Mexico Elects a Socialist in a Landslide - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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Paddy14 wrote:I confess that I know almost nothing about politics and ideologies, but should I be taking advice from someone who has this person as his avatar? Like - not cool!

Guevara was no better. Don't get me wrong, I like how he lynched the pig landlords and overthrew a tyrant, but then he went and gulaged the whole country and that's definitely not cool.
Now now. Solarcross no killing stuff. The young man you posted that to is not a communist. He is a 14 year old boy who lives in Australia and has schoolteacher moderate parents. If you killed @Potemkin who is a Scottish man with an Englishman's accent (and is a declared Communist) I would get furious with you, and would consider going to the UK to tell you how wrong you are about your opinions of the far left. You would be killing someone very worthy of respect and who has an excellent character. You would be killing a son, a brother, a nuclear physicist, a lover of classical music and a just man with fine human qualities. You would have blood on your hands and would not be a saint. You would suffer the demons of war @SolarCross that means never having a clean conscience and having to live with a stain on your soul for the rest of your life--that maybe even death might not wash from you dear man.

To tell you the truth you are one of the very few from the right I love on here. You got a lot of talent--but I think Europe based lefties are not a tiny fraction as charming or nice as the Latin American ones who have legit complaints about the lack of basic needs among the under class in our societies. Don't jump to conclusions with paddy14 @SolarCross.

For the anti Communists I say the way to stop socialists, Communists etc from gaining is to deal well with meeting the basic needs of the working class, the poor, the refugees, the middle classes and to make sure people live dignified lives regardless of how big their bank accounts are. Unless the Right commits to equality, justice and wants decent standards of living for lower class people? The Left Will Never Go Away. NEVER.
Probably, the leftist candidate finally won after several unsuccessful presidential runs because the CIA stopped meddling in Latin America. Salvador Allende was prevented from winning an election in 1964 by the CIA's fifteen covert action projects.

CIA operative Edward G. Lansdale, notorious for his efforts to bring down the North Vietnamese government, is said to have run the successful 1953 campaign of Philippines President Ramon Magsaysay. Japan's center-right Liberal Democratic Party was backed with secret American funds through the 1950s and the 1960s. The U.S. government and American oil corporations helped Christian parties in Lebanon win crucial elections in 1957 with briefcases full of cash.

In Chile, the United States prevented Allende from winning an election in 1964. “A total of nearly four million dollars was spent on some fifteen covert action projects, ranging from organizing slum dwellers to passing funds to political parties,” detailed a Senate inquiry in the mid-1970s that started to expose the role of the CIA in overseas elections. When it couldn't defeat Allende at the ballot box in 1970, Washington decided to remove him anyway.

“I don’t see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people,” Kissinger is said to have quipped. Pinochet's regime presided over years of torture, disappearances and targeted assassinations. (In a recent op-ed, Chilean-American novelist Ariel Dorfman called on Hillary Clinton to repudiate Kissinger if she wins the presidential election.) ... 2ef3259a9c
I heard about this news briefly, yesterday; I welcome the decision (although it's a shame that the elected individual is yet another very senior person - many, many more young people should lead high office on the basis that high office exists)

All the same though: great news, and good for the Mexican people
SolarCross wrote:Replacing paid labour with slave labour is hardly an improvement, that's all you get with communism.

No that's the prison system in america.

In honor of Independence Day, I like you to read the 13th amendment.

I'm may be an ancap, but I hate historical revisionism to push an agenda. The closet thing to slave labor was the gulag system and even then it's manly like the US(which had more prisoners than USSR in its entirety). Also it decrease after Stalin, so idea of communism=slavery is offensive and kind of disrespectful.
SolarCross wrote:Says someone with a Che "firing squad" Guevara avatar, :roll: :lol: :knife:

Nothing a communist says is worth a damn, it should all be ignored. "Mao is cool but Pinochet is bad" communist creatures are disgusting liars, hypocrites, mass murderers, imbeciles and enemies of humanity. In the modern world the fastest way to sainthood should be to kill a communist.

Lol, I knew you would say something like that. TBH, I didn't know who most of the people in the list of custom avatars were, and as this was the only non-photo, I thought it looked sort of cool (but I'm going to change it as soon as I find out how). :)

But as another poster said - I'm not a Communist, I'm not anything political really. Like it is nearly another 4 years before I can vote, and I've got loads of learning to do before that. And I'm happy to learn from anyone, including you - I was just surprised that you would have a dictator and murderer as your avatar (you don't seem that sort of person). :)

I just think we should live in a society that is fair - not one where there are homeless people and hungry kids, while others are multi-billionaires. Like my parents are not rich, but even I go to an expensive private school, and get advantages kids who go to state schools don't get. I don't think that is fair either.

