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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By Zyx
Public nudity and Public sex are very different?

Supposedly, the latter is implied with the former.

I mean, I suppose someone can want love the dangling or be extremely hot, but maybe I just do not much understand how the world would be if there were public nudity.

Do you agree with provocative clothing?
By Zyx
Children in provocative clothing?

Like in HS I remember reading "Booty" across some women . . . it was written in white over a dark blue background and so contrast, from a fashion perspective, was quite gripping.
By Mazhi
I'm not sure about that. Depends on how provocative.
By Zyx
Like JonBenet Ramsey provocative.

I'd say you were a libertarian . . . yunno like "let everyone do what the f' they want" on social issues . . . and a liberal economically (progressive income tax in particular)
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By Abood
It's called being a social liberal, Kumatto.
By humanrights
Synopsis: Liberalism is the tendency to prefer the modification of existing situations and power structures in order to improve individual rights for all.

An influential early liberal was the English philosopher John Locke. In his political writings, which deeply influenced the framers of the U.S. Constitution, he argued for popular sovereignty, the right of rebellion against oppression, and toleration of religious minorities. According to the thought of Locke and his many followers, the state exists not to promote people’s spiritual salvation, but to serve its citizens and to guarantee their life, liberty, and property under a constitution. - From MSN Encarta

If someone gives specific programs that liberals follow, then that definition is wrong. In some ways Obama is very conservative while McCain and Bush are very liberal. Bush has spent American money very liberally in an attempt to bring democracy to Iraq. Others would argue that the war was fought to eliminate the possiblity of terrorism by oil embargo. Others would argue that Bush was compelled to cause destruction after 911 to [...].

The word liberal is not a synonym for democrat. The word conservative is not a synonym for republican. I believe the republicans and democrats have, by association, trashed good words. Liberalism and conservatism are both good words. Republican and Democrat are NOT good words.
Last edited by humanrights on 15 Oct 2008 15:05, edited 1 time in total.
By Philthy Phil
Heya, new member here via a friend of mine who keeps my up late at night on MSN with various arguments with random people he invites. lol. Was wondering what niche you guys feel I fit best into-

Taxes: Interesting predicament. I think the idea of paying more if your income is higher, makes sense- however I can't help but feel like you're being punished for success. I'm not too knowledgable in this area.

Free market: Definitly needs to be regulated.

Environment: I think hijacking a Nucleur sub is a bit daft, but I think the environment needs to be cared for. Heck, my village is going to be a concrete jungle if people keep putting up new homes for immigrants.

Drugs: I find hillarious. The most addictive drugs that come to mind are nicotine, caffiene and alcohol. Honest opinion? Legalise the lot, spend less police effort on arresting drug users- meaning more time can be spent on violent crime. And yes- someone mugging for drug money is still a violent crime.

Guns: Too much power for someone to control. I've never liked them, but I live in England so I've grown up in a society where guns are much rarer. I'm open to other views on the matter though.

Death penalty: I can't get my head around it. I think it's probably nessicary, but I can't bring myself to be in favour of killing someone. Ignoring personal issues, I'd say it's probably best to have it in extreme circumstances.

Abortion: Legal. Haha, that's so contradicting my statement on death penalty, but I am only human afterall. I think destroying a potential human life is a waste, but I'm not going to cry over the millions of sperm wasted in non-pro-creative sex. And what if the girl was raped? She must spend the rest of her life, living with a reminder.

Religion: See George Carlin.

Gay marriage: Some people are gay. Get over it. That's my opinion, I saw it on a billboard and I agreed. You don't choose your sexuality, and it's unfair that a single detail should mean someone isn't allowed to marry the love of their life.

War in Iraq: I don't like war, therefore I can't honestly answer this question. I'm still not even sure of all the facts anyway.

Welfare: I'm up for helping people, but not when people abuse it for a 'free ride'. Limitted welfare, and lots more checking on who actually needs what.

Immigration: I live in England, so I think you'll guess I'm going to say- Close the doors. Then evaluate who's in the country and why, get rid of people who shouldn't be here, are sending money out to their kids in europe, or just living a free ride. I want much, much stricter regulation on immigration.

Nationalism: There is nothing wrong with being proud of your country, if you feel they deserve it. Forgive me if I'm getting the wrong idea of what you mean by 'nationalism'. Culture and pride in one's home shouldn't be frowned upon. But you should be willing to embrace other cultures too, and respect it. But not change your own culture because it's Politically Correct. That's an awful idea.

Healthcare: Hospitals should never have to worry about funding, and no-one should have to worry about being turned away for help.

Education: Stop turning Grade Averages into a Competition, and focus on teaching the next generation the art of not getting shot or high on crack. This applies to everyone imo.

Civil liberties and human rights: Essential.

Pornography: Not for minors, but they'll get it anyway. It's part of growing up. Pedophillia and Bestiality are bad, in my opinion- but other than that, as long as those not wishing to, don't have to see it, I see no foul.

Creationism: Shouldn't be in schools, other than in Religious Studies- such as young people learning about different religions and theories. It shouldn't be taught as fact however.

Drinking and drug age: 21. In England it's 18, but I'd of killed for another 3 years of underage drinking. Much more fun.

Gender: I'm male. Heh. No but seriously, I think we have to admit that there really are differences in men and women- beyond just physical. I don't believe either gender is superior, and I don't believe any of the differences really need to be worked around. I think you shouldn't be restricted in any job opportunity, just because of your gender.

Anything else?
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
Guns: Support ownership rights, with a few restrictions and regulations to make it harder for violent criminals to obtain them.

