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By Drlee
President Trump is not a pedophile. It is as simple as that.


But there are those who would say anyone having sex with him would be.
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By Hindsite
Drlee wrote:True.

But there are those who would say anyone having sex with him would be.

I don't believe those pea-brains because I am a near genius.
Praise the Lord.
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By Drlee
I don't believe those pea-brains because I am a near genius.

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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:Way to go BS. Trump is less than 4 years younger than Biden. No doubt you want him to be out too.

It's not a matter of "wanting him out". The system currently has no maximum age. I just think there should be...

What is the age you like? Be careful. The younger you go the more left you will get. Name your poison.

Well, they don't get more "left" than Bernie Sanders.

And I don't have to be "careful", simply because I'm not interested in gaming or massaging the system to keep any particular person from being elected President. A maximum age would affect everyone, party affiliation be damned.

But, what age do I think should be the max? Well, the current Social Security retirement age is 66, and that will gradually rise to 67 for those born in 1960 or later.

So, let's use that: 67.

If someone is going to be 63 years old or younger on the day they would be inaugurated, they would be eligible to serve as President, but not necessarily for two terms. A person who is 59 years and one day old or older, on the day he is first inaugurated, would not be eligible to run for a second term, as he would reach the maximum age to serve prior to the end of his second term.

Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, who are all in their 70's, would not be eligible to run. Mike Pence, who recently turned 60, could run once...
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By jimjam
Hindsite wrote:Is fake news all you have?

No, I also have "alternative facts" :lol: .
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By Drlee
OK BS. I am glad you are on record favoring age discrimination. Should this be in all things or just the presidency? For example, Mich McConnell is 77. Should he be forced to retire? By your rules, if applied to the Senate, over half of the republicans would have to retire and their districts would face a challenge in these days. That is an almost certain turn over of the Senate to democrats. When you hit 66 or 67 should you not be allowed to pursue your photography for pay or should you step aside to allow younger people their chance?

I think we ought not limit by age because I think the likes of Reagan and George H.W. Bush should be allowed to serve.

But here is an even better reason BS. The choice of the presidency is up to the people. If they want a geezer in office then who are you and I to tell them they can't have him/her. That is the thing about voting BS. As much as republicans are all about voter suppression these days....About keeping their power by taking the vote away from some of the people with whom they disagree...A true conservative would favor the constitution which allows everyone to vote freely and for the candidate of their choice. I am sorry you do not like the people voting for the candidate of their choice but I am going to favor their doing it. For me, a real conservative, it is at the heart of our democracy.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:The choice of the presidency is up to the people. If they want a geezer in office then who are you and I to tell them they can't have him/her.

We have a minimum age to serve as President. It only stands to reason, then, that we have a maximum age, as well.

See, you seem to think I want to manipulate the system so that conservatives stay in office. That's not the case at all. I think someone who's pushing 80 is too fucking old to be President. You asked for my opinion, and you have it, and I told you the reasoning for my opinion.

For me, a real conservative, it is at the heart of our democracy.

Why aren't you championing the virtues of allowing children to run for President? Shouldn't a "real conservative" support that?
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By Godstud
What they need to do is make sure that that leaders are mentally alert(sane, not senile) and stable, regardless of their age, as their job isn't to lift weights or ride bicycles. Just as they don't prevent a disabled person(Roosevelt) from serving as a leader, they shouldn't limit it by age, either.

I do not agree with the 35 age limit they imposed, either. There should not be an age limit of any kind. A good leader is a good leader, and age doesn't matter in that context.
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By BigSteve
Godstud wrote: A good leader is a good leader, and age doesn't matter in that context.

I have to disagree.

With age comes experience. A teenager, for instance, hasn't gained the experience to make sound decisions which will affect the rest of the world. This is what you're advocating: a 16 year old Commander In Chief...
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By Godstud
:roll: Let's be realistic here. I am not arguing for a 16 year old CIC, and to suggest that is pretty ridiculous. No one would vote for a 16 year old, and they'd not even get to vote for themselves.

I know some people in their late 20s who are superb leaders. With age comes experience, but as I've seen and noticed on this forum, wisdom and intellect is not something that always accompanies age.

No one has experience at being the President or leader of a country, anyhow. Many would argue that a career in law or business isn't enough for being a President, either.
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By BigSteve
Godstud wrote::roll: Let's be realistic here. I am not arguing for a 16 year old CIC, and to suggest that is pretty ridiculous. No one would vote for a 16 year old, and they'd not even get to vote for themselves.

I know some people in their late 20s who are superb leaders. With age comes experience, but as I've seen and noticed on this forum, wisdom and intellect is not something that always accompanies age.

No one has experience at being the President or leader of a country, anyhow. Many would argue that a career in law or business isn't enough for being a President, either.

So then you do agree, then, that age matters.

I agree...
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By Godstud
You didn't read what I said. They should be of legal voting age, and of sound mind. Those should be the only restrictions.
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By Drlee
We have a minimum age to serve as President. It only stands to reason, then, that we have a maximum age, as well.

No. It does not stand to reason at all.

I think someone who's pushing 80 is too fucking old to be President.

