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Political issues and parties in Europe's nation states, the E.U. & Russia.

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By Atlantis
Atlantis wrote:There is a copy here:

The leaked Operation Yellowhammer document

Price and other differentials are likely to lead to the growth of the illegitimate economy. This will be particularly severe in border communities where criminal and dissident groups already operate with greater freedom.

At least one group of people will benefit.
By Rich
We Europhiles have been betrayed by the establishment, numerous times. In 2015 the Liberal Democrats and Labour stood on a manifesto opposed to a Brexit a referendum, but then straight after the election, they betrayed us, by promising to honour the referendum result. While the Brexiteer fascists openly declared that they would not respect the result if they lost. This is the very definition of fascists, they show contempt for the result when they lose but demand that everyone must respect it when they win. Anyone who says that the Brexiteers would have respected a 48.1 , 51.9 loss is a liar. The Scottish Independence result was 2.8 times as decisive, but it was only Brexit that has stopped the SNP from already demanding a rerun.

I am only one person and unlike many anarchists and right libertarians, I feel its contemptible to demand that the world conform to my ideas of right and wrong. I might disagree with Communists and Nazis, but at least they understand that you need a movement to inflict your beliefs on the world. I didn't bother with Brexit for quite a while after the result because there wasn't even a hint of a movement with the balls to stand up to the Brexiteers. Such a movement must be based on one overriding principle:

We will not support any deal that does not deliver 100% percent on the promises of the leave campaign. Not 98% , not 99%, 100%, that includes 350 million for the NHS, frictionless trade, ability to strike wonderful free trade deals, protection of farmers, fishermen and women etc, etc. The Brexiteers think we Remainers are cowardly idiots. They think we Remainers are so stupid that they can get us to deliver an awful leaving deal for them and then blame all the mess on us. they may well be right.

If we are to resist the Brexiteer liars, we need to prepare for no deal. in the face off between Brussels and London we must do everything in our power to undermine Britain's negotiating position and strengthen Brussels. Maybe a no deal Brexit will be fine for Britain, in which case the Brexiteers will have been proved right and it will all be over, but if does lead to chaos, then we need to do everything in our power to maximise the chaos, and everything in our power to undermine the unity of the united Kingdom, encouraging the London Assembly and Mayor, the SNP and Sinn Fein to take local administrative control and enter into separate negotiations with the EU.
By SolarCross
^ It is a fait accompli at this point, why even bother with all this posturing? No deal is a virtual certainty. Boris could actually give us no deal right now if he wanted. See my last post.

It is actually amusing how Remainers are still so absolutely oblivious to the depths of their failure.
By Patrickov
SolarCross wrote:It is actually amusing how Remainers are still so absolutely oblivious to the depths of their failure.

Probably no less because Jeremy Corbyn had made too many people fear, even if those fears may be as much as three-quarters unreasonable.

IMHO the ability of making people feel comfortable should be taken more seriously, especially when you are not the one in power.
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By Ter
If Corbyn somehow makes it to number 10, and I hope he doesn't, will he invite his "friends" from Hamas and Hezbollah to England, maybe to read a speech in the Houses of Parliament?
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By Nonsense
[quote="Rich"]We Europhiles have been betrayed by the establishment, numerous times. In 2015 the Liberal Democrats and Labour stood on a manifesto opposed to a Brexit a referendum, but then straight after the election, they betrayed us, by promising to honour the referendum result. While the Brexiteer fascists openly declared that they would not respect the result if they lost. This is the very definition of fascists, they show contempt for the result when they lose but demand that everyone must respect it when they win. Anyone who says that the Brexiteers would have respected a 48.1 , 51.9 loss is a liar. The Scottish Independence result was 2.8 times as decisive, but it was only Brexit that has stopped the SNP from already demanding a rerun.

