First British slaves in America were Irish - Page 22 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

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annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister , you replied;

No, I am not. Furthermore,you know that I am not saying that.

Your politics positively oozes with a particularly Satanic form of Elitism. Which you illustrate yourself;

A more certain recipe for the destruction of human society cannot be imagined.

It's like the Greek Myth of the magical golden ''Apple of Discord'' upon which the goddess of strife wrote; ''for the fairest'' and then tossed to the other goddesses to wrangle over. Or Alexander the Great on his deathbed, with his nobles asking him to whom the rule of his Empire should fall.To which Alexander replied; ''to the strongest''.

Basically you are a kind of Anthropological Darwinist, a Right-Wing Anarchist(or ''Minarchist'' at best) who believes the Government gets in the way of ''superior'' human beings like yourself and coddles the failures and misfits and cripples, the peoples lesser in mind and body, parasitical government draining people like yourself to help others get an edge over you the more naturally gifted. Tactics of the weak to pull down the strong. Who prevent the Strong from taking what they like in life...

But listen up; there are those who are strong, who love their fellow man no matter how weak they are, who will treat them as they would want to be treated under the same circumstances, sharing the same common humanity. We strong who know nonetheless that we are not gods.

It is we who destroy the Wolves who harry the Sheep, who see the Wolves in Sheep's clothing and just as in Aesop's fable, make a feast of they who would prey on the flock.

If you weren't totally ignorant, you might impress me. Look, if you want to know what a man is about ASK HIM. Don't assume. It makes an ASS of U and ME. You are living in a delusional world.

I have no false illusions about the way the world operates and the way it was intended to operate. Democrats took over America. All you ever hear is that America is a democracy when, in fact, we were intended to be a Republic. Yeah, I know all about the Democratic Republic B.S. and I know that party didn't last 50 years. I'm also aware that dishonest people will try to claim republic and democracy are actually the same word. Save it. I heard it before. The reality is the liberal, left wing, democratic, democratic socialist, socialist, communist combine that has captured the American mind is the ones who push the anti-Christian / Darwinian narrative that might is right and they do all they can to enforce the narrative of universal equality at the point of a gun.

I don't believe in any of it. But, since the government is claiming all this equal rights B.S. it's time to call them on it. I'll give you a quick course in reality that you weren't taught in public school:

When my forefathers came to America, they were looking for a place where they could worship freely, think for themselves, and build a model for the world to aspire to. As long as they stuck to the basic blueprint, they were successful. By every metric America became the greatest nation in the world. We did in under 300 years more than the Roman Empire could do in 1500 years (1000 years depending upon which historian you read). Anybody that doubts that would have to explain why the rest of the world wants to come to the United States. In 1630, John Winthrop gave a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been quoted by Democrat and Republican alike. Both JFK and Ronald Reagan as presidents have quoted in speeches in their positions as U.S. Presidents. FWIW, here is a link to it: ... harity.pdf

THAT is the America I envision. We are not gods, but this country was founded by Christians who saw themselves as being the Israelites of the Bible and America is the New Jerusalem. That would make us servants of God. Instead of staying on course, America became a multicultural cesspool and nobody can agree on anything. The false promise of a universal equality of man is a myth. But, those people who built a nation on moral absolutes and a functioning government are a defeated people.

I'm not going to change reality by turning America over to the mixed multitude whose ideologies haven't worked out for them anywhere in the world. There aren't enough good people to fight and most of that is due to ignorance. The best we can hope for is to challenge the mixed multitude. Demand our Rights. Then, when the sleeping sheeple are wakened by the subtle takeover of America, they will rise up and we move forward in the next cycle of history: ... 200-years/

There is no point in telling one segment of society they are equal when we know damn well they aren't being treated as equals. We're grown ups here. There is a blueprint, a way to reclaim our Liberty. If you want to curse me, maybe you might want to know what it is I stand for. You can go to and click on The Charter.
The Resister wrote:America is the New Jerusalem.

"wee goe to possesse it... [for] proffitts."

— John Winthrop, A Modell of Christian Charity (1630)

Rancid wrote:What the hell is this thread even about?

It's an attempt to either alter or maintain (depending on your point of view) the taxonomy of human misery under British-style capitalism in North America.

The question that is asked can't be answered without a deep understanding of what "slavery" is. In an earlier post, I suggested that the VERY FIRST British slaves were... the British themselves, who were slaves to their elite's genocidal greed and mandatory propaganda.

But most posters are using this thread as an opportunity to follow the latest trends like BLM and Deplorables.

Count me out of these trends. Human harmony is timeless, and not a recent trend - for me at least.

The Great Peace of Montréal (which eliminated racism and inequality) was signed in 1701. It's been downhill since then in the USA.
QatzelOk wrote:It's an attempt to either alter or maintain (depending on your point of view) the taxonomy of human misery under British-style capitalism in North America.

The question that is asked can't be answered without a deep understanding of what "slavery" is. In an earlier post, I suggested that the VERY FIRST British slaves were... the British themselves, who were slaves to their elite's genocidal greed and mandatory propaganda.

But most posters are using this thread as an opportunity to follow the latest trends like BLM and Deplorables.

Count me out of these trends. Human harmony is timeless, and not a recent trend - for me at least.

