Updates on Puerto Rico 2019: USA response to crisis emphasizes how bad the relationship is! - Page 5 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties from Mexico to Argentina.

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Tainari88 wrote:Well, I call it the way I see it. If you think closing schools and hospitals badly needed after two cat 5 hurricanes because the banks need to be paid first and they lent money knowing full well it was most likely not going to be repaid at all because it is the best way to take over a nation and justify it? Don't come crying to me @Finfinder when the banksters come calling to your neck of the woods and do the same. They are experimenting, to see what they can get away with. See if they get nothing or a slap on the wrist like with the 2008 economic meltdown. So far? No real consequences. So keep going. Eventually they-- if not stopped in impolite ways and with strong measures? Will go after everyone, not in positions of the extremely reduced amount of people who do have all the wealth and all the power seats. What will happen with Puerto Rico if the problems continue? Were no real solutions done? It is predictable. It will become violent and it will become hard, and it will become messy and it will become unmanageable. Who is responsible? Those who did not care, those that did not act in time, and those who only were interested in exploiting others. Very easy to know that is what will happen.

What you complain of is nothing new and its certainly not unique to PR that happens here and all over the world by many different actors. Certainly isn't the fault of Trump in 2 years. The fact is the US has sent over $50 billion in aid and plans to send more.
Tainari88 wrote:And Fin I am supposed to be what grateful to the USA for what? Lol. For making me a USA citizen and giving away money for free without labor and without effort on my part, and for making it easy for me, and loving who I am and what I do for a living. Lol. For being the greatest nation to invade little places and not giving them rights. For being racists and despite all the shit they throw my way I still can get my act together and move around and do what I want with my life. Lol. I don't have to be pro-Trump, or pro-American bullshit system my man Fin. Get used to it. Many people are in the USA an don't feel the love for the government there. It is not just me. Lol. Get used to it and stop acting like a spoiled one that everyone has to think as he does. Go and cry to a moderator Fin. That is effective, isn't it? No wonder they love acting like a spoiled child and admire that daycare camp in the White House. Lol.
I think I am sitting here in my living room in Mexico and looking at a starfruit tree thinking is this Fin dude ever going to say something of substance? Hmmm. No creo. :D

You can project on this forum anything or anybody you want to be, in this case you seem like a very unhappy person in life. I totally agree PR should go for it's independence. Are you grateful for anything in life? You seemed to get something out of the USA before you moved on. You have no solutions. People like you are just not worth it, nothing makes you happy, your arguments are dishonest, rigid, and of a personal nature. Fortunately , you don't represent PR people and I have outlined previously how little credibility you have in this discussion. You keep making my case with these run-on tangent unsubstantiated rants. You want to dig deeper that's fine you are doing all the work for me.

Tainari88 wrote:I think I am sitting here in my living room in Mexico and looking at a starfruit tree thinking is this Fin dude ever going to say something of substance? Hmmm. No creo. :D

Exactly you are in Mexico not Puerto Rico, like I said your doing all the work for me. I'm thinking this crazy person starts a discussion with a personal attack, an unsubstantiated opinion piece, pretends to want to have an open discussion but can't, and is surprised by the responses. I wonder why you came to the USA and then Mexico..... must have been the money. Righteous!!
Tainari88 wrote::lol: Finfinder thinks that his nation is what? Fair? Just? Democratic? Respectful? Lol. :D

I know it to be true. Do you think because you cut and paste a couple articles and called and entire country a bunch of losers and scum and then personally attack any dissenting opinions that you have made and intelligent convincing argument? Can you offer anything other than your bigoted vitriol as evidence to back this statement up. No you cannot.
Tainari88 wrote::lol: . But, aren't I a loser food coupon person or not? I wonder who educated me? Hmm. Puerto Ricans. Mexicans. Latin Americans. That is who. I am an international socialist. Which means I should be consistent with that and go and live in a country that speaks Spanish, votes for a socialist president and make sure I am not on food coupons living off of taxpayers and instead spending my money with other Latin Americans who don't have enough jobs and employment and dedicate myself to productive activity that won't benefit American racist ole men in the USA who love hard working people with advanced degrees paying for their wars and games. Lol. Like you.
Lol. You make such foolish statements Fin. You are just a sore loser. :D