Nonsense- Unbelievable nonsense , it's not 'europhiles'(Remainers) who have been betrayed, it's the people that voted Leave, that were betrayed by Theresa MAY & the rest of the 'remainer's' in parliament.
Even after parliament itself voted in legislation to effect the referendum result, they the proceeded to block the country from leaving, only the Lib Dems, along with other minor parties had policies opposing Brexit.

The Brexiteer 'fascist' whom you refer to, are a figment of your imagination, you state that Brexiteers declared that they would not respect the result if they lost, there is a world of difference between saying such things, which they would mean, as campaigning for another referendum at some other time & what has been happening in parliament.
The politicians have been fighting the result, having been dragged by remorseless logic, to deliver the result of the referendum, despite their respective party manifesto policy's, to honour the result of the referendum, by implementing the result.

The reality is, that the people voted Leave & constantly whinging for your rattle, will not change anything-get real.

[/b][/b]I am only one person and unlike many anarchists and right libertarians, I feel its contemptible to demand that the world conform to my ideas of right and wrong. I might disagree with Communists and Nazis, but at least they understand that you need a movement to inflict your beliefs on the world. I didn't bother with Brexit for quite a while after the result because there wasn't even a hint of a movement with the balls to stand up to the Brexiteers. Such a movement must be based on one overriding principle:


You have no 'ideas' of 'right or wrong', you talk about it being contemptible to demand that the world conform to your idea's of 'right or wrong', yet you dictate exactly that when fallaciously attacking our democracy that produced a result with which you disagree with.

We will not support any deal that does not deliver 100% percent on the promises of the leave campaign. Not 98% , not 99%, 100%, that includes 350 million for the NHS, frictionless trade, ability to strike wonderful free trade deals, protection of farmers, fishermen and women etc, etc. The Brexiteers think we Remainers are cowardly idiots. They think we Remainers are so stupid that they can get us to deliver an awful leaving deal for them and then blame all the mess on us. they may well be right.

They were not 'promises', it was political rhetoric, in fact , BoJo won his Supreme Court case brought against him by some naive fool, bent on gaining publicity for himself with other people's money.

If we are to resist the Brexiteer liars, we need to prepare for no deal. in the face off between Brussels and London we must do everything in our power to undermine Britain's negotiating position and strengthen Brussels. Maybe a no deal Brexit will be fine for Britain, in which case the Brexiteers will have been proved right and it will all be over, but if does lead to chaos, then we need to do everything in our power to maximise the chaos, and everything in our power to undermine the unity of the united Kingdom, encouraging the London Assembly and Mayor, the SNP and Sinn Fein to take local administrative control and enter into separate negotiations with the EU.

Nonsense- Again, you illuminate your utter contempt for democracy by the rubbish you have posted above.

Some people engage their 'brain' before speaking, maybe you ought to try it.?

You , along with the E.U, should remember that Theresa MAY said that, "nothing's agreed, until everything is agreed", although TM-E.U, 'agreed' a W.A, along with the E.U parliament, the British parliament didn't, therefore, nothing was actually 'agreed', which is why BoJo is right to call for a new(different)deal.

The 'Backstop' was injected by the E.U(agreed by T.M) as a way, or, means in which to keep the U.K tied to the E.U as a vassal state, as such, it was correctly rejected, had it been rigidly agreed to be time-limited, it may have got through parliament.
Parliament itself has rejected both a 'deal' & a 'no-deal'.
Only parliament can change what it has decided already, it can suck eggs, because it has to acknowledge that what it foolishly did, was to entrap itself up a cul-de-sac of it's own making,by doing a 'volte-face', by placing an ammendment to reverse it's decision on one or more of it's own motions used to frustrate Bexit.

I personally no longer care who runs this country,neither do I care whether it crashes into a stone age existence, it deserves it's fate through the politicians that it elects, who are the most ignorant generation that I have encountered in my lifetime as an observer of the political scene.

