How to deal with Trump? - Page 5 - Politics | PoFo

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By Beren
JohnRawls wrote:Harris has chances of loosing against Trump because she is a women. Literally most white male democratic candidates will beat Trump so I do not see a point of risking it with Harris.

She'll be the ultimate Democratic heroine running for president, while Trump will be her ultimate old white privileged male opponent.

B0ycey wrote:National polls aren't pretty for Trump.

They also pretty much don't matter.
Beren wrote:She'll be the ultimate Democratic heroine running for president, while Trump will be her ultimate old white privileged male opponent.

They also pretty much don't matter.

Yeah well Hillary vote showed that Women don't particularly vote for Women when they run. Males though tend to vote for males. There is literally no point in running female candidates in even semi-contested races because of this.
By B0ycey
Beren wrote:They also pretty much don't matter.

Why? They are the only snapshot of time we have. But perhaps you want to discuss the 11m vote shortfall.

Trump won't win whoever he is against. We will have the same drive from both sides to vote. And his 1st term disapproval is the worse ever. So he can't rely on getting the undecided vote neither. And that is if he wins the GOP candidancy. He is hovering at 50% but again he is decisive. It isn't like he is a candidate who supports healthcare vs someone who supports education. You are for Trump or you are against him. Which means when candidates whittle down, those votes don't go to Trump. But perhaps this is merely heresay at the moment. However polls are all we have and if people don't support Trump now, I don't see why they will support him in four years. It not like people don't know what he stands for now.
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By Beren
JohnRawls wrote:Yeah well Hillary vote showed that Women don't particularly vote for Women when they run. Males though tend to vote for males. There is literally no point in running female candidates in even semi-contested races because of this.

However, the Democrats still will run Kamala Harris.

B0ycey wrote:Why?

Because they're not for real, actually.
By B0ycey
Beren wrote:Because they're not for real, actually.

Polls weren't that far off this time round actually. I would perhaps say they are real. But rather than debate whether polls are reliable today or not, I am assuming you think Trump has a chance. That is perhaps the power of social media. Populism has a loud voice, but that doesn't correlate to votes. And I cannot see how Trump can ever think he has a chance regaining 11m votes whatever he does. Is his next cause of action going to build a wall between Canada and get Trudeau to pay for it I wonder?
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By Beren
B0ycey wrote:Polls weren't that far off this time round actually. I would perhaps say they are real.

Sure, they can be as real as our reality is real. Just because reality is as polls predicted it to be, it doesn't make anything any more real, actually.

B0ycey wrote:I am assuming you think Trump has a chance.

I'm actually wondering if what Trump's appeal is really about, if where it really stems from.
Beren wrote:I'm actually wondering if what Trump's appeal is really about, if where it really stems from.

You're an intelligent guy Beren. His appeal is that he addresses peoples concerns that never get addressed which you must know. The issue is, nobody understands what drives the concerns they have nor do they understand that Trump is part of the swamp. They just hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest. It is far easier to blame Mexicans for illegal border entry than the bourgeois for illegal hire. Or China for cheap crap than businesses moving to Asia to boost profits, poor wages on immigration than low minimum wage or socialism on poor healthcare or Russia or whatever the fuck is wrong in America. It is a blame game. Trump knew how to maximise social media and the power of doublethink. And until you address the concerns that people voted for Trump to begin with, you will never silence that voice.
B0ycey wrote:His appeal is that he addresses peoples concerns that never get addressed

I agree he addresses something that never gets addressed, which I guess has something to do with his character rather than anything else. He's just not a postmodern character perhaps.
Rancid wrote:I'm calling it.

Trump wins in 2024.
Republicans take back the senate in 2022.

It is clear to me.

Trump doesn't even run for the next election. His tax documents have been turned over to a Manhattan attorney. They're going to find some sketchy stuff in his business papers and in the communications between himself and his lawyers. He will not want to be under the gun to submit his 2020-2023 tax documents.

If Trump doesn't run, maybe Republicans win back the Senate. If he runs, they will not regain Senate control.
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By jimjam
blackjack21 wrote:You are still misunderstanding it after all these years. They are doing what the left used to champion doing: questioning authority.

I'll give you a completely unrelated anecdotal example: in taking a short trip this weekend, I decided to drive to the airport because my flight was leaving at 7:00 a.m., BART is sometimes slow, and I'd be cutting it short. So I drove to SFO. I thought about paying the toll, because I only had $100 bills. Then, I thought, "They aren't taking the tolls now, because of Covid." Which got me thinking--like a systems engineer. If they can photograph my license plate, use OCR to get my license number, look up my address, and then send me the bill--not only do they not need toll takers generally, they don't even need the FastTrak transponder system either. That has been true for many years. Yet, rather than using that approach in the public interest, they hired toll takers at top dollar, and used criminal law to prosecute "toll evasion". Much of what passes for government these days is nothing more than a scam pulled on tax payers, and frankly they are tired of a professional class of politicians constantly lying to them. That's not just US presidents, that comes down to toll districts for bridges too.

