It is time for Biden to step aside - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Godstud wrote::lol: @Julian658 Whether you want to admit it or not, you're on the right.

I am right off center------that is no secret. I am an economic conservative that believes in capitalism and hates crony capitalism. I detest right wing identity politics. I believe in small government as I tend to be libertarian. The LGBTQIA people are fine by me.

As for my lefty tendencies: I am agnostic, believe in National Health care, UBI, and reparations for blacks that descend from slaves and indigenous people. Immigrants and women need not apply. On the left side of the equation I detest race and gender identity politics. Classifying people according to skin color causes division and tribalism.

OTOH you are a typical left winger that uses insulting rhetoric (not arguments) to make a point. I give you credit for not being as angry as others on the left. The only exception is POD who is a gentleman.
That is basically the point.

Of course rule of law requires fair and open trials, innocent until proven guilty, and related due process. But that is not what the DNC or the popular left has been supporting.

Given they believe accusations are enough, not trial required, then it is for them a matter of principle to demand Biden step aside. So what do they say?

As I said during the other seeming endless parades of this politically motivated nonsense, it is time that women take responsibility for their own protection. Men do. It may not be convenient and it may cost a job but only when women call men to task ON THE SPOT will this kind of behavior be stopped. Sexual assault is a criminal matter and not a political one.

I really don't believe Biden did it. I did not care what a SCOTUS candidate did when he was a teenager and drunk. I am certain the republicans still have operatives out trying to find someone who will throw dirt on Biden.

Biden served honorably and professionally as Vice President. The republican party is so damaged that it can't even think of running a clean campaign and has not been able to for decades. Expect them to pull every dirty political trick in the book to get their dude elected.

There is an irony though. They could have dumped Trump this time and waltzed to the win. They did not have the moral courage to do that even though they knew he had damaged our country perhaps irreparably.
@Julian658 according to what you say about yourself, I am no more left-wing than you are. That you feel the need to call anyone who doesn't agree with you "left-wing", shows me that you are a typical right-winger. That you consider the terms "left" and "Liberal" as insults, also gives weight to that. You haven't a clue what either terms mean, but use them as names. :knife:

My arguments are fine. Facts are also something right-wingers don't like.

The big thing about calling for Biden to step aside is that the same people calling for him to do so are the same people who thought that Kavanagh's past was irrelevant, and who supported Roy Moore and the Trump's "pussy-grabbing". Those were OK for Republicans, but not for Democrats. Therein lies the hypocrisy.

I don't see anyone saying people should overlook Biden's charges. This should be considered and I do think that he shouldn't be running for President.

That said, he's STILL a better choice for a President, than the current pussy-grabbing demented narcissist.
An article I read wrote:Let's take Biden. What does it mean to vote for Joe Biden? He has this kind of goofy persona which some people find charming. What is Biden's record? What is a person voting for if they back Biden on Election Day 2020?

The humiliation of courageous women like Anita Hill who confronted her abuser. You vote for the architects of endless war. You vote for the apartheid state in Israel. Biden supports those things. With Biden you are voting for wholesale surveillance by the government, including the abolition of due process and habeas corpus. You vote for austerity programs. You vote for the destruction of welfare. That was Biden. You vote for cuts to Social Security, which he has repeatedly called for cutting, along with Medicaid. You vote for NAFTA, you vote for "free trade" deals. If you vote for Biden, you are voting for a real decline in wages and the loss of hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs.

With Biden you are also voting for the assault on public education and the transfer of federal funds to Christian "charter schools." With Biden you are voting for more than a doubling of the prison population. With Biden you are voting for the militarized police and against the Green New Deal.

You are also voting to limit a woman's right to abortion and reproductive rights. You are voting for a segregated public school system. With Biden you are voting for punitive levels of student debt and the inability of people to free themselves of that debt through bankruptcy. A vote for Biden is a vote for deregulating banking and finance. Biden also supports for-profit insurance and pharmaceutical corporations.

A vote for Biden is also a vote against the possibility of universal health care. You vote for Biden and you are supporting huge, wasteful and bloated defense budgets. Biden also supports unlimited oligarchic and corporate money to buy the elections.

That's what you're voting for.

