SARS Again in China? - Politics | PoFo

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By Patrickov
Reuters wrote:Chinese Officials Investigate Cause of Pneumonia Outbreak in Wuhan

Chinese health authorities said they are investigating 27 cases of viral pneumonia in the central city of Wuhan, after rumors on social media suggested the outbreak could be linked to Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

Of the people infected, seven were in critical condition and 18 were in stable condition, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said on Tuesday on its Weibo social media account. The condition of two other patients had improved to the point where they would be discharged soon, it said.

“The cause of the disease is not clear,” the official People’s Daily newspaper said on Weibo, citing unnamed hospital officials. “We cannot confirm it is what’s being spread online, that it is SARS virus. Other severe pneumonia is more likely.”

All of the patients had been isolated and their close contacts are under medical observation, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said. An investigation and cleanup were under way at a seafood market in the city, which is suspected to be connected with the cases, it said.

Initial laboratory tests showed that the cases were viral pneumonia. No obvious human-to-human transmission had been found and no medical staff had been infected, the commission said.

A team of experts from the National Health Commission is in Wuhan to carry out tests, state broadcaster CCTV said.

An official at Wuhan Central Hospital, where local media said some of the cases are being treated, declined to comment when contacted by Reuters.

In 2003, Chinese officials covered up a SARS outbreak for weeks before a growing death toll and rumors forced the government to reveal the epidemic, apologize and vow full candor in future outbreaks.

The disease, which emerged in southern China in late 2002, spread rapidly from south China to other cities and countries in 2003. More than 8,000 people were infected and 775 died.


Oh, NOT, FUCKING, AGAIN!!! Last time Hongkongers were slaughtered (299 deaths to be exact, a large number of a place with less than 10M people) because of Chinese incompetence (or even negligence).
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By Crantag
I probably don't need to worry from a statistical standpoint, but I've had pneumonia 6 times so it can't help but concern me a little, being I'm sat in China. There's been a confirmed case in Singapore.

The last time I got Pneumonia was in 2013, I had fled Japan following the Nuclear meltdown and was on my way back there from a respite in Europe. I had a 12 or so hour layover in Kuala Lumper, and slept on a waiting room couch, and I'm almost convinced that's how I got it, putting my face where all of those asses had been. A word of caution, if you find yourself in that kind of situation, better to get a hotel, or at least sleep on the floor (it's probably more sanitary, since they run mops over it and that the floor tiles are much less porous than couch cushions).
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By Drlee
Get a flu shot every year. Flu is the reason for many pneumonia. Get the pneumonia vaccines if you can. Wash your hands often. Do not fly. Lock yourself in a sealed room with a laminar flow unit on it and breathe only boiled oxygen. Never have sex of any kind. Even with hand sanitizer. Own a cat. Do not associate with white people. Shower a couple of times a day but not with a person of the opposite sex. (See sex above.) Do not eat chocolate, drink alcohol or smoke anything other than unfiltered cigarettes. Don't go to China and if you go there do not go home. That should do it.
Drlee wrote:Get a flu shot every year. Flu is the reason for many pneumonia. Get the pneumonia vaccines if you can. Wash your hands often. Do not fly. Lock yourself in a sealed room with a laminar flow unit on it and breathe only boiled oxygen. Never have sex of any kind. Even with hand sanitizer. Own a cat. Do not associate with white people. Shower a couple of times a day but not with a person of the opposite sex. (See sex above.) Do not eat chocolate, drink alcohol or smoke anything other than unfiltered cigarettes. Don't go to China and if you go there do not go home. That should do it.
SARS is not flu, so vaccines will do no good.
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By Ter
Pneumonia is not a laughing matter, boys.
See the note I sent to the members of my Rotary Club, slightly edited.

Pneumonia, the old man’s friend

Quite a number of our friends and fellow Rotarians have been very seriously ill or even passed away after catching pneumonia. The risk of getting pneumonia is ten times higher in persons of 65 years of age and above compared to people of 30-40 years of age.
There are two vaccines available to protect us from most of the strains of bacteria that cause pneumonia.
PCV-13 is recommended for all persons 65 years of age and above.
PPSV23 is another vaccine that protects against different strains of bacteria.
PCV-13 should be given first, with PPSV23 given later (recommended is one year later or as advised by your physician)
The PCV-13 is available from both Apollo Hospital and United Hospital in Dhaka (Tk 5,600 in Apollo, with doctor’s prescription, Tk 5,515 in United, without doctor’s prescription)
PPSV23 available from United Hospital (Tk 1,776)
Please give some thought to this advice, it is important.