Why? Why do old and wise people frighten you? You seem to be frightened by so many things. It must be uncomfortable. But I can understand why you may be afraid of older people. They have lived a long time and have seen people who hold your positions and are just as full of bluff and bravado as you repeatedly demonstrate here. Hell. Some of us were that way when they were younger too.

In the case of modern republicans though I see an anti-intellectual movement. Smart people scare them. Wise people scare them. They refer to anyone with an advanced degree as a "lib'ral" out of fear.

That is what modern conservatism seems to be all about. Fear. I am too old to let small minded people frighten me. I am a real old-soldier. Bluff and bravado has its place. It helps terrified people get over the hump. I understand that. But fear is a useless emotion most of the time. It is debilitating. It blocks ones smart stuff and activates ones fight and flight stuff. It makes us run away from real problems and seek the safety of a scapegoat.

I am not frightened by older and wiser people. It is stupid people who frighten me.

You asked for my opinion, and you have it, and I told you the reasoning for my opinion.
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By jimjam
Drlee wrote:In the case of modern republicans though I see an anti-intellectual movement. Smart people scare them. Wise people scare them. They refer to anyone with an advanced degree as a "lib'ral" out of fear. That is what modern conservatism seems to be all about. Fear. I am too old to let small minded people frighten me. I am a real old-soldier. Bluff and bravado has its place. It helps terrified people get over the hump. I understand that. But fear is a useless emotion most of the time. It is debilitating. It blocks ones smart stuff and activates ones fight and flight stuff. It makes us run away from real problems and seek the safety of a scapegoat. I am not frightened by older and wiser people. It is stupid people who frighten me.

I am old enough to remember when the Republican party turned out some really wise leadership material. My uncle worked in the Dewey campaign and for the CIA. Republicans espoused fiscal sensibleness (usually). Raiding the federal treasury is nothing new but, today, it's job#1. Now it's mobs screaming hate and 50 or so senators from whom we never hear a peep. Rudeness and stupidity are now Republican hallmarks. Respect someone who has an opinion that differs from yours? No way! Insult, demean and hate them is the order of the day. I'm too old to really give a shit. Fuck em and good luck to em. I do hope I live long enough to witness the economic collapse though. It'll be interesting to see all the greed mongers who brought it on ……. disappear quietly behind their walled/armed encampments while Trump (if he's still around) passes the buck and goes down bellowing some nonsense about how it's all the fault of the Clintons or Obama. (Have you ever seen Donald actually take responsibility for something that didn't work out :lol: )
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By Drlee
@jimjam Republicans espoused fiscal sensibleness (usually). Raiding the federal treasury is nothing new but, today, it's job#1.

Every word true. Republicans used to be the honest ones and democrats (or should I say Dixiecrats) were the old time pols. Even Tailgunner Joe had a point, albeit a bad one. Nixon was a mess but the take away from that was that three principled republican senators took a walk to the Whitehouse and told him he must go. Can you even see Lindsey Graham doing that today? Or Moscow Mitch? Not a chance.

and 50 or so senators from whom we never hear a peep.

That's right. It is beyond pathetic.

Rudeness and stupidity are now their hallmarks. Respect someone who has an opinion that differs from yours? No way! Insult, demean and hate them is the order of the day.

Very true. And it is not coming from the left. My republican party has completely lost is moral fiber. What is sad is that this tack is only for the incumbents. They will hand over what is left of the party to the next generation in wreckage. I guess that is not bad though because the next generation will have grown up on this horrible example.
I'm too old to really give a shit. Fuck em and good luck to em. I do hope I live long enough to witness the economic collapse though.

Here is what I fear. All of the indicators show that we are overdue for and on the brink of another recession. The republicans have set up a scenario in which the democrats, if they take the presidency will have to raise taxes and cut spending. Sadly the majority of Americans are too in the weeds to grasp this now or when it happens.

It'll be interesting to see all the greed mongers who brought it on ……. disappear quietly behind their walled/armed encampments while Trump (if he's still around) passes the buck and goes down bellowing some nonsense about how it's all the fault of the Clintons or Obama. (Have you ever seen Donald actually take responsibility for something that didn't work out :lol: )

Yup. And it is too late to do anything about it.

I wonder if people know just how fragile their little piece of the economy is these days. I think not. If you go back to when you and I were young workers entering the workplace, a job with Sears or Montgomery Wards paid a living wage, had good retirement and almost complete job security. Who would have thought that your blue-chip General Motors stock would lose all of its value in weeks? My friend the Pan Am pilot who had to take a job as a flight instructor for peanuts when his $300K per year job went south overnight.

I had an employee who left my business because she was sure that her management trainee job at Blockbuster was a far better opportunity than I could ever offer her. Took a cut in pay to do it.

My guess is that our social security will be OK. About 30% of us are at or near drawing it and almost all of us vote early and vote often. For those reading this who are under about 45, look out. You will likely have nothing like what we have unless the democrats can get universal health care and use the savings to fund your retirement. And don't count on that puny 401K of which you are so proud. At today's returns you would need a couple of million bucks just to have a reasonable retirement particularly given the extended life spans you may well have.