A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for more of the same. The ruling elites would prefer Joe Biden, just like they preferred Hillary Clinton. Donald Trump is vulgar and an embarrassment. But the ruling elites also made it abundantly clear about their interests: Many of these people were quoted by name saying that if Bernie Sanders was the nominee — or even Elizabeth Warren — they would vote for Donald Trump. ... ming-next/

Godstud wrote:Biden can also speak without referring to himself every 5 seconds and rambling off about random topics, all the fucking time, like a demented random word generator.

Looks like Biden has more dementia than Trump but they can both have a suicide-pact for all I care, and really, this isn't - or shouldn't be for anyone outside America - about personalities.

America, regardless of which party is in charge will continue to be a destructive empire that is an incredibly dangerous threat to humanity.
skinster wrote:Looks like Biden has more dementia than Trump but they can both have a suicide-pact for all I care, and really, this isn't - or shouldn't be for anyone outside America - about personalities.

America, regardless of which party is in charge will continue to be a destructive empire that is an incredibly dangerous threat to humanity.

Your article must have been written by someone that secretly wants Trump to win.
@skinster It's the same for all Trump supporters. You are either fully supportive of him, or you are against him.
skinster wrote:It's from an interview and the person whose words you quoted opposes Trump as much as Biden, i.e. Democrats and Republicans. You understand it is an option to dislike either party of the same head, yes?

If Trump selects Amy Klobuchar I will vote for him. Trump is a bit unstable and Biden looks a bit more presidential. Personally, my life never changes whether the President is a Dem or a Rep. I don't understand why people see it as a life or death situation. Trump has shown that anyone can be president. Biden may have early Alzheimer's but he will be fine. The decisions will be made by those that surround him and I trust they will be people near the center of the political spectrum.
Julian658 wrote:Trump has shown that anyone can be president.
Trump has shown that anyone can be President, but not anyone can be a GOOD President. Trump is a shit President, and an even worse leader.

You want to know how to tell if a person's a good people manager(leader)? See how many people they fire. People who aren't leaders fire people instead of accepting that their leadership is at fault for not leading them properly. Leaders accept responsibility.

Trump is not capable of accepting responsibility, and therefore, makes a really bad leader.
My life sure changed when Trump was elected. My taxes went down about 25%. My stock portfolio doubled. The government moved to protect my rights as a religious person. His administration's work on the opioid crisis (important in my work) has been gratifying. So are his efforts to reduce prescription drug prices. He fucked over Iran which made me feel good. Though I do not use it, he kicked some ass at the VA and got them busy helping many of my veteran friends. This is just the personal stuff. So, yes. It does matter who is president.

And, oh by the way, his handling of the pandemic is a game changer. Big one.
Godstud wrote:It's the same for all Trump supporters. You are either fully supportive of him, or you are against him.

It is rather ironic that these words are spoken to someone who essentially holds the same mindset, just with his subject of devotion being "socialism" and China / Chinese Communist Party, instead of Donald Trump.

Frankly, my only reservation against the Democrats is their apparent failure in defeating totalitarianism in the East (as happened in the latter part of the Obama administration).

Trump messed things up enough to make these countries badly shaken. Without Trump's apparently absurd policies, the Asians would not have seen the hope that the Chinese Communist Party (and every Chinese who have let themselves fall into their "government"'s ultra-nationalist narrative) can be defeated. New opportunities have been unlocked.

Of course there are very bad side-effects, namely the apparent rise of Russia and India...
Patrickov wrote:It is rather ironic that these words are spoken to someone who essentially holds the same mindset, just with his subject of devotion being "socialism" and China / Chinese Communist Party, instead of Donald Trump.
:lol: If you think that, then you have stopped using that thing in your skull. :knife:

This is what I am for, if you care to actually learn something.

Democratic Socialism

Finland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are prime examples.

Socialism isn't Communism, but people who haven't a clue, often think that.
Godstud wrote:
Democratic Socialism

Finland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are prime examples.

God: All those nations are essentially capitalist. The only difference from America is that they use the wealth provided by the capitalist engine to provide a better social safety net.