The Great Peace of Montréal (which eliminated racism and inequality) was signed in 1701. It's been downhill since then in the USA.

America built the greatest nation in recorded history between 1701 and the progress didn't stop until about the 1960s when the left gained political parity with the right. After that, the right began selling out at a faster and faster pace. There is no mass movement for people wanting to come to Canada. Don't kid yourself.

If you want limitless opportunities and Liberty, choose the America our forefathers envisioned. If you want forced equality and mediocre living conditions, choose socialism. A lot of Americans wail about how bad America is and even those in Chicago and New York, a hair's breath from Canada aren't making any massive exodus to get there.

Apparently a lot of people don't like the dictionary definition of slavery. A legal definition of slavery might look like - A civil relationship in which one person has absolute power over the life, fortune, and liberty of another. This thread is bogged down because negrophilists do not want to admit that slavery has existed for many centuries and, factually, nobody has offered any evidence to suggest that white people invented that institution. I'm not going to say that they didn't; HOWEVER, if you do maintain that position over the course of recorded history, I can guarantee you that there is an historical narrative that will have my critics yanking their hair out by the roots once a history teacher explains it to them

Whether a person is an indentured servant, slave, or just some poor kid that was "kidnabbed" and forced to work the rest of their life, once you lose control of your Life, the Fruits of your Labor, and your Liberty, you are a slave. Period. If you vote for who your master is, it is still slavery. That is why I am in favor of unalienable Rights. Unalienable Rights are more like a journey, not a destination since the English language is limited in its ability to produce words that have a flawless meaning. Then again, pure silver is still only 99.999 percent pure. In any event, unalienable Rights are those Rights which are a gift from the Creator and not subject to the whims of man.

I am opposed on that point here, because some critics feel if you can go through the process (which is an illusion) and pick your slave master, then you are not a slave. I call BS on it. Granted, there can be many degrees of slavery, but we've yet to address a very specific point about the subject. What made the black people enslave their own brethren and sell them in the first place? If those who were sold into slavery were so despised by their brethren that their native country not only allowed, but participated in rounding them up, then you have to wonder who they were in the first place. In the alternative, if we stick to the doctrine of the universal equality of man, the water gets real murky. If black people sell their own into slavery without cause, that makes them better than the whites they hope to kill off. Knowing why any particular black person was sold in the first place is relevant. And, if you accept the liberal apologists and their theories, an uncomfortable truth arises: mankind ultimately sells themselves into slavery... some more than others. Why?

This is a never ending argument because some people want to be right rather than to be the kind that look for a solution to perceived problems. Because my critics cannot accept facts, they cannot prevail in any argument. Furthermore, when they resorted to name calling, false allegations, and Internet bullying, they LOST any pretense of a debate. That kind of discourse only said they realized their arguments were weak. That doesn't stop people from using Google to bolster their claims. The left is closer to Hitler than I am - and they try that Big Lie technique of repeating a lie over and over until it's accepted as truth.
The Resister wrote:
America built the greatest nation in recorded history between 1701 and the progress didn't stop until about the 1960s when the left gained political parity with the right. After that, the right began selling out at a faster and faster pace. There is no mass movement for people wanting to come to Canada. Don't kid yourself.

If you want limitless opportunities and Liberty, choose the America our forefathers envisioned. If you want forced equality and mediocre living conditions, choose socialism. A lot of Americans wail about how bad America is and even those in Chicago and New York, a hair's breath from Canada aren't making any massive exodus to get there.

Apparently a lot of people don't like the dictionary definition of slavery. A legal definition of slavery might look like - A civil relationship in which one person has absolute power over the life, fortune, and liberty of another. This thread is bogged down because negrophilists do not want to admit that slavery has existed for many centuries and, factually, nobody has offered any evidence to suggest that white people invented that institution. I'm not going to say that they didn't; HOWEVER, if you do maintain that position over the course of recorded history, I can guarantee you that there is an historical narrative that will have my critics yanking their hair out by the roots once a history teacher explains it to them

Whether a person is an indentured servant, slave, or just some poor kid that was "kidnabbed" and forced to work the rest of their life, once you lose control of your Life, the Fruits of your Labor, and your Liberty, you are a slave. Period. If you vote for who your master is, it is still slavery. That is why I am in favor of unalienable Rights. Unalienable Rights are more like a journey, not a destination since the English language is limited in its ability to produce words that have a flawless meaning. Then again, pure silver is still only 99.999 percent pure. In any event, unalienable Rights are those Rights which are a gift from the Creator and not subject to the whims of man.

I am opposed on that point here, because some critics feel if you can go through the process (which is an illusion) and pick your slave master, then you are not a slave. I call BS on it. Granted, there can be many degrees of slavery, but we've yet to address a very specific point about the subject. What made the black people enslave their own brethren and sell them in the first place? If those who were sold into slavery were so despised by their brethren that their native country not only allowed, but participated in rounding them up, then you have to wonder who they were in the first place. In the alternative, if we stick to the doctrine of the universal equality of man, the water gets real murky. If black people sell their own into slavery without cause, that makes them better than the whites they hope to kill off. Knowing why any particular black person was sold in the first place is relevant. And, if you accept the liberal apologists and their theories, an uncomfortable truth arises: mankind ultimately sells themselves into slavery... some more than others. Why?

