Teacher questions appropriateness of pow-wow - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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A teacher at a Canadian high school has put into question the wisdom or appropriateness of holding an educational pow-wow at the school.


CBC wrote:Chiefs call for action after teacher questions Fredericton school's powwow

Leaked email cites 'spiritual' nature of event, likens it to a priest holding a prayer vigil with communion

Indigenous students at Fredericton High School and First Nations leaders feel disgusted and discouraged after a teacher allegedly opposed a powwow held at the school earlier this week.

St. Mary's First Nation Chief Allan Polchies Jr. shared an email Clifford Cull sent to fellow staff about the May 21 event.

In it, the science teacher criticizes the school for hosting the powwow during instructional time. He claims he contacted Education Minister Bill Hogan and confirmed "these type [of] spiritual meetings are not endorsed" by the department.

Cull likens the cultural celebration that includes traditional drumming, dance, arts, crafts and food, to "having a priest come into FHS and do a prayer vigil with communion and the stations of the cross."

"There is an expectation for there to be a separation of state and 'church,'" the email says.

"I am asking that if there is to be a powwow at FHS it be done during non instructional times such as lunchtime or after school."...

I just want to mention that "separation of church and state" is a European concept that was necessary to defend populations against the genocidal nature of European religious practices. It is not appropriate to apply European "patches" to the cultures that their religions helped eradicate.

To make an analogy, it is not necessary to buy anti-virus protection for a notebook. And it is not necessary to separate church and state unless both of these are fascistic organizations seeking totalitarian control.
QatzelOk wrote:A teacher at a Canadian high school has put into question the wisdom or appropriateness of holding an educational pow-wow at the school.


I just want to mention that "separation of church and state" is a European concept that was necessary to defend populations against the genocidal nature of European religious practices. It is not appropriate to apply European "patches" to the cultures that their religions helped eradicate.

To make an analogy, it is not necessary to buy anti-virus protection for a notebook. And it is not necessary to separate church and state unless both of these are fascistic organizations seeking totalitarian control.

Um no. The main argument for separation of church and state was that the state inevitably corrupts the church. But I'm hindsight having a 'seperation' if chu4ch and state didn't do jack shit in protecting the church, either. Clearly it was just a dumb utopian idea.

Also, it is clearly nonsense to suggest that Christianity is particularly genocidal. All people have perpetuated some sort of genocide...it is actually rather mundane. Christian colonialists sometimes felt the need to intervene and prevent genocides that natives were perpetuating on other natives, lol. And sometimes Christians were blamed for genocides that really just happened between natives (bantu versus khoisan, for example).

Your heart might be in the 'right place'...but if you fail to diagnose the source of these issues properly then you cannot solve them.
FiveofSwords wrote:Um no. The main argument for separation of church and state was that the state inevitably corrupts the church. ...

Also, it is clearly nonsense to suggest that Christianity is particularly genocidal. ...

The 250 genocides of the Americas were accomplished by people wearing crosses around their necks, and their banksters wore kippahs. The murderes cited Jesus constantly, especially when they were genociding, and their banksters smiled and counted their money.

So you are incorrect. Christianity and Judaism are proudly genocidal.

The race obsession that you expressed in another thread... is a product of these two cults. They proudly killed off many other "races" like the Soddomites and Gommorans (yucky people, they said) and Canaanites and Amalik... These genocides are the heroic "beginning" of both genocidal cults.

The idea of separation was to make it possible for "other religions" to commit genocide, and not just the Christians. This way, all Americans could enjoy the Pursuit of Genocide.
QatzelOk wrote:The 250 genocides of the Americas were accomplished by people wearing crosses around their necks, and their banksters wore kippahs. The murderes cited Jesus constantly, especially when they were genociding, and their banksters smiled and counted their money.

So you are incorrect. Christianity and Judaism are proudly genocidal.

The race obsession that you expressed in another thread... is a product of these two cults. They proudly killed off many other "races" like the Soddomites and Gommorans (yucky people, they said) and Canaanites and Amalik... These genocides are the heroic "beginning" of both genocidal cults.

The idea of separation was to make it possible for "other religions" to commit genocide, and not just the Christians. This way, all Americans could enjoy the Pursuit of Genocide.

Genocide is older than Christianity, bro. It is even older than judaism. Religion is not the source of genocide.

Genocide is even older than humans, lol. Ant colonies will gladly Genocide eachother...and they don't have to think much about it cause they have really tiny brains.

The queen ant is the only ant eith it's own independent dna code. All the workers are just sterile clones of half the queen dna.

So competition between ant colonies could be considered analogous to competition between human individuals, fighting over scarce resources for the ability to collect enough to actually reproduce. The loser goes extinct and is just tossed into the evolutionary trash bin of all the other failed experiments in natural history.