The Nordic model comprises the economic and social policies as well as typical cultural practices common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden).[1] This includes a comprehensive welfare state and multi-level collective bargaining based on the economic foundations of free-market capitalism. WIKI

Historically corporate taxes in Scandinavia have been lower than in the USA. However, they have high personal taxes which they charge to all citizens. IN America the bottom 50% earners virtually pay no taxes. The top 50% earners pay 97% of the total federal tax revenue.

Europe is not socialist God. They simply have a better welfare state.
Drlee wrote:My life sure changed when Trump was elected. My taxes went down about 25%. My stock portfolio doubled. The government moved to protect my rights as a religious person. His administration's work on the opioid crisis (important in my work) has been gratifying. So are his efforts to reduce prescription drug prices. He fucked over Iran which made me feel good. Though I do not use it, he kicked some ass at the VA and got them busy helping many of my veteran friends. This is just the personal stuff. So, yes. It does matter who is president.

And, oh by the way, his handling of the pandemic is a game changer. Big one.

The economy going up or down is luck of the draw. When Bill Clinton came in my retirement funds went thru the roof. However the Clinton recovery was already under way before he took over.
Trumps economy was likely due to his efforts even though the left claim it was due to OBAMA. I think OBAMA deserves some credit too.

Trump's tax plan markedly reduced the mortgage and real state deductions for those with larger homes. This somewhat compensated for the lower tax rate. But, this is all moot, the laws are passed by congress. And this changes in taxes are just noise for me. My biggest concern is to have a president that is presidential.

Trump is hated by the left because he says offensive things stupids statements. That is shameful!
However, minorities were doing better than ever under Trump. Nevertheless, he is hated for his massive non-PC behavior (non-presidential). Tribalism in this nation is at an all time high due to the emphasis on race identity politics.

Your rhetoric regarding Covid 19 is demagogy. New York the epicenter for the virus was a set up for Corona. A huge city with migrants from all over the world living in crowded small apartments and riding the subway like sardines in a can as Cuomo preached social distancing. Diblasio markedly downplayed the virus up until mid March.
Godstud wrote:
Socialism isn't Communism, but people who haven't a clue, often think that.

This also needs clarification.

Communism is the culmination of socialism. It is a classless and stateless utopia where there is no currency. Just listen to the song Imagine by John Lennon.

Socialism is the preamble to communism; an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism. And it generally involves a dictatorship or an authoritarian government (also known as the dictatorship of the proletariat).
Godstud wrote:Thank you for proving my point, @Julian658.

God; I am always happy to clarify your points so the other forum members have a better understanding of your profound posts.
Julian658 wrote:
1) This also needs clarification.

2) Communism is the culmination of socialism.

3) It is a classless and stateless utopia where there is no currency.

4) Socialism is the preamble to communism; an intermediate stage between capitalism and communism.

5) And it generally involves a dictatorship or an authoritarian government (also known as the dictatorship of the proletariat).

1) Indeed.

2) You really can't help it, can you.

3) Depends on the definition, which you leave vague because you are all about the BS. The Soviet Union had currency, but the ruble was non-convertible.

4) When people talk about socialism these days, they usually mean the Nordic countries. When the extreme Right isn't indulging in their fantasies, one of their favorite things to do is to remind us that those countries have gotten less socialist in recent years. Of course, trying to have it both ways is the least of their sins.

5) Speaking of having it both ways...
late wrote:1) Indeed.

2) You really can't help it, can you.

3) Depends on the definition, which you leave vague because you are all about the BS. The Soviet Union had currency, but the ruble was non-convertible.

4) When people talk about socialism these days, they usually mean the Nordic countries. When the extreme Right isn't indulging in their fantasies, one of their favorite things to do is to remind us that those countries have gotten less socialist in recent years. Of course, trying to have it both ways is the least of their sins.

5) Speaking of having it both ways...

Ask any Marxism scholar. We never had real communism in the world. The Soviets were socialists. USSR means Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. People play a lot with definitions and it is important to clarify. The USSR was a dictatorship as prescribed Marxist Leninist doctrine.

You can call the Nordic nations and Europe socialist all day long BUT YOU ARE INCORRECT. At the end of the day they are capitalist nations based on a free market and the right to private property. They have a better social safety net paid by the capitalist wealth engine and higher taxes.

This idea that they are socialist nations is a meme that people repeat without analysis. It is a great tool for those political leaders that practice demagogy.
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