First British slaves in America were Irish - Page 25 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

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The Resister wrote:my family was in bondage for over 400 years.

After serving the cult of Mormon and wearing the magic underwear.

What the Torah says we should do with you...

Punishing the apostate Jew.

you shall not yield to him or listen to him, nor shall your eye pity him, nor shall you spare him, nor shall you conceal him. But you shall kill him. Your hand shall be first against him to put him to death, and afterward the hand of all the people. You shall stone him to death with stones.

Deuteronomy 13:8-10

Note there is not one single solitary thing you can say about that statement I cannot honestly and logically defend from the Bible.


* What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
Last edited by ingliz on 16 Jul 2021 20:11, edited 1 time in total.
The Resister wrote:Having lost my job due to the hue of my skin

Have you ever thought you lost your job because you couldn't cut it? That your swarthy replacement was better qualified, better motivated, more efficient, a better worker. In short, not the arsehole who spends the boss's time pissing off his fellow workers with talk of race wars and white genocide.


The Resister wrote:
liberal, left wing, Progressive, Democratic, Democratic Socialist, Socialist, and Communist combine

At certain times there's a *broad* common-denominator under all of these disparate political tendencies, which could also be called a 'platform'. A recent example would be in getting the Hitler-approving Trump *out of office*.

Ideologies & Operations -- Fundamentals

Spoiler: show


Anatomy of a Platform

Spoiler: show


Anatomy of a Platform: The News Cycle -- Anti-Trump-Dynasty

Spoiler: show
ingliz wrote:Have you ever thought you lost your job because you couldn't cut it?

Some people are so perfect, that any criticism (or snub, or dismissal) must be because of others jealously attacking some aspect of their fabulousness.

There is no other way for an alienated narcisist to interpret criticism.
ingliz wrote:Have you ever thought you lost your job because you couldn't cut it? That your swarthy replacement was better qualified, better motivated, more efficient, a better worker. In short, not the arsehole who spends the boss's time pissing off his fellow workers with talk of race wars and white genocide.



I've never lost a job for not being able to cut it. I was laid off with more than 20 other guys that lost their job due to affirmative action. You probably know that, but you are too gutless to admit the truth.
ckaihatsu wrote:At certain times there's a *broad* common-denominator under all of these disparate political tendencies, which could also be called a 'platform'. A recent example would be in getting the Hitler-approving Trump *out of office*.

Ideologies & Operations -- Fundamentals

Spoiler: show


Anatomy of a Platform

Spoiler: show


Anatomy of a Platform: The News Cycle -- Anti-Trump-Dynasty

Spoiler: show

Trump is just another bloated politician whose in love with the sound of his own voice. Funny though - he's selling the right on swill that Bill Clinton couldn't.
QatzelOk wrote:Never.
Some people are so perfect, that any criticism (or snub, or dismissal) must be because of others jealously attacking some aspect of their fabulousness.

There is no other way for an alienated narcisist to interpret criticism.

Attacking people is not criticism. It is cowardice. For you to join a mob says a lot about you. You are projecting. I'm just in the midst of misguided liberals, living in their head rent free, proving that they don't respect the Right to a Freedom of Expression, and they aren't smart enough to simply quit posting because they know damn well I am NOT a narcissist, but rather a man that can take on six air headed liberals at a time and still put facts on the table they aren't equipped to deal with. I didn't have to call people names and that has to piss you off. What does that say about you? Oh yeah, all of you are Harvard grads that just come here every day because you have time to kill. NOT.
@The Resister ,

Attacking people is not criticism. It is cowardice.

You're not being attacked. I'd say that you're dishing out far more than you have received in any case.

For you to join a mob says a lot about you. You are projecting. I'm just in the midst of misguided liberals,

I'd say almost nobody you're talking to so far is a Liberal, and a couple (such as myself) actively loathe Liberal ideology.

living in their head rent free, proving that they don't respect the Right to a Freedom of Expression, and they aren't smart enough to simply quit posting because they know damn well I am NOT a narcissist, but rather a man that can take on six air headed liberals at a time and still put facts on the table they aren't equipped to deal with.