These are circumstances which arise directly from just reality and mother nature. What some dude with a cross has to say about anything doesn't matter one bit.
FiveofSwords wrote:Genocide is older than Christianity, bro. ...

Judaism is older than Christianity, dude.

And Intentional Genocide is a result of genocidal texts acting like a constitution.

Planned, intentional genocides ... only appear in the 18th Century. Before that, you had invasions of starving empire-dwellers mixing with locals. Not planned, and not complete genocides.

ON the other hand, Jeffrey Amherst:

UMASS wrote:...Historian Francis Parkman, in his book The Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada [Boston: Little, Brown, 1886] refers to a postscript in an earlier letter from Amherst to Bouquet wondering whether smallpox could not be spread among the Indians:

Could it not be contrived to send the Small Pox among those disaffected tribes of Indians? We must on this occasion use every stratagem in our power to reduce them. [Vol. II, p. 39 (6th edition)]

I have not found this letter, but there is a letter from Bouquet to Amherst, dated 23 June 1763, [189k] three weeks before the discussion of blankets to the Indians, stating that Captain Ecuyer at Fort Pitt (to which Bouquet would be heading with reinforcements) has reported smallpox in the Fort. This indicates at least that the writers knew the plan could be carried out.

It is curious that the specific plans to spread smallpox were relegated to postscripts. I leave it to the reader to ponder the significance of this.

Several other letters from the summer of 1763 show the smallpox idea was not an anomaly. The letters are filled with comments that indicate a genocidal intent, with phrases such as:

"...that Vermine ... have forfeited all claim to the rights of humanity" (Bouquet to Amherst, 25 June) [149k]

"I would rather chuse the liberty to kill any Savage...." (Bouquet to Amherst, 25 June) [121k]

"...Measures to be taken as would Bring about the Total Extirpation of those Indian Nations" (Amherst to Sir William Johnson, Superintendent of the Northern Indian Department, 9 July) [229k]

"...their Total Extirpation is scarce sufficient Attonement...." (Amherst to George Croghan, Deputy Agent for Indian Affairs, 7 August) [145k]

"...put a most Effectual Stop to their very Being" (Amherst to Johnson, 27 August [292k]; emphasis in original)....

So the USA and Canada - two British settle-colonial states - were the site of the first Planned and Executed genocide of another "race." And the Acadians - were ethnic-cleansed in 1755 for race-mixing with the First Nations - a terrible crime if your intent is genocide of the First Nations.

"How dare the Acadians put into doubt the significance of racial differences." - was the attitude of the Genocide planners.
QatzelOk wrote:Judaism is older than Christianity, dude.

And Intentional Genocide is a result of genocidal texts acting like a constitution.

Planned, intentional genocides ... only appear in the 18th Century. Before that, you had invasions of starving empire-dwellers mixing with locals. Not planned, and not complete genocides.

ON the other hand, Jeffrey Amherst:

So the USA and Canada - two British settle-colonial states - were the site of the first Planned and Executed genocide of another "race." And the Acadians - were ethnic-cleansed in 1755 for race-mixing with the First Nations - a terrible crime if your intent is genocide of the First Nations.

"How dare the Acadians put into doubt the significance of racial differences." - was the attitude of the Genocide planners.

You are so ignorant of history lol. You never heard of the roman genocide of Carthagenians, for example? The whole salting the earth thing? You never heard of that?
QatzelOk wrote:Judaism is older than Christianity, dude.

And Intentional Genocide is a result of genocidal texts acting like a constitution.

Planned, intentional genocides ... only appear in the 18th Century. Before that, you had invasions of starving empire-dwellers mixing with locals. Not planned, and not complete genocides.

ON the other hand, Jeffrey Amherst:

So the USA and Canada - two British settle-colonial states - were the site of the first Planned and Executed genocide of another "race." And the Acadians - were ethnic-cleansed in 1755 for race-mixing with the First Nations - a terrible crime if your intent is genocide of the First Nations.

"How dare the Acadians put into doubt the significance of racial differences." - was the attitude of the Genocide planners.

Also..are you going to suggest that judaism is older than ants?
FiveofSwords wrote:You are so ignorant of history lol. You never heard of the roman genocide of Carthagenians, for example? The whole salting the earth thing? You never heard of that?

Interesting that you are looking for ignorance to shout at, rather then insight to enrich your views.

"Salting the earth" is a way of making a land uninhabitable, but it is not a "planned genocide based on scientific racism."

People have been killed and have warred throughout human history. But planned genocide requires a certain level of "manufactured ignorance" when it comes to race. To be able to perform a planned genocide, the socially-constructed racist state has to convince its people that its socially-constructed racist fantasies "conform to science" ....which wasn't possible before the 18th Century. Fake science hadn't gone that far yet, as most people were illiterate and ignorant enough (for their masters) because of religions that had been imposed earlier.