This is a never ending argument because some people want to be right rather than to be the kind that look for a solution to perceived problems. Because my critics cannot accept facts, they cannot prevail in any argument. Furthermore, when they resorted to name calling, false allegations, and Internet bullying, they LOST any pretense of a debate. That kind of discourse only said they realized their arguments were weak. That doesn't stop people from using Google to bolster their claims. The left is closer to Hitler than I am - and they try that Big Lie technique of repeating a lie over and over until it's accepted as truth.

You sure do care about race a lot. :lol: :lol:
The Resister wrote:
Knowing why any particular black person was sold in the first place is relevant. And, if you accept the liberal apologists and their theories, an uncomfortable truth arises: mankind ultimately sells themselves into slavery... some more than others. Why?

Economics. Moralistic much?
@The Resister you replied;

If you weren't totally ignorant, you might impress me.

A two-for-one; insulting and arrogant. I am not interested in impressing you, I'm interested in the destruction of your twisted ideology which has corrupted the Earth for well nigh 3 centuries now.

Look, if you want to know what a man is about ASK HIM. Don't assume. It makes an ASS of U and ME. You are living in a delusional world.

You've written enough that most here are aware of what you're about. As for delusion... I look to the results. Besides, you reveal far more than you realize, digging a hole and keeping digging at it.

I have no false illusions about the way the world operates and the way it was intended to operate. Democrats took over America. All you ever hear is that America is a democracy when, in fact, we were intended to be a Republic. Yeah, I know all about the Democratic Republic B.S. and I know that party didn't last 50 years. I'm also aware that dishonest people will try to claim republic and democracy are actually the same word. Save it. I heard it before. The reality is the liberal, left wing, democratic, democratic socialist, socialist, communist combine that has captured the American mind is the ones who push the anti-Christian / Darwinian narrative that might is right and they do all they can to enforce the narrative of universal equality at the point of a gun.

What you are saying is literally nonsense. Nobody can hold to a ''might is right'' belief and ''universal equality'' at the same time.

I don't believe in any of it. But, since the government is claiming all this equal rights B.S. it's time to call them on it. I'll give you a quick course in reality that you weren't taught in public school:

I think that you are the one who is making the assumptions. But do go on;

When my forefathers came to America, they were looking for a place where they could worship freely, think for themselves, and build a model for the world to aspire to. As long as they stuck to the basic blueprint, they were successful. By every metric America became the greatest nation in the world. We did in under 300 years more than the Roman Empire could do in 1500 years (1000 years depending upon which historian you read). Anybody that doubts that would have to explain why the rest of the world wants to come to the United States. In 1630, John Winthrop gave a sermon aboard the Arbella as it sailed toward the New World. That sermon has been quoted by Democrat and Republican alike. Both JFK and Ronald Reagan as presidents have quoted in speeches in their positions as U.S. Presidents. FWIW, here is a link to it: ... harity.pdf

In 300 years, these delusions have corrupted the Earth and filled it with bloodshed. Again,nonsense. ''New Jerusalem'' will be built by Christ when He comes again, so it is by definition incapable of ''losing it's way''. And let's not dance around,shall we? I've known people like you all my life,you're a white supremacist, plain and simple. Maybe even of the so-called ''Christian Identity'' sort;

THAT is the America I envision. We are not gods, but this country was founded by Christians who saw themselves as being the Israelites of the Bible and America is the New Jerusalem. That would make us servants of God. Instead of staying on course, America became a multicultural cesspool and nobody can agree on anything. The false promise of a universal equality of man is a myth. But, those people who built a nation on moral absolutes and a functioning government are a defeated people.

Self defeating, because of contradictory premises that are false, your premises.

I'm not going to change reality by turning America over to the mixed multitude whose ideologies haven't worked out for them anywhere in the world. There aren't enough good people to fight and most of that is due to ignorance. The best we can hope for is to challenge the mixed multitude. Demand our Rights. Then, when the sleeping sheeple are wakened by the subtle takeover of America, they will rise up and we move forward in the next cycle of history: ... 200-years/

Ah, the ''mixed multitude''.... See? You're really transparent. If we're to talk, be honest,don't hide behind the lame and insulting code that fools nobody.

There is no point in telling one segment of society they are equal when we know damn well they aren't being treated as equals. We're grown ups here. There is a blueprint, a way to reclaim our Liberty. If you want to curse me, maybe you might want to know what it is I stand for. You can go to and click on The Charter.

Been there months ago, that's why I know you're one of the ''Sovereign Citizen'' folks. Most differ in one thing or another, but the basic ideology is always the same.
Rancid wrote:You sure do care about race a lot. :lol: :lol:

This is a thread about race. Maybe had more people stuck to the OP, this thread would have been done about a dozen pages back. What do you want to talk about on a thread about slavery wherein the libs only want to talk about black slavery?
annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister you replied;

A two-for-one; insulting and arrogant. I am not interested in impressing you, I'm interested in the destruction of your twisted ideology which has corrupted the Earth for well nigh 3 centuries now.

You've written enough that most here are aware of what you're about. As for delusion... I look to the results. Besides, you reveal far more than you realize, digging a hole and keeping digging at it.

What you are saying is literally nonsense. Nobody can hold to a ''might is right'' belief and ''universal equality'' at the same time.

