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By noemon
Tainari88 wrote:Gracias! A great Brazilian tune for you |Todos Somos Iguas nesta Noite *I is translated everyone is the same tonight by Ivan Lins. A Brazilian musician and composer. Somehow I think you don't like BoJo. He is a man with a weak character. Lol. I still chuckle over Rich's commentary there.


Thanks for the beautiful song. I share Potemkin's view on the matter of Boris and Rich's latest post also. Boris is a typical British public school boy that does stand out indeed from the rest, which speaks volumes of the current standard. I understand what Rich is saying however and Boris has been engaged in a relentless struggle declared on him by Dominic Cummings and consequently a significant part of the establishment because in all honesty Cummings would not be able to say these things and sabotage the PM in any other country in such an open and shameless way. Cummings declared over a year ago that after his sacking as Chief of Staff for failing to support the Green Agenda he will not stop until the PM and the Green Agenda are removed from office. He continues to express the same almost on a daily basis from his blog. Then all these "revelations" are touted by all the media including the Tories own and even by Tory MP's without any context. Cummings is revealing his own conduct as the PM's Chief of Staff which he performed and recorded on purpose for the benefit of extortion and blackmail the PM of the UK. :roll:

I understand why you would think like this when he has become such a caricature but the plain reality remains that he is better than the rest in many ways. I have followed Boris closely the past few years and he is not the caricature promoted. I really do not want to express positive stuff about Boris because his negatives are even more mega.
By Rich
@Tainari88 honoured to be of service in bringing a little amusement to your day. Perhaps the best we can hope for is to please some of the people some of the time.

I'm just counselling caution. Before we unlock the Johnson premiership it would good to know the full effects of Long Starmer. As I say medical scientists have yet to give conclusive results but exposure to Starmer has been associated with depression, substance abuse, head aches and explosive outbursts of rage and anger. It seems the two men arrested today may well have been suffering from Long Starmer

Apologists for Starmer have sought to down play the seriousness of the condition claiming it is just a mild flu like illness and is in no way comparable to serious conditions like exposure to Nicholas Witchell which can be life threatening even in small doses.
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By Potemkin
Rich wrote:@Tainari88 honoured to be of service in bringing a little amusement to your day. Perhaps the best we can hope for is to please some of the people some of the time.

I'm just counselling caution. Before we unlock the Johnson premiership it would good to know the full effects of Long Starmer. As I say medical scientists have yet to give conclusive results but exposure to Starmer has been associated with depression, substance abuse, head aches and explosive outbursts of rage and anger. It seems the two men arrested today may well have been suffering from Long Starmer

Apologists for Starmer have sought to down play the seriousness of the condition claiming it is just a mild flu like illness and is in no way comparable to serious conditions like exposure to Nicholas Witchell which can be life threatening even in small doses.


By Rich
"Conspiracy theory, Conspiracy theory, conspiracy theory" this seems to be the slogan of Cultural Marxist fascism. this seems to be the mechanism by which all free speech and eventually all democracy will be eliminated. Every question, every challenge that the main stream media don't like is just dismissed with these two words.

First what's wrong with conspiracy theories? It seems to me that the SS's slave and death camp system involved a conspiracy and quite a wide big conspiracy at that. A conspiracy to hide the full extent of what was going on from both the German public and international public opinion. But that aside, how in God's name is questioning Starmer's role in the failure to prosecute Jimmy Saville a conspiracy theory? it strikes me that if anything the "Nothing to do with Starmer" theory requires a conspiracy. Did all of Starmer's underlings conspire to keep him in the dark about all the evidence against Saville?

And now in this mad world we live in, they're asking Johnson to apologise. :roll: I mean seriously who cares whether Bashir lied to Diana. If he did that was noble and courageous journalism to expose they hypocrisy of our supposed Royal role models. We pay the Royals vast amounts of money supposedly so as they can show us how to live good moral family lives. Exposing this lie was a great patriotic act. But why are there no documentaries into Starmer and Jimmy Saville, by the BBC or the other News channels?
I have to admit that Boris throwing Keir in the fire with Jimmy Saville is a stroke of genius.

Keir's defense as a Leading Prosecutor to dismiss the case against Saville is that: 'I was not the one who investigated the case, it was my underling'.

And Boris is not the one who organised the partygate parties, it was Cummings his disgraced chief of staff. And it's Keir who insists that Boris bears this responsibility so it goes without say that Keir also bears the responsibility for the Jimmy Saville case.

What I do not get is why 3 Tories resigned and why is the Torygraph taking the side of Keir? :eh: Possibly for Cummings.
By Rich
noemon wrote:What I do not get is why 3 Tories resigned and why is the Torygraph taking the side of Keir? :eh:

Could I humbly suggest a Google image search for "Prince Charles and Jimmy Saville".

The Queen Good obviously
Prince Charles Good
Prince William Good
Camilla Good
Kate Good
Andrew Bad
Harry Bad
Meghan Bad
Fergie Not bad exactly, but a silly woman who should not be taken seriously.

A friend to Jeffrey Epstein, disgusting, sick, why are you not ashamed to ever show your face in public again?
A friend to Jimmy Saville, quite understandable, we just naturally thought the best of people, nothing wrong with that. We were all fooled.
Rich wrote:Could I humbly suggest a Google image search for "Prince Charles and Jimmy Saville"

A friend to Jeffrey Epstein, disgusting, sick, why are you not ashamed to ever show your face in public again?
A friend to Jimmy Saville, quite understandable, we just naturally thought the best of people, nothing wrong with that. We were all fooled.

No mate, you 're wrong. Nobody knew that Saville was a pedophile. Andrew invited Epstein in Buckingham palace after he was convicted of pedophilia & sex trafficking.