I'm perhaps an odd bird in that I pray for myself and for the people I talk to online, but I don't think that counts as you ''living in my head rent free''.

And when you can list those ''facts'', let me know what they are because I haven't seen them yet,thank you.

I didn't have to call people names and that has to piss you off. What does that say about you? Oh yeah, all of you are Harvard grads that just come here every day because you have time to kill. NOT.

No, I really do have some time to kill, so I thought I'd see if you were ''owning the libs'' by now. Doesn't look too good on that.
annatar1914 wrote:@The Resister ,

You're not being attacked. I'd say that you're dishing out far more than you have received in any case.

I'd say almost nobody you're talking to so far is a Liberal, and a couple (such as myself) actively loathe Liberal ideology.

I'm perhaps an odd bird in that I pray for myself and for the people I talk to online, but I don't think that counts as you ''living in my head rent free''.

And when you can list those ''facts'', let me know what they are because I haven't seen them yet,thank you.

No, I really do have some time to kill, so I thought I'd see if you were ''owning the libs'' by now. Doesn't look too good on that.

You and I both know that if I didn't have something worth saying, rational people wouldn't be posting. The fact that I was called names right out of the chute said that my critics don't have any substantive case. IF you have an IQ above your shoe size, you should understand that much. Generally speaking, skepticism deserves a question, not an allegation if you are going to engage in civil discourse.

The standard canard of the left and Trumpanzees is exactly the same. If they can't understand the message they throw the race card in there. If they don't like what you say, you are a "racist." Under most circumstances I wouldn't give two hoots in Hell what people accuse me of, but calling someone a racist where I live is to accuse them of a felony. So, I came here, said my piece and was anxious to walk out the door and not let it hit me on the ass on my way out. When I became a target with people attacking me, you damn right - I gave as much as I received. I'm fending off at least five trolls and still not getting a beat down. If by now my critics haven't made their point and can't just agree to disagree, then they have a problem.

I told you: I put the liberal, left wing, Progressives, Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists, and Communists into one category. They all seem to be comfortable supporting the Democrats. So, either you're one of them or you are not. By contrast the right has found a character they believe was sent here to be Jesus incarnate in Donald Trump. Trump got his talking points from Bill Clinton and his proposed solutions for immigration from National Socialists. So, like it or not, I'm not on anybody's freaking side. Anybody that don't like my refusal to be lumped into categories I don't agree with can kiss my ass.

On Tea Party and militia sites they accused me of being a liberal, socialist, etc., etc. They were scared to death to defend their positions so name calling was their easy out. I come here and silly people started saying I was Christian Identity (which is a movement, not a religious denomination), yet I lasted 45 minutes on their discussion board before William Finck, their self appointed supreme leader, got into a whizzing contest with me because I gave an opinion they didn't like. I can safely say I don't belong around those people.

I don't belong here either because people today say things on the Internet that they would never have the courage to say to a man's face. But, where I come from, when people do say those things, they are fighting words. I can only presume that those coming out of the chute, calling me names and making allegations are bucking for a fight. All I can do at that point is to accept their challenge. But, people today are chickenshit. They want to rattle your cage, call you names and then run like a scalded dog. Quite frankly, I missed the rule on this discussion board that says you have to subscribe to any given philosophy in order to offer a valid opinion. In America it's like everybody is in a fucking gang and if you don't join one or the other, all of them feel obliged to accuse you of belonging to the other gang because you aren't part of theirs. It's a childish world.

MOST of what is on this thread is communist drivel - whether the critic poster is intending it to be or not. More of what they say can be linked to communist rhetoric than the statements I make that get the snowflakes jumping up and down in their chairs screaming racist and banging their keyboards until blood is coming from their fingers. Take the jackass that accused me of being "fired" because black and brown people were better workers. If that wasn't some racist bullshit, there isn't a cow in Texas. But, I won't call the guy a racist. He's a moron. You see, I left home when I was 14 and got laid off because of my race at the ripe old age of 17. Without a family support system; without any money, just the pack on my back; without any help from Uncle Scam, within 11 years of that incident I managed to go to college, buy a new car, and a new mobile home on a plot of land. Today, the house I live in is mine - paid for as is my car and I have no outstanding debts. I have money in the bank and earlier this week I checked my credit score. It is 806. So, if I'm the dumb mother fucker you would portray me to be, I'm still smarter than the legions of people that want to stand on someone else's back in order to eke out their living.