I think that you are the one who is making the assumptions. But do go on;

In 300 years, these delusions have corrupted the Earth and filled it with bloodshed. Again,nonsense. ''New Jerusalem'' will be built by Christ when He comes again, so it is by definition incapable of ''losing it's way''. And let's not dance around,shall we? I've known people like you all my life,you're a white supremacist, plain and simple. Maybe even of the so-called ''Christian Identity'' sort;

Self defeating, because of contradictory premises that are false, your premises.

Ah, the ''mixed multitude''.... See? You're really transparent. If we're to talk, be honest,don't hide behind the lame and insulting code that fools nobody.

Been there months ago, that's why I know you're one of the ''Sovereign Citizen'' folks. Most differ in one thing or another, but the basic ideology is always the same.

You keep reverting back to your standard canard. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or are you really that stupid? Are you so stupid that you don't understand English OR are you so hung up on your own ego that you don't understand that this thread is NOT about me and you might not have the answers you think you do?

I'm not going to answer all your BS because it is not relevant to the thread, NOR does any of it have any basis in fact. There is one thing I will say to you. After 44 years of experience, many times I see other organizations ripping off things I wrote about or discussed in public more than a quarter of a century ago. Maybe if you learned how to ASK QUESTIONS, you wouldn't arrive at the erroneous and idiotic conclusions that you do.

I think the charge you wanted to accuse me of is called cognitive dissonance. Yes, it IS possible for people to hold two separate viewpoints at the same time. See, they even have a psychology term for it. But, it's not that simple:

While most liberals have the black people snowed with this ideology wherein they preach equality and the ultimate snow job that race is a social construct, they have pretty much the same mentality you do - we're all equal. But, what you practice is that you have to win. Above all else, regardless of the condition of your fellow man, you have to win. That's what it's all about. So, I have to wonder whether it is your ego OR you are genuinely really that stupid. You're obviously ignorant since you want to say that something that is very real doesn't exist. You'd do well to learn from it. While these boards are a good place to hone your skills and keep you going back to Google to perfect your argument, it doesn't guarantee that you are smarter than the next guy.

Secondly, your stupidity is really prevalent when you try to make people think that one must be Christian Identity in order to believe America is the New Jerusalem. You are either stupid OR you are a liar: ... itans.html ... 12-02-0017

I could give you more, but no need. Your idiocy is astounding. Your lack of knowledge about the Bible and the history of our forefathers is the product of a public education and your inability to accept the facts. Seems to me that they have a word for that ... Ah yes, there it is - prejudice. Prejudice is lacking in three things: thought, knowledge and reason.

The terminology of using "mixed multitude" is one where your ignorance is really mind boggling. It's a biblical reference. Exodus 12: 38 - 40, Numbers 11: 4, Nehemiah 13: 3, etc., etc. and they are never talked about in a good sense. The masses were always at war with the laws of God.

Finally, we look at the issue of Sovereign Citizens - The current crowd of people that you call Sovereign Citizens sometimes use work that I pioneered almost 30 years ago. I don't sound like them - they are taking from me. So, I don't agree with them on a lot of issues. The fact is in all the years I've been active, not one single person EVER spent a night in jail, got arrested, put into prison or were ever successfully sued for taking my advice or doing the things I did. Let's be perfectly clear hear: There is only ONE Sovereign. Got it? Check out a Bible and you'll get the message.

Now then, you've been schooled. Either get back on point or screw you. I'm not the subject of this thread and this is the last time I will answer the lying, double talking, bullshitters whose argument is so weak that they want to screw with me personally. If someone did come here and were all you claimed, it would not be a bar to them having a valid opinion. FWIW, I graduated a Bible College that later became affiliated with the LDS. I made my exit because I did not believe there was something special about Joseph Smith. So, now another of your theories is shot to Hell. So, having answered your BS, either get back on topic OR I'll give you the same thing I gave the other desperate poseur.

And what is it you believe in other than some form of socialism, destruction of this country, and your religious bigotry? What do you think makes you so damn superior to the rest of mankind that you cannot be in a civil discourse without attacking people that don't have squat to do with this?
The Resister wrote:If someone did come here and were all you claimed, it would not be a bar to them having a valid opinion

So you are an apostate Jew who graduated from a Christian - Are Mormons Christians? - Bible college, joined Posse Comitatus, and founded a Jew-hating White supremacist Christian identity 'We are the true Israelites, chosen by God' militia in the early '90s?

click on The Charter

Is that the Posse charter first issued in 1969 in Portland, Oregon, by Henry Lamont Beach, a retired dry cleaner and a one-time member of The Silver Legion of America, commonly known as the Silver Shirts, a Nazi-inspired organization that was established in America after Hitler took power in Germany?

* James Corcoran, Bitter Harvest: Gordon Kahl and the Posse Comitatus: Murder in the Heartland
@The Resister , you said;

You keep reverting back to your standard canard. Do you have a problem with reading comprehension or are you really that stupid? Are you so stupid that you don't understand English OR are you so hung up on your own ego that you don't understand that this thread is NOT about me and you might not have the answers you think you do?

When I catch this much flak, I know that I'm over my target. All your protestations aside,you are exactly what you seem to be to others here. And that doesn't happen that often, you almost have to work at it.