Andrew exposed himself consciously, Charles didn't.
@Rich @noemon

To be fair, Charles has long been regarded as incompetent.
Therefore him courting (?) Saville could be seen as an honest mistake.

Curiously, though, how's this argument related to Johnson's current situation and his response?
(Sorry I overlooked how Rich listed that list in the first place)
Patrickov wrote:@Rich @noemon

To be fair, Charles has long been regarded as incompetent.
Therefore him courting (?) Saville could be seen as an honest mistake.

Curiously, though, how's this argument related to Johnson's current situation and his response?
(Sorry I overlooked how Rich listed that list in the first place)

The British Royal Family are desperate to be popular. They therefore like to associate with people who are themselves popular or famous - if those people have lower-class origins or are in show-biz, then all the better. Savile fitted the bill in all respects. The downside of this, of course, is that human beings, being what they are, are often sleazy, venal, criminal scumbags rather than the fine upstanding citizens they purport to be. Savile did a very good job of hiding what he was beneath a veneer of charitable good works and an eccentric but lovable public persona. Almost nobody met the real Jimmy Savile, especially not Prince Charles.
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By Beren
Istanbuller wrote:People elected Boris Johnson and Tories rule the country, not for answering stupid questions or resigning over unimportant things.

Are they resigning over a Christmas party? What a stupid reason of quitting. :lol:

Liz Truss would be a better reason for quitting indeed, if she's important enough, though. :lol:

The Moscow Times wrote:In the closed-door meeting, Lavrov had asked Truss whether the U.K. accepted that two Russian regions — Voronezh and Rostov — belonged to Russia and that Russia had the right to move troops and equipment to the areas.

According to Russia’s Kommersant business daily, Truss replied that “​​the U.K. will never recognize Russian sovereignty over these regions.”

Commentators said the British politician likely thought Lavrov was referring to Donetsk and Luhansk — the two breakaway regions of eastern Ukraine controlled by pro-Russian separatists. Truss was quickly corrected by the British Ambassador in the meeting.

Truss had previously been criticized in both Moscow and Britain for apparently confusing the “Baltic” and “Black” Seas earlier in February when discussing Russian military exercises and troop movements.

That photo op must have been the only thing Truss was properly prepared for in Moscow.

I'm glad, though, that with her own Dominic Raab moments she keeps the Johnson cabinet gender-neutral idiocy-wise. :lol:

Dominic Raab under fire over Dover-Calais comments
Beren wrote:Liz Truss would be a better reason for quitting indeed, if she's important enough, though. :lol:

That photo op must have been the only thing Truss was properly prepared for in Moscow.

I'm glad, though, that with her own Dominic Raab moments she keeps the Johnson cabinet gender-neutral idiocy-wise. :lol:

Dominic Raab under fire over Dover-Calais comments

Oh please. While I have no clue about her, women do love fancy clothes more than man a lot and having an opportunity to put on a nice furcoat with a Russian ushanka fancy hat has always been a go to thing for any female politician or celebrity when visiting Russia. I think that it is a more of a "I wanna do this because it is cool" thing.
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By Beren
However, I forgot to add that that spectacular show of cluelessness was supposed to be a great show of allied support for the sake of the Special Relationship. :lol:

The Moscow Times wrote:The U.K. has positioned itself alongside the U.S. as one of the leading voices calling for Russia to de-escalate the situation around Ukraine and promising swift and severe sanctions should Russia mount a further incursion into Ukrainian territory.

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By Fasces
Boris has the ultimate job security of the fact that nobody else really wants the job. Western politicians have figured out that the grift is fueled best by outrage, but that outrage can't govern - from a purely selfish perspective, the ideal is to permanently occupy the peanut gallery without making any real moves toward leadership. Good governance is impossible in this environment, anyway, so may as well look out for the family. To keep up apperances, you have to make a little noise now and then, but if you push too hard to get rid of XYZ, you might be the fool lined up to take his place. :lol:

The causes are several - for-profit 24/7 media platforms; social media; Hyper-liberal 80s guy values... I can't picture any solutions coming from within, unfortunately.
By Rich
Boris Johnson is leading the Western world out of Lockdown and its associated fascistic measures mask mandates, mass testing and Menglesque vaccine programmes.

The Covid terror was the greatest social revolution in world history, even if in part it is a temporary one. Even though some of it may prove temporary, it was an attempt to impose a new social order, a new economic order, a new moral order and even an attempt to introduce a new quasi religion with clapping for the NHS.

If Boris Johnson gets fined so what? How many people can say that they didn't break the Covid rules? How many people can say that they've never broken the speed limit? Should every person that's ever had a speeding fine be ineligible for government office. Should every person who has broken the speeding limit, but got away with it be ineligible for public office? Should every person who has ever broken a rule that could have led to a fine be ineligible for public office, or just every person who's been caught and received a fine?

Johnson's intelligent enough to know that a lot of the rules, the lockdown liberals forced him to introduce were nonsense. It is a testament to his character that he treated them with such contempt.
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By soron
"Boris Johnson is leading the Western world out of Lockdown and its associated fascistic measures mask mandates, mass testing and Menglesque vaccine programmes."

Boris Johnson, Boris Johnson ... wait, wasn't that this British PM who during the initial outbreak of Corvid-19 decided to go with the recommendation of the Imperial College and do nothing, just ride it out like a flu ? The guy who then changed his tune when the corpses started to pile up and who then banned the export of AstraZeneca's vaccine from the UK into other countries in a "UK first" move ? That Boris Johnson ?
By Rich

:D is it my imagination or has this Ukraine business somewhat distracted the remove Boris campaign.
Rich wrote: :D is it my imagination or has this Ukraine business somewhat distracted the remove Boris campaign.

Also Covid19 ended just like that.

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