So go salt that. And try to stay polite during debates.
QatzelOk wrote:Interesting that you are looking for ignorance to shout at, rather then insight to enrich your views.

"Salting the earth" is a way of making a land uninhabitable, but it is not a "planned genocide based on scientific racism."

People have been killed and have warred throughout human history. But planned genocide requires a certain level of "manufactured ignorance" when it comes to race. To be able to perform a planned genocide, the socially-constructed racist state has to convince its people that its socially-constructed racist fantasies "conform to science" ....which wasn't possible before the 18th Century. Fake science hadn't gone that far yet, as most people were illiterate and ignorant enough (for their masters) because of religions that had been imposed earlier.

So go salt that. And try to stay polite during debates.

Dude...it is difficult to remain polite when you are just obviously attempting such a ridiculous gaslighting and you think I could possibly be stupid enough to fall for it.

The romans did systematically genocide the Carthagenians. That is only the most well known example, also...there are plenty of other examples and plenty much older than Rome. There are even examples not involving Europeans at all. So no...clearly the Christians on the 18th Century did not invent genocide lol. That is simply a false claim.
FiveofSwords wrote:The romans did systematically genocide the Carthagenians.

And in another history, the Israelis genocided many peoples as well.

But this isn't genocide. Genocide is the planned destruction of a culture. Cultures can be killed off in wars and invasions, but this happens as a result of violence. It isn't pre-meditated as a method of "improving the earth" by "improving its race-balance."

That's not what the Israelis or Romans were trying to to at all. They didn't have "race" as a concept yet. But the writings of the Israelis .... the ones that Christians and Jews abide by ... contain the seeds of scientific racism.

The seeds are: God-sanctionned mass murders and God-sanctionned inequal status.

Playing the God card... is the ultimate "expert credential." So the hugest lies can only work if this card is played. "The creator of the universe told me... so it must be true."
QatzelOk wrote:And in another history, the Israelis genocided many peoples as well.

But this isn't genocide. Genocide is the planned destruction of a culture. Cultures can be killed off in wars and invasions, but this happens as a result of violence. It isn't pre-meditated as a method of "improving the earth" by "improving its race-balance."

That's not what the Israelis or Romans were trying to to at all. They didn't have "race" as a concept yet. But the writings of the Israelis .... the ones that Christians and Jews abide by ... contain the seeds of scientific racism.

The seeds are: God-sanctionned mass murders and God-sanctionned inequal status.

Playing the God card... is the ultimate "expert credential." So the hugest lies can only work if this card is played. "The creator of the universe told me... so it must be true."

The romans and Israelis absolutely did have a concept of race. They obviously didn't know anything about the scientific foundations of it, but they did guess close to it. For example, romans would usually not bathe with black people (they called all blacks aetheopians) because it was believed black people secrete a nasty oil used to protect them from the black mamba. So they knew some sort of adaptation was part of the cause of race, but they were usually quite wrong about the details
FiveofSwords wrote:The romans and Israelis absolutely did have a concept of race...

This is patently false.

They had a notion of "create privileges for the rich" and they used "killing others" as a tactic to enrich themselves (the 1%).

This chauvinism was often cloaked in faux-religious attire, until that stopped working as a tool of manipulation, at which time a fake-science was invented.

You are still promoting this fake-science by trying to establish it as some kind of watershed moment in the discovery or reality. In reality, it was just another toxic get-rich-quick-scheme, like so many other poisonous aspects of civilization.
QatzelOk wrote:This is patently false.

They had a notion of "create privileges for the rich" and they used "killing others" as a tactic to enrich themselves (the 1%).

This chauvinism was often cloaked in faux-religious attire, until that stopped working as a tool of manipulation, at which time a fake-science was invented.

You are still promoting this fake-science by trying to establish it as some kind of watershed moment in the discovery or reality. In reality, it was just another toxic get-rich-quick-scheme, like so many other poisonous aspects of civilization.

I believe that you are capable of arguing in good faith, so I am rather dissapointed by this response. You aren't even considering my point ehatsoever...and you are just repeating this crazy dogma that comes from marxist disinformation.

Read it yourself. Just read juvenal's satires. He knew nothing about darwinian evolution but he clearly had an intuitive understanding of race. He clearly considered himself part of the roman 'race' and because his ancestors built rome he felt he deserved special treatment. One of his issues was that the 1% at the time had no respect for this fact...and clearly they have no respect for it now. Do you really ever hear the 1% of the usa talk about how the founding stock of the usa deserve special privileges? Absolutely not! It is the exact opposite.

