Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested - Page 38 - Politics | PoFo

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Sherlock Holmes wrote:Yes, it can be justified as soon as one says that violence and murder are a viable reaction to a perceived existential threat. If that's true then so be it, Hamas and the IDF are equally justified yes?

Were the Allies and the Nazis your grandpa fought also equally justified?

Can you tell why were both different despite both killing civilians?
The Third Reich justified what they did, their justification was that organized Jewry and Soviet Communism formed a dire existential threat to Germany, particularly after the Treat of Versailles all but crippled the country.

The US later did the same and bombed Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam (using more bombs on Laos than had been dropped by the allies in WW2) and did this because of the "existential threat" of communism.
Instead of this perpetual "but Israel had to do X because Palestinians did Y" blame game, perhaps you should ask yourself how to fix this? How to improve the situation for all the people there.

Creating an Israeli dominated super-Israel where non-Jews are second class scum, is not working, has never worked.

The UN has tried to fix this but Israeli intransigence along with US support has thwarted every attempt and so you have what you have, extreme acts of terror committed by people who feel as Jews did in the Warsaw ghetto in 1944.

Think man, THINK Israel's biggest supporter by far is the same country that has bombed innocent civilian in Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Iraq, Latin America, Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan...that country that violent exporting superpower is Israel's only friend...

The only way to improve this is if Israel is willing to change, if it is not or if it is willing to go more fascist, more extreme, more racist then the entire region will implode and Jews and non-Jews alike will suffer terribly.
The way to end the conflict is:

1) Make Hamas stop governing Gaza or accept two states (the former is more likely)

2) Send a multinational peacekeeping force there in exchange of Israel ending its military presence

3) Make both Israel and Palestine agree to a peace treaty with whatever land swaps are needed, refugee compensation and limited return for both Palestinian and Israelis who were displaced and lost property, end of Israel's occupation and the replacement of the IDF by the multinational force in point 2) above if it performs well in Gaza. PS: And as relations between both countries improve, at least to the point where everyone can be reasonably sure there will be no more violence, Palestine should get its own army to independently guarantee its own security.

Do you agree with the above?
Pants-of-dog wrote:And the evidence I have provided is still more than the evidence provided by those who say the encampment was illegal.

Your assumption is not evidence.

Trespass laws exist everywhere in Canada. If you think trespass laws don't apply for university encampments the burden is on you to cite the law or case law saying otherwise.

And so we get back to the topical question:

How do you reconcile all this with the fact that cops used batons on peaceful protesters?

You're making the unbacked assumption that these protesters were peaceful. The cops allege the protesters were throwing objects at them, and one was arrested for assaulting a cop, which you continually ignore. If they charged the protester, or a protester sues or charges the cops, then the courts will go through the evidence. We aren't going to know the truth from watching edited 15 second clips on twitter. But you don't seem interested in the truth or justice, your goal is to push a narrative that makes the protesters out to be victims and the state out to be violent oppressors while ignoring or denying everything that runs counter to this.

I'm not going to respond to anything else about the police action against the protestors until some kind of trial reveals all the evidence because it's totally pointless and filled with assumptions and lack of knowledge of all the facts, so please stop asking me questions about these events which you or I don't know the answers to.

The Ottawa trucker convoy were allowed to just park in the street and set up encampments and other temporary infrastructure

No they weren't, the cops committed all sorts of violence against them, including police horses trampling them. The government also froze their bank accounts and applied the Emergencies Act on them in order to remove their Charter rights.

They were also caught without any identification or badge number on their uniform which is alo illegal since it prevents accountability.

If that's true then those cops should be fired at a minimum.
wat0n wrote:The way to end the conflict is:

**more of the same**

Yes, by going back to how it was a few years ago, the Palestinians will get a country and be allowed to live in peace by the Jewish invaders from Europe who ethnic-cleansed the area in the late 40s.

Kevin Barrett wrote:...Israel is is just a euphemism for the genocide of Palestine...

The monopoly-ownership of media has allowed this genocide to go on under the noses of polite Western dupes.
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, by going back to how it was a few years ago, the Palestinians will get a country and be allowed to live in peace by the Jewish invaders from Europe who ethnic-cleansed the area in the late 40s.

On the contrary, this is just doing what should have been done in 2000.

QatzelOk wrote:The monopoly-ownership of media has allowed this genocide to go on under the noses of polite Western dupes.

Now this is more of the same. And it's also projection, given Acadia is an actual euphemism for genocide
wat0n's also projection, given Acadia is an actual euphemism for genocide

I can't believe Hasbara pays you for "know you are, said you are, what am I?" levels of political discussion. Kindergarten teasing with no added perspective.

I guess even an eight-year-old can work for them.

Nice to know for families with young children who need money. Apply to Hasbara! Look how easy it is to work for them!
Unthinking Majority wrote:Trespass laws exist everywhere in Canada. If you think trespass laws don't apply for university encampments the burden is on you to cite the law or case law saying otherwise.

Since the campus is public space that can be entered and used by anyone at any tome of day, it is not trespassing.

You're making the unbacked assumption that these protesters were peaceful. The cops allege the protesters were throwing objects at them, and one was arrested for assaulting a cop, which you continually ignore. If they charged the protester, or a protester sues or charges the cops, then the courts will go through the evidence. We aren't going to know the truth from watching edited 15 second clips on twitter. But you don't seem interested in the truth or justice, your goal is to push a narrative that makes the protesters out to be victims and the state out to be violent oppressors while ignoring or denying everything that runs counter to this.

Then provide evidence that anyone assaulted a cop.

I'm not going to respond to anything else about the police action against the protestors until some kind of trial reveals all the evidence because it's totally pointless and filled with assumptions and lack of knowledge of all the facts, so please stop asking me questions about these events which you or I don't know the answers to.

Then stop replying to my posts.

Your faith in cops and law does not seem to be grounded in facts since you do not know if cops and the law are just and refuse to investigate or talk about it,

No they weren't, the cops committed all sorts of violence against them, including police horses trampling them. The government also froze their bank accounts and applied the Emergencies Act on them in order to remove their Charter rights.

No, this was definitely not true for the first three or four weeks of the protest.

If that's true then those cops should be fired at a minimum.

Ao we have cops openly breaking the law, not being punished, and yet we are also supposed to believe that the law is just and fair.

How do you reconcile that?
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