Watching Pornography is NOT unhealthy - Someone debate me - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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We know that "nofap" carries far more benefits than negatives and that porn can replace normal human interactions with fake interactions to disastrous effect, not to mention that masturbating to another man pleasuring a woman is wiring yourself to be a cuck (I know I mentioned that already) but someone wants to argue that this isn't unhealthy. I'm sure that if someone tried hard enough, they could come up with a scenario in which watching porn is not unhealthy but if you want to pretend that applies to you doing it over and over again you'd be a fool.
Lol I'm sorry, but this claim about how porn will make you come to believe that real sex is the same way...That's every bit as stupid as saying that watching non pornographic movies will wire a person into believing that real life is like the movies. It's absolutely absurd.

You really think people aren't aware that the pornos they're watching are fictional simulations?? You really think that people don't know that they're watching actors and actresses??
Agent Steel wrote:You really think people aren't aware that the pornos they're watching are fictional simulations?? You really think that people don't know that they're watching actors and actresses??

Western porn are usually laughably fake compared with Japanese ones. Even for the Japanese ones though, I think the time of the intercourse itself is exaggerated by at least one order of magnitude. I still fail to understand why the man doesn't burst until at least 15 minutes after penetration.
@Agent Steel There's nothign wrong with you. @Hong Wu is just trying to justify his incel lifestyle. :lol:

"Wiring yourself to be a cuck". That's about the stupidest thing I've ever heard in regards to porn. That's like the anti-weed people in the 1950s talking about "reefer madness". :lol: :knife:
Probably around 99 times out of 100, or greater, drunk driving doesn't hurt anybody.

However, if you drunk drive enough, the chance that you will kill someone is extremely high. If a million people drive drunk just one time in a year in America, it would produce thousands of fatalities.

While many people who have looked at pron in passing or even with some regularity do not necessarily have issues, I think lots of people develop sexual dysfunctions.

Oh, no, it doesn't make it so your glock always discharges too soon or you need pills for ED... But I think it makes people have less intimate times with their partners and that it contributes to marriages and relationships ending.

Moreover, it's a sin. Enough said.
Unthinking Majority wrote:I'll bet porn reduces rape and sexual assault among the public. Would be an interesting research topic.

Pornography and sexual promiscuity are destroying a generation of young people. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) is reporting that from 2009 to 2012 over 5,000 sexual assaults in England involved a child perpetrator raping or sexually assaulting another child. Of the cases reported, 98 percent of the perpetrators were boys, 20 percent of the victims were a family member, and one third of the victims were a family friend.

From the youngest age, children mimic what they see. If they see sex acts, many children naturally practice these life-changing acts on vulnerable infants and children nearby.

“The offending children are ordinarily not aiming to do harm but rather to act ‘grown up’ as they practice the fascinating, toxic stimuli adult society has coldheartedly loosed into their developmental environment,” said Judith Reisman, visiting professor at Liberty University School of Law.

Charisma News
Verv wrote:Moreover, it's a sin. Enough said.
:lol: Keep your religion to yourself. You can't apply your beliefs to reality and expect the rest of us to agree with such simplistic silliness.

Looking at pornography is like drunk driving. Can you find a sillier comparison, please? :knife:
Religion isn't healthy for kids, either, yet... :|

Watching porn is not unhealthy, unless you do it too damned much, or are relying on porn for your sex education. The real thing is always vastly superior.
Unthinking Majority wrote:Well this very legit journalistic and unbiased link might be a good read if it didn't keep hounding me with pop-up ads asking me to buy some prayer books.

I never said porn was healthy for kids.

Can't wait until we have hyper-realistic sex robots.

(1) You should be using Brave. You wouldn't be bothered by advertisements.

(2) You want to have a carnal bond with a machine?


You should bond with humans, not machines. It is embarrassing to admit something liek that in public, isn't it?

Godstud wrote:Religion isn't healthy for kids, either, yet... :|

Watching porn is not unhealthy, unless you do it too damned much, or are relying on porn for your sex education. The real thing is always vastly superior.

It would be true that religion can sometimes be bad for children because sometimes it can teach things that are patently wrong.

Yet, children are hurt all the time by secular means as well...

But more importantly: if you are raised to be a proper Christian, you set the stage for the inheriting of eternal life and the Kingdom of God.

If you are raised as an atheist who rejects religion, you are in danger of eternal damnation...

How on earth it became the norm to be able to make smug, little remarks like this about religion and think you've made a point is beyond me.
Verv wrote:But more importantly: if you are raised to be a proper Christian, you set the stage for the inheriting of eternal life and the Kingdom of God.

If you are raised as an atheist who rejects religion, you are in danger of eternal damnation...
Not according to the Church. :lol:

You injecting religion into this topic, in the form of calling it a "sin", was the smug remark.
Godstud wrote:Not according to the Church. :lol:

You injecting religion into this topic, in the form of calling it a "sin", was the smug remark.

Someone bringing their world view into it and suggesting that sin is real is smug? That's the standard now?

Religious people are only supposed to discuss a matter solely in secular terms because, otherewise, it'll trigger people's bungs?

I guess that would be the case... Religious thought in the public sphere is rude & smug, but, remember, Coca-Cola & every major corporation ever wants to remind you that June is #Pride month where we celebrate every single sexual minority for the whole of the month.

This is how society works now. :lol:
Hong Wu wrote:not to mention that masturbating to another man pleasuring a woman is wiring yourself to be a cuck (I know I mentioned that already) but someone wants to argue that this isn't unhealthy.

Men being cucks isn't unhealthy in its self. Not every one can be dominant, not everyone can be special, not everyone can get their fair share. Its important to grasp that religions like Judaism and Islam that place a strong emphasis on not being cucked do this in the context of the understanding that there is outsider population from which they can take women. Black Rap(e) culture is also built on this basis.

So this is why my concern about cucking is a collective one that we as a collective are being cucked by non Whites, Muslims and Jewish supremacists. As I try to explain modern feminism is not anti rapist, let alone anti Men. No most modern feminists love rapists as long as their non Whites or Muslims. Modern feminism is anti White men as its agenda, some times conscious, some times unconscious is White genocide.
Rich wrote:Men being cucks isn't unhealthy in its self. Not every one can be dominant, not everyone can be special, not everyone can get their fair share. Its important to grasp that religions like Judaism and Islam that place a strong emphasis on not being cucked do this in the context of the understanding that there is outsider population from which they can take women. Black Rap(e) culture is also built on this basis.

So this is why my concern about cucking is a collective one that we as a collective are being cucked by non Whites, Muslims and Jewish supremacists. As I try to explain modern feminism is not anti rapist, let alone anti Men. No most modern feminists love rapists as long as their non Whites or Muslims. Modern feminism is anti White men as its agenda, some times conscious, some times unconscious is White genocide.

I think much of this is true, however there is surely a middle ground or between being a cuck and being dominant, or other options.
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