I'm not going to answer all your BS because it is not relevant to the thread, NOR does any of it have any basis in fact. There is one thing I will say to you. After 44 years of experience, many times I see other organizations ripping off things I wrote about or discussed in public more than a quarter of a century ago. Maybe if you learned how to ASK QUESTIONS, you wouldn't arrive at the erroneous and idiotic conclusions that you do.

Blank dismissal is such a wearisome tactic on your part; why don't you put your big-boy pants on and be honest?

And those organizations which ''rip you off'', I imagine that they are Sovereign Citizen and other various right-wing groups, yes? How else would you categorize them? And if they are that way and took from your ideas what would that make you?

I think the charge you wanted to accuse me of is called cognitive dissonance. Yes, it IS possible for people to hold two separate viewpoints at the same time. See, they even have a psychology term for it. But, it's not that simple:

No, your original accusation of cognitive dissonance was directed at your interlocutors, not yourself. What you are has been all but firmly established.

While most liberals have the black people snowed with this ideology wherein they preach equality and the ultimate snow job that race is a social construct, they have pretty much the same mentality you do - we're all equal.

So you are a racialist, see it wasn't so hard to be honest, was it? Your narrative is that black people are stupid and conned by ''Liberals'' into thinking that they are equal to other peoples when in fact they are not. Racialism is a position to be defended or rejected, so what else do you believe about the issue of race that you cannot be honest about?

All that aside, your ''contribution'' to this thread is fundamentally dishonest, because while white people definitely were often enslaved throughout history, they were made slaves not because of whiteness, but because of other factors. Black people being enslaved was given a racial justification by their enslavers; that blacks are an inferior race to which the best use for most they can be put to is slavery. And this was something new, this type of ex post facto justification. Now they aren't slaves, but still regarded by some as if the attitude which put them in chains in the first place was the correct one, a racial inferiority. Defend that if you dare, but drop the dishonesty. I know better, I've read George Fitzhugh, Robert Lewis Dabney, and the like, so I know the old position inside and out.

But, what you practice is that you have to win. Above all else, regardless of the condition of your fellow man, you have to win. That's what it's all about. So, I have to wonder whether it is your ego OR you are genuinely really that stupid. You're obviously ignorant since you want to say that something that is very real doesn't exist. You'd do well to learn from it. While these boards are a good place to hone your skills and keep you going back to Google to perfect your argument, it doesn't guarantee that you are smarter than the next guy.

Truth matters, regardless of one's specific natural intelligence. And your arrogance is your downfall.

Secondly, your stupidity is really prevalent when you try to make people think that one must be Christian Identity in order to believe America is the New Jerusalem. You are either stupid OR you are a liar:

More dishonesty from you. I suggested the possibility that you are ''Christian Identity'' in your beliefs, not that you were specifically ''Christian Identity''. Only you could clear that up one way or another 100%. Again,your abusive anger suggests that my theory is a highly likely one. ... itans.html ... 12-02-0017

Yes, you confirmed what was already known, at least to me, that America was built on blasphemous heresy by unhinged fanatical apostates from the true Faith of Christ. Christ builds ''New Jerusalem'' when He returns, not you or me or anyone else. Him.

I could give you more, but no need. Your idiocy is astounding. Your lack of knowledge about the Bible and the history of our forefathers is the product of a public education and your inability to accept the facts. Seems to me that they have a word for that ... Ah yes, there it is - prejudice. Prejudice is lacking in three things: thought, knowledge and reason.

More abusive cowardly squid ink coming from you when you're forced to retreat.

The terminology of using "mixed multitude" is one where your ignorance is really mind boggling. It's a biblical reference. Exodus 12: 38 - 40, Numbers 11: 4, Nehemiah 13: 3, etc., etc. and they are never talked about in a good sense. The masses were always at war with the laws of God.

Those verses don't speak of the ''masses'', they speak of a ''mixed multitude'' which followed the Children of Israel out of Egypt, and in context you are now not admitting an ethno-racial factor, being silent about it. Why is that, this dishonesty by omission of yours?

Finally, we look at the issue of Sovereign Citizens - The current crowd of people that you call Sovereign Citizens sometimes use work that I pioneered almost 30 years ago. I don't sound like them - they are taking from me. So, I don't agree with them on a lot of issues. The fact is in all the years I've been active, not one single person EVER spent a night in jail, got arrested, put into prison or were ever successfully sued for taking my advice or doing the things I did. Let's be perfectly clear hear: There is only ONE Sovereign. Got it? Check out a Bible and you'll get the message.

You do not follow the Sovereignty of God, and He speaks only of the lawlessness of people like you in a political sense among others. And if the ''Sovereign Citizen'' movement took from you, that should be a frank admission on your part that the Ideology is still yours-whether they pilfered it from you or not.

Now then, you've been schooled.


Either get back on point or screw you. I'm not the subject of this thread and this is the last time I will answer the lying, double talking, bullshitters whose argument is so weak that they want to screw with me personally. If someone did come here and were all you claimed, it would not be a bar to them having a valid opinion. FWIW, I graduated a Bible College that later became affiliated with the LDS. I made my exit because I did not believe there was something special about Joseph Smith. So, now another of your theories is shot to Hell. So, having answered your BS, either get back on topic OR I'll give you the same thing I gave the other desperate poseur.

