Liberal? - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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By Mazhi
Am I a liberal?

Here are my beliefs:

Taxes: taxes should be progressive, the more you earn, the bigger percentage you should pay.

Free market: free market is okay, but it has to be regulated

Environment: we have to protect the environment, we have to punish businesses that harm it

Drugs: all drugs should be legal

Guns: gun ownership should be controlled and regulated

Death penalty: I oppose it

Abortion: legal in every case, a fetus is not yet a human being

Religion: complete separation of Church and state

Gay marriage: support it, anyone can marry whomever they want

War in Iraq: a big mistake

Welfare: support it, we need to give a helping hand to the underpriviliged until they manage to improve their lives

Immigration: let more people in, they are a valuable addition

Nationalism: stupid

Healthcare: universal healthcare for everyone

Education: universal education for everyone, all the way from kindergarten to college

Civil liberties and human rights: very important

Pornography, depicting consenting adults, should be legal for the adult population.

Creationism: should not be taught in schools as it is not science

Drinking and drug age: 16

Gender: males and females are different, but equal, no prescribed gender roles

Did I leave anything important out?
Last edited by Mazhi on 31 Dec 2007 14:07, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dr House
I'd say you're pretty liberal. I agree with you on everything except 3 issues:

Gun control: Guns don't kill people, people kill people. A gun owner is a criminal's worst nightmare.

Regulation: Minimal, though not non-existent. Punish fraudulent action more severely, though not with more oversight. The bosses of Enron and Arthur Andersen should've gone to jail and their assets divided among their employees, but that needed to be that. Serbanes-Oaxley was too much. Also, government action should promote more transparency, but not more compliance costs or any restrictions on action. If there is lead in our toys and the manufacturer is obligated to disclose that fact, we will not buy those toys, no need for the government to run interference. Same with medicines: Full disclosure and transparency, but no restriction.

Welfare: Necessary to get people back on their feet. Provide GED's worker re-training, unemployment insurance, rehab... no actual welfare.
By Zyx
I would not compliment you like that . . . not with that porn porn and drug attitude. Besides, we already have progressive taxes; might want to give more detail. And why are you allowing guns? Gargh . . . it all depends on who you vote for now.

Nevermind, just remembered that you are not American, so I could not care less what party you voted for.

What's your opinion on public smoking; public drug use, and public nudity?
By Mazhi
I would make the taxes even more progressive: almost no taxes for the poorest, and more taxes for the richest.

Public smoking: I have no problem with smoking outside, but there should be separate rooms for smokers and non-smokers inside bars.

Public drug use: I have no problem with people smoking pot or doing lines of coke in public, but shooting up heroin might be a bit too much.

Public nudity: No problem with it, we are all born naked.

Guns: I think most people should not be allowed to own a gun. Only those who are being seriously threatened should be able to own a piece.
Last edited by Mazhi on 03 Jan 2008 19:38, edited 1 time in total.
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By Oxymoron
I would make the taxes even more progressive: almost no taxes for the poorest, and more taxes for the richest.

The poor are not taxed at least in the US :roll: . The Rich always find ways around new tax's. After all the Income tax was only possible because the Poor and middle class thought it targeted the Rich, in the end the rich found ways with Corporations and trusts to go around them while everyone else pays for it. To make a succesful economy you have to come up with ways to keep more money in peoples hands not the goverments.
By Mazhi
The definitions of "successful economy" are different for different people. Mine is probably much different than yours.
By Zyx
You seem like a book-guide liberal; you do not really seem to have a personal position or conviction but rather just a grabbing onto whatever seems more liberal.

That is, no obvious philosophy . . . considering your opinion on nudity. WTF.

Oh wait, I meant to say mandatory nudity . . . but still the same.

Liberalism is a philosophy, you seem without philosophy . . . or maybe you are some weird Libertarian . . . which is, for the record, among the worst philosophies out there.
By Mazhi
Just because you don't like my philosphy, it doesn't mean I don't have one.

And what's wrong with nudity? Is there something on our bodies we should be ashamed of and hide? :hmm:
By Oblisk
Yes, you are a liberal. I can tell by the pinko-commie person you have in your avatar.
By Zyx
Again I ask, what is your philosophy?

It is weird, you are the second one to not understand a challenge.

Like in another thread, I said that porn had no benefits and then the person went on to say "just because you do not see . . ." why not just easily disprove me and list the benefits?

Anyway, what is your guiding philosophy.

Really principled people fall back on their school of thought for guidance, even taking away personal opinion on the manner. Like recently, FRS and Potemkin were discussing Kosovo and Potemkin did not answer the question personally but rather said "As a communist" {sorry to cite people but it is a good recent example for what I mean} you on the other hand seem to just be taking things as you see it.

You agree with marijuana but disagree with Heroin because in person you agree with marijuana and disagree with heroin.

You say nudity is good . . . actually, maybe I see your philosophy . . . it is probably "Anti-Church." This I would say is a stupid guiding philosophy, just do disagree with the "church" everywhere is silly. Have a stance, not an enemy.
By Mazhi
I didn't say I disagree with heroin, I just think it shouldn't be done in public, not that people would want to do it with bystanders watching them anyway.

As for my philosophy, it could be summed up in these words: the greatest good for the greatest number of people.
By Zyx
I guess reviewing one ought to separate social and economic philosophy, all the same; how does Nudity apply to your "philo"
By Mazhi
Well, in order for the greatest good of the greastest number to be acheived (=happiness), people must be free to live their lives the way they want to, as long as they're not harming anyone else. Nudity is not harming anyone.
By Zyx
Umm . . . how is public nudity in sync with the greater good ideology . . . I still do not understand.
By Mazhi
This is really a minor issue. But I belive people tend to be happier when they are free. Restricting their freedoms and rights is counterproductive.
By Zyx
I do not understand; also do you account for physiological damage in your assessment of "harm?"

Would it be wrong to show a child pornography? What about to sex in front of a child? What about to be naked in front of a child? What about to be extremely ugly? What about satanist tattoos? What about a sign that reads "Go hang yourself!"
By Oblisk
Restricting their freedoms and rights is counterproductive.

And we should keep it this way.

Go spraypaint anarchy tags and get arrested.
By Mazhi
I do not understand; also do you account for physiological damage in your assessment of "harm?"

Both direct psychological and physical damage.

Would it be wrong to show a child pornography?

To a certain age, yes.

What about to sex in front of a child?

Same as above.

What about to be naked in front of a child?

I already said, we are born naked. Nothing wrong with that.

What about to be extremely ugly? What about satanist tattoos? What about a sign that reads "Go hang yourself!"

Are you joking? :hmm: [/quote]
By Zyx
Lol, one can be naked but not have sex?

I guess you are a liberal, just not a very agreeable one.
By Mazhi
There's a big difference between being naked and having sex. :|

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