Like Me ? That is such a strange and odd thing to say. How secure or insecure you feel about yourself is irrelevant to this debate. I sort of feel sorry for you continuing with these baseless random rants laced with deep seated anger. I challenge you to find any post of mine that remotely says any of that. If you want to debate the issues please post the data proving the point.
Tainari88 wrote::Lol. You make such foolish statements Fin. You are just a sore loser. :D

Tainari88 wrote:The USA is not about being responsible. It is about selfish, corrupt, low life pieces of trash

the projection of the century :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:So far all you do Fin is complain about tones and polite or impolite. Nothing with depth to say yes or no? :knife: :roll:

This I find the most ironic post of them all. You whine, complain, rant, and rage over President Trumps tone but you cannot prove with facts that our president has not helped Puerto Rico. You start a thread by slandering an entire country ,and then wonder why you cannot have a civil debate ,but you think I'm worried about tone. The hilarious part is you are obviously tone deaf :lol:
Well, folks are this little clip on the territories considered slander or 'just the facts' about what the USA gov't does with its unincorporated territories? In my opinion, the ones that got the worst deal out of all of us small islands with no rights is American Samoa. They got the worst deal. Here is a small film clip on unincorporated territories:

If you listen and watch the video you will notice that the limitation of rights of the islanders on Guam and other islands does lead to a desire for separation from the USA. Even from island nations with extremely high USA military enlistment rates per capita. It is logical. If you are being treated like an 'alien' and not given rights in equal measures why stick with the nation that is limiting those rights?

That is what happened with the USA and England a long time ago in 1776-1810. No need to hang around perpetuating the colonialism, it doesn't help the nation on the short end of the stick.

I find it ironic that the whiners on this thread who keep wanting the ones denied rights to not 'offend' the nation doing the injustice are the ones who should be ashamed of what the hell the USA gov't has done with these unincorporated territories. Many Puerto Ricans, Guamanians (Chamorros), Samoans and others from the Virgin Islands have fought and died in America's military branches such as the Navy, the Army, the Marines, and the Air Force. But remain marginalized and treated unfairly.

Does it go to show? How much of a rotten piece of hypocritical trash treatment the USA allows itself to be.

And the worst part? Average American citizen? Just doesn't know about it. Why? because they don't care. They just don't care.

Then they cry and whine when down the road you got people shooting up congress, killing senators, threatening presidents, blowing up federal buildings, committing acts of violence against the state and against a bunch of racists who think the 'brownies' are inferior.

Do you want to avoid these issues down the line? Deal with the injustice while there is time to change it. You wait too long? Negotiation time has left the theater and all that people want is to spill blood.

Unfortunately, that is what happens when you ignore things for way too long.

That was the purpose of my update. Don't let things go for so long? That the only remedy of desperate people is violent means. It is just not intelligent to do that. In the past or the future either.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 18 Jul 2019 22:24, edited 2 times in total.
In his best attempt at debate so far BigSteve said:

...the fuck we do.

Faced with that masterful debating I am left speechless. He has raised his debate techniques almost to the level of a Trump supporter. Even the man himself.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel.
I read BigSteve's bio. I think his remedy for any criticism of the orange tan man is get a gun and shoot em...unfortunately a lot of nuts from the Right wind up shooting people and being killed by a cop or a swat team. They don't realize marshal law has not been declared in the USA and Hondurans and Salvadorans are not invading by the millions and marching down to their homes to kill them and take over Washington DC.

If they want to avoid problems they should do something about the four million disenfranchised US citizens or nationals in the US unincorporated territories. But they don't read....so they don't learn....and they don't learn....and they don't act in time. And in the end the whole thing becomes hard to prop up and they wonder how the whole thing got away from them.

The Roman Empire came crashing down because the barbarians were at the gates? Why were they at the gates? Because Rome had spent too much money and too much time in wars and stupidity and wasn't able to invest in its own people anymore. Guess who might make that mistake in this century?

