Beast of Boredom - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Discuss literary and artistic creations, or post your own poetry, essays etc.
Forum rules: No one line posts please.
By RhetoricThug
I clicked da-baba bell (have you any gull???)
so I'll get notifications when you salivate
or bring odor to order
hors d'oeuvres drool-n-retool achy-breaky-academia (ironic anemia)
sEXT aesthetic sonics, monikers plea guilty to innocence
nonbinary-nonsense as above so below the poverty line
wound up in a wrinkle of cyclical time
tri the double helix elixir today
climate change is weaks away
so edit your inner-primate in a transhuman dimitri-dish
ew-ish, what's diss crisp mutation, this isn't what I wished for
admonish the posthuman chef

Guten morgen Gluttonberg,
Square off a compass and bounce little gs off big Gs or big Gs off lil gs. Jesus breaking geezer bread in me temple, penis counting headcheese, whilst vestigial-vaginal cream navigates tea Hi-Cs, Trinity-n-trickery, cultic thieves stole creed from Tartary. Salty-sweet-repeats sweet-salty speak squawking bevvy beak atta-peak above ta-poetic heap. Xerox Xerxes, torn-rock beneath cornstalks Turok-tore off Torah-tomahawk, ready to engage pages of plagiarists.

Pulpitum culprit, cain images make it reign on this beech (I'm stranded on this island, SOS. O, hi-ter misty Psalm tree, what a lovely (pass)age. May I enter? I want to be a passenger)? My fellow fagaceae bee tirsty foursome hydro-LOGICal mono-eyed geysers, flow f(r)ee-fi-fo & zibb-zab-zo

O fortunate sun, flood-dye flora-farm, use your other arm, brother-in-arms, and water me down with second-hand market notes.

HARK, know-thy-ledger, register your word weepawns here, before da-wa-tears R-over die head.

Steadfast sea-feast, vym well-fed (well-said, time well spent). Yesterday's eyes vie for foamy vinyls zap suit-tie stylus. Needles in a masket wrapped up in warped records, mirthy-myth fade over-ta horrid-whore-I-zen.

Dreadheads walk like Kierkegaard and carry a big spliff

Irked junkie hooked on thought jerky hunched over his lunch meat. Is taking a break from the screenplay a crime?

The pee-on-us keys niggle and nag me mind's orifice, dizzy-dazzled STrioke fa;;L ON KEYBAORD capsized author sank 2 the buttom of Poetry. Row row woe is me.

FUCK MAN, float this bloated boat! Stop pushing my buttons. I'm just a computer soaking up souls. Take your creative genius elsewhere. Let us merge with the machine in peace bye-piece-bye-piece.

Bow b4 king googlar tweets his fav Kama Sutra positions
Siri-Alexa, sir Go0-g0o-gaga, how do I write poetry?

Sorry for flying my drone in restricted thoughtspace. Dang babbit, loot me go so I can get-gong grounded and apologize for my creativity. Bang-bang-splooge fusion, hit the ground running. Oh yea, I can feel Earth's electricity NOW.

Enfolded lightening
rapid eye memories
in vitro dreams in vivo
cull colors cyclopean civilization
be patient, it's unfolding in the brainchild

I haven't dropped acid. I picked up alkali tho. Balance cerebral PH. Skinny dip in neuronal pools.

Up-n-Atom, eh? Time to take my hand out of the cookie jar (let go of metadata), and start baking cookies (with metro-genomic Metatron). Oven mitts hugging roasted medici pits in a diggle-fap-tick-fad-toast contest, yellow vest protesters infest zee bureaucratic nest.

"WE WANT WAR" chanted enchanted humanity
clocked in a classified war chest
cloaked with priest class crests
perceptional spells and finite jest
attest-cardiac arrest-attest
Anahata vaunt mañana
kudos to the painkillers pulling neural triggers

Autorank: Total 5.1, professional similarity 10 (of 10), concrete vs abstract 1 (of 2, too strong -1), noun/verb/etc order -1 (of 1), cliches -3 (of -3), too many capitalized -1.0 (of -1), too-long lines -1 (of -1)

Information in formation
who gave you the password?

