Is Boris Johnson on the ropes? - Page 7 - Politics | PoFo

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So it looks like the Conservatives may have done well enough in the local elections for Boris to survive. My hope is that Labour will give up hope of winning a majority and feel forced to abandon their commitment to FPTP. This is certainly not a good result for the Tories, but a lot, maybe even all of the swing seems to be going to the Lib Dems and Greens, rather than Labour.

The tide seem to be turning and the focus has shifted from Partygate to Starmer's Beergate and why they lied about the presence of Angela Raynor. Starmer is a pathological liar. He won the leadership of the Labour party on the promise that he'd keep Corbyn's policies.
Rich wrote:So it looks like the Conservatives may have done well enough in the local elections for Boris to survive. My hope is that Labour will give up hope of winning a majority and feel forced to abandon their commitment to FPTP. This is certainly not a good result for the Tories, but a lot, maybe even all of the swing seems to be going to the Lib Dems and Greens, rather than Labour.

The tide seem to be turning and the focus has shifted from Partygate to Starmer's Beergate and why they lied about the presence of Angela Raynor. Starmer is a pathological liar. He won the leadership of the Labour party on the promise that he'd keep Corbyn's policies.

Really? It;s seems a quite bizarre reading of actual events, Labour ganis out number greens and lib dems put together. Teh conservatives got pants. This isnst good for Boris, he may survive but this will not help.

What is your news source?
Rich wrote:So it looks like

Net change in seats held

Con: - 344

Lab: + 224

186/200 councils declared
What I said should be caveated with "in England". The results in England really are not too bad for the Tories, certainly are not brilliant for Labour. Outside of England in the other parts of the UK, London, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, its a very different story.

Yes I know, I know, London is technically part of England, but no one seriously thinks its an English city any more.
Net change in seats held

Con: - 386

Lab: + 238

191/200 councils declared
Net change in seats held

Con: - 397

Lab: + 252

195/200 councils declared

A disaster for the Tories and a triumph for Labour, according to the Daily Mail.

Don’t know about that. There might be a case for holding a referendum in a few years, but that’s all.

After all, the SNP are in full control of Scotland, yet the referendum went against independence.

I’m feeling very hopeful that boris is indeed on the ropes. But I don’t want him to go yet. There’s another two years before a GE will be held and while it’s the country is going to rack and ruin I can’t think of any other Tory making a blind bit of difference, so the clown may as well go his whole length.

That’s what peppa pig would do.
noemon wrote:Sinn Fein largest party in NI.

United Ireland in 5 or 10 years?

There's a bit going on DUP is threatening to boycott the power sharing arrangements that have enabled a comprise in Northern Ireland unless the northern Ireland is abandoned. IT;s very much an all or nothing strategy. If DUP basic blow up the good Friday agreement, in act of selfish petulance. Another election could well be on the cards.

If the DUP keep going down the hard line they could do irreparable damage to their own unionist cause.
pugsville wrote:There's a bit going on DUP is threatening to boycott the power sharing arrangements that have enabled a comprise in Northern Ireland unless the northern Ireland is abandoned. IT;s very much an all or nothing strategy. If DUP basic blow up the good Friday agreement, in act of selfish petulance. Another election could well be on the cards.

If the DUP keep going down the hard line they could do irreparable damage to their own unionist cause.

Deja vu....
Keir Starmer guilty of hypocrisy over Durham lockdown event, says Dominic Raab

But after Thursday's local elections, the police said they had received "significant new information over recent days".

This is a bit disturbing. Do they mean they've received information since the local elections, or do they mean received information before the local elections and concealed that from the public in order to aid Labour in the local elections.

However, senior Labour backbencher Diane Abbott - a close ally of Sir Keir's predecessor Jeremy Corbyn - said he should consider his position if he receives a police fine.

I'm certainly not one of Abbot's biggest fans, her hypocrisy over Grammar schools is particularly note worthy. But this is a courageous and honourable move on her part.
Well what a fantastic result that was last night. Boris Johnson is to use the language of the liberal establishment media, a fighter not a quitter. As Enoch Powell said all political careers end in failure, but on this day Boris has equalled the tenure of Gordon Brown, I think that means that what ever happens now he can leave the office with dignity.

More importantly though this result is a catastrophic blow for the lockdown liberals. Can anyone imagine any government in Britain being able to institute another lock down, when the government and the opposition have shown such contempt for the rules. Many individuals in the British Police saw Lockdown as an opportunity to create a British Gestapo / Stasi. At least for now their hopes have been dashed too.
AFAIK wrote:People get the governments they deserve, right?

Nope. In most cases they get worse. And it some cases they even get much worse.

Many common sayings are just stupid.
Well that didn't take long. What a stupid move getting rid of Boris was. He's barely out of the door of number 10 and the country is in financial melt down. Boris won two elections for London Mayor, in what is effectively a Labour city. He won the biggest share of the vote and the biggest majority the Tories have had in decades. He got Brexit done, something that had paralysed the whole British governing class for three years. He made Britain one of the first western countries to throw off the shackles of lock-down. Yet the Tory MPs threw him overboard at the first signs of difficulty. As if its a wise political strategy to elect a new leader every time you get a bad opinion poll.
Rich wrote:Well that didn't take long. What a stupid move getting rid of Boris was. He's barely out of the door of number 10 and the country is in financial melt down. Boris won two elections for London Mayor, in what is effectively a Labour city. He won the biggest share of the vote and the biggest majority the Tories have had in decades. He got Brexit done, something that had paralysed the whole British governing class for three years. He made Britain one of the first western countries to throw off the shackles of lock-down. Yet the Tory MPs threw him overboard at the first signs of difficulty. As if its a wise political strategy to elect a new leader every time you get a bad opinion poll.

It was not the first sign. It was endless scandals and incompetence one after the other. Boris was just repeating shooting himself and the Tories in the foot with one self inflected stupid incompetence after another,

He did not get Brexit done. It remains a colossal stuff up.

Boris staggeringly incompetent prime minster. Though the Tories donlt seem to have much talent or ability. Boris may not have been much of an outlier.
So Boris was certainly on the ropes, but he is about to bounce off them. It looks like its going to be him and Rishi going forward to the membership.
Rich wrote:So Boris was certainly on the ropes, but he is about to bounce off them. It looks like its going to be him and Rishi going forward to the membership.

Rishi has no public support. He just bribes MPs. :lol:

The first thing after getting elected, Boris should kick him out of the party because he again may try to force him resign with using MPs.
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