Wikileaks exposes imperialist plots against Venezuela - Politics | PoFo

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We knew it was happening, but now we know how it is being coordinated.

WikiLeaks has published over 40,000 secret documents regarding Venezuela, which show the clear hand of US imperialism in efforts to topple popular and democratically elected leader Hugo Chavez.

The documents, which date from July 2004 to December 2011 and which were published through WikiLeaks twitter account @wikileaks and which are now available on WikilLeaks Global Intelligence Files online, are based on emails taken from the private US-based intelligence company, Stratfor.

Wikileaks reveals imperialist plots against Venezuela*|Caracas&mfrom=&

It wouldn't surprise me to learn that SocialCritic was responsible for the setting up of CANVAS when he lived in Belgrade.
I never lived in Belgrade. A friend of mine did, he said it sucked.

Regarding the OP, it's bogus. I went through those Wikileaks cables and they don't report any "imperialist plots against Venezuela". Venezuela is screwed up because it had a lousy government. Now that Chavez is gone, there's no real government, they have become a Cuban colony.
Social_Critic wrote:I never lived in Belgrade. A friend of mine did, he said it sucked.

Regarding the OP, it's bogus. I went through those Wikileaks cables and they don't report any "imperialist plots against Venezuela". Venezuela is screwed up because it had a lousy government. Now that Chavez is gone, there's no real government, they have become a Cuban colony.

It appears denial is a river in Valencia.

It's not bogus, perhaps you skim-read but skimmed over this:
To explain the plan of action we sent, it is a how-to guide for
revolution, obviously. It is all explained in our Revolution Guide (the
encyclopedia of mayhem) under the chapter "HOw to Plan Campaigns".
When somebody asks us for help, as in Vene case, we usually ask them the
question "and how would you do it". That means that the first thing is to
create a situational analysis (the word doc I sent you) and after that
comes "Mission Statement" (still left to be done) and then "Operational
Concept", which is the plan for campaign. For this case we have three
campaigns: unification of opposition, campaign for September elections and
parallel with that a "get out and vote" campaign.
Andalablue, it looks to me like your agitprop is a bit coarse. Show me where the quote comes from, please. I'd like to see the full context.

You should go back to your agitprop manual and review it. If you try this baloney with me, it won't work. And the funny jokes about what I may be or where I may have been won't do you much good. I actually enjoy seeing how you guys twist and turn whenever I mention I've been there.

By the way, did you know the film Cloud Atlas had 40 minutes censored by the Chinese? If you do get to see it, make sure it's not the version for the Chinese public. You got to see the real thing.
The raw wikileaks material is there on a click. Stratfor is clearly attempting to coordinate another US-supported coup. Third (or fourth, or fifth) time lucky, eh? Being a political advisor doesn't automatically turn you into a plotter, unless you're plotting a coup. Then it does.
Social_Critic wrote:Andalablue, it looks to me like your agitprop is a bit coarse. Show me where the quote comes from, please. I'd like to see the full context.

You should go back to your agitprop manual and review it. If you try this baloney with me, it won't work. And the funny jokes about what I may be or where I may have been won't do you much good. I actually enjoy seeing how you guys twist and turn whenever I mention I've been there.

By the way, did you know the film Cloud Atlas had 40 minutes censored by the Chinese? If you do get to see it, make sure it's not the version for the Chinese public. You got to see the real thing.

Funny how you claim your agitprop sources to be legit, but mine....

WTF has Cloud Atlas got to do with anything? I read the book. I know how it's meant to work. Probably won't see the film. Anything filtered through US media's probably going to be suspect.
Wikileaks confirming what we knew all along.

Social_Critic wrote: they have become a Cuban colony.

