Turkey & Libya agree to split Greek territory, Libya invites Turkey to send military - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Atlantis wrote:[usermention=34393]That's what happens when wannabe Imperialists try to play with the big boys. They get burned.

Erdogan is the most popular politician in the Islamic world. Turkey also engages in Somalia.

In case of Syria Russia can directly intervene because the Government invites them. In Lybia the government invites the Turks
Atlantis wrote:@Istanbuller, here's some news for you:

The European Union Court of Justice rules that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) was wrongly on the list of terrorist organisations.

World Belgian court: PKK not a terrorist organization

Looks like things are turning against Turkey. I have always said that the AKP should replace the PKK on our list of terrorist organisations. We are now moving in that direction. It's not even a secret anymore that Turkey is the biggest sponsor of terror in the MENA.

That's what happens when wannabe Imperialists try to play with the big boys. They get burned.

Puppet "old" Turkey would care what others think of him.

"New" Turkey's foreign policy is being driven by national interests. Mediterranean gas fields are important for future of Turkey's economy. It is worth to fight for it.
Erdogan claims that Crete, islands have no continental shelf

"They talk about a continental shelf around Crete," he said. "There is no continental shelf around the islands, there is no such thing," he said, noting that, "there, it is only sovereign waters."

"Islands have no continental shelf" ... can't wait to break this to the Brits. :lol:

Just think of all the fish and oil that we'll get from the European EEZ going right up to Greenland's EEZ.

Atlantis wrote:That's why we'll let the Empire collapse under the weight of its internal contradictions. Trump is doing a good job so far.

The American Empire will survive Trump. Whether it will survive its own hubris is another matter, however. The current Masters of the Universe seem to think they have unlimited resources and unlimited time. They are mistaken on both counts. And its reliance on fomenting "creative chaos" rather than establishing a long-lasting world order means that once it finally collapses, it will leave little trace behind it. The British left a lasting (though often malign) legacy around the world; its doubtful that the USA will do the same.
Potemkin wrote:The American Empire will survive Trump. Whether it will survive its own hubris is another matter, however. The current Masters of the Universe seem to think they have unlimited resources and unlimited time. They are mistaken on both counts. And its reliance on fomenting "creative chaos" rather than establishing a long-lasting world order means that once it finally collapses, it will leave little trace behind it. The British left a lasting (though often malign) legacy around the world; its doubtful that the USA will do the same.

The Empire will survive Trump, but he certainly is leading the US on its road to oblivion. Even if Trump isn't reelected, the phenomenon Trump won't disappear. There is a reason why so many Americans can identify with Trump.

It's hard to imagine what will happen when it finally does collapse, but the collapse of the petrodollar, which has to happen with the shift away from fossil fuels, is going to impact the US economy and the global economy in a major way. We would be best advised to prepare for a gradual phasing out to avoid a global crisis of gigantic proportions.
Istanbuller wrote:Free Syrian Army cleared most of Turkish-Syria border from ISIS and SDF terrorists. It is probably most mobilised and fresh army in Syria.

And this is the rub: the USA and its allies (like Israel and SA) are probably the funding of ISIS and other terrorist groups. The West uses terror to destroy nations for economic reasons.

So if Turkey fights too strongly against Western terrorists, it could quickly pull a WW2 Italy, and quit its alliance with 'the bad guys' and then we will be advancing to WW3.

Wars start because the West is ruled by liars and thieves, so the citizens never know any of the real motivations or who is behind the horrors they see on TV every night.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Sure it is

The Muslim Brotherhood has Millions of members.

Qaradwi is not the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood like your cheap propaganda says

Lets judge them by history for example Egypt was never so free like under the rule of the Brotherhood : free press, free elections

Erdogan has also close ties to the Brotherhood, you as Israeli can travel there.
Potemkin wrote:The British left a lasting (though often malign) legacy around the world; its doubtful that the USA will do the same.

Well, I only see the USA as a stronger and cowboyish "dynasty" of Britain...
noemon wrote:Erdogan shows off new map drawn between himself and Libya's President. The "deal" dubbed as a Memorandum of Understanding(MOU) has been rejected by the Libyan Parliament and a letter has been sent to the UN by Libya's parliament declaring the MOU "null & void".



The most glaring thing in this irredentist Turkish map is that Turkish and Libyan borders appear to extend hundreds of miles away from their shore while Crete's and Rhodes' border appear to extend none at all. Curious you might think, while this has been official Turkish policy for some decades. Turkey argues that Greek islands should not have a continental shelf. That is Greek islands do not deserve to be counted as land borders and that all the waters around Greek islands should belong to Turkey. This has been the official Turkish position since at least the 80's and while this kind of joke could only be laughed at, now Turkey found a desperate partner in the form of the current President of Libya to give her the crook's respite. Erdogan seems totally unfazed by Libya's parliament to declare his deal null & void and has pledged to send gunboats and military to "defend Libya's borders south of Crete". A less glaring thing that is not as noticeable to non-Greek people is that this map actually includes inhabited Greek islands, the islands are small enough to not appear in the map at its current resolution but rest assured they are actually there. Check to see where Kastellorizo actually is for example.


The Steppe Barbarians need to be pushed back to Uzbekistan, we need to take back Constantinople!
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