At 14 I was the product of a broken home. My father beat us. I had broken bones and had lit cigarettes crushed out on my body. When I left at 14, it would have been more natural to have become a criminal. Instead, despite the unfair advantages blacks had over me, I became successful with no family support system and no government help. If a dumbass like me can do that, so can the people that want to blame slavery for their inability to succeed. I can tell them what it's like to live in homes with no electricity or plumbing; to go for days without eating; to have been brutally beaten. I've wined and dined in back alleys on soda crackers and pork n beans. My ancestors spent over 400 years in slavery. I spent my childhood in poverty and misery. I worked my way out and did it legally without any outside help. So, yeah, I do have something worth saying. It will not be done through any of the existing gang style organizations.
The Resister wrote:So, yeah, I do have something worth saying

Go on then, spit it out.

All we've had so far is a self-pitying rant. How the nasty black man stole your girlfriend, then he stole your job, and now he's stealing your country.

It's all bollocks!

being "fired" because black and brown people were better workers.

Better than you.

At 14 I was...

@The Resister , you replied;

You and I both know that if I didn't have something worth saying, rational people wouldn't be posting. The fact that I was called names right out of the chute said that my critics don't have any substantive case. IF you have an IQ above your shoe size, you should understand that much. Generally speaking, skepticism deserves a question, not an allegation if you are going to engage in civil discourse.

True in theory but as this post itself indicates, difficult in practice.

The standard canard of the left and Trumpanzees is exactly the same. If they can't understand the message they throw the race card in there. If they don't like what you say, you are a "racist."

But... It reminds me of a saying I read somewhere; ''however, it remains a fact that some tigers do eat men''.

Under most circumstances I wouldn't give two hoots in Hell what people accuse me of, but calling someone a racist where I live is to accuse them of a felony. So, I came here, said my piece and was anxious to walk out the door and not let it hit me on the ass on my way out. When I became a target with people attacking me, you damn right - I gave as much as I received. I'm fending off at least five trolls and still not getting a beat down. If by now my critics haven't made their point and can't just agree to disagree, then they have a problem.

''Racism'' as most on the ''Faux Left'' call it, is a word almost emptied of meaning, just as the term ''Fascist'' .

I told you: I put the liberal, left wing, Progressives, Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Socialists, and Communists into one category.

That would be a category error, a real mistake. Even if it is a common one on the ''Right''. Come to think of it, most extremists on the ''Left'' make a similar mistake and insinuate most on the ''Right'' as being closet Fascists.

They all seem to be comfortable supporting the Democrats. So, either you're one of them or you are not. By contrast the right has found a character they believe was sent here to be Jesus incarnate in Donald Trump. Trump got his talking points from Bill Clinton and his proposed solutions for immigration from National Socialists. So, like it or not, I'm not on anybody's freaking side. Anybody that don't like my refusal to be lumped into categories I don't agree with can kiss my ass.

Well, at least you have that going for you; a healthy distrust of Donald Trump.

On Tea Party and militia sites they accused me of being a liberal, socialist, etc., etc. They were scared to death to defend their positions so name calling was their easy out. I come here and silly people started saying I was Christian Identity (which is a movement, not a religious denomination), yet I lasted 45 minutes on their discussion board before William Finck, their self appointed supreme leader, got into a whizzing contest with me because I gave an opinion they didn't like. I can safely say I don't belong around those people.

As I recall,you were asked if you were ''Christian Identity'', not going into their structure or lack thereof.

I don't belong here either because people today say things on the Internet that they would never have the courage to say to a man's face. But, where I come from, when people do say those things, they are fighting words. I can only presume that those coming out of the chute, calling me names and making allegations are bucking for a fight. All I can do at that point is to accept their challenge. But, people today are chickenshit. They want to rattle your cage, call you names and then run like a scalded dog. Quite frankly, I missed the rule on this discussion board that says you have to subscribe to any given philosophy in order to offer a valid opinion. In America it's like everybody is in a fucking gang and if you don't join one or the other, all of them feel obliged to accuse you of belonging to the other gang because you aren't part of theirs. It's a childish world.