If BoJo does take us out on 31 October, there will be many that would vote to re-elect the Tories in an election, I am not one of them, but I would acknowledge their reason for doing so, as being respect for democracy only, just not the other things for which we find reason to vote one way or another.
Last edited by Nonsense on 18 Aug 2019 16:53, edited 2 times in total.
By skinster
Ter wrote:If Corbyn somehow makes it to number 10, and I hope he doesn't, will he invite his "friends" from Hamas and Hezbollah to England, maybe to read a speech in the Houses of Parliament?

Hopefully he will invite people from these types of resistance orgs so we can discuss why groups like them are created. I mean, where did they come from? Some people obviously don't know. :?: :D

And hopefully he won't invite genocidal maniacs like Nethanyahu, Modi, Trump etc. 8)
By SolarCross

I forgot all about the gilet-jaunes. Apparently it is still going on! WTF! Is France having a revolution or what?

gilet-jaunes are the new sans-culottes. Poor Marcon will lose his head maybe.
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By JohnRawls
SolarCross wrote:

I forgot all about the gilet-jaunes. Apparently it is still going on! WTF! Is France having a revolution or what?

gilet-jaunes are the new sans-culottes. Poor Marcon will lose his head maybe.

It kinda died down and stopped for a bit. Then it started again. The movement lost most of its support long time ago.
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By Kaiserschmarrn
The Times wrote:A senior Whitehall source said: “This is not Project Fear — this is the most realistic assessment of what the public face with no deal. These are likely, basic, reasonable scenarios — not the worst case.”

They are quite obviously worst case scenarios and it's the previous government who was responsible for the lack of planning and transparency because, again obviously, it never actually intended to leave unless the WA made it through parliament.

The Times wrote:● Gibraltar will face delays of more than four hours at the border with Spain “for at least a few months”, which are likely to “adversely impact” its economy

Atlantis wrote:We hear of economic sanctions imposed on others almost on a daily basis now. But this must be the first time in history that a country imposes sanctions on itself.

Which of the scenarios in the document will actually happen in your opinion? If everything goes to plan and Britain leaves on 31 Oct we can come back and check your predictions later this year.
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By Hindsite
skinster wrote:And hopefully he won't invite genocidal maniacs like Nethanyahu, Modi, Trump etc. 8)

I am sure that Trump is not a genocidal maniac.
Praise the Lord.
By Atlantis
Kaiserschmarrn wrote:If everything goes to plan and Britain leaves on 31 Oct we can come back and check your predictions later this year.

You should apply for a position as spin doctor with Cummings. Too bad they don't take foreigners, not even wannabe Anglos.

As always, almost everything you write is false. They are not "my predictions". It is not the worst case scenario, as is clear from the document itself. I don't know which prediction will come true, it could be better or it could be worse, depending on how both sides decide to handle the post Brexit phase. That everything will become clear is also misunderstanding the nature of trade talks. We have already seen numerous negative effects even before Brexit, others will happen after 31 Oct., and still others will happen in a number of years depending on how trade talks develop.

One thing is certain though, Britain will remain in limbo as it gradually subsides into insignificance.
By foxdemon
Atlantis wrote:You should apply for a position as spin doctor with Cummings. Too bad they don't take foreigners, not even wannabe Anglos.

As always, almost everything you write is false. They are not "my predictions". It is not the worst case scenario, as is clear from the document itself. I don't know which prediction will come true, it could be better or it could be worse, depending on how both sides decide to handle the post Brexit phase. That everything will become clear is also misunderstanding the nature of trade talks. We have already seen numerous negative effects even before Brexit, others will happen after 31 Oct., and still others will happen in a number of years depending on how trade talks develop.

One thing is certain though, Britain will remain in limbo as it gradually subsides into insignificance.

Well, the UK is in recession. No wait, that is Germany that is in recession.

Oh well, we can still open a book on what will happen to the UK economy after Brexit. Given the offical report, what are the odds for our bets?
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By Nonsense
skinster wrote:Hopefully he will invite people from these types of resistance orgs so we can discuss why groups like them are created. I mean, where did they come from? Some people obviously don't know. :?: :D

And hopefully he won't invite genocidal maniacs like Nethanyahu, Modi, Trump etc. 8)

I see you haven't a doctorate in political psychology skinster. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Nonsense
JohnRawls wrote:It kinda died down and stopped for a bit. Then it started again. The movement lost most of its support long time ago.

