarian ideologies with their capacity to mobilize populations to do their bidding, rested upon the devastation of ordered and stable contexts in which people once lived...

...The rise of totalitarianism was thus to be understood in light of the accumulation of pathologies that had undermined the conditions of possibility for a viable public life that could unite citizens...

The suburbs represented the devastation of the traditional urban neighboorhood, and the community.

It lead to dangerous, machine-dominated public spaces, that made "a viable public life" impossible.

Hannah Arendt posits that Fascism's primary strategy is to strip citizens of their ability to communicate and organize with neighbors and passers-by. This eliminates any kind of community that might be used to fight against the abuses of the powerful.

In a suburban world, citizens are always alone (in their cars, in front of screens) and they are thus incapable of defending themselves against the abuses of organized crime. Organized crime has a huge advantage over the alienated (contactless) suburbanite, and with 80% of North Americans living in the suburbs, you could say that we don't even have the POSSIBILITY of any kind of democratic social communication or actions.

All the suburbanite can do is burn things down when prompted to do so by mainstream media. The suburbanite can NEVER unite with neighbors in order to develop common sense, or to be able to collectivily debunk the lies and atrocities committed and ordained by POWER.

suburbia as interpreted by commercial propaganda
In his essay "The Origins of the State," Harold Barclay lays out the various features that characterize the emergence of the state. One of these relates strongly to mid-20th Century's creation of the car-dependent suburb:

The significant elements in state development are, then:

1 Population
2 Sedentary settlement
3 Horticulture/agriculture
4 Redistribution
5 Military organisation
6 Secondary significance of kinship
7 Trading
8 Specialised division of labour
9 Individual property and control of resources
10 Hierarchic social order
11 Ideology of superiority/inferiority


The secondary significance of kinship

The state is a very jealous god. It cannot tolerate competition. Before the appearance of the state the glue which held society together was kinship. The family and secondary kin groupings were paramount demanding prior obligations over all else. As the elements of state formation achieved increasing pre-eminence, the role of kinship was eclipsed. As Maine argued, with the state, place of residence overrode kinship ties...

...the state appears to make residence the basis for control...

...Deceptive tricks are important techniques by which the state is enabled to maintain control with a minimum of effort....

kinship was eclipsed

So the state - as jealous god - destroys kinship by isolating its citizens and turning them into atomized slaves of the state. What better way to destroy kinship than to put great distances between people, brainwash them with media, and then ensure that they are sealed in metal boxes when they are moving from A to B in their communities (that no longer exist as kinship places).

make residence the basis for control

Making residence the basis of control .... operates in two ways. First, lacking any kinship, the only allegiance one can feel is to ones passport and social programs... perhaps a few TV shows or websites can "feel like home" for the kinship-deprived suburban state-slave.

Secondly, your suburban home is 100% dependent on the state for cheap oil for your car, cleared highways, social programs to replace the kinship you no longer have, etc.

Deceptive tricks are important techniques

And the use of deception in suburbia is huge. The suburbanite lacks kinship ties that are needed to develop common sense and the security of community ties, and he is glued to propaganda for long hours of each day.
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