There's much to learn here if one has the patience.

MOST of what is on this thread is communist drivel - whether the critic poster is intending it to be or not. More of what they say can be linked to communist rhetoric than the statements I make that get the snowflakes jumping up and down in their chairs screaming racist and banging their keyboards until blood is coming from their fingers. Take the jackass that accused me of being "fired" because black and brown people were better workers. If that wasn't some racist bullshit, there isn't a cow in Texas. But, I won't call the guy a racist. He's a moron. You see, I left home when I was 14 and got laid off because of my race at the ripe old age of 17. Without a family support system; without any money, just the pack on my back; without any help from Uncle Scam, within 11 years of that incident I managed to go to college, buy a new car, and a new mobile home on a plot of land. Today, the house I live in is mine - paid for as is my car and I have no outstanding debts. I have money in the bank and earlier this week I checked my credit score. It is 806. So, if I'm the dumb mother fucker you would portray me to be, I'm still smarter than the legions of people that want to stand on someone else's back in order to eke out their living.

Never said you were dumb. I just don't care for your politics all that much, nothing personal.

At 14 I was the product of a broken home. My father beat us. I had broken bones and had lit cigarettes crushed out on my body. When I left at 14, it would have been more natural to have become a criminal. Instead, despite the unfair advantages blacks had over me, I became successful with no family support system and no government help. If a dumbass like me can do that, so can the people that want to blame slavery for their inability to succeed. I can tell them what it's like to live in homes with no electricity or plumbing; to go for days without eating; to have been brutally beaten. I've wined and dined in back alleys on soda crackers and pork n beans. My ancestors spent over 400 years in slavery. I spent my childhood in poverty and misery. I worked my way out and did it legally without any outside help. So, yeah, I do have something worth saying. It will not be done through any of the existing gang style organizations.

We all have our struggles. Fortunately for a perfect Devil like me, God is merciful and.loves mankind, for among sinners I am a Chief. I'm getting better I pray.


As I recall, after his 'Irish Slavery' nonsense, his sources and arguments being thoroughly discredited, he starts rabbiting on about the race war/white genocide miscegenation bollocks. Quoting Old Testament verses and pretending to be a Jew; using his faux Jewishness as a shield - The 'Jews aren't White, throw in the Holocaust, I cannot be a White supremacist' ruse.

When he saw that was going nowhere, he hits on the Christian slave owners' justifications for the institution and says he's a Jewish converso, a Christian, and can defend them using the Christian Bible. Unfortunately for him on looking for suitable New Testament pro-slavery verses, he finds none.

It's then we get to dance with Moses, Jesus, and Mormon.

Last edited by ingliz on 18 Jul 2021 14:14, edited 1 time in total.
ingliz wrote:


As I recall, after his 'Irish Slavery' nonsense, his sources and arguments being thoroughly discredited, he starts rabbiting on about the race war/white genocide miscegenation bollocks. Quoting Old Testament verses and pretending to be Jewish; using his faux Jewishness as a shield - The old 'Jews aren't White, I cannot be a White supremacist' ruse.

When he saw that was going nowhere, he hits on the Christian slave owners' justifications for the institution and says he's a Jewish converso, a Christian, and can defend them using the Christian Bible. Unfortunately for him on looking for suitable New Testament pro-slavery verses, he finds none.

It's then we get to dance with Moses, Jesus, and Mormon.


Didn't he say he was Black when he started?

Anyway, it's been a weird one.
late wrote:Didn't he say he was Black when he started?

No, he said his Great-great(?)-grandfather on his mother's side was a slave owner. The bastard Yankees burnt down his plantation house and freed his slaves. Or was it the Yankees freed his slaves and the bastard blacks burnt down his plantation house?

