Are US universities discriminating white males - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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I'd be very weary of happiness surveys. And the difference in that study is minuscule to sacrifice civilization over (44% happy vs 41% happy). This also has to be balanced with the proportion of men that are happy single over 40 vs married over 40. After all that's 51% of the global population you're ignoring.

It's all nice, these degenerate fun and games, while they last, until demographic replacement takes its toll. Once 80% of the planet is Islamic, then trust me nobody will be free or happy.
Igor's constant consumption of trad Chad memes doesn't make him laugh. It just makes him regret not being a bigger chud and asshole earlier in life.

Literally everything he said about living life as an academic, how an educated person who presumably chose to invest their life in a subject that interested them but is presumably unable to do anything else for ~reasons~, applies to him. Except replace studying 14th century Middle English texts with 4chan memes.

Literally memed into blackpilling himself.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Igor's constant consumption of trad Chad memes doesn't make him laugh. It just makes him regret not being a bigger chud and asshole earlier in life.

Literally everything he said about living life as an academic, how an educated person who presumably chose to invest their life in a subject that interested them but is presumably unable to do anything else for ~reasons~, applies to him. Except replace studying 14th century Middle English texts with 4chan memes.

Literally memed into blackpilling himself.

Consequently, am I your subject of lifelong interest? That's kinda gay bro.
Igor Antunov wrote:Consequently, am I your subject of lifelong interest? That's kinda gay bro.

You once asked this forum for help with your constipation. You put your life on display, I'm just observing it.

Like you shouldn't be insulted by me assuming you're in your 40's when you're bitching about Zoomers dying their hair and not conforming to your ideas of how men and women should behave or present themselves. If you don't want me to call you old, don't talk like you're old. This is all extremely old man shit to care about.

You're lucky I didn't assume you were a Boomer with the whole "Society will die with me and my generation" shit. That is the most old man thing you can say. Society is conveniently collapsing now that you're not the new generation.

"Young women spend all their time on their phone instead of talking to me," is like the second oldest thing you can fucking say. Yeah, no shit. Ladies in their 20's don't want to talk to an old man, of course they're checking their phones when you approach them and ask if they want to be barefoot child machines so you, and specifically not them because you're the man and therefore the leader, can save society by quoting trad-Chad memes at each other.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You once asked this forum for help with your constipation. You put your life on display, I'm just observing it.

Like you shouldn't be insulted by me assuming you're in your 40's when you're bitching about Zoomers dying their hair and not conforming to your ideas of how men and women should behave or present themselves. If you don't want me to call you old, don't talk like you're old. This is all extremely old man shit to care about.

You're lucky I didn't assume you were a Boomer with the whole "Society will die with me and my generation" shit. That is the most old man thing you can say. Society is conveniently collapsing now that you're not the new generation.

"Young women spend all their time on their phone instead of talking to me," is like the second oldest thing you can fucking say. Yeah, no shit. Ladies in their 20's don't want to talk to an old man, of course they're checking their phones when you approach them and ask if they want to be barefoot child machines so you, and specifically not them because you're the man and therefore the leader, can save society.

Ok bro, You seem kinda gay but I'll play along. My life is one filled with lolis and milfs, that is to say 18-23 zoomers and 30-somethings women. I'm 35 for reference. So I can reference the social media phone junkies as well as the millennial pub crawling single mom alcoholics. Normal women are nowhere to be seen up in this neck of the woods.

I see you took my constipation to heart. The digestive system is a serious matter. Turns out my constipation and all associated tummy issues were to do with a kidney stone that has since been removed.
Kinda sucks the renal system is nervously tied to the digestive system but it is what it is. 5 years I suffered with IBS symptoms, but it was just calcium oxilate concentrated into a ureteral blockage, turns out vegetables and cow milk are not for human consumption-and I wasn't even making a habit of it. We aren't herbivores after all.

Don't take me for a troglodyte, I dabble in android development among other software avenues-out of mere opportunism. I just know it's a filthy development that will destroy society. You are clearly a product of the nu-age environment. Sad.
Last edited by Igor Antunov on 20 Aug 2022 10:42, edited 1 time in total.
I'm actually 52, but casting directors from Paramount and Fox affiliated productions have told me I could play as young as a fetus in the first trimester. I fuck a lot. I think you just need to learn a little thing called discipline, bro.