Food for thought.
The OP doesn't acknowledge how to deal with the $75 billion in debt or the corruption in PR.
How would PR survive on its own without ability to generate uncorrupted income? My understanding is less than 10% want independence and less than 5% turned out to vote for statehood. What exactly do you want, the debt to just go away and help from the US whenever needed? The relationship may not be ideal but its the best thing going.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico has finalized two out of six total debt restructuring agreements to date. Through this restructuring process, Puerto Rico's bonds are replaced by bonds with new repayment terms. Public debt was 93 percent of Gross National Product in fiscal year 2016, the most recent fiscal year for which audited financial statements were available. Puerto Rico's general revenue decreased by 11 percent and longstanding deficits persisted during this period. Puerto Rico's capacity for debt repayment depends primarily on the outcomes of the ongoing debt restructuring process and its ability to generate sustained economic growth. While federal hurricane recovery grants are likely to stimulate the economy in the short term, it is unclear whether the resulting economic benefits will be sustainable.

United States Virgin Islands (USVI): USVI has not been able to access capital markets at favorable interest rates since early 2017 and it has not issued any new bonds. It has, however, received federal loans for hurricane recovery, which may contribute to its overall debt burden if they are not forgiven. Public debt decreased from 72 to 68 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) between fiscal years 2015 and 2016, the most recent year for which audited data were available. While general revenue increased by 40 percent during this time period, longstanding deficits persisted. USVI's continued ability to repay public debt depends primarily on whether it can access capital markets at favorable rates in the future, its ability to create economic growth, and its ability to address its pension liabilities and the pending insolvency of its public pension system.

American Samoa: American Samoa's public debt increased from 13 to 19 percent of GDP between fiscal years 2015 and 2017. This increase was due largely to a single bond issued in early 2016 to fund various infrastructure projects. General revenue fluctuated during this period and the territory had a deficit in 2017. The territory continues to face fiscal risks that may affect repayment of public debt, such as a reliance on the tuna canning and processing industry and significant pension liabilities.

Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI): CNMI has not issued any new debt since fiscal year 2007, and as such, public debt decreased from 16 to 8 percent of GDP between fiscal years 2015 and 2017. During this period, CNMI's general revenue increased by 48 percent and it operated with a surplus. CNMI's potential labor shortages due to federal restrictions on foreign workers have been mitigated. However, pension liabilities and future reductions in revenue from recent typhoons present fiscal risks that may affect repayment of public debt in the future.

Guam: Guam's public debt increased by 6 percent between fiscal years 2015 and 2017, growing from 44 to 45 percent of GDP. New debt has primarily been used to refinance existing debt and fund infrastructure projects. Guam's general revenue increased by 12 percent during this period and it operated with a surplus. Pension liabilities continue to present a fiscal risk that may affect repayment of public debt in the future.

Drlee wrote:In his best attempt at debate so far BigSteve said:

Faced with that masterful debating I am left speechless. He has raised his debate techniques almost to the level of a Trump supporter. Even the man himself.

It is like shooting fish in a barrel.

See, here's the thing: Not everything is worthy of much of a response. Bullshit comments like "The US has a lot to answer for" would be one of those things.

If you want to be taken seriously and engage in intelligent discourse, try harder...
BigSteve wrote:See, here's the thing: Not everything is worthy of much of a response. Bullshit comments like "The US has a lot to answer for" would be one of those things.

If you want to be taken seriously and engage in intelligent discourse, try harder...

Finfinder wrote:The OP doesn't acknowledge how to deal with the $75 billion in debt or the corruption in PR.
How would PR survive on its own without ability to generate uncorrupted income? My understanding is less than 10% want independence and less than 5% turned out to vote for statehood. What exactly do you want, the debt to just go away and help from the US whenever needed? The relationship may not be ideal but its the best thing going.

Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico has finalized two out of six total debt restructuring agreements to date. Through this restructuring process, Puerto Rico's bonds are replaced by bonds with new repayment terms. Public debt was 93 percent of Gross National Product in fiscal year 2016, the most recent fiscal year for which audited financial statements were available. Puerto Rico's general revenue decreased by 11 percent and longstanding deficits persisted during this period. Puerto Rico's capacity for debt repayment depends primarily on the outcomes of the ongoing debt restructuring process and its ability to generate sustained economic growth. While federal hurricane recovery grants are likely to stimulate the economy in the short term, it is unclear whether the resulting economic benefits will be sustainable.

That won't get you a decent answer either. Puerto Rico's independence would surely turn the island into the next Haiti. The first thing that needs to happen is the corruption has to stop before PR takes any new or old direction. That is not even addressed in this OP. Its a shame Drlee has to take at shot at his own country because of his online crush. :D
Well Hindsite. Let's look at your idiotic post.