So yeah...just read them and you will see the same dynamic in Rome as there is today.. it was the common man who cared about race and the elite who did not. Indeed it was Caracella, the first 'mixed race' emperor who eliminated the special privileges people had for being born roman. And Caracella was called half punic (semitic) and half arab...he was probably racially jewish!
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 03 Jun 2024 23:42, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:So yeah...just read them and you will see the same dynamic in Rome as there is today.. it was the common man who cared about race and the elite who did not. Indeed it was Caracella, the first 'mixed race' emperor who eliminated the special privileges people had for being born roman. And Caravelle was called half panic (semitic) and half arab...he was probably racially jewish!


‘Caracalla’ and ‘Punic’, @FiveofSwords. :)

He was definitely semitic, but equally definitely not Jewish.
Potemkin wrote::lol:

‘Caracalla’ and ‘Punic’, @FiveofSwords. :)

He was definitely semitic, but equally definitely not Jewish.

You could probably guess that was autocorrect considering I know far more about history than you, lol. For example I seriously doubt you could prove he was not jewish.
One teacher saying something that others disagree with isn't newsworthy. There's dumb or crazy teachers in literally every school. The teacher can simply be ignored. I don't find modern powwows particularly religious in nature. There's excellent reasons for not having religious ceremonies in public schools, but a powwow is mostly just dancing, music etc.

Some Christians and Europeans were genocidal, some indigenous people were genocidal (against other indigenous clans). Unfortunately this sometimes happens when there's different groups fighting over the same territory and resources, or fighting over political dominance within the same society, or people have nutty religious or philosophical beliefs.
Potemkin wrote:How could you tell, querida? :lol:

I am waiting for Five Man to give you the same excuse as he gives Ingliz and I and everyone else in here. But you are white, Scottish of pure blood, a nuclear physicist and an anti-capitalist and a male. So you are important. The right race, the right sex, the right background. So he has to respect your equipment and your ethnicity. He can trash the rest because they are just brown and black and swarthy trash and women. But you?

But eventually when you disagree with his genius brain enough, you might get that you don't understand my greatness song... :violin:

And then the dreaded you got reading disorder or lack of being able to read his replies that are filled with perfect logic. Not you. No, you a certified and with a real diploma from a great university in the UK in some very difficult scientific field are not quite up to his standards of greatness. Of intelligence, of KNOWING the truth like he does. That race is EVERYTHING in the world. Everything. And if you do not pay attention to your fucking color you are in deep caca in this world.

No, you got some Jewish woman who is a socialist and also Mexican running a nation coming up soon with some heavy duty intelligence. But she is Jewish, socialist and also partially an indigenous Mexican in culture...and in thought and also just a freak that must be eradicated because the Jews are taking over. Must keep those people off the levers of power. It never occurs to him that it is about ACTIONS and policies that work for the majority and being tolerant enough to see value in education and in thought process. No. It can't be that.

You got to dehumanize people unless they conform to your version of reality. You start doing that all over the world you create enormous amounts of enemies. Because diversity of thought, culture, language and religion, politics and in every single meaningful way--is part of living in this world.

That is the end of the story. He can't accept it. It has to be exclusion and discrimination because we are xenophobes and chimps in terms of fighting for territory. But the only ones who are chimp like are Africans. because the Europeans are real humans and they are UNITED as one. Or should be....once they are no longer brainwashed by the liberals and the ones who do not accept fascism.


You see how it is in the US with these people? They might win the elections and take over....if there are enough stupid people voting for their asses.

Lol. They need to have these people in charge killing en masse and making life miserable for years until they get the message that these freaks who love racist tripe are a danger to humanity. They did not learn a damn thing from the final results of WWII in Europe. They need a second round of millions being offed for the glory of purity and paranoia.
FiveofSwords wrote:...I believe that you are capable of arguing in good faith, so I am rather dissapointed by this response. You aren't even considering my point ehatsoever...and you are just repeating this crazy dogma that comes from marxist disinformation.

Read it yourself. Just read juvenal's satires. ...So yeah...just read them and you will see the same dynamic in Rome as there is today.. ....!

I just read a few satires by Juvenal, and I still don't believe in the fake science of "racism."

So your suggestion has failed to have the effects you desired.

Likewise, you accuse me of being a victim of Marxist Disinformation. But I am Acadian, which means mixed with "another race" - the Mi'qmac of the North Atlantic.

My family were ethnic-cleansed for race-mixing a hundred years before Marx wrote anything. I don't need Marxism to tell me that this is a form of ignorance that made some people a lot of money.

Sometimes, the best money-making schemes are based on lies and cause atrocities.

Read one line of Balzac to learn this: Behind Every Great Fortune There Is a Crime

One of the best and most large-scale crimes you can commit (for an equally large-scale fortune) is genocide. And genocide becomes a lot easier if you invent a fake science to justify it.

Why do you think so many statues have fallen in Western countries lately?
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