Democrats not Liberals and Republicans not Conservatives - Politics | PoFo

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Modern liberalism. Civil rights and liberties, State responsibility to the people (welfare).
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Democrats are not Liberals and Republicans are not Conservatives.

The Democrats and Republicans are mobocracies and popularists. Plato called our type of democracy a oligarchy. By the same argument we could call both the Republican and Democratic parties oligarchies.

A popular idea catches hold. The media pushes the idea. Democrats and Republicans endorse the idea in order to get votes. America gets sucked in because we don't know what leaders are. America thinks that leaders are the people endorsing the popular ideas whether intelligent or not. This is why both parties are popularists.

Once a mob or group emerges with a significant voting bloc, one party will suck up to that mob as long as other mobs - or groups - within the party do not object. Thus the bar association, the medical association, the police, the gays, the sexes, and the ethnic groups and the opulent get support. This is why both parties are mobocracies.

Conservatives would fix what is broken for the good of ALL. Liberals would make laws that protected the rights of ALL. That is why Republicans are NOT conservatives and the Democrats are NOT liberals.
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By dwix
Conservatives would fix what is broken for the good of ALL.

What does this mean? You say that conservatives are different from democrats, but how is "fix[ing] what is broken" any sort of ideological or philosophical platform?
By humanrights
The present approach is to fix what is broken using popularist wisdom, methods and programs. For example, if crime is too high, you hire more policemen, make tougher sentences and put more people in prison. "Everybody knows" that is how to solve the problem of a high crime rate.

A conservative approach should be to scientifically study all the problems and solutions to the problems and then implement the best system. Crime goes down if you provide good jobs, for example. There are a lot of solutions, but they buck "conventional wisdom" significantly and thus elicit arguments that nobody wins.

A liberal approach would be to tackle things from the principle that everyone has the right to a good job. They create the jobs. Crime rates go down.
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By NoRapture
Democrats are not Liberals and Republicans are not Conservatives.
To this sentence I say, Bingo! The rest is incoherent, untranslatable horseshit. A liberal in the US today is someone who thinks it might be a good idea to quit Iraq, as long as we leave the Air Force and Marines there to protect the oil fortresses and house all the profits in U.S. banks. A conservative is someone who considers pin-point nukes a good option to save on oil-field-loss while butchering the terrorists. And they are both bipartisan on the issues of torture and suspension of habeas corpus. The fact is Americans are too stupid in equal proportion across the continent to place any reliable political measurement on the country as a whole.
By humanrights
The terms conservative and liberal are incorrectly used to define the clustered groups that call themselves Republicans and Democrats.

Words have definitions. Definitions are more robust than synonyms and less subject to capricious change and redefinition.

Good definitions for those terms can be found in the online MSN Encarta. Encarta gives better definitions than Rush and his democratic equivalent Michael Francis Moore.
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