That is why Cuba is reliant on Venezuelan oil to keep its economy going. If anything Venezuela is dominating Cuba.
Well, the cable at hand reads:

Wikileaks wrote:INSIGHT - VENEZUELA: Canvas fostering revolutions
Released on 2013-02-13 00:00 GMT
Email-ID 1708470
Date 1970-01-01 01:00:00
ATTRIBUTION: Not yet, not unless they let us publish

Translated from source:

To explain the plan of action we sent, it is a how-to guide for revolution, obviously. It is all explained in our Revolution Guide (the encyclopedia of mayhem) under the chapter "HOw to Plan Campaigns". When somebody asks us for help, as in Vene case, we usually ask them the question "and how would you do it". That means that the first thing is to create a situational analysis (the word doc I sent you) and after that comes "Mission Statement" (still left to be done) and then "Operational Concept", which is the plan for campaign. For this case we have three campaigns: unification of opposition, campaign for September elections and parallel with that a "get out and vote" campaign.

In NORMAL circumstances, activists come to us and work in a worksho[ on exactly this sort of a format. We only guide them. This is why plans end up being so efficient later on, because the activist themselves created them and are absolutely theirs, ie authentic. We only give them the tools to use them. In Venezuela's case, because of the complete disaster that the place is, because of suspicion between oppositoon groups and disorganization, we have to do the initial analysis. Whether they go on to next steps really depends on them, in other words depends on whether they will become aware that because of a lack of UNITY they can lose the race before it has started.

By the way Venezuela's security culture is nonexistent. They are retarded and talk out of their ass. It is absolutely a joke.

It doesn't seem to me they are planning a coup. In fact, they are talking pretty explicitly about advising the opposition on how to contest in the election.

And they weren't too optimistic about it, as you can read.
If I read this one right it's dated 1970? I went through the Wikileaks database when it came out to see if I was mentioned in it, and one of the interesting issues was how bland it was. I thought they may have mentioned me because I had a TV camera planted by the us embassy in my stairwell, and I used to invite Cubans to come over (being Cuban I would of course invite them to see if they would carry stuff to my family back in Cuba).

Anyway, three was nothing in those cables. And all of this brouhaha is propaganda bullshit. Hugo Chavez is dead, the Cuban regime is extremely nervous because the disconnect took place ahead of their schedule, the Venezuelan military are demanding the truth, and there are nation wide power cuts taking place as people pass the word that Venezuela is being invaded by Cubans with the cooperation of traitors Cabello and Maduro.

It's January 1 1970? Maybe someone ought to warn future president Allende that he will be overthrown as president at the behest of the United States three years later and that would be the end of him.
Yes, and here we are in a thread called "Wikileaks exposes imperialist plot against Venezuela" and bringing up Allende.

Like I wrote, I tend to believe US foreign policy towards Venezuela is fairly hands off, because to the US what counts is what route Venezuela takes regarding the bigger fish it wants to fry, and this happens to be Iran, the Middle East, China, etc. The USA couldn't care less about Venezuela's oil anymore, but it does care what it does with the cash it earns selling oil.

The key item we have to focus on, and I'll try to make sure we do focus on here, is that Chavez wasn't Venezuela. But Chavez is dead, and the current regime is a mess, they lack a viable route to preserve the status quo, given that yesterday the Venezuelan high command asked they be given access to Chavez. So it's going to be interesting to see the reactions in Caracas over the next few days.
Wikileaks didn't go through American garbage. They released cables written by US diplomatic personnel. I searched through the referenced information and I didn't find anything to support the title

Wikileaks exposes imperialist plots against Venezuela

I have the feeling the current regime's propaganda elves are very active at this time, given the delicate situation they have in Venezuela (their government is illegal, and they are facing increasing opposition, lack of governance, a crashing economy, and increasing crime).

The disinformation war is so intense at this point, it's important to double check links, quotes, references, and draw maps trying to see who is being influenced by whom. Most of what we read even in reputable publications is garbage. I pride myself on having sources in different countries so I can get a flavor from everywhere. This morning I checked with a Russian friend to see what he thought was going on in Venezuela, and he merely answered he was too worried about Russia's problems, which are not impacted at all by what happens in Venezuela, so he hasn't been able to form an opinion, other than he thinks it's really funny to see how useless a president can be when Venezuela seems to work fine with a dead president. What he doesn't know, of course, is that Venezuela doesn't work fine.

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