It's not being a Communist to want to take care of people who, for whatever reasons, can't take care of themselves. And as my dad often says - isn't it better to pay a little more tax and to be able to go for a walk anywhere, without being afraid of being knocked on the head (or worse) for the few dollars in your wallet by someone who has been made desperate by societies inequality?
Paddy14 wrote:Lol, I knew you would say something like that. TBH, I didn't know who most of the people in the list of custom avatars were, and as this was the only non-photo, I thought it looked sort of cool (but I'm going to change it as soon as I find out how). :)

But as another poster said - I'm not a Communist, I'm not anything political really. Like it is nearly another 4 years before I can vote, and I've got loads of learning to do before that. And I'm happy to learn from anyone, including you - I was just surprised that you would have a dictator and murderer as your avatar (you don't seem that sort of person). :)

I just think we should live in a society that is fair - not one where there are homeless people and hungry kids, while others are multi-billionaires. Like my parents are not rich, but even I go to an expensive private school, and get advantages kids who go to state schools don't get. I don't think that is fair either.

It's not being a Communist to want to take care of people who, for whatever reasons, can't take care of themselves. And as my dad often says - isn't it better to pay a little more tax and to be able to go for a walk anywhere, without being afraid of being knocked on the head (or worse) for the few dollars in your wallet by someone who has been made desperate by societies inequality?

Actually, you do an excellent job of representing the real liberal view. Fear. Give them money so they won’t hurt us. Such distorted thinking only comes from cowards not willing to fight for something more important than themselves. It’s ‘giving them your lunch money’ and pretending it is because they deserve it.
Paddy14 wrote:Lol, I knew you would say something like that. TBH, I didn't know who most of the people in the list of custom avatars were, and as this was the only non-photo, I thought it looked sort of cool (but I'm going to change it as soon as I find out how). :)

But as another poster said - I'm not a Communist, I'm not anything political really. Like it is nearly another 4 years before I can vote, and I've got loads of learning to do before that. And I'm happy to learn from anyone, including you - I was just surprised that you would have a dictator and murderer as your avatar (you don't seem that sort of person). :)

Okay so allegedly you are just a kid, fine, I'll bear that in mind. Pinochet was a big upset for leftists, consequently they hate him and because they are unscrupulous liars, all of them, they of course put out a very distorted picture. But while there is one communist alive cavorting under the image of truly grotesque and inhuman criminals like Lenin, Mao or Guevara I don't need to justify to anyone why I have Pinochet, a soldier doing his duty to defend his country from evil, as an avatar. If anything he didn't kill enough marxist terrorists.

Paddy14 wrote:I just think we should live in a society that is fair - not one where there are homeless people and hungry kids, while others are multi-billionaires. Like my parents are not rich, but even I go to an expensive private school, and get advantages kids who go to state schools don't get. I don't think that is fair either.

Well there is nothing fair about communism, there is nothing there but lies, the most inhuman misanthropy and crimes of the worst kind. Also I'll suggest there is more to being fair than making everyone the same, in fact making everyone the same is the literal opposite of fair, it's also impossible. That is the path of madness.

Paddy14 wrote:It's not being a Communist to want to take care of people who, for whatever reasons, can't take care of themselves.

That is right, that is not being communist, it is being Christian or compassionate or empathic or dutiful. All those things are vices which should get you tortured and killed in the upside down world of the communist.

Paddy14 wrote:And as my dad often says - isn't it better to pay a little more tax and to be able to go for a walk anywhere, without being afraid of being knocked on the head (or worse) for the few dollars in your wallet by someone who has been made desperate by societies inequality?

Crime of that sort has more complex causes than "inequality", and tax funded pseudo-charity is not the only or even the best solution.
Just saying, I don’t buy the ‘precocious 14 year old act’. I taught 14 year olds too long. :)
One Degree wrote:@Paddy14
Just saying, I don’t buy the ‘precocious 14 year old act’. I taught 14 year olds too long. :)

Cool, think what you like (and I'm 15 this year). :)

Just a question though, what do I get for pretending to be someone I'm not? If I wanted to give myself extra cred on this board, why wouldn't I say I'm a fighter pilot, or a university professor, or a pro footballer? What's so special about being in high school? Like I said - think what you want, but it doesn't make any sense (and you are calling me a liar).
Paddy14 wrote:Cool, think what you like (and I'm 15 this year). :)

Just a question though, what do I get for pretending to be someone I'm not? If I wanted to give myself extra cred on this board, why wouldn't I say I'm a fighter pilot, or a university professor, or a pro footballer? What's so special about being in high school? Like I said - think what you want, but it doesn't make any sense (and you are calling me a liar).