I said nothing about the LDS. Curiouser and Curiouser.

And what is it you believe in other than some form of socialism, destruction of this country, and your religious bigotry? What do you think makes you so damn superior to the rest of mankind that you cannot be in a civil discourse without attacking people that don't have squat to do with this?

Projecting much? I follow the laws of the government in all things except a possible theoretical command to sin. As for ''religious bigotry'', I have the teachings which were given me and to which I adhere to. As a result of those teachings, I have certain opinions about different issues. Don't be a special snowflake for hearing them. And ''socialism''? I'd love to hear what you think is socialism...
annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister , you said;

When I catch this much flak, I know that I'm over my target. All your protestations aside,you are exactly what you seem to be to others here. And that doesn't happen that often, you almost have to work at it.

Blank dismissal is such a wearisome tactic on your part; why don't you put your big-boy pants on and be honest?

And those organizations which ''rip you off'', I imagine that they are Sovereign Citizen and other various right-wing groups, yes? How else would you categorize them? And if they are that way and took from your ideas what would that make you?

No, your original accusation of cognitive dissonance was directed at your interlocutors, not yourself. What you are has been all but firmly established.

So you are a racialist, see it wasn't so hard to be honest, was it? Your narrative is that black people are stupid and conned by ''Liberals'' into thinking that they are equal to other peoples when in fact they are not. Racialism is a position to be defended or rejected, so what else do you believe about the issue of race that you cannot be honest about?

All that aside, your ''contribution'' to this thread is fundamentally dishonest, because while white people definitely were often enslaved throughout history, they were made slaves not because of whiteness, but because of other factors. Black people being enslaved was given a racial justification by their enslavers; that blacks are an inferior race to which the best use for most they can be put to is slavery. And this was something new, this type of ex post facto justification. Now they aren't slaves, but still regarded by some as if the attitude which put them in chains in the first place was the correct one, a racial inferiority. Defend that if you dare, but drop the dishonesty. I know better, I've read George Fitzhugh, Robert Lewis Dabney, and the like, so I know the old position inside and out.

Truth matters, regardless of one's specific natural intelligence. And your arrogance is your downfall.

More dishonesty from you. I suggested the possibility that you are ''Christian Identity'' in your beliefs, not that you were specifically ''Christian Identity''. Only you could clear that up one way or another 100%. Again,your abusive anger suggests that my theory is a highly likely one.

Yes, you confirmed what was already known, at least to me, that America was built on blasphemous heresy by unhinged fanatical apostates from the true Faith of Christ. Christ builds ''New Jerusalem'' when He returns, not you or me or anyone else. Him.

More abusive cowardly squid ink coming from you when you're forced to retreat.

Those verses don't speak of the ''masses'', they speak of a ''mixed multitude'' which followed the Children of Israel out of Egypt, and in context you are now not admitting an ethno-racial factor, being silent about it. Why is that, this dishonesty by omission of yours?

You do not follow the Sovereignty of God, and He speaks only of the lawlessness of people like you in a political sense among others. And if the ''Sovereign Citizen'' movement took from you, that should be a frank admission on your part that the Ideology is still yours-whether they pilfered it from you or not.


I said nothing about the LDS. Curiouser and Curiouser.

Projecting much? I follow the laws of the government in all things except a possible theoretical command to sin. As for ''religious bigotry'', I have the teachings which were given me and to which I adhere to. As a result of those teachings, I have certain opinions about different issues. Don't be a special snowflake for hearing them. And ''socialism''? I'd love to hear what you think is socialism...

There is but, one thing left to say to you Gomer Pyle. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are a pathetic liar and I'm not about to read your bullshit. Got that? When I saw you believing this delusional idiocy that you speak for everybody on this board, it told me what a megalomaniac you really are. You can't make an argument relative to the thread so, you preach an endless stream of total bullshit to the legions of ... what three posters - at least one that has an IQ lower than his shoe size (as do you).

No sir, I don't owe you a damn thing. I've told you the truth, answered irrelevant crap for the last time. I accept your surrender. If you have nothing except crap that you are too chickenshit to say to my face, then you've lost this argument. What, besides socialism, communism, and atheism are YOU peddling?

You were wrong about my religion and without reading your line by line deflections, you insist on challenging me. You're a mental midget that cannot engage in civil discourse. So, I will have this conversation with you ONCE. If you have some smart ass reply about me, my religion, or anything else - say it in a PM, tell me to name the time and the place. OTHERWISE, every person on this forum will know that you are a lowlife coward that lies with each keystroke. You don't have a legitimate beef about the topic and you aren't smart enough to confine your comments to the subject. THAT says all that any decent human being ought to know about you. I'd bet my house (at it's fully paid for) against a hundred dollar bill that you lack the courage to say even one of those insults to my face. Fuck you. I'm not Christian Identity and if I were, I'd be proud of it. Your religious bigotry is a stench that no decent person ought to have to read. And so, I won't. Now, do you have something related to the topic? If not, I accept your surrender and can safely ignore any future posts by you. Unless you have something to say to me in PM, your next post better be about the topic or I won't read past the first sentence.
The Resister wrote:There is but, one thing left to say to you Gomer Pyle. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on. You are a pathetic liar and I'm not about to read your bullshit. Got that? When I saw you believing this delusional idiocy that you speak for everybody on this board, it told me what a megalomaniac you really are. You can't make an argument relative to the thread so, you preach an endless stream of total bullshit to the legions of ... what three posters - at least one that has an IQ lower than his shoe size (as do you).