Maybe try going for a hike. It's a good starter exercise.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I'm actually 52, but casting directors from Paramount and Fox affiliated productions have told me I could play as young as a fetus in the first trimester. I fuck a lot. I think you just need to learn a little thing called discipline, bro.

Maybe try going for a hike. It's a good starter exercise.

Funny, while I did give up my gym membership recently, it was only because I built one at home. People also tell me I look like I'm in my 20's when I shave. Once again, it may be too late for you, but heed my advice nonetheless, stay out of the sun and stay away from alcohol. You will age 40% slower.

And to throw the thread back on topic, yes males and Asian males/females are discriminated against all over the west outside of STEM. Social sciences are a no go zone for white heterosexuals and asian men/women. I had hot coffee tossed at me on campus back in the day by the usual suspects. Serves me right for being flexible with my electives.
SpecialOlympian wrote:
I can not possibly be the only person who wants to see how you "built" a gym.

Like I'm just picturing pieces of two by fours you hammered into some dry wall to build an indoor treehouse climb.

Setting aside Igor's crazy, it's not hard to throw together a gym at home. While I am also curious about what he did, let me tell you what I did.

I have a TRX, it's an intermediate level tool. I don't use it much, but I can use for semi-hanging rows, and the upper part of a chopping exercise.

I have a ton of bands and belts that I used constantly. All you need is a place where you can put attachment points. They are not expensive, although I prefer the ones aimed at pros at Perform Better, they last forever and don't snap.

I have a few dumbells, 3,5,8,10,12. Maybe bigger later. You don't need a lot of weight, if you wind up needing more you can keep buying, or sign up at a gym.

I have an ab roller, but I leave the pinky off the grip and keep the elbows close to each other. Which turns into a good exercise. I use it on a kitchen counter. Hopefully lower later.

I also have a treadmill, a used one I got from a place that sells used gym equipment. The secret here is to get one with a built in tv. You need some sort of aerobic exercise, but that is a lot of money.

The single best indoor exerciser is a Concept 2 rower, and by a large margin. I used to have one, but after my cancer I got a big gut and gave it to my nephew.
Monkeys obviously do not have strong arms. Skinny little arms. You can see here:


Calisthenics and doing body-weight exercises are good for you and can build up your strength.

You can also do lighter weights but make it a LOT of reps. It works on building muscle the same way as fewer reps with heavier weights. it just is more time-consuming. I vary between the two and have some weights at home for when I can't make it to the gym, or want to exercise throughout the day.

I have my 12 year old son doing pushups and he's gotten stronger in a short time. He needs it to get stronger for swimming better.
Body weight exercise is great if you're just starting off or young.

If you're already fit, body weight compound exercises are a meme. Good for a stretch, that's about it. If you're not compound lifting more than your own weight you're not getting stronger and usually aren't even maintaining your gains, you're just grinding cartilage away. Any mass and repetition will damage your joints, might as well do it as seldom as possible for maximum gains.

For targeted training smaller muscle groups, any dumbbell or weight under 15kg is a meme. Total waste of time. You're just once again wrecking joints. They don't heal that well. Repetitive strain injury is not a meme. It's worse than a random accidental tear.

Also, juicers outside of serious competition get the bullet. Unless you're over 45, then go for it buy some replacements your body is no longer producing the necessary hormones naturally.

Of course this post has to be relevant so I'll mention cardiovascular health, any sort of lifting is excellent at maintaining a healthy brain, important if you're going to be spending your time 'learning'.

I also have a treadmill, a used one I got from a place that sells used gym equipment. The secret here is to get one with a built in tv. You need some sort of aerobic exercise, but that is a lot of money.

This is all you will ever need for cardio:

It's expensive so I keep a gym membership at the cheapest gym just to use theirs and it's great because nobody else uses them. Treadmills are a meme.
Igor Antunov wrote:
Body weight exercise is great if you're just starting off or young.

If you're already fit, body weight compound exercises are a meme. Good for a stretch, that's about it. If you're not compound lifting more than your own weight you're not getting stronger and usually aren't even maintaining your gains, you're just grinding cartilage away. Any mass and repetition will damage your joints, might as well do it as seldom as possible for maximum gains.

