BREAKING: Moscow empire stopped all payment to Abkhazia, the empire want to settle millions Muscovit - Politics | PoFo

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BREAKING , Moscow empire stopped all payment to Abkhazia, the empire want to settle millions Muscovites and Stans Muslims in Abkhazia ( Circassian Genocide N2)

Abkhazia is effectively a Russian puppet state.

Abkhazi does have some complicated history, and the Russians are drawing on that history to try to have an excuse to keep Abkhazia as a separate territory from Georgia, so the territory can be kept closer in the Russian sphere of influence. This is a strategy Russia has used with several other small territories that belonged to other neighboring countries.

Only about half of the population in the Abkhazia territory are actually ethnically Abkhazian (though it might be less than that). However, there are twice as many ethnic Abkhazians currently living in other countries (mainly Turkey) than there are in Abkhazia, a result of the Russians expelling them in first half of the 1800s. These Abkhazians living in Turkey and other countries are mostly muslim.

In 1989 a census showed that only 17 percent of the population of Abkhazia were ethnically Abkhaz.

The Abkhazian territory currently has roughly around 200,000 people, but had more than half a million before the 1992 war.

Between 20 to 40% of the ethnic Abkhaz in Abkhazia are Muslim (Sunni). 60 to 75% of the total population in Abkhazia are Christian (mostly Eastern Orthodox).
Puffer Fish wrote:Abkhazia is effectively a Russian puppet state.

Abkhazi does have some complicated history, and the Russians are drawing on that history to try to have an excuse to keep Abkhazia as a separate territory from Georgia, so the territory can be kept closer in the Russian sphere of influence. This is a strategy Russia has used with several other small territories that belonged to other neighboring countries.

Only about half of the population in the Abkhazia territory are actually ethnically Abkhazian (though it might be less than that). However, there are twice as many ethnic Abkhazians currently living in other countries (mainly Turkey) than there are in Abkhazia, a result of the Russians expelling them in first half of the 1800s. These Abkhazians living in Turkey and other countries are mostly muslim.

In 1989 a census showed that only 17 percent of the population of Abkhazia were ethnically Abkhaz.

The Abkhazian territory currently has roughly around 200,000 people, but had more than half a million before the 1992 war.

Between 20 to 40% of the ethnic Abkhaz in Abkhazia are Muslim (Sunni). 60 to 75% of the total population in Abkhazia are Christian (mostly Eastern Orthodox).

a good post , do we agree that Abkhazians dont want to be annexed by Moscow empire ? and will fight Muscovite imperialists if they try to pull it off ?

litwin wrote:a good post , do we agree that Abkhazians dont want to be annexed by Moscow empire ? and will fight Muscovite imperialists if they try to pull it off ?

A group of Abkhazians seem to be siding with Russia in order to get their own nation.

If I can use an analogy, it is a bit like how Scotland wanted to join the European Union, because even though it would involve giving up a degree of their independence, they calculated that by joining the greater European Union, they would be gaining a greater degree of independence from England, being in the union of the United Kingdom.

In this case, those Abkhazians want to break away from Georgia.

What the actual percentage of the population in Abkhazia that is actually Abkhazian is a controversial and politically sensitive question. It could be as low as 26 percent, or as high as 51 percent.
Russia and these Abkhazian nationalists would like the world to think there is more.

Some estimates are around 35 or 40 percent.

There are also large numbers of other ethnic groups in Abkhazia. Georgians make up almost 18% of the population, and Russians over 7%.
Armenians make up a little more than 17%.
Among Armenians, 49% support Abkhazian independence, and 51% prefer to remain part of Georgia.

79% of ethnic Abkhazians in Abkhazia would support independence.

source here:

Around 80% of Abkhazians hold Russian passports. Part of the reason for that high number is Russia pays pensions to older people as part of the legacy of the former Soviet Union.
Puffer Fish wrote:A group of Abkhazians seem to be siding with Russia in order to get their own nation.

If I can use an analogy, it is a bit like how Scotland wanted to join the European Union, because even though it would involve giving up a degree of their independence, they calculated that by joining the greater European Union, they would be gaining a greater degree of independence from England, being in the union of the United Kingdom.

In this case, those Abkhazians want to break away from Georgia.

What the actual percentage of the population in Abkhazia that is actually Abkhazian is a controversial and politically sensitive question. It could be as low as 26 percent, or as high as 51 percent.
Russia and these Abkhazian nationalists would like the world to think there is more.

Some estimates are around 35 or 40 percent.

There are also large numbers of other ethnic groups in Abkhazia. Georgians make up almost 18% of the population, and Russians over 7%.
Armenians make up a little more than 17%.
Among Armenians, 49% support Abkhazian independence, and 51% prefer to remain part of Georgia.

79% of ethnic Abkhazians in Abkhazia would support independence.

source here:

Around 80% of Abkhazians hold Russian passports. Part of the reason for that high number is Russia pays pensions to older people as part of the legacy of the former Soviet Union.

i see, so

Abkhazians dont want to be a Moscow colony,

Abkhazians are Circassians (deep down hate Moscow empire )
am i correct ?

there are many Armenians, why ? Abkhazian Armenians are closer related to Armenian- Armenians or to Muscovite Armenians (like beaver - eater ) ?

Abkhazian Georgians live totally isolated ?

what Moscow empire really want ?
litwin wrote:i see, so

Abkhazians dont want to be a Moscow colony,

Well, of course I'm sure these Abkhazian nationalists would prefer not to be a colony of Russia (if it were that simple of a question).

But many of them seem more than willing to become a Russian colony of it means a greater degree of independence for their new nation, and being able to break away from the rule of Georgia.

Another big factor, I'm sure, is that Russia is wealthier than Georgia, so they'd prefer to be economically integrated with Russia.

The per capita GDP of Russia is more than twice as high as Georgia, although to be fair, the per capita GDP in the Russian oblasts in the region close to Georgia seems comparable to that in Georgia, so realistically it is debatable whether this territory would get any wealthier through closer integration with Russia.
The Russians do seem to be using some economic bribes to get Abkhazia to break away.

litwin wrote:Abkhazians are Circassians (deep down hate Moscow empire )
am i correct ?

That's a little complicated and would require going into some history.
Theoretically yes, but I think they hate the Georgians more than the Russians. Even though ethnically, they are closer in similarity to the Georgians.
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