Want to build something like open air, hop-on-hop-off cable cars in your city? Can't do it. Why? It's not safe. So why is it safe in San Francisco? Grandfather clauses. Preserving history, etc. It's all 100% bullshit. It's about constraining who can supply a service to the tax payers, and safety, longevity in the market place, capitalization, etc. are all created as barriers to entry to help big companies at the expense of smaller more efficient companies and at the expense of taxpayers. After awhile, after years and decades of life, you come to the conclusion that everything politicians say is a lie, the media is just amplifying the lies, and you have to figure out what's really going on yourself. Some people don't have the appetite for that either, and they pick up weapons. Right now, you can look at this as cosplay, but there is a deeper reason it is happening.

No, I understand quite well. I have known from jump street that the system is rigged, the deck is stacked and most politicians lie like rugs …………. certainly including Donald who also sees this and plays his mob like the fools they are. Why, pray tell, might you think Donald is any different and will suddenly make it his top priority to help the little guy get a better deal? Donald is the same shit warmed over with a new face plus ……. he puts on a great performance …. very entertaining. Drain the swamp? :lol: Be real, don's swamp consists of anybody who disagrees with him, his "enemies". If he ever attempted to drain the REAL swamp, his brains would be right next to JFK's brains on the asphalt.

My comment was facetious. I never had much respect for screaming flag waving morons but Donald has done a masterful job in gaining control of their teeny brains as he has in roping in cult like religions to join his cult.

We have the same toll system here in Florida. I rarely go over the bridge and am content to sip my coffee and watch the water. I am old. BUT I find it quite annoying to get an invoice in the mail for a $2 toll. It's a tough life indeed :lol: .
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By jimjam
Rancid wrote:I'm calling it.

Trump wins in 2024.
Republicans take back the senate in 2022.

It is clear to me.

Looks like a long shot at best. Trump as Superman is looking a bit worn these days and showing signs of dementia. Four years is a long time for a 74 year old. Plus he is obese and came near death when he got covid.

This guy doesn't take prisoners:
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By Rancid
jimjam wrote:Looks like a long shot at best. Trump as Superman is looking a bit worn these days and showing signs of dementia. Four years is a long time for a 74 year old. Plus he is obese and came near death when he got covid.

Dunno man, look at his CPAC speech and how pro-Trump the whole thing has been.

Here's my read on this.

Politicians are all sneaking lying sons of bitches. Dems and Reps alike. However, Trump has normalized extreme lying within the GOP. We're already seeing Republicans spewing even more lies than usual. Couple this with the fact that we have stupid people in the country, means he will get elected.
Beren wrote:So Biden is barely into his second month as president and already tested or provoked by Iran and most likely China.

China is giving US diplomats anal swabs. He should impose a few billion in tariffs for that alone.

JohnRawls wrote:The fact that you even consider the idea that the establishment somehow will replace Biden with Kamala just because they want a female president means that you drink too much cool aid. The only realistic way that can happen is that if Biden becomes sick to the point of not being able to fullfill his duties probably due to his age. That is rather unlikely. But yeah, too much cool aid. I mean, just listen to yourself. :hmm:

It's Kool-Aid. It's a trademark brand. Biden will resign at some point at the direction of the party. He won't be given the 25th Amendment treatment.

Beren wrote:The most likely scenario is that Biden won't run for reelection and will rather endorse his VP, who'll supposedly be a well-established potential presidential candidate by then.

I think Biden may resign after a few years. That way Kamala becomes the first woman president without having to win an election.

B0ycey wrote:Why? They are the only snapshot of time we have. But perhaps you want to discuss the 11m vote shortfall.


B0ycey wrote:However polls are all we have and if people don't support Trump now, I don't see why they will support him in four years.

Biden/Harris will screw things up royally. They already put in place all the policies that led to the Trump presidency. They weren't popular then, and they aren't popular now.

B0ycey wrote:And I cannot see how Trump can ever think he has a chance regaining 11m votes whatever he does.

Biden did not get 81M votes. He didn't get 20M more votes than Obama. That did not happen. You can continue to pretend that Biden is the most popular president in US history, but everyone here in America knows that's not the case.

Beren wrote:I'm actually wondering if what Trump's appeal is really about, if where it really stems from.

Hatred of the political establishment in Washington. It's not about Trump himself, and never really has been.

B0ycey wrote:His appeal is that he addresses peoples concerns that never get addressed which you must know.

Specifically, illegal immigration and free trade with China.

jimjam wrote:Why, pray tell, might you think Donald is any different and will suddenly make it his top priority to help the little guy get a better deal?

Trump did in fact impose tariffs on China and he did in fact start building a border wall.
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By Rancid
I thought Trump was the anti-war president though? I would certainly not expect him to be hard on Iran or China.
US wars are all about taking over some oil rich country full of brown people, and then putting US companies in charge of extracting and selling said resources.

While the idea is simple, the actual carrying out of the plan takes someone who can direct a long term project over several years. Trump is not capable of this, so the US military establishment did not trust him with the armed forces.

If they can get someone like a Bush to run that part, Trump’s faction will be allowed to install a war president.
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By Beren
blackjack21 wrote:Hatred of the political establishment in Washington. Specifically, illegal immigration and free trade with China. It's not about Trump himself, and never really has been.

This is all about you yourself, of course, but these are Trumpism itself rather than its roots. People's hatred of the political establishment and opposition to illegal immigration and free trade, or the whole world order as it is, are political motives MAGA and America First as political agendas or movements are based on rather than something in the deep the whole thing really stems from.
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