You said Puerto Rico's public debt was 93% of GDP. Ok. What is the public debt of the US? In 2019 it is 80%. It is projected (in large part because of Trumps massive tax cuts and unfunded spending) to reach the same as Puerto Rico's within the next 10 years. And that is assuming that the economy continues to grow for a decade. I don't buy that assumption.

So thanks for showing us that Puerto Rico is no worse off than we are in the debt management department. And if you look at projected growth and the possibility of debt restructuring it may do better than we will. Certainly if republican out of control spending continues they will be in far better shape than we are.

You are tying to paint them as poor money managers when you have a US president who cut taxes during a business boom and increased spending at the same time. And you want to call out Puerto Rico for debt? :lol:

Seriously Finfinder. When you set out to google support for your position, do you actually read it? And when, as in the above example, you find you do not understand what you are reading, do you ask someone for help?

Then you look at the other US possessions and you see that they are ALL better money managers than the US using your criteria.

You call the government of Puerto Rico as corrupt. Really? Would you like me to list the Trump appointees and associates who are under indictment or convicted of crimes so far? Let's take a look before we start throwing stones at PR.

Manifort. Campaign manager: Felon. On his way to prison for conspiring to defraud the government and obstruction of justice. (Among other things.)

Michael Cohen: Personal laywer. Convicted Felon.

Michael Flynn. National Security Advisor. Convicted Felon. Lying to the FBI. Notably led the "lock her up" chant at the convention.

Rick Gates. Deputy Campaign manager. Multiple felonies against the US.

George Papadopoulos. Foreign Affairs Advisor. Lying to the FBI about his relationship with the Russians.

I'll stop there for the moment. I am tired. But it seems really a stretch to complain about public corruption in Puerto Rico when our government is bought and paid for and the current regime particularly smarmy.

But that is my poor republican party. Rotting from the center. It is a damn shame. I knew so many wonderfully honest republicans back in the day. The new crop? Not smart, not honest and definitely not conservative.
Drlee wrote:You call the government of Puerto Rico as corrupt. Really? Would you like me to list the Trump appointees and associates who are under indictment or convicted of crimes so far? Let's take a look before we start throwing stones at PR.

Manifort. Campaign manager: Felon. On his way to prison for conspiring to defraud the government and obstruction of justice. (Among other things.)

Michael Cohen: Personal laywer. Convicted Felon.

Michael Flynn. National Security Advisor. Convicted Felon. Lying to the FBI. Notably led the "lock her up" chant at the convention.

Rick Gates. Deputy Campaign manager. Multiple felonies against the US.

George Papadopoulos. Foreign Affairs Advisor. Lying to the FBI about his relationship with the Russians.

I'll stop there for the moment. I am tired. But it seems really a stretch to complain about public corruption in Puerto Rico when our government is bought and paid for and the current regime particularly smarmy.

The very obvious difference is that the corrupt government in Puerto Rico doesn't include campaign managers and personal lawyers. It includes people who were directly involved in governing. On your list, only Michael Flynn actually held a position in government, and he held that position for only a month.

You're foolishly comparing apples and oranges...
On your list, only Michael Flynn actually held a position in government, and he held that position for only a month.

Right. Because he got busted. :roll:

You know who is so crooked if he died they would have to screw him into the ground.

Try your shit somewhere else. The whole word is watching. But I know....You don't care....Do you really think this speaks highly of your judgement?
Drlee wrote::lol:

Right. Because he got busted. :roll:

You know who is so crooked if he died they would have to screw him into the ground.

Try your shit somewhere else. The whole word is watching. But I know....You don't care....Do you really think this speaks highly of your judgement?

The undenibale fact of the matter is that the people you listed were never in a position to affect anything in the United States to the same degree or in the same manner as Puerto Rican officials were to affect things in Puerto Rico.

You're just afraid to admit you're wrong. That's a common trait among folks like you. Your hatred of the President precludes you from offering intelligent, reasoned dialog. It's sad, but it's also kind of amusing...
@Drlee and all the rest interested in this reality with Puerto Rico. It is not just us...it is a long term plan.

