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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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In my opinion, to be a Libertarian you have to believe people, by and large, are good. You have to be optimistic about human nature. If you are, there’s no reason to believe we need governments to provide “essential services” such as welfare, healthcare, education, roads, etc. (Feel free to challenge any of the above.)

If you do believe governments have to intervene to create these things at adequate levels, and that the government will do a better job than private individuals left to their devices, there has to be a reason why they’ll do it better. If you fall in this group, and I'm presuming most people here do, for what reasons do you believe governments do a better job at providing such services than the private sector? (Feel free to define the word ‘better’ however you see fit.)
By Zyx
Concord wrote:If you fall in this group, and I'm presuming most people here do, for what reasons do you believe governments do a better job at providing such services than the private sector? (Feel free to define the word ‘better’ however you see fit.)

James Madison, in the Federalist Paper #51, wrote:If men were angels, no government would be necessary.

Concord, I cannot concede that we would each have the same language, morals, aspirations, and freedoms if we did not have a government . . . in fact, the world is claimed as being a quasi-anarchic world and truly were we to view nations as individuals we would notice that these qualities that we endear are different in such a scale, that is, language differs, morals differ, general aspirations differ, and freedoms differ globally.

Maybe the private sector can distribute sandwiches better than a government can, although it does not necessarily have to (which is an important condition that you should remember,) but as to private sectors unifying our culture and making movements and communication easier, it just cannot be reasonable to assume that.

What I would consider 'better' is the full range of accessibility and the full ability to be anywhere satisfactorily, because it does not matter how good your restaurant is if I cannot read French because if I cannot read French then I cannot read French. Just the same, it does not matter how good your road is if it does not allow for the specific car that I operate (I do not operate a car) to ride on it, or if the lights follow a different schema than what I was informed of in wherever I am used to.

I hear that in India there are upwards of one hundred languages, Government intervenes with this 'private' want of monopolizing and disunification best IMO. Humans are not angels after all. If you want to abolish government then how do you justify isolating people from services and what are you arguing for?

I may not like speaking ~English but I do like being able to speak with someone from a different part of this Country and, even better, the people abroad; the lady in the backwaters of India which are not being regulated by the government properly is not able to use the services like politicsforum or, even, 70% of the rest of the internet. So what exactly is your 'service' argument?

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