I just love the French way of doing politics on the streets, it used to be like that in Blighty way back, but with their snouts in the pig-trough of capitalism, the Brits have well & truly knuckled under the yoke of 'liberalism' in the 'free'ly' managed markets.

Just like the Americans with the 2nd, the French use the streets to remind their 'leaders', where the real power lies when the state becomes overbearing, wearing the jilet-jaunes is like raising the guillotine blade, it's 'flag-waving', take note you fools, the train is coming down the line.

The French blow hot & cold in protest.

There's no telling how they end, a safety valve they are, not to be ignored though as there is always a message there.
By Rich
I will not be intimidated or put off by pathetic childish insults. I will continue to call out anti democratic Brexit fascists.

Eurosceptics have campaigned for decades for what is now considered the most ultra soft of Brexits. In fact many of them even at the start of the referendum didn't even want to leave the EU, they just wanted to use a "leave vote to negotiate a better deal. They wanted a "Leave" / "Remain" referendum. They wanted questions of the Single Market, Customs Union etc let out of the referendum. Until the vote was over not one of them said that a soft Brexit was worse than Remain. These lying fasicsts are now trying to reinterpret the referendum result.

The Brexiteers had a parliamentary majority. It was the Brexiteers in parliament that scuppered the deal. It was Brexiteers that kept us in the EU. it is 100% the responsibility of the Tory Brexiteer MPs that we are still in the EU and that the referendum result was not implemented. Brexiteers would not have respected a 51.9% loss for 2 mins. We've given over three years to the Brexit referendum. Times up. We owe these fascist narcissists precisely nothing! they are owed and they deserve zero respect.

If Brexiteers want to seek a parliamentary majority for a hard Brexit through electing UKIP / Brexit party MPs or deselecting Tory MPs that are not hard enough on Brexit for their tastes, that is fine, that is there right. What I will not respect is this Mussolini style attempt to overthrow the parliamentary majority. If you want your will enacted in parliament, win a parliamentary majority for it through elections. Stop whining like children that you can't just have everything you want, when ever you want it.
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By Nonsense
Rich wrote:I will not be intimidated or put off by pathetic childish insults. I will continue to call out anti democratic Brexit fascists.

Eurosceptics have campaigned for decades for what is now considered the most ultra soft of Brexits. In fact many of them even at the start of the referendum didn't even want to leave the EU, they just wanted to use a "leave vote to negotiate a better deal. They wanted a "Leave" / "Remain" referendum. They wanted questions of the Single Market, Customs Union etc let out of the referendum. Until the vote was over not one of them said that a soft Brexit was worse than Remain. These lying fasicsts are now trying to reinterpret the referendum result.

The Brexiteers had a parliamentary majority. It was the Brexiteers in parliament that scuppered the deal. It was Brexiteers that kept us in the EU. it is 100% the responsibility of the Tory Brexiteer MPs that we are still in the EU and that the referendum result was not implemented. Brexiteers would not have respected a 51.9% loss for 2 mins. We've given over three years to the Brexit referendum. Times up. We owe these fascist narcissists precisely nothing! they are owed and they deserve zero respect.

If Brexiteers want to seek a parliamentary majority for a hard Brexit through electing UKIP / Brexit party MPs or deselecting Tory MPs that are not hard enough on Brexit for their tastes, that is fine, that is there right. What I will not respect is this Mussolini style attempt to overthrow the parliamentary majority.


quote="Rich"]I will not be intimidated or put off by pathetic childish insults. I will continue to call out anti democratic Brexit fascists.