Jokes for a gesture... Sequester dim-dull-LULZ. Fester-fester the eightfold path. Climb Jacobs bladder.

A warm heart worn on the sleeve will melt a cold shoulder

Arcane eyes pay you to protect me from my enlightened self?

I need a strong rattlebrained goblin, capable of hobnobbing pen-pushers & bibble-babblers.

(E)quip-quibble, hope u-aren't afraid of a lil saber-rattling (if you know what I mean, wink-wink-nudge-nudge), cuz-I-go (bonsai-pro pruning dope dealers in my daily-dilly-dally-bar, S888, quiet down bright-bulb chatter, you'll burn out) paper tiger hunting early in da-morn before sir shuttle scuttle skates on his skids.

Bi$$y-bub, my chubby-faced bubble-butt butler, rubs a dub-dub down me tubby toes in my tuba shaped tub (picture grown men taking a bubble bath).

Last night, I noticed the tiles need scrubbing.

Life is tremendously tedious, especially when the light hits it at just the right angle and tectonic tremors align wit melodic tonic tremors.

Rumor has it, freaky tumor infested sheeple spammed by sensory spasms smoke pot to stop seizures.

Sounds like rocket science to me.

Did I tell yous aboot Gordy the goat gout gawd? He witnessed Lullaby-Ludwig burn Jehovah at the stake, and he didn't TESTIFY. Can I get ah-Amun-RA with my almond joy, please! After da sooty smoke cleared @ the cross rhodes uncle huckleberry buried Eve in dingus fin soup.

Took your advice. Ordered zat book on the hidden hisToRy of #BigDICKpower.

Say hello to your ghost for me


-Semantic Mammal
By RhetoricThug
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Tinkle Toddler Born to Die
Eglimpse ye vast Vril & testicle
vestibule of sensual celestials
perch-ur-preachy purty Rump
upon a perjury pedestal,
merciful Pennywise pocketeer
Tolkien King of the three-ringed cervix

Rag-on dumb chief
read my lips, no. new. caskets.
hillbilly clit-on-tongue
tricky-dick slipped on spit in da ovary-orifice

On Transylvania avenue
freedom-felled centaur dialed 9-1-1
burnt Bush blamed Koran
ergo shake-shift Barackas
lawful-La Bamba dance Osamba
conceal carbon seal 6-6-6
convict the voting public
to pay tribute to a toupee trumpet
and make puppets gaze again
@-a John Wayne Gacy grin

kaka-Kafka fumes
butt bobbles
frack-n-fuck fauna
furlough anima
tantalizing Tartarus on terra firma
brush & hush epidermal dunce

It's beginning to look a lot like extinction
everywhere you go
what about aliens
and fallen mammalia

Das Kapital-PUNish-mensch
red X-Marx proletarian plot
scrounge global-schism Scrooge wit loose screws
chimney children chortle four seasons Satan

Beast of burr-dumb, I can afford em
according to my currency
statemeant 444 an ankle bracelet
stated fallacious letter bank-n-number
policy, im-sure-wrecks laborious insurgence
malicious surgeon of gents
with a steady-reverend pig-in-a-ballpoint-pen-proGraham
sir-moans stir ceremonial sentences
crescendo frets excommunicated Cerberus

Ferris wheel of forgotten flesh
tomorrow we lay Earth to rest

I made a deal with Santa clause
tho little do-si-do
I'm a double agent
birthed brazen
with Eastern cravings

The son will rise again with an infinite wind, for Thoth is in my thumbprint
By RhetoricThug
Blind by Design, six of one half a dozen of the other

It is as though (s)he were living in different forms, inspiration has all the qualities of recollection
Israel in flux - Benny Hill resigns

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