Tk 80 = 1 USD
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By Drlee
You are right. That is why I mentioned the vaccines. I have had both and never miss a flu shot. Ever.
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By Drlee
Fuck vaccine. I is stupid and proud

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By Verv
It is bound to come back, and other similar things are bound to arise. This is the way.

I am honestly surprised it hasn't been worse these last few years.

I can tell you this: in December of 2018, I had a Swine flu and a government mandated order that I miss the entire week of work (I was diagnosed on a Sunday).

In 2015 or 16, I had the Bird flu. It was a similar deal.

People don't really bat an eye when they hear about that around here. It's just the way things are in Asia, and the way it'll be going forward.

There's regularly news that talks about how antibiotics are becoming less effective, but I think it is also true that the conditions in Asia that normally cause these things are improving quickly, particularly in places like China, where problems of overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions are quickly being solved.
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By Ter
Chinese researchers identified a new virus from the Corona family to be responsible for the latest outbreak.
SARS was also caused by a Corona virus but this one is different, less contagious, less lethal.
So far they found no human to human contagion.

Verv wrote: in December of 2018, I had a Swine flu and a government mandated order that I miss the entire week of work (I was diagnosed on a Sunday).
In 2015 or 16, I had the Bird flu.

Not to worry, @Verv brother, only good people die young :)
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By Drlee
There's regularly news that talks about how antibiotics are becoming less effective, but I think it is also true that the conditions in Asia that normally cause these things are improving quickly, particularly in places like China, where problems of overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions are quickly being solved.

Antibiotics are completely ineffective against viruses and always have been. They are sometimes used to treat the pneumonia that can be caused by opportunistic secondary bacterial infection due to a patients weakened condition due to the viral infection. This dramatically cuts the death rate in these cases. The presence of antibiotic resistant strains in cases such as these is quite possible in China where half of their antibiotic use is in food animals.

Fun fact: In the 1918 flu epidemic (H1N1 variant) the death toll among people 20-40 was striking. They were more at risk than those older and somewhat more at risk than those under 5.

Ask any good epidemiologist and he/she will tell you that the thing that scares them most is influenza. Far more than SARS.

I hammer this until I am blue in the face and inevitably some pathetic anti-vaxer shoots off his mouth. But here is the deal. There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who get an annual flu shot and dangerous idiots. Of course on many years the vaccine "misses" or only partially protects. That is absolutely no excuse. None at all. Get a fucking flu shot. If you are able to get pneumonia vaccine. The whole load.

And the next time you hear someone say, "every time I get the flu vaccine, I get the flu" look at him like the deluded fool that he is.
Drlee wrote:And the next time you hear someone say, "every time I get the flu vaccine, I get the flu" look at him like the deluded fool that he is.

That particular person might actually be allergic or so, but after all it might just vary from body to body, and the main point is, that's not your body.

Vaccine or not, it is ultimately one's own choice, but precautions, which should be constant across everybody, must be made no matter what.
By Patrickov
#15059047 ... -kong-take

Hong Kong keeps getting patients from Wuhan.

It is unbelievable that there are so many people from a not-so-significant city coming to Hong Kong. Looks like the authorities are purposefilly sending potential patients down, strain our health care system, and do not care if WE get infected and die. Probably the patients are happy to get us infected too.

What a bunch of cruel, fucking invaders. I wish this nation be CRUSHED.
By foxdemon
This story hasn’t gone away. In fact, it has spread all over the place. It is not completely clear as to the nature of the Coronavirus (nCV 2019) as data coming out of China is of questionable reliability. So lethality rate, infection rate, serious illness rate aren’t yet well defined.

There are cases in Germany. We can now expect a proper study to be done. Those Germans might have no sense of humour, but they are quite thorough in fields such as engineering and medicine. In two weeks or so we will know whether or not it is worth panicking.
By Patrickov
foxdemon wrote:This story hasn’t gone away. In fact, it has spread all over the place. It is not completely clear as to the nature of the Coronavirus (nCV 2019) as data coming out of China is of questionable reliability. So lethality rate, infection rate, serious illness rate aren’t yet well defined.

There are cases in Germany. We can now expect a proper study to be done. Those Germans might have no sense of humour, but they are quite thorough in fields such as engineering and medicine. In two weeks or so we will know whether or not it is worth panicking.

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