Lets be clear Rich, no one is attempting to 'intimidate' you, it is yourself that is 'childish', as per your post, as for 'calling out anti-democratic Brexit fascist,

I think that you ought to reconsider what you say in the light of your opposition to the referendum result, which is a democratic decision of the British people, for which you vehemently object to.

When Harold WILSON brought referendum's into the British system of 'democracy', in preparation for the 1975 'remain'-'leave' referendum, in which, the question was virtually identical to the 2016 referendum one, along with government support for remain, the people voted to remain & those who voted to leave accepted the will of the people without question.

People who voted leave back then, unlike 'remainers' from 2016, accepted the democratic voice of the people, because they were & still are democrats.

WILSON stated in the official pamphlet, "Her Majesty's government have decided to recommend to the British people to vote for sting in the community",also,
in that pamphlet, under 'Right to Choose', he states, "The coming referendum fulfills a pledge made to the British people in the general election of February 1974".

For students of the issue of 2016 onwards, would do well to study that pamphlet, in order to campare the conduct of Westminster, along with the public, to how the country received it against a backdrop of the Middle East oil crisis of 1973, which heavily influenced the then government's decision to support remaining, along with the public's vote.
There would first be a recognition that in the media was no 'Project Fear', that not only happened with the E.U referendum but also the Scottish Independence one too.

Rich-" If Brexiteers want to seek a parliamentary majority for a hard Brexit through electing UKIP / Brexit party MPs or deselecting Tory MPs that are not hard enough on Brexit for their tastes, that is fine, that is there right. What I will not respect is this Mussolini style attempt to overthrow the parliamentary majority".

I disagree completely with the above, you are entitled to say what you like, which I would always defend you for, but surely you cannot believe what you are posting above...the people voted leave quite literally,on a ballot paper, yet you attatch the above as what is motivating people in how they vote, as some kind of fantastical conspiracy of sorts.

If anyone is being 'intimidating', then it is no other than yourself Rich.

If Harold WILSON can fulfil the pledge made in 1974\5, then, in any system of 'democracy' worthy of the name, there is no excuse in Westminster no to implement the decision of the people in 2016.
By Rich
Nonsense wrote:If Harold WILSON can fulfil the pledge made in 1974\5, then, in any system of 'democracy' worthy of the name, there is no excuse in Westminster no to implement the decision of the people in 2016.

That's a sick libel of our politicians, Wilson campaigned to stay in, I don't doubt for one moment that the Parliament would have fulfilled the pledge to stay in, if Remain had won like Wilson did.
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By JohnRawls
Nonsense wrote:I just love the French way of doing politics on the streets, it used to be like that in Blighty way back, but with their snouts in the pig-trough of capitalism, the Brits have well & truly knuckled under the yoke of 'liberalism' in the 'free'ly' managed markets.

Just like the Americans with the 2nd, the French use the streets to remind their 'leaders', where the real power lies when the state becomes overbearing, wearing the jilet-jaunes is like raising the guillotine blade, it's 'flag-waving', take note you fools, the train is coming down the line.

The French blow hot & cold in protest.

There's no telling how they end, a safety valve they are, not to be ignored though as there is always a message there.

Thats why the french have always been the most advanced least capitalist nation in the world. Its both good and bad. The French are usually good with monumental stuff but really bad with the nitty gritty things compared to the germans lets say. So when times change, the French are usually in the vanguard but in times of stability they kinda wither away of sorts.
By Atlantis
JohnRawls wrote:Thats why the french have always been the most advanced least capitalist nation in the world. Its both good and bad. The French are usually good with monumental stuff but really bad with the nitty gritty things compared to the germans lets say. So when times change, the French are usually in the vanguard but in times of stability they kinda wither away of sorts.

That's not really related to why the French like protests and street riots. It's part of the national narrative which is rooted in the French revolution.

That the French like big ideas more than the details of putting these plans into practice is due to their imperialist tradition. When your economy is based on imperial conquest, you have to think big and let lesser beings do the actual work. The Germans never had that tradition and spectacularly failed when they tried.
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