I already posted who is responsible for the debt. And the reason why it was made in the first place. It is a cheap way for the banks to take over a nation. Especially if the law says you can't declare bankruptcy or have a right to restructure debt. The banks have a right to what usually is the dominion of the state. You have to realize that once most markets in capitalism are saturated there is very little new expansion or profit to be had. Where do you need to go once that happens? The next large reserve of money is held in the common trust. Which are public funds? Social security funds, publicly held utilities, water departments, schools, hospitals that are run publicly, prisons, anything invested in by the state. If you can privatize that mass amount of publicly held property, real estate, education system, the prison system and other publicly held goods and services and property? You have a new market for a long time and you survive into a secure future.

They don't care what the consequences become once a publicly held industry becomes privatized. Which is profit motive enters education which leads to if you are a liability to educate? You won't get an education. If you have no money for a lawyer to avoid jail? You will become a perfect target to go to jail for a long time so a prison can make a profit off of your lack of funds for legal fees. You can't afford your medication? Get the government to pay the exorbitant amounts or don't get the medications and or die.

It changes the premise of the purpose of publicly held funds. They are not about the common good but a private good. Elite run and elite benefited. It is a recipe for a very big confrontation of those who can own the private prisons, private schools, private hospitals and clinics and those who can't and need to use those services or be without an education, without a way of treating an illness, or doing what is absolutely necessary. Profit is not a model that works for human basic needs if the goal is to cover as many people with an essential service. But the market warriors don't care. That is the last bastion of the public funds and it is attractive.

You want to not have to deal with Puerto Rican local control and take over without local control involved? The huge debt is a perfect scheme for it.

Here are two videos that are great explanations for what is going on I already posted it long ago:

1. Disaster capitalism in a world wrought with climate problems and the need to profit from disaster.

2. Why the middle classes are shrinking in the USA.

3. Who profits from a weak state without any international or local rights?

That is it.

I will be back later with the videos and the links that explain the reason for why this is necessary if you want to expand your market and the profit has to be expanded. The problem is at what expense? That is the reason you have to have a remedy to that mentality. If you can't figure that out? Then the discussion is over really.

Wealth Inequality Explained:

Disaster Capitalism:

You think the bankers will stop knowing that there are zero consequences to their actions and that no one is putting limits on what they plan to do that destabilizes entire nations in the future?

You keep cheering them on and giving them legitimacy and eventually, it will be your society, your community, your family and your lives affected by such unbridled greed. That is the truth. The Barbarians at the gates eh? They are wearing business suits and carrying laptops and are liberals, conservatives both...but what they have in common is their deep belief in the market system and love for being the 1% and keeping their positions. They have no sense of community at all. Or what is owed to the many that can't afford all of these things.

Lack of consciousness about what profit without limits leads to is the modern Barbarian. But? If you don't understand your own society from lack of reading, lack of putting in the work? You are an easy target for a plan you never agreed to.
I guess the current events in Puerto Rico are very inconvenient for @Drlee and his online crush @Tainari88 arguments.

Drlee wrote:Well Hindsite. Let's look at your idiotic post.

You said Puerto Rico's public debt was 93% of GDP. Ok. What is the public debt of the US? In 2019 it is 80%. It is projected (in large part because of Trumps massive tax cuts and unfunded spending) to reach the same as Puerto Rico's within the next 10 years. And that is assuming that the economy continues to grow for a decade. I don't buy that assumption.

So thanks for showing us that Puerto Rico is no worse off than we are in the debt management department. And if you look at projected growth and the possibility of debt restructuring it may do better than we will. Certainly if republican out of control spending continues they will be in far better shape than we are.

You are tying to paint them as poor money managers when you have a US president who cut taxes during a business boom and increased spending at the same time. And you want to call out Puerto Rico for debt? :lol:

Seriously Finfinder. When you set out to google support for your position, do you actually read it? And when, as in the above example, you find you do not understand what you are reading, do you ask someone for help?

Then you look at the other US possessions and you see that they are ALL better money managers than the US using your criteria.

You call the government of Puerto Rico as corrupt. Really? Would you like me to list the Trump appointees and associates who are under indictment or convicted of crimes so far? Let's take a look before we start throwing stones at PR.

Manifort. Campaign manager: Felon. On his way to prison for conspiring to defraud the government and obstruction of justice. (Among other things.)

Michael Cohen: Personal laywer. Convicted Felon.

Michael Flynn. National Security Advisor. Convicted Felon. Lying to the FBI. Notably led the "lock her up" chant at the convention.

Rick Gates. Deputy Campaign manager. Multiple felonies against the US.