I can only make a guess. I would say someone or someones have attempted to make you feel inferior but you don’t totally buy it. They have created doubts in your mind so you protect yourself through pretend innocence. If you lose an argument, you can say “I’m only a kid”
Nice to see a more tempered response from you @SolarCross for paddy14.

I read the rest of your thoughts there. You know I think individuals form their political opinions based on their life experiences. Mine has influenced my politics. Just as yours has formed yours. I happen to think you are a fundamentally decent man, who likes his culture and his own nation's traditions and history. I love mine as well. I don't share your views of the left at all. Equality doesn't mean making people all the same. It means treating people with dignity, respect, love and compassion and also meeting their needs @SolarCross .

We come from two different worlds SolarCross. I will always regard the far Right as the worst of humanity. For me? The Right are the liars, thieves, torturers,murderers, cruel, snobs, greedy, unkind, who love discriminating and hate out of fear. I have absolute disdain for the Right. For me they keep poverty going, take human rights away, trample on fundamental human dignity and believe might is right and kill without remorse. The worst. They love money and are the Beast 666 from the bible if you are a Christian.

We won't ever agree. My entire life experiences and my particular background makes what I state here about the Right correct for me. But I have no hatred for you in my heart. I like thinking men regardless of their politics and I consider you that. Buenos dias.

I also like @SolarCross the fact that you are from a working class family. I like your hobbies and interests, and that you chose an Iranian background wife--men are composed of details and in the small details of life one can get a good idea of a man's mind. I like your mind @SolarCross . I can't say the same for others on th Right on here.

I am a bit sad, I don't think it will be easy for you to understand my culture at all.

But, I hope we get to discuss non-political matters of interest to us both. AMLO is one of those rare Mexicans--fuerte pero flexible, inteligente pero sin varnis. It is the first time in 100 years that there comes someone like him. He AMLO speaks no English. He breaks rules he considers discriminatory...he controls the house, the senate and many of the governorships. It is a fine time to join that society and put all my wealth in it...(la esperanza de Mexico) is what Morena's motto,slogan is about. Change is never easy but often is absolutely critical. ¡Que viva Mexico!

The Mexican people have always treated me with best respect. Their culture is deep,rich with meaning and their art is the finest. I will be happy dying in Mexico. A dream fulfilled.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 05 Jul 2018 17:41, edited 2 times in total.
One Degree wrote:Just saying, I don’t buy the ‘precocious 14 year old act’. I taught 14 year olds too long. :)

Occasionally you do come across the odd High school student that is very wise and not a self absorbed asshat. This could be one.
Rancid wrote:Occasionally you do come across the odd High school student that is very wise and not a self absorbed asshat. This could be one.

Anything is possible, and I would be honored to converse with him if he is the real deal. Unfortunately, this is the internet so...?
I made my comment, but now I will try to respond based upon accepting who he says he is just like I do everyone else.
I am also sure @Potemkin is Tony Blair and @Special Olympian is Maxine Waters. :)
Last edited by One Degree on 05 Jul 2018 18:08, edited 1 time in total.
One Degree wrote:
Anything is possible, and I would be honored to converse with him if he is the real deal. Unfortunately, this is the internet so...?
I made my comment, but now I will try to respond based upon accepting who he says he is just like I do everyone else.
I am also sure @Potemkin is Tony Blair and @Special Olympian is Kamala Harris. :)

And I am a very very very very handsome man.
blackjack21 wrote:Proponents of socialism always claim that the failure of socialism is due to other factors. In this case, dictatorship seems to be the "problem."

It's not speculation, it's a well established fact. There are plenty of capitalist dictatorships with extreme inequality but wingnuts don't chalk those failures up to capitalism, why is that? Is it just a bullshit double standard?

The reality is that any philosophy that requires universal adherence is doomed to fail.

Capitalism requires universal adherence. The only reason capitalism hasn't spectacularly failed in the West is that it was heavily moderated with socialist policies.

Socialism isn't just fragile, but essentially impossible.

:knife: Denmark and Norway are no less socialist than Venezuela and they're doing just fine.

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