Clinical Trial Pre-registration - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Problems with p-values

While p-values can be very useful in statistics, they can also be manipulated. p-hacking (data dredging) and p-HARKing (hypothesis after results are known) are processes by which researchers collect or select data that make nonsignificant results become significant.

Influencing data to make it significant, or to draw a hypothesis after you already know the results, is just bad science. It is the responsibility of the scientific community to know what a truly significant p-value looks like, and more importantly, what it means.
Sivad wrote:Influencing data to make it significant, or to draw a hypothesis after you already know the results, is just bad science.

It is not just bad science, it is dishonest science.
I can bear witness to this : the supervisor of my secondary thesis wanted me to change the control group to a risk group in order for his hypothesis to be validated after we got the results of the data analysis. I refused even though he suggested I could get an interesting position in his department in a research hospital.

When I Google him I can see he published many papers on the same subject, I wonder in how many he manipulated the data.
Yeah, science like every other institution in Western society is captured, broken, corrupt, and fake. Only delusional liberal shitwits in deep denial about the all-pervading "higher immorality" fail to grasp this. Smug fucking bubble heads.

The higher immorality can neither be narrowed to the political sphere nor understood as primarily a matter of corrupt men in fundamentally sound institutions. Political corruption is one aspect of a more general immorality; the level of moral sensibility that now prevails is not merely a matter of corrupt men. The higher immorality is a systematic feature of the American elite; its general acceptance is an essential feature of the mass society.
Of course, there may be corrupt men in sound institutions, but when institutions are corrupting, many of the men who live and work in them are necessarily corrupted.

the private conscience is attenuated-and the higher immorality is institutionalized.
Russia-Ukraine War 2022

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