Soul Destroying Egalitarianism - Politics | PoFo

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As either the transitional stage to communism or legitimate socio-economic ends in its own right.
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“The egalitarian mania of demagogues is even more dangerous than the brutality of men in gallooned coats… Anyone who has been oppressed can get back on his feet if the oppression did not cost him his life. A man who has been equalized is physically and morally ruined.” - Ernst Jünger (March 29, 1895 – February 17, 1998)

It is hard to fully understand what Junger is saying when he says this; rather, it is knowledge that only a few can relate to.

The luxury of the rich and the privileged is they already have a maintained set of pride and face; they can feel free to attempt to coddle the impoverished with socialism and turn is into infantile victims. They want to become our parents -- parents we do not need. They want to be our providers -- providers we do not need.

The most insidious figures in politics are the celebrities with their millions of dollars who campaign for us to get more help from the government; they are so miserable even with their own wealth they have to attempt to adopt we the people as their Holy Cause. We all become one of Madonna or Angelina Jolie's third world children to put on display for their feel good charities.

The blessing of the impoverished is the struggle of their journey and the meaningfulness of that plight; the beauty of the common man is his attempts to become uncommon and distinguished, and it is in the simple joys that he receives from a simplistic existence.

All of our accomplishments are our own.

Egalitarianism from this angle is wrong if it goes any further than providing a level playing field.

But what is most disgusting concerning egalitarianism is the morally reprehensible collectivism that threatens to crush the individual. The attempt to join us together, ever and ever closer, to steal our personal identities in the name of a higher cause. We join together -- but not out of choice. Out of perverse elections we give power to men who seek more power to control our lives; you vote my rights away every time that you elect a socialist who has a better idea on what to do with my money than I do.

In a socialist society the government usurps the role of parent and takes the common person to mold into an image they find appealing. Whether it is something as inoccuous as "standing against racism" or "fighting terror," or something so personal as to placing sin taxes on our alcohol and cigarettes and fighting hard for the normalization of every perversion.

And those who do not join in the lines of the government propaganda become social pariahs or even 'un-American;' but, in that case, who wants to be an American if it means a subscription to a repugnant socialist dream?

In socialism, we no longer stand on our own feet, but we stand as dependents on a government that now provides us with our moral constructs and systems; a government that has messages it attempts to force on us and usually succeeds until we all suckle on the teet of soul erasing collectivism.

If we become a part of a socialist society, as Junger said, we are morally and physically ruined.

It is our duty to ourselves, to our very souls, that we bow down not to any system which is so empowered to control us all.
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By redcarpet
They want to become our parents

No we don't. ;P
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By Socrates Johnson
And those who do not join in the lines of the government propaganda become social pariahs or even 'un-American;'

You're describing right-wing propaganda. Right-tend to be obsessed with labeling those who disagree with them as un-American ("America haters" and whatnot)

I'm a registered Democrat. The egalitarian view doesn't hold much appeal for me though. I'm more of an elitist.

I like what Jefferson had to say about the natural aristocracy.

"For I agree with you that there is a natural aristocracy among men. The grounds of this are virtue and talents. Formerly bodily powers gave place among the aristoi. But since the invention of gunpowder has armed the weak as well as the strong with missile death, bodily strength, like beauty, good humor, politeness and other accomplishments, has become but an auxiliary ground of distinction. There is also an artificial aristocracy founded on wealth and birth, without either virtue or talents; for with these it would belong to the first class. The natural aristocracy I consider as the most precious gift of nature for the instruction, the trusts, and government of society. And indeed it would have been inconsistent in creation to have formed man for the social state, and not to have provided virtue and wisdom enough to manage the concerns of the society. May we not even say that that form of government is the best which provides the most effectually for a pure selection of these natural aristoi into the offices of government? The artificial aristocracy is a mischievous ingredient in government, and provision should be made to prevent it's ascendancy."-Thomas Jefferson
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By RonPaulalways
Very good article.

Socrates wrote:Quote:
And those who do not join in the lines of the government propaganda become social pariahs or even 'un-American;'

You're describing right-wing propaganda. Right-tend to be obsessed with labeling those who disagree with them as un-American ("America haters" and whatnot)

True, the left is less likely to call you un-American if you disagree with them. They call you dangerous, an anti-government extremist, inhumane, hyper-nationalistic, etc. Their appeal is to global humanism/altruism, rather than nationalism.
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By Socrates Johnson
They call you dangerous, an anti-government extremist, inhumane, hyper-nationalistic, etc.

