Teh US vs Europe Flame thread (involves Football) - Page 8 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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By uglygoat

world series is baseball... not football.

beer drinking, tis the best sport of all... one that transcends all national borders and cultural divides.
By Luke
American Football's final game is the Superbowl. Baseball is the World Series. The best baseball players in the world play in Major League Baseball, people from all over the world, so I don't know what your complaint is.
By era o divertimento
Not completely true, Luke. There are quite a few great Cubans languishing in Cuba under Castro. But that's not MLB's fault. They snap up any Cubans that escape.
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By Demosthenes
Wow...this thread sucks, just another typical PoFo pissing contest about nothing. I thought for a bit it would be fun but after Boondock Saint quit posting it just turned stupid...


1) American Football players are amoung the largest and most agile for their size of any athletes in the world. At the moment, except for some native Africans no one CAN play American Football except Americans.While Americans are able to play other sports but simply choose not to.

That stupid comment about sprinters in the NFL was just nonsense. A sprinter cannot survive a hit from the weakest Free Safety in the NFL, let alone the weakest linebacker. You really need to think before you post if you don't wnat to show you know zilch about what you're saying.

Most of you have zero conception of the size of NFL athletes. They are not like you and I. They are sheer monsters. I'm a Hockey fan too. In that sport a really big guy...say...Keith Primeau is 6'5" and about 250 lbs. (apx. 114kgs). That's big enough to play as a linebacker (midling NFL size) but really unless he's super fast (I mean sub 4.5 40 yard dash time) he couldn't be a lineman. An average lineman is around the size Canes hinted at, though few are actually taller than 7'. More like 6'6" and 350lbs (apx. 160kgs) Now think for a minute boys...350lbs...and that's not some lard ass 350 punder who you can run circles around. That's a 350 pounder that is still faster than you! What do you think happens when he hits you? You fall over and cry like a little girl, that's what.

2) I don't know the actual sizes of Rugby players, but I know a big one can't be much bigger than a big Hockey player (6'5"- 250lbs.) and they are no where near as fast as an average NFL player. It's hard to take Rugby seriously as the rules are so...bizarre...though admitttedly I'm least familiar with that sport. At least soccer has plays and such...

3) Soccer is more or less an endurance sport and is played for the long haul. It's fun to play but incredibly boring to watch. For it to ever gain popularity in America, they'd need to implement unlimited substitutions (I think they do that in some high school leagues over here) and change that horrible offsides rule. If they made it more like Hockey's offsides rule you could actually set up inside the offensive zone and score more than once a game. Now I know you soccer fans love those rousing 1-0 games, but here...ick...I'd rather watch paint dry.


American Football players are the toughest athletes in the world, and some of them are amoung the fastest. Their game is among the most intelletual to play and requires much more "upstairs" than any non-fan can appreciate. However the overcommericalization of the game does suck ass. Sometimes you feel like you sit down to watch some commercials and catch a game in between them...

Soccer players are the better athletes in terms of endurance. They can run all over the field for 45 minutes and still manage to bore me to death. But hey, I can respect that they are playing their game, and are more skilled than I can ever be at it. I doubt many NFL players can accomplish this skill.

You all need to learn the difference between trash talkin (fun-loving, good natureed jests) and being royal dipshits (see 90% of the above posts).

As far the constant complaints about the World Series...I don't even like baseball that much and your whining is annoying. SO THE FUCK WHAT???

1/3 of the players are South American in one way or another, 1/3 of them are African Americans, and the rest are White/Japanese/Other. Does it really bother you so much that it's called the World Series that you have to whine about so much? This is like me whining about the World Cup because it's named for something that the whole world can't drink out of...Fuckin stupid...

Tell you what, England can have the World Series of Cricket (a game, I simply DO NOT understand at all...what's with the flat bat?, and the term "sticky wicket" being funny???) and I won't complain about it one bit...

Thanks for ruining what could have been a nice trash talkin thread you jackasses.
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I cannot believe that i got a yellow card for calling little_acorn a "fool" and canes doesn't get a slap on the hand, he should have been red carded for all the personal jabs he has done in this thread.
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By Tex
Demosthenes wrote:You all need to learn the difference between trash talkin (fun-loving, good natureed jests) and being royal dipshits (see 90% of the above posts).

Yee-Haw! Preach it, brother! ;)
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By Prosthetic Conscience
Demo, are you saying that typical linemen are usually faster than linebackers - or just that the only way a linebacker, being lighter, could get away with being a lineman would be by having extra speed? If the former, that's surprising - those in the line look as though they have huge strength, but not great mobility. I know strength helps sprinting, but the extra weight they carry wouldn't.

Yes, the largest NFL players are bigger than rugby players. Here's a description of the current Welsh squad as an example - 6'6" and 250 pounds for the larger ones.

Good rugby players have to be more all-rounders than American footballers - 15 players in a team, but that's for offence and defence, which switches while the ball is in play. And while there are more stops in play than soccer, it's close to continuous play - which would, I think, put the 350lb guys at a disadavantage by the end of an 80 minute game. And it's not true that rugby doesn't have 'plays' - there are more 'set pieces' (ie starting from a known point, like a scrum or a lineout) than soccer has. Nowhere near as many as American football has, of course - but one of the things that looks not so 'sporting' from a European point of view is the coaching team having so much control over the game. Our tradition is much more that it's the players on the field who dictate the tactics - the coaches having coached them before the game. Having radios inside the helmets definitely looks like cheating.

The continuity of rugby is good too - while supporting someone in American Football is basically a matter of blocking, in rugby it means being in the right place to receive the pass, or take the ball in a ruck or maul, thus keeping the move going. The defenders have to constantly adjust to the attack, and consider how to switch into attack if they get posession.
By Einherjar
What the hell does size count? So you like elephants walking or hippoes rolling in mud??? They're definitely big and heavy..so who gives a shit?
Sports is about enthusiasm and definitely rugby gives that enthusiasm.
European rugby is more natural, without any armor, walls, towers and gattling guns..Thats why i prefer it.
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By Batko
Wow...this thread sucks, just another typical PoFo pissing contest about nothing. I thought for a bit it would be fun but after Boondock Saint quit posting it just turned stupid...

It was already stupid before he quit posting, IMO...

) American Football players are amoung the largest and most agile for their size of any athletes in the world. At the moment, except for some native Africans no one CAN play American Football except Americans.While Americans are able to play other sports but simply choose not to.

...And it's continuing after.

PS: Jonah Lomu would have crushed any of your "Superhuman American athletes" in less than a second, you ignorant.
By Haraldur
I suggest someone starts up an (American) Football team comprising entirely of sumo wrestlers. They might win the league.
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By Jon
You're all as pathetic as one another.
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