What is liberalism to you? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By Abood
Thanx for the elaboration, Pot Pot. Very enlightening.
By Glenn D
Liberalism is authoritarian and controlling.

Wow, I've never seen it defined that way before. Mind explaining?
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By Ombrageux
Edit: my use of "liberal" is twofold. First I use it in the American sense, that is a secular-humanist, just and socially responsible notion of government. Second in a European sense, best represented by French centrist Raymond Aron, of a tolerant, skeptical notion of government which includes a vast number of parties and ideologies under its umbrella (I'm not sure if regressive rabid chauvinists like Coulter, Limbaugh, O'Reilly quite fit the bill, at most a European liberal would tolerate them within domestic politics on the grounds that, although they may be evil, they are not totalitarian. As far as foreign policy is concerned, they are to be vigorously opposed as liberticidal warmongering colonialists).
By Rick
Allow me to explain. I thought people would have gathered that I am an american, and when I am asked what it means to me, I would give the meaning within the american polity. Around 1900 or there abouts, amercican leftists co-opted the word, and gave it a meaning that is the opposite of what is called here "classical liberalism", and in the rest of the world just plain liberalism. How this came about I am not exactly sure. Sorry for generating confusion.
By I
...and gave it a meaning that is the opposite of what is called here "classical liberalism"

They merely adapted the analysis to appreciate the instabilities of capitalism. Those abusing the "classical liberal" term (and it is abuse as they're fed low brow libertarian tosh) are just suffering from economic knowledge deficiencies
By I
I'm afraid its a rather serious business. Liberalism remains an effective defence against the threat of socialist change.
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By Potemkin
Liberalism remains an effective defence against the threat of socialist change.

Which is why liberalism must be destroyed.
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By Holt
I wrote:Modern liberalism is the enemy of socialism, given it has updated classical liberalism to take into account the methods required to stabilise capitalism and maintain the associated inefficiency.

Liberals also like to wear slippers and cardigans.

My thoughts exactly. :D
By MatthewJ
The philosophy of liberals in general:

We must avoid wars, all conflict, all prejudice, anything that causes discomfort. We must eradicate anything that makes people feel inadequate, anything that makes people feel inferior. Suffering must be made a thing of the past. Major war is already a thing of the past. Every man is entitled to easy salvation and the good life. We live in a new era of enlightenment and rationality.
By BlueSeason
An outdated system that has lost its use-value to society. It is currently in decay.

Your talking about Communism ?
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By gunsite
Liberalism has no standards...nothing is ever right and nothing is ever wrong...there's evil or good... nothing applies to them. they're the ideal person. Liberalism by itself is a standard that represent "anything goes" which doesn't take a stand on anything, and that's why they are never held accountable for anything.
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By BlackSabbath
Liberalism has no standards...nothing is ever right and nothing is ever wrong...there's evil or good... nothing applies to them. they're the ideal person. Liberalism by itself is a standard that represent "anything goes" which doesn't take a stand on anything, and that's why they are never held accountable for anything.

If Liberalism actually meant this, I'd be the biggest liberal on the planet. :roll:
By Oblisk
Liberalism's "individual rights" is laughable at best. Liberalism should be put down.
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By gunsite
LIBERALS...are a few elites who raise to power and want to dictate to everyone what they can and cannot do. liberals adhere to no standards, which makes them believe everything they do is perfect and what's best for everyone.
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By QatzelOk
liberals adhere to no standards

Then what exactly do they dictate, gunsite?
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By gunsite
They try and dictate every part of your life, they are full of entitlement programs, they believe in big government, they are into control, what you eat, smoke, wear, and say, what morals or standards are they held to. ask yourself the question and research it, don't believe me.

Ask yourself what is the base of the democrat party, who are they for. They don't recognize accomplishment or achievement, they recognize diversity and affirmative action, they don't base education on grades, but base grades on quotes, and they don't base qualifications or knowledge for job placement or promotion on achievement but rather on numbers needed of race and gender.

So what that said what are their standards, what standards do they uphold and stand by. When someone applies to college, do they treat acceptance and scholarships according to the person or the person’s race and/or gender.

The question you should be asking is what don’t they dictate, or try to dictate.
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By QatzelOk
Gunsite, you posted that liberals adhere to no standards, and then you posted a list of standards that liberals introduce to be adhered to.

Are you saying that liberals have great ideas about morality, but that they themselves don't adhere to them? They claim to believe in affirmative action but they don't practice it? They preach a fair and level playing field, but are always protecting their own privilege?

Can you develop this idea a little more clearly?
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By gunsite
they have no morals, they only have ideas.

They claim to believe in affirmative action but they don't practice it? They preach a fair and level playing field, but are always protecting their own privilege? .....YES to some

example... teddy kennedy and the slip and fall lawyer john edwards.

They like dependency, they love victims, and they want you to depend on government. They want you in a pool of self pity, they want you to believe you don't know how and can't make it on your own, you need the democrat liberal, this state of dependency helps keep them in power.

If you have a city base on entitlement programs and welfare your going to get, keep, and crate... poor citizens. If you have a city that believes and is run on the idea of entrepreneurs and growth... then your not going to have as much of welfare and entitlements citizens, and I don't care what the race of the city is. liberalism creates a entitlement mentality and self-pity attitude base on the idea of government dependency.

The have no standards to adhere to, all they have are ideas which hold them to no accountablity.

They have been waging war against poverty for 40 years, what have they accomplish.
End Quote:

Blaming poverty on liberalism and the federal government, a conservative activist on Friday said: "It is very sad what the liberals have done with their war on the poor in this country."

"After 40 years of failure, they still insist that they want to expand this war, that they think they should pour more money into this war," said Star Parker, president of the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education. "Already, over $3 trillion has been spent on the war on poverty, and so far, we've not seen results."

Parker said the war on poverty has really been a war waged by liberals on four fronts -- "war on the family, the war on thought, the war on tradition and a war on religion."

"Lots of liberals got hold of the Black community and started convincing them that there is nothing wrong with dependence on government -- we started seeing the Black family destroyed," Parker said. "We saw welfare policy enter in with rules that say don't work, don't save, don't get married, and we'll fix all of your life problems for you."

FULL STORY@http://www.cnsnews.com/ViewCulture.asp?Page=/Culture/archive/200709/CUL20070917a.html

Liberals have no standard of right or wrong, therefore they are never held accountable for anything.
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By BlackSabbath
They like dependency, they love victims, and they want you to depend on government.

You could say this about all politicians...
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By gunsite
[quote]You could say this about all politicians.

don't say that about conservatives... conservatives don't like entitlements, they don't create victims, they don't create dependency, they create achievers, and entrepreneurs.

But... bumper sticker sayings are cool... they usually are used by people who don't have substance and comprehensive answers.

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