No sir, I don't owe you a damn thing. I've told you the truth, answered irrelevant crap for the last time. I accept your surrender. If you have nothing except crap that you are too chickenshit to say to my face, then you've lost this argument. What, besides socialism, communism, and atheism are YOU peddling?

You were wrong about my religion and without reading your line by line deflections, you insist on challenging me. You're a mental midget that cannot engage in civil discourse. So, I will have this conversation with you ONCE. If you have some smart ass reply about me, my religion, or anything else - say it in a PM, tell me to name the time and the place. OTHERWISE, every person on this forum will know that you are a lowlife coward that lies with each keystroke. You don't have a legitimate beef about the topic and you aren't smart enough to confine your comments to the subject. THAT says all that any decent human being ought to know about you. I'd bet my house (at it's fully paid for) against a hundred dollar bill that you lack the courage to say even one of those insults to my face. Fuck you. I'm not Christian Identity and if I were, I'd be proud of it. Your religious bigotry is a stench that no decent person ought to have to read. And so, I won't. Now, do you have something related to the topic? If not, I accept your surrender and can safely ignore any future posts by you. Unless you have something to say to me in PM, your next post better be about the topic or I won't read past the first sentence.

@The Resister , why are you under the mis-impression that saying something in a PM is somehow less cowardly than saying it out in the open for the whole PoFo contingent here to see?

Politics is not personal. If you have bad ideas, it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, but you have identified so much with your cause that it's making you appear to be a dreary, bitter, fanatical ideologue.

Nothing I said would be offensive to an actual believer in those things I mentioned. How else would anyone perceive you, other than dishonest about your worldview, if you go about in the manner you have done? And nothing I have said is unrelated to this thread. I made it clear that whereas other peoples were indeed enslaved besides black people, black people's enslavement was claimed to have been justified by their alleged inferiority as human beings.

Are you asserting otherwise? If this isn't what you believe, what can be concluded about some of the statements you have made? If I or some others are mistaken about your thoughts on this matter, what can you write that would clear up the confusion?

Likewise, I said that you clearly believe-by your own statement-that black people are conned by ''liberals'' into thinking that equality is a reality. This is a definitive assertion of a worldview. Are you denying this statement is a true characterization of what you believe to be the case?
annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister , why are you under the mis-impression that saying something in a PM is somehow less cowardly than saying it out in the open for the whole PoFo contingent here to see?

Politics is not personal. If you have bad ideas, it doesn't necessarily make you a bad person, but you have identified so much with your cause that it's making you appear to be a dreary, bitter, fanatical ideologue.

Nothing I said would be offensive to an actual believer in those things I mentioned. How else would anyone perceive you, other than dishonest about your worldview, if you go about in the manner you have done? And nothing I have said is unrelated to this thread. I made it clear that whereas other peoples were indeed enslaved besides black people, black people's enslavement was claimed to have been justified by their alleged inferiority as human beings.

Are you asserting otherwise? If this isn't what you believe, what can be concluded about some of the statements you have made? If I or some others are mistaken about your thoughts on this matter, what can you write that would clear up the confusion?

Likewise, I said that you clearly believe-by your own statement-that black people are conned by ''liberals'' into thinking that equality is a reality. This is a definitive assertion of a worldview. Are you denying this statement is a true characterization of what you believe to be the case?

You and I realize that you are a bullshit artist and you falsely believe that you found an easy mark since I gave you some undeserved attention. If you called me out in an open forum, we both know you would get your smart ass banned. OTOH, if you wanted to make a REAL challenge, you take it up with someone in a PM and find out whether or not they are chickenshit. You've pretty much told your supporters what you are. Nothing more be said. In the state I live in, had you talked that shit to my face, I would be legally justified doing something about it since it constituted fighting words.

Politics isn't personal? That's why you've attacked my religion, my personal stances, and not focused on the topic of this thread? Are you that hypocritical or are you plain stupid? I've owned billygoats with more common sense. No sir. I do not believe I will allow you to continue spinning what I say to suit your description of me. If anything I believe in worries you and bothers you, do something besides rattle my cage. And Slick, if you call me out, the answer is not yes, but HELL YES. Other than that, you have done your dead level best to lie about me, misrepresent me, and claim I said things I didn't say. You're a manipulative liar with no balls and no brains. I told you before if you have nothing else, our business here is done.

One last thing: IF you spoke for every person on this board, it would only prove that Zombies are real. I don't think you speak for more than 10 percent of this board's posters. You need to take $50 and go to a dog pound. Buy yourself a dog. Name it Life. That way you can say you have one.
@The Resister , just when I think you cannot get any lower in assaulting your own dignity, you surprise me;

You and I realize that you are a bullshit artist and you falsely believe that you found an easy mark since I gave you some undeserved attention.

Simply asking you questions you're too afraid to answer, for what is bound to be a strange and rather perplexing reason. It's not like PoFo hasn't had all manner of people with all kinds of different worldviews and political ideologies here, having fairly reasonable conversations. I leave to others to decide who of us appears to be more of a ''bullshit artist'' by our responses.