In 2008, when the republicans crashed the economy last time, I was sitting at DFW on the day of the huge crash. There was a lady sitting next to me in the first class lounge watching CNN along with me. She was a nice looking lady of around 55 if I had my guess. At one point she turned to me and said, "I have lost a half a million dollars since this morning. I was thinking of retiring. Good thing I still have my job." She was a big wig with Abercrombie and Fitch. Sigh. I have another friend who had a million dollars in stock and social security he started taking at 62 because he was "rich" and why not. He works at Fry's food store now stocking the shelves at night. And this is 11 years later.

But you know Jimjam, we can't tell younger people this stuff and have it sink in. It is not that they are not smart enough it is that they are one of three things.

Too busy to take the time to look at it.

Don't earn enough to do anything about it.

Believe they are young enough to recover.

So to cash I go. I may not make much from it but then I am still working and do not need it just now. If I am wrong about the Trump crash that is coming then oh well. I won't be quite as affluent as I might have been. But here goes the advice that will go unheeded by almost all of the young people here:

Get into a career with legs. Medicine for example. Or a strong trade. Teaching or government work. The civilian sector is fickle as hell. The wisest thing I ever heard a young person say came from a 7 year old girl. She was asked what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said. "I don't know. It probably hasn't been invented yet."

Six years old.
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By BigSteve
Godstud wrote:You didn't read what I said. They should be of legal voting age, and of sound mind. Those should be the only restrictions.

I just went back and re-read your posts. You said nothing about voting age...
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By blackjack21
Drlee wrote:Can you even see Lindsey Graham doing that today? Or Moscow Mitch? Not a chance.

That's because Trump was quick to call it a coup attempt, which is what it was. Watergate could have been a false flag, but it didn't matter either way because Nixon covered up. He was pretty overt about it too. Trump didn't. He turned over all campaign correspondence and encouraged everyone to cooperate. At the same time, Comey was violating the law with his leaks, Strzok and Page were working on the insurance policy, Ohr and his wife were feeding Hillary Clinton's info to the FBI as though it were from Russia and compiled by Christopher Steele, and Mueller was completely out to lunch while Andrew Weissman was running the special counsel's office. For the left, with enormous resources and a mind-boggling degree of cronies, it has been nothing but a shit show.

Drlee wrote:And it is not coming from the left. My republican party has completely lost is moral fiber.

They are just adopting the politics of personal destruction that was employed heavily by Clinton. It's a turn for the better. A party of good losers is just a party of losers.

Drlee wrote:So to cash I go.

Not a bad idea. Yield curve is inverted. The Fed has to cut pronto, or we'll be in a recession in 18 months. The markets, however, will take the dump now and will be recovered when GDP is negative. So you have to be prepared to buy it when it is down.
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By BigSteve
Drlee wrote:No. It does not stand to reason at all.

Yes, it does...

Why? Why do old and wise people frighten you? You seem to be frightened by so many things.

I'm not frightened by much, and what frightens me sure the fuck isn't old people.

Roughly 5% of all people with Alzheimer's are under the age of 65. That's a concern that needs to be considered when someone wants to be President...

It must be uncomfortable.

I don't get uncomfortable. I'm the most comfortable person I know...

But I can understand why you may be afraid of older people. They have lived a long time and have seen people who hold your positions and are just as full of bluff and bravado as you repeatedly demonstrate here. Hell. Some of us were that way when they were younger too.

In the case of modern republicans though I see an anti-intellectual movement. Smart people scare them. Wise people scare them. They refer to anyone with an advanced degree as a "lib'ral" out of fear.

Old people, when they realize they have less to offer due to diminishing faculties, often attempt to tout their imagined self-importance in an effort to diminish those younger than them...

I am too old to let small minded people frighten me. I am a real old-soldier.

Permit me to refer you o my comment above. Saw it comin' a mile away...

It is stupid people who frighten me.

I'm guessing there aren't too many mirrors in your home...
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By Drlee
He turned over all campaign correspondence and encouraged everyone to cooperate.

Really Blackjack? You think? :lol:

I agree though with your assessment of the financial markets.
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By jimjam
Drlee wrote:So to cash I go.

For some years now I have put my vast resources ( :lol: ) into tangibles. Income producing real estate ….. I'm down to just one tenant now but he has been there for 7 years and has a rich father..... and stuff of value that I can hold and control and sell on the street. My big economic secret is that I (usually) don't buy not needed shit that depreciates by half as soon as you take possession. Additionally my economic strategy is well suited for these times of excess. WTF do I care about making ever more money. My time is running short.

Drlee wrote:My guess is that our social security will be OK. About 30% of us are at or near drawing it and almost all of us vote early and vote often

I think so. It'll take the plutocracy a few more decades to come up with the tricks needed to steal it. FDR was one smart person who clearly understood the dark side of human nature.

Drlee wrote:Get into a career with legs. Medicine for example. Or a strong trade.

They have turned college into just one more greed scam. If I were starting out I would look into becoming a plumber ….. endless demand and big pay. Comes with a lot of shit though.
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