There are many right-wing anti-government extremists out there....By definition I mean. Anti-government hatred is palpable on the right these days.

Hyper-nationalism is, in point of fact, rampant on the right these days. They "think" Obama and everyone else they disagree with is destroying their country.
By DanDaMan
There are many right-wing anti-government extremists out there....By definition I mean. Anti-government hatred is palpable on the right these days.
The correct explanation is that anarchists are anti government. Conservatives/Republicans are for the REPUBLIC and not the democratic socialism we have in charge now.
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By Suska
It is our duty to ourselves, to our very souls
as long as you're overseas stick to your yellow fever and long threads about your hormones. Either come home and get a gun or stfu. pretentious asshole.
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By Socrates Johnson
anarchists are anti government.

They aren't as anti government as Limbaugh and his ilk are......Those guys have a seething hatred of government.
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By RonPaulalways
Socrates wrote:Quote:
They call you dangerous, an anti-government extremist, inhumane, hyper-nationalistic, etc.

There are many right-wing anti-government extremists out there....By definition I mean. Anti-government hatred is palpable on the right these days.

Hyper-nationalism is, in point of fact, rampant on the right these days. They "think" Obama and everyone else they disagree with is destroying their country.

Thank you for proving my point.

Leftists consider being hyper-nationalistic an insult -something to be ashamed of, and consider any one who's anti-government to be dangerous, despite history showing that large government has been far more dangerous than limited government.
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By Socrates Johnson
Thank you for proving my point.

You have no point here.

Leftists consider being hyper-nationalistic an insult

I don't consider it an insult. I consider it a bit extreme. Extreme views are generally not pragmatic enough for my tastes.

any one who's anti-government to be dangerous,

I never said that. I meant that extreme anti-government types can be dangerous. I never said "anyone who is anti-government".

You have no point here. I'm not an extreme leftist or anything of the sort.

You have an unhealthy obsession with political labels.
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By RonPaulalways
I have a perfectly valid point, and you helped by proving it.

I wrote:

True, the left is less likely to call you un-American if you disagree with them. They call you dangerous, an anti-government extremist, inhumane, hyper-nationalistic, etc. Their appeal is to global humanism/altruism, rather than nationalism.

^ which implies that the leftists uses the 'anti-government extremist' and 'hyper-nationalistic' label as an insult.

and you agreed, as if the left has a valid point:

There are many right-wing anti-government extremists out there....By definition I mean. Anti-government hatred is palpable on the right these days.

Hyper-nationalism is, in point of fact, rampant on the right these days. They "think" Obama and everyone else they disagree with is destroying their country.

So either you have trouble comprehending my point, you have trouble communicating yours, or you're dishonestly changing your position now to evade criticism.

You have an unhealthy obsession with political labels.

Which is why the majority of your posts on this board have been some sort of generalization about people on the right/'conservatives'. You have an unhealthy tendency to post hypocritically/dishonestly.
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By Socrates Johnson
I stated some obvious facts. Because I did that you "think" I'm a leftist extremist.

You're full of shit. Stating obvious facts isn't a sign of leftist extremism. You're extremely confused here.

You have an unhealthy tendency to post hypocritically/dishonestly.

That's a lie. I have no such tendency. I very much encourage you to retract that filth about me.

the majority of your posts on this board have been some sort of generalization about people on the right/'conservatives'.

I don't consider right-wingers to be conservatives. I'm very careful to define right-wingers as: "Those who are inclined to trust Limbaugh and his ilk".

I don't consider Limbaugh to be a conservative. He spews extreme idiocy and extreme dishonesty which aren't conservative ideas.
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By RonPaulalways
I stated some obvious facts. Because I did that you "think" I'm a leftist extremist.

You're full of shit.

You proved my point. That you fail to see that is your own logical shortcoming. You demonstrated the generally leftist approach to attacking those leftists disagree with.

You have an unhealthy tendency to post hypocritically/dishonestly.

That's a lie. I have no such tendency. I very much encourage you to retract that filth about me.

That's the truth. You have this tendency and are demonstrating it in this thread.

the majority of your posts on this board have been some sort of generalization about people on the right/'conservatives'.

I don't consider right-wingers to be conservatives. I'm very careful to define right-wingers as: "Those who are inclined to trust Limbaugh and his ilk".

