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By QatzelOk
RWR wrote:I haven't sacrificed personality for economic consideration.

Really? So you say exactly what you want to people at work all day? And you are always doing something useful that you enjoy? If this is true, then you are very lucky.

Most people in our industrial societies look forward to the weekend and to retirement, because their jobs are soul-crushing and monotonous. Just like Marx said they would be. You "lose yourself" in your job and become a miserable cog, instead of an engaged human being with multiple skills and interests.

And to help mediate these feelings of losing yourself, media promotes the consumption of "lifestyle" products, from luxury SUV crossovers, to Mac computers, to Nike and Gap - all products that are associated with a "lifestyle" rather than just being products.

The message seems to be that to have a "life" you need to dress it in brands. Otherwise, you're just a cog.

And it may be true. In a Modern industrial society, that is.

(Or is "Modern industrial" another luxury brand, similar to "the West?")
By Theoretically Speaking
Most people in our industrial societies look forward to the weekend and to retirement, because their jobs are soul-crushing and monotonous.

Really? I feel sorry for them, then. I find my job to be challenging and rewarding, both monetarily, and in terms of personal satisfaction.

I haven't always mind you, but I have always continued to gain education and knowledge so that I could continue to improve my occupation.
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By Rancid
Really? So you say exactly what you want to people at work all day? And you are always doing something useful that you enjoy?

yes sir.

I'm currently a grad student, however i had an internship this past summer and previous work experience as well. I loved the summer internship so much that I accepted a full time job offer with the company for when i graduate. I loved the work i did, it was challenging and fun, and i loved the camaraderie i shared with the other guys on my team. The only part of the work that was a lttle boring and not fun, was when i had to document my work, which only takes up about less than 5% of my time at work.

In fact, I pretty much say what I want (usually random jokes, which is a big part of my personality. In short, I'm a goof off), and that is why they like me so much at work. Now, I am respectful so I wouldn't say things that can offend others, if I did have to say something that would offend someone I would say it politely, but that has nothing to do with economics, it's just courtesy I try to apply to life in general.

Hell, even at job interviews I was myself and honest. I had an interview question where they asked:

"What kind of person were you in high school"

My reply:

"No doubt, i was a huge goof off"

i didn't sacrifice personally, i was being 100% honest. In fact, they really liked that i was honest, and they liked that I can have a little fun.

If they didn't like that answer, and didn't want to hire me, then i know i wouldn't be happy there so it would be a good thing that they don't give me the job.

some of us do have control over what we do. You can (almost) always pick up and find another job, a job that doesn't feel monotonous and boring, something you like.

I love my profession. In short, i don't have a "work personality" and a "out side of work personality," I only have a "RancidWannaRiot 24/7 personality." Being an Enginerd (engineer)rocks

I acknowledge that there is a degree of luck in my life, but it's not all luck. anyway, i told myself i don't want to be the kind of person that looks forward to the weekends only.

No matter what kind of society you live in (consumerist, or not), you're going to have people that hate their jobs.

Last, I'd rather spend money on travel to a new country than on a luxury car.
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By QatzelOk
i told myself i don't want to be the kind of person that looks forward to the weekends only.

You told yourself what kind of person you wanted to be?

This seems like a very unnatural type of dialog.

"Good morning, me. Today, I want to be the type of person who loves his job. Do I make myself clear?!

- Yes, sir, me!"

I guess repression from above is not really necessary when your employees are so good at submerging their own characters.

"Today, I want to be the sort of person who doesn't need any breaks or positive reinforcement from family members..."
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By Rancid
I didn't really tell myself that lol.

I'm just saying, i make sure that I can enjoy all aspects of my life. Work life, and non-work life.

I do that by picking a profession i like. Picking a job and company where i like the people and work. Maintaining and building relationships with friends and family.
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By QatzelOk
I do that by picking a profession i like. Picking a job and company where i like the people and work. Maintaining and building relationships with friends and family.

You actually sound like a commercial when you say this.

Do you actually believe that people who hate their jobs simply forgot to pick a profession they like?

Forgot to maintain close ties with other people?

Newsflash: that's not what happens. You can't just go shopping for a high-end career brand.
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By Rancid
Do you actually believe that people who hate their jobs simply forgot to pick a profession they like?

I really don't care what i sound like to you. That's your problem.

that's why i said, i do acknowledge that there is a bit of luck involved in my life..

my mom has a VERY "low end" job but she enjoys it, mainly because of the people she works with though, not so much the job itself. It's better than hating all aspects of work i guess... and not that she actually hates the job itself.

My dad as a "low end" job as well, and he enjoys both the work and the people he works with. Not all "low end" jobs cause misery to people.

I know plenty of people with "low end" jobs, that love them.
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By QatzelOk
my mom has a VERY "low end" job but she enjoys it, mainly because of the people she works with

People always say this when they hate their jobs.

Phase One: It's a boring job, but I'm still learning how to do it, and that's fun.

Phase Two: The job sucks, but it's easy, and I like the people I work with.

Phase Three: I like the people I work with.

Phase Four: I have to get out of that job before I hurt one of those assholes/myself/my sanity/...

Phase Five: Quit, fired, laid off, minor injury, nevous breakdown, fight with boss.


And all of this pain and loss of human experience... all in the name of luxury goods. Things we don't really need to enjoy our lives.

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