For targeted training smaller muscle groups, any dumbbell or weight under 15kg is a meme. Total waste of time. You're just once again wrecking joints. They don't heal that well. Repetitive strain injury is not a meme. It's worse than a random accidental tear.

Also, juicers outside of serious competition get the bullet. Unless you're over 45, then go for it buy some replacements your body is no longer producing the necessary hormones naturally.

Of course this post has to be relevant so I'll mention cardiovascular health, any sort of lifting is excellent at maintaining a healthy brain, important if you're going to be spending your time 'learning'.

This is all you will ever need for cardio:

It's expensive so I keep a gym membership at the cheapest gym just to use theirs and it's great because nobody else uses them. Treadmills are a meme.

There's lots of different folks in a lot of different situations... One size does not fit all.

Juice is just plain stupid. It's a hideously bad idea if you're older. Young or old, juice is a great way to shorten your healthspan.

Gymnasts do a lot of bodyweight exercises, they look more jacked than you do...
late wrote:There's lots of different folks in a lot of different situations... One size does not fit all.

Juice is just plain stupid. It's a hideously bad idea if you're older. Young or old, juice is a great way to shorten your healthspan.

Gymnasts do a lot of bodyweight exercises, they look more jacked than you do...

Competitive Gymnasts lift weights and juice from an early age. They definitely don't rely on calisthenics. They look jacked because they keep their body fat index down during competitions, and they take enough illicit designer hormones to damage a horse.

And hormone replacement therapy at an older age is going to keep you biologically younger, stronger and living longer, noob. At an early age in large doses it will destroy you, don't use competitive athletes at any age as a gauge. 100% of runners, gymnasts, basketballers, footballers...ballerinas are on designer substances or go through cycles of them.
Igor Antunov wrote:Competitive Gymnasts lift weights and juice from an early age. They definitely don't rely on calisthenics. They look jacked because they keep their body fat index down during competitions, and they take enough illicit designer hormones to damage a horse.

And hormone replacement therapy at an older age is going to keep you biologically younger, stronger and living longer, noob. At an early age in large doses it will destroy you, don't use competitive athletes at any age as a gauge. 100% of runners, gymnasts, basketballers, footballers...ballerinas are on designer substances or go through cycles of them.

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is mainly geared towards females during or after menopause and involves mainly estrogen. Testerone Replacement Therapy (TRT) is less commonly used but has been increasing in recent years. It has many potential benefits so it is not bad in itself, but always let a doctor evaluate you and follow a proscribed regimen because there are far more negative side effects than with the standard HRT. One of them is that testosterone stimulates red blood cell production, which can start producing too many and put you in serious risks of forming blood clots, leading to strokes and pulmonary embolism.
Yes there are a multitude of considerations and obviously you have to weigh the risks vs the benefits on a case-case basis. Obviously for young athletes looking to compete the primary motivator and benefit is greatly increased performance, for older people the motivator is simply being able to stay fit longer and be able to engage in a more active lifestyle. Morbidity has direct correlation with lack of activity level at every age, and this is most pronounced in advanced age. Use it or lose it, in this case your body.

Igor, what have you done? This image just won’t rest.

How do I explain to men that no, they aren’t smarter than women because they use their whole brains while women use half?

I’m doing a poor job for the fairer sex. I’m like “but do you see how womens hemispheres talk to each other with the criss crossing ? You guys have none of that. Your brain is engaged with your body and that’s about it “

Then they look at me an politely, walk away with big smiles where they add “our brains are bigger too”.

I won’t lie, it’s pretty funny but I’m getting called chicken brain a lot…
I believe in the market. Why do these white males not simply build a college that accomodates and caters to them? If none exist, then surely they can create one.

If no colleges exist that can uplift white men then that is a vacuum in the market and surely someone will come along to fill this need and profit off of it. But the fact that nobody has capitalized on this apparent market vacuum makes me wonder if there something wrong with white men that prevents investors from particpating. Has anyone ever considered that white males just may not be worth investing in? I'm just going by market principles here.

Lets pretend this thread is an episode of Shark Tank. Give me your pitch on why I should invest in educating white males. What profits will it bring? Keep in mind I am a Hotep and that I believe whites are gremlins created by the mad scientist Yakub because he needed mindless warrior-slaves to conquer the world. Build your pitch around that.

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