Anyway, @The Resister holds a grudge. And why not? According to his lights, he was robbed of his birthright. If it wasn't for Yankee meddling, he'd have been a rich man and not the trailer trash he is today.

ingliz wrote:
No, he said his Great-great(?)-grandfather on his mother's side was a slave owner. The bastard Yankees burnt down his plantation house and freed his slaves. Or was it the Yankees freed his slaves and the bastard blacks burnt down his plantation house?

Anyway, @The Resister holds a grudge. And why not? According to his lights, he was robbed of his birthright. If it wasn't for Yankee meddling, he'd have been a rich man and not the trailer trash he is today.


"It was a near-carbon copy of the West Indian slave state these Barbadians had left behind, a place notorious even then for its inhumanity....From the outset, Deep Southern culture was based on radical disparities in wealth and power, with a tiny elite commanding total obedience and enforcing it with state-sponsored terror. Its expansionist ambitions would put it on a collision course with its Yankee rivals, triggering military, social, and political conflicts that continue to plague the United States to this day." ... le_america
ingliz wrote:@annatar1914


As I recall, after his 'Irish Slavery' nonsense, his sources and arguments being thoroughly discredited, he starts rabbiting on about the race war/white genocide miscegenation bollocks. Quoting Old Testament verses and pretending to be a Jew; using his faux Jewishness as a shield - The 'Jews aren't White, throw in the Holocaust, I cannot be a White supremacist' ruse.

When he saw that was going nowhere, he hits on the Christian slave owners' justifications for the institution and says he's a Jewish converso, a Christian, and can defend them using the Christian Bible. Unfortunately for him on looking for suitable New Testament pro-slavery verses, he finds none.

It's then we get to dance with Moses, Jesus, and Mormon.


@ingliz ;

It didn't go un-noticed, which is why he played another schtick; the old ''I would not belong to a club that would have me as a member'' gag. Of course these extremists having the anti-social tendencies they do, that isn't too much of an exaggeration, actually.

Now ''religion''.... I know where you stand (I think) on all that, but even Father John Romanides used to say that religion was a ''neuro-biological disorder'' hard wired into us after the Fall.

But slavery and all these forms of servitude... A man knows in his heart-if he has one-that this is all unjust, and that even in this life it is not wrong and only just to want to ameliorate the human condition. Which leaves deep scars by the way. Here's a song by one of my favorite groups which seems light hearted and innocent enough visually and in the music;

But here are the Lyrics in English;

Ivan the Crayfish

''Ivanushka - the dear Crayfish
along the river bank, was crawling.
To catch some fish
For Ul'jynushka's smile rejoicing

Ul'jyanushka with her lucky heart
Eats the peppered crayfish part.

In the barn the farm -lord stands,
bawls at his men:
"I'll beat you to the death"

Three wooden plow
ploughed up meadow.
The fourth one was a Harrow
Mother sold it for a price low,
A hoe, a shovel,
And a fluffy fowl.

A fluffy hen
sits on a perch,
counts eggs herself.
"One, two, three, four...
"Where are the more?

I can not read, I can not write.
Only dolls can lullaby.

My doll.
I have her all disemboweled,
The heavy my Mom's hand made me rewarded...
Dad, dad sits on a hog
Balalaika - on a wall.
Balalaika has fell down
The hog's back has bent round.
All the hens away were flown

And my father's his wide back
Has been hacked
with Mummy's hand.
For next time him not to ride.
After drinking much the vine.''

Yeah.... over 300 years of the Serfdom.

Some people cry out in pain as they mercilessly strike you.
Some people cry out in pain as they mercilessly strike you.

Indeed. As Arthur Rimbaud's mother once bitterly observed, life inflicts a wound on each one of us. But we each have a choice - whether to inflict that wound onto others and perpetuate it into the next generation, or accept the healing waters of life. @The Resister seems to have made his choice long ago.
Potemkin wrote:Indeed. As Arthur Rimbaud's mother once bitterly observed, life inflicts a wound on each one of us. But we each have a choice - whether to inflict that wound onto others and perpetuate it into the next generation, or accept the healing waters of life. @The Resister seems to have made his choice long ago.

@Potemkin , this is most true, and why I remain a committed Orthodox Christian, and a Socialist in the known material sphere of life.
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