If you called me out in an open forum, we both know you would get your smart ass banned.

I know that people with certain personality types tend to be too self-absorbed to notice others too deeply, but I'm not always well regarded by the management here, and you'd know that by reading even a slight number of my posts here. Oh yes, there are times I am the one regarded as some kind of reactionary and racist by some.

OTOH, if you wanted to make a REAL challenge, you take it up with someone in a PM and find out whether or not they are chickenshit.

That seems a bit of a strange idea to me;

You've pretty much told your supporters what you are.

''supporters''? :lol:

What is this, some kind of Fuhrer versus Great Helmsman cage fight? ... Stalin.jpg

I'm just a fellow. With the use of logic and a questioning mind.

Nothing more be said. In the state I live in, had you talked that shit to my face, I would be legally justified doing something about it since it constituted fighting words.


Politics isn't personal? That's why you've attacked my religion,

Where did I do that?

my personal stances, and not focused on the topic of this thread?

Several times now you have dodged questions I have posed to you precisely about the topic of this thread.

Are you that hypocritical or are you plain stupid? I've owned billygoats with more common sense.

Let's not start bringing up barnyard animals, please.

No sir. I do not believe I will allow you to continue spinning what I say to suit your description of me.

What have I said or possibly insinuated that does not have bearing on the topic of this thread?

If anything I believe in worries you and bothers you, do something besides rattle my cage.

I'm neither worried, nor bothered,by you. I'm more concerned about Fascists, not Anarchists.

And Slick, if you call me out, the answer is not yes, but HELL YES. Other than that, you have done your dead level best to lie about me, misrepresent me, and claim I said things I didn't say.

Can you quote where I did that, so we can resolve the issue?

You're a manipulative liar with no balls and no brains. I told you before if you have nothing else, our business here is done.


I'm a lot of bad things to be sure, but if you feel that way, maybe you should avoid debates on PoFo. Some of the people here would eat you alive and really make you look like a fool, get steam to come out of your ears and give you a CVA. I'm neither manipulative nor a liar, I detest such things.

One last thing: IF you spoke for every person on this board, it would only prove that Zombies are real. I don't think you speak for more than 10 percent of this board's posters. You need to take $50 and go to a dog pound. Buy yourself a dog. Name it Life. That way you can say you have one.

You're funny. Relax and don't make politics a substitute for life, Mr. Projector.
The Resister wrote:I would be legally justified doing something about it since it constituted fighting words.

In the US, fighting words are not an excuse or defense for a retaliatory assault and battery.

Also, don't forget that in the armed US, given your threats, a history of intent to do serious bodily harm to @annatar1914, he would be legally justified if he blew your brains out when you tried.

Hands and fists can be considered deadly weapons under these circumstances.

annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister , just when I think you cannot get any lower in assaulting your own dignity, you surprise me;

Simply asking you questions you're too afraid to answer, for what is bound to be a strange and rather perplexing reason. It's not like PoFo hasn't had all manner of people with all kinds of different worldviews and political ideologies here, having fairly reasonable conversations. I leave to others to decide who of us appears to be more of a ''bullshit artist'' by our responses.

I know that people with certain personality types tend to be too self-absorbed to notice others too deeply, but I'm not always well regarded by the management here, and you'd know that by reading even a slight number of my posts here. Oh yes, there are times I am the one regarded as some kind of reactionary and racist by some.

That seems a bit of a strange idea to me;

''supporters''? :lol:

What is this, some kind of Fuhrer versus Great Helmsman cage fight? ... Stalin.jpg

I'm just a fellow. With the use of logic and a questioning mind.


Where did I do that?

Several times now you have dodged questions I have posed to you precisely about the topic of this thread.

Let's not start bringing up barnyard animals, please.

What have I said or possibly insinuated that does not have bearing on the topic of this thread?

I'm neither worried, nor bothered,by you. I'm more concerned about Fascists, not Anarchists.

Can you quote where I did that, so we can resolve the issue?


I'm a lot of bad things to be sure, but if you feel that way, maybe you should avoid debates on PoFo. Some of the people here would eat you alive and really make you look like a fool, get steam to come out of your ears and give you a CVA. I'm neither manipulative nor a liar, I detest such things.

You're funny. Relax and don't make politics a substitute for life, Mr. Projector.

You are a perpetual liar and I have answered enough irrelevant questions so that you should be able to focus on the subject. Aren't you the half wit that didn't understand what cognitive dissonance was? I also told you that I'm not going to answer any more personal questions. I'm content to let everybody decide the value of my posts - and I don't have to bait and badger anyone on here to make a point.

You've been too chickenshit to answer MY questions. I've been so instructed as to what I can or cannot say on this board. The Libertarians over at freeforums don't have any censorship. Hint, hint. I told you that if your first sentence was aimed at me personally, I wouldn't give you the satisfaction of reading the rest of your post. This is me keeping my word.

You have no honor and you lack the ability to look at yourself. You pretend with that "we" language that the whole world is on your side; you pretend to understand a Bible you've never read; you haven't looked at the facts presented nor read the links offered. You aren't capable of using your brain (presupposing you have one). A man that don't use his brain may as well have been born with two assholes. You prove that point each time you post.

Once more: Do you have anything regarding the OP that has not been addressed?
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