How do you spell suck w/o USC??? - Politics | PoFo

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You can't.

I, as a Sooner fan and grad who would really rather see a worthy match up, would rather see Auburn play us. What is amazing is how many liberals are USC fans, and yet what USC IS doing is simillar to their bogus claims of the right.

The reason their AP fans voted USC in liu of Auburn is because, while folks in Shacalaweewee and Horydufishy in Alabama will be watching, that is all. Look at OKlahoma and So Cal, probably some of the top 5 audiences in the nation. That is not right, in a political sense it is because majority rules, but that is not football. Football is about sportsmanship, not seen here, about athleticism, would be better if Auburb played Okla, and fun, which derives from athleticism. That is what football is about, and that is what AP voters shunned.

It is stupid as well to pick the team with more audience, because everybody will be watching the orange bowl.
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By Jazmoz
What is truly amazing is these ads. Do you all see these ads for the Oklahoma v.s. USC thing on the bottom? Or is it just me. It's truly amazing how quickly google analyzes this thread to put some good ol' ads up.
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By Comrade Joseph
lol, Sooner fan. Most of the people here are not from the US so they probably have no idea what you're talking about.

It will be most enjoyable to watch OU lose the national championship game two years in a row. 8)
By Spin
Hmmm How about zök? Doesn't sound quite right but it fits.
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By Jazmoz
Unfortunately, you cannot deny that USC is on the decline ,and has been since Stanford. Enjoyably, USC almost, and should have, lost because of BAD CALL AGAINST UNRANKED UCLA... by the way, did you see that Sooners game? Phwew! Jason just about Knocked the top off of Colorado there!
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By Comrade Joseph
Enjoyably, USC almost, and should have, lost because of BAD CALL AGAINST UNRANKED UCLA...

It was a close game against their intown archrival. OU had a couple of close wins as well (OSU and TAMU).

by the way, did you see that Sooners game? Phwew! Jason just about Knocked the top off of Colorado there!

Yes, I saw it. However, CU sucks.
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By Jazmoz
UCLA also sucks. What OU games are you possibally talking about? And yet, do you expect that a team is supposed to play better against top ranked teams?

Well, as a fan of a team that has been top ranked most of my life, I say no. They are often worse, look at Houston when they played OU... o yeah... that was a helluva upset there. They are not any better than when they played stanford, which USC beat by 3 points.
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By Comrade Joseph
What OU games are you possibally talking about?

vs. OSU (38-35) and vs. TAMU (42-35). In the TAMU game you were even behind 14-28 at one point.
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By Jazmoz
In the USC - ND game they were behind by 12 points at one point. Bythe way, these are all ranked teams, and OSU is a ranked crosstown rival. While I believe cross town rivls are bull shit, I must use your own medicine against you. :D
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By Jazmoz
They did not play OU outside of the season however.
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By Jazmoz
Last year an inadaquate Oklahoma team scored over 65 points on UCLA.
By Jim G
I, as a Sooner fan and grad who would really rather see a worthy match up, would rather see Auburn play us. What is amazing is how many liberals are USC fans, and yet what USC IS doing is simillar to their bogus claims of the right.

The reason their AP fans voted USC in liu of Auburn is because, while folks in Shacalaweewee and Horydufishy in Alabama will be watching, that is all. Look at OKlahoma and So Cal, probably some of the top 5 audiences in the nation. That is not right, in a political sense it is because majority rules, but that is not football. Football is about sportsmanship, not seen here, about athleticism, would be better if Auburb played Okla, and fun, which derives from athleticism. That is what football is about, and that is what AP voters shunned.

It is stupid as well to pick the team with more audience, because everybody will be watching the orange bowl.

Well, game isn't quite over yet, but hopefully you'll learn to keep your mouth shut until they actually play the game. If you can't spell suck without USC, i can only wonder how bad oklahoma must be. Probably should have been notre dame in the orange bowl by your logic. I guess you'll have to change your byline now too!
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By Jazmoz
Learn to shut my mouth? Never! Tell Texans that, who have lost to us 5, going on 6 times in a row.
By Jim G
Hey man, you can open your mouth when you want--that's your choice. I'm just suggesting you do it only after your team has won.

And while texas has a rough record against you, they at least pulled it out in their bowl game, albeit against michigan. There's a fairly decent possibility that Texas will come out on top of oklahoma in the final rankings, isn't there? I'm sure that would piss you off.
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By Jazmoz
Grunt. not really. they will come out 4th. We will come out 2nd or 3rd. Depends on how much controversy Aww...burn can stir up.
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