George Papadopoulos. Foreign Affairs Advisor. Lying to the FBI about his relationship with the Russians.

I'll stop there for the moment. I am tired. But it seems really a stretch to complain about public corruption in Puerto Rico when our government is bought and paid for and the current regime particularly smarmy.

But that is my poor republican party. Rotting from the center. It is a damn shame. I knew so many wonderfully honest republicans back in the day. The new crop? Not smart, not honest and definitely not conservative.

Is that Jerry Nadler or Dr Lee If you think you going to verbally burn someone on a forum don't you think the first rule would be not to forget who you are replying to mid post. LOL ? When you forget where the remote control is do you ask for help, do you get lost in the parking lot and forget where you park the car often?

Your straw man argument is equal to the strength of sitting in the dessert soaked in gasoline during a lighting storm. I at least respect you are trying to protect your online crush. :LOL:

If PR goes independent they would resemble Haiti because of the corruption.
I see, yet again, Finfinder has no facts with which to back up his absurdities. How very typical of fake conservatives.

He is soooooo boring.

By the way. Do you sexist much Finfinder? Do you still believe that treating a woman with respect and learning from her posts is flirting? Pathetic. And soooo average.

Let me tell you something Finfinder. I have never met Tianari though it would be an honor. However. IF I was flirting with her it would be because she is kind, educated, passionate in her beliefs and oh so smart. You would never understand attraction in this context. Ever.
Ricky Rossello is the son of the previous nepotistic dynasty of the PNP. Luis Fortuno who is a Republican was the first in a series of bad conservative Republican party linked Puerto Rican governors. Ricky is not happy with the reality--he sucks. He did not confront Trump at all. He did not do what he needed to do. The PNP party is the most Rightist on the island. Pro-statehood party. It looks like the pro-statehood option in Puerto Rico and its corrupt leaders are not making a good impression on the Puerto Rican people. Hee hee. GOOD. Never liked the PNP people. Corrupt guy but he was TRUMP's guy. He liked Rossello...Trump liked Rossello.

If PR goes for statehood which Rossello represents it will resemble the Trump white house...with bad disrespectful tweets and stupidity. Lol. The only difference would be the Puerto Rican people are not hypnotized by some crude, rude, racist dude....instead they just hit the streets and say, "We want him out. He is a corrupt and a fool." I say that makes them more of a group of thinkers than the one who blindly cheers on the corruption.

Do you even pay attention @Finfinder Fin to your own stuff? Did you know Rossello's father and the last governor are all connected to the USA's Republican party? No?

@Drlee has a crush on me eh? Lol. No, he doesn't. He just realizes that I make coherent arguments. Unlike some others running around here. :lol: :D

That is the big fear that the USA ones from the states always pull "If PR becomes independent it will become another Haiti." Hell, the other two islands in the Caribbean that speak Spanish? And are independent? They keep growing economically. Many island nations all over the world have diverse and solid economies. It is about how you structure the economy. It is not about if you are black or you speak French or English or Patois or Spanish as a native language. If we were a place with no value? None of these European powers would be fighting so hard to control us for centuries.

You need to try your hand at better debates...but you are a sore loser...I know.

Online Crush Drlee has? He just likes to read good arguments. So do I. When am I going to expect some decent ones from El Finfinder Senor Aburrido and the Steve Grande dude? I don't know....waiting for Godot my man Drlee waiting for Godot ;)

Here is a video for you Drlee.

If I were flirting one has to start with something like this:

Por Amor, for love. Erich Fromme is the man who believes in love. And in that one has to put one's faith...en el amor. Not in hate or fear....por amor soy de ti. For love I am yours. That is truth Drlee for all decent human beings.
Puerto Rico has been vacillating about its status long enough. I think it's time to give them the boot. I really don't see why America needs Puerto Rico or why Puerto Rico needs America.
@BigSteve You're quite the Admin Edit: Rule 2 Violation troll to be talking shit like that about people you don't know. Your reading comprehension is lacking, as well, since Drlee said nothing about actually flirting with Tainari88.

You seem quite taken with internet trolling and bullying.... :knife:
blackjack21 wrote:Puerto Rico has been vacillating about its status long enough. I think it's time to give them the boot. I really don't see why America needs Puerto Rico or why Puerto Rico needs America.

We don't need them. They're nothing but a corrupt drain.

Time to cut bait...
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