Drugs: Legalize marijuana and use tax revenues to fund drug and alcohol treatment programs for all addictive substances, marijuana included (yep you can get addicted to pot...). Drug courts should be used for the heavy drugs, where you complete a treatment program and are released.

Porn: You should be permitted to begin viewing it on your 16th birthday.

Sexual consent: 16th birthday

Entertainment/Media Content: Most nonviolent sexual references, nudity, and swear words are okay for all teenagers to consume. Only use higher age limits (16 or 17) for brutal violence, hateful behavior, and sexual exploitation.

Abortion: No restrictions, though alternatives such as adoption should be made available to women who are interested.

Birth Control: Unlimited access for all citizens who want it, with no age restrictions or parental approval required. Comprehensive sex education in schools!

Gay rights: Marriage rights, adoption rights, nondiscrimination laws for jobs, housing, credit and insurance. Aggressive anti-homophobia programs in middle schools and high schools.

Taxes: More progressive than today. Close all loopholes for the wealthy and introduce a new bracket above $5 million. Use tax incentives to steer market behavior toward socially optimal outcomes (Pigovian economics)

Labor Unions: Imprison all employers guilty of illegal firings and union busting.

Health Care: Single-payer insurance paid entirely through tax revenues. Private doctors and hospitals just bill the government.

War in Iraq: Immediately begin a phaseout of troops. Guarantee free college and health care for all Iraq War veterans.

Economy: Pigovian tax incentives, media ownership regulation, antitrust policies, global labor and environmental issues covered in trade agreements.

Environment: Subsidies and technology grants for solar energy and cellulosic (not corn) biofuels. Tax rebates to communities that implement "smart growth" policies.
By humanrights
All of the things mentioned are things that should be outside the scope of federal governments.

Governments should have little say in those matters.

My rules are simple:
1. The only right of government is to protect the natural rights of the people (People have the right to eat, breath, have sex, clothing, housing, medical care and a job or minimal income. Plus people have the right to own things and pay minimal taxes.)

2. The government should require a minimum vote of 60 percent before passage of any bill. A 50-50 vote represents perfect indecision and confusion and should never be used as a tie-breaker.

Worldwide, government and voters are as dumb as dinosaurs on the subject of justice and government.
By cocard
Guns: Support the right to own guns with some restrictions to make it hard for people charged with violent crimes to obtain them.

Drugs: Legalisation of marijuana and government-funded rehabilitation programs for everything else.

Porn: 16+

Sexual consent: 16+

Drinking age: 16+

Abortion: I wouldn't want them done after the second trimester, though it's not my place to make that decision so available anytime.

Birth control: Available for all people. And like the person above me said, comprehensive sex education in schools.

Death penalty: I'm not a huge fan of it but I suppose it could be reserved for extreme circumstances.

Religion: Separation of church and state.

Gay rights: Should be treated as complete equals meaning their sexuality should not be an issue at all when it comes to adoption, marriage, housing, etc.

Taxes: Raise taxes on the wealthy and close the loopholes.

Welfare: I support welfare programs, though it should be worked out so it's not abused.

Nationalism: I think civic nationalism is good and brings people together in a way that is not racist or xenophobic.

Health care: I'm not completely sure about this yet as I've not read up on it much, but I think it should at least be affordable for all people.

War in Iraq: Immediate phased withdrawal.

I left out immigration because that's really tricky.
By Octane
Healthcare: universal healthcare for everyone

^ This has traditionally been a major bone of contention with liberals, who have argued vehemently against the welfare state.

Taxes: taxes should be progressive, the more you earn, the bigger percentage you should pay.

^ A leftist policy.

Guns: gun ownership should be controlled and regulated

^ Hopefully, you aren't against private transfer of weaponry.

Welfare: support it, we need to give a helping hand to the underpriviliged until they manage to improve their lives

^ Again, a classist and leftist philosophy.

Education: universal education for everyone, all the way from kindergarten to college

^ Does not allow for private schooling or home schooling, nor for vouchers, thus a big-government philosophy and certainly not liberal.

Creationism: should not be taught in schools as it is not science

^ Mandated curriculum at the federal level, rather than on a school-by-school basis, thus big government.

I recommend you take a look at Milton Friedman, Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, Jagdish Bhagwati, etc., if you want to take a look at—dare I say it? Yes, I think so—true liberal viewpoints.
By humanrights
Liberals don't have "platforms". Only parties have platforms. Those are all issues of the two most supported political parties. Liberals don't have "platforms". Why should a liberal believe in that cluster of tripe?

For that matter, why should a conservative believe in the listed tripe?

I think that the aforementioned tripe is conservative. These are all standard election time subjects.

Those issues deflect from more central issues, and in that regard, are merely ad hominem attacks.
By tornadouk
Well, in order for the greatest good of the greastest number to be acheived (=happiness), people must be free to live their lives the way they want to, as long as they're not harming anyone else.

You say this, but then you are also in favour of universal healthcare, and universal education. You could not be more hypocritical.
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By clearthought
I'd say you are what is typically referred to as a liberal. I agree with most of your stances.
By humanrights
Liberals put a higher priorority on human and natural rights than conservatives.

This liberal, and libertarians as well, want to make sure that everyone can breath, eat, have sex, shelter, clothing and medical care. We want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all. We believe that the ONLY right of government is to protect the rights of the individual.

The democrats are calling themselves "progressives" that want big government to ensure health care and other things while keeping in place the present suppressive police and taxation.

And that's why I'm a liberal - not a Democrat, not a progressive, and not for big government.

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