In other words you like labels and post hypocritically.

I don't consider Limbaugh to be a conservative. He spews extreme idiocy and extreme dishonesty which aren't conservative ideas.

He's pretty conservative, although he can be unprincipled with his overly partisan loyalties to the GOP.
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By Socrates Johnson
You proved my point.

You don't know what proof is. You're talking nonsense here.

That's the truth.

Please retract that filthy lie. There is no evidence that I do any such thing.

In other words you like labels and post hypocritically.

I've defined the term "right-wingers" very carefully. I use the term in order to avoid writing the definition every time I want to refer to "those who are inclined to go along with Limbaugh and his ilk."

You're still lying about me.....Why are you doing that?

He's pretty conservative,

If you define "conservative" as "extremely dishonest and extremely stupid" you have a point.

I don't define "conservative" that way. There are plenty of conservatives who aren't dishonest and stupid. Calling Limbaugh a "conservative" demeans real conservatives.
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By RonPaulalways
I'm not going to respond to your continued denials of the dishonest/hypocritical nature of your posts.

I've defined the term "right-wingers" very carefully. I use the term in order to avoid writing the definition every time I want to refer to "those who are inclined to go along with Limbaugh and his ilk."

In other words you like using labels, and assigning arbitrary qualities to these labels. It's a poor/crude method of communication, typical of your dishonest/hypocritical posting style.
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By Verv
Wow, Suska...

You really don't like me.

I'll try to do some more hormone driven, yellow fever posts in GP.

Hyper-nationalism is, in point of fact, rampant on the right these days. They "think" Obama and everyone else they disagree with is destroying their country.

I think that is because America in a sense was created with a Constitution that bounded our government to behave in a certain way. By taking away the bounds of this contract, in effect they are altering one of the most fundamental pieces of our nation.

That is why I often think of politics in different terms when I think of different nations.

America will always need to think of the Constitution first and foremost when it comes to politics because the national identity is shaped around rugged individualism and limitation on government.
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By Socrates Johnson
In other words you like using labels, and assigning arbitrary qualities to these labels.

Wow!! You're demonstrating extreme hypocrisy here. You've demonstrated an obsession with labeling me as a leftist extremist and you're saying that I like using labels.

I didn't assign arbitrary qualities to labels. My definition of "right-winger" is quite specific.

You mislabeled me as a leftist extremist for stating a few obvious facts.

It's a poor/crude method of communication, typical of your dishonest/hypocritical posting style.

You're describing yourself there. You're not describing me at all.

You've got no case here. You've posted lies and, based on the last quote, idiocy.
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By Suska
You really don't like me.
Coming from an ex-expat I'm just saying you don't get to join the chorus of Americans versus The Empire. We bear the weight, you are taking shelter while we try to fix the dam. Everyone's got a clear answer, the problem is they contradict. Yes, a spontaneous benevolent anarchy would be nice ... but issuing verdicts from half way around the world is rich at best.
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By RonPaulalways
Socrates wrote:Wow!! You're demonstrating extreme hypocrisy here. You've demonstrated an obsession with labeling me as a leftist extremist and you're saying that I like using labels.

I've said you post hypocritically because you started criticizing me for using labels, when you use them extensively. It seems like you don't keep track of the course of the discussion and who criticized what first.

I didn't assign arbitrary qualities to labels. My definition of "right-winger" is quite specific.

Your definition of 'right winger' is inconsistent with other people's understanding of it. You're assigning an arbitrary definition to it.

It's a poor/crude method of communication, typical of your dishonest/hypocritical posting style.

You're describing yourself there. You're not describing me at all.

Oh no, I'm describing you here.
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By Socrates Johnson
I've said you post hypocritically because you started criticizing me for using labels,

I didn't criticize you for using labels. I criticized you for being obsessed with mislabeling me and being overly obsessed with labeling. I have no obsession with labeling.....You clearly do.

The label you're being dishonest about me using is a merely a term I use to avoid typing the complete definition of the idea I'm trying to get across.

Your definition of 'right winger' is inconsistent with other people's understanding of it.

That's not so. Some would disagree with my definition but there is no general agreement on specific definitions of terms used to describe current political groups. There are a whole lot of people who agree with my definition of "right-wingers".

You're assigning an arbitrary definition to it.

I am doing nothing of the sort.

Can you please confine yourself to the truth here? You're not using reasoning.......You're using bullshit and trying to make it look like reasoning.
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