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Godstud wrote:He Tweeted a meme("Musk tweeted a picture of Adolf Hitler with the caption “Stop comparing me to Justin Trudeau. I had a budget.” "), but you knew that and made up a bold-faced lie, because you are emotionally invested in anything he does.

How many jokes does the apartheidist emerald mine heir need to make before they stop being jokes?

Why are you so obsessed with whether or not people like the pedoguy?
SpecialOlympian wrote:The funniest thing about every Twitter story about Twitter going down in flames is the last line which is always:

"We reached out to Twitter for comment, but Twitter no longer has a corporate communications department."


Was this actually published somewhere? :lol:

Like I said before though. I don't believe twitter is going to disappear. In a sense, it is too big to fail. That's not say it will get a bailout, but it will endure. Lots of people will lose money (debt holders and musk), but it will endure. It's to integrated into popular society.
Twitter, like most useless and unprofitable tech companies, was willed into existence through the wasting of billions of dollars. In its 15 or so year history it has only been profitable for two of those years.

It generates $600 million in net profit. The loans Elon took out to buy it, because he is stupid enough to list his Twitter account as official corporate communications for his companies and was thus forced to pretend he wanted to buy it, are $1 billion a year.

An unimaginable sum for people who do not swim in money as I do as a successful financier.

Like I can not stress this enough: Elon is such a huge fucking dork who steals memes from Reddit that he lists his Twitter account as official corporate communications. If you own TSLA stock or any of his other companies those 20 page bullshit letters you get every 3 months that act as official notice on how to stay up to date with the company you own a fractional share of legit say: "Follow Elon on Twitter."

And then he just posts dumb shit. But because of that when he makes jokes like "I'm taking Tesla private at $420!! The WEED number! LMFAOOOO!!" he has to act like he actually wanted to do that becuase, as an official source of corporate communications and because he has the ability to create price changes in the market, the SEC is watching. He and Tesla both paid $20 million fines for that stupid tweet. What a twat.
fasces wrote:Why are you so obsessed with whether or not people like the pedoguy?
Why are you so obsessed and emotionally invested in Elon Musk? The insults that you use demonstrate that he has you horribly triggered.

Elon Musk has done many interesting things in the last decade, in case you weren't paying attention, and has advanced science, particularly in the area of space exploration. He's interesting. He's not morally bankrupt, nor is he a pedophile, except in your own mind.
Fasces wrote:Why are you so obsessed and emotionally invested in Elon Musk? The insults that you use demonstrate that he has you horribly triggered.

I'm not. His takeover of Twitter is funny because its so inept, and his Nazi signaling is what it is. In my entire post history, I've mentioned or talked about Musk 3 or 4 times - outside this thread, just once. :lol:

Godstud wrote: nor is he a pedophile, except in your own mind.

Woah, who insinuated he was a pedophile? I've never done that.
Last edited by Fasces on 28 Nov 2022 01:51, edited 1 time in total.
Godstud wrote:The pendulum has swung so far to the 'left', that even a 'left-winger' like myself, has been left behind. :lol:

Welcome to the club!

People seem to imagine I'm covering up for some secret White Supremacist / Neo Nazi past, when in fact I'm just a progressive that went rogue in the late nineties. I chose my path consciously even with relish, so I've watched with amusement the more recent falls from grace of the likes of Joanne Rowling

And in some ways I remain a hard line progressive. I'm fully on board with the deconstruction of conservatism and the establishment. But for me it can't stop there. The same merciless deconstruction must be applied to the left, to the progressives and to the process of deconstruction itself and of course to the identity of the deconstructor.
Fasces wrote:Woah, who insinuated he was a pedophile? I've never done that.
You called him "pedoguy". Why are you lying? I even quoted you.

Fasces wrote:Why are you so obsessed with whether or not people like the pedoguy?
Godstud wrote:You called him "pedoguy". Why are you lying? I even quoted you.

Woah! According to the US judiciary, as decided in the case of Musk v Unsworth, the use of the term 'pedoguy' does not imply Musk is a pedophile, has pedophilic intent, or desires sex with children in any way and no reasonable person could take calling Elon Musk a 'pedoguy' on a public platform as an accusation that Elon Musk is a pedophile.

BBC wrote:Elon Musk did not defame a British caver who helped in last year's rescue of trapped Thai schoolboys by calling him a "pedo guy", a US jury has found.
Yeah... OK.. :roll: Courts make all sorts of stupid rulings. That it's not legally slander is beside the point. Reasonable people realize that calling someone a "pedoguy" is implying that they're a pedophile. You're still insulting a person because you are emotionally invested in it, for some reason. Your argument is shit.
Last edited by Godstud on 28 Nov 2022 02:15, edited 1 time in total.
@Rich, @Godstud

The whole "The pendulum has swung far left" that now we're all right wing is a fallacy. I know that's a meme Musk popularized. That meme is interesting in how so many people have just completely latched on to it, and in doing so, have given up their own agency (not saying you guys have done this specifically, but it's something I'm seeing).

The right has also become more extreme (and more violent). This should be obvious if you are not falling for that meme. I think you guys might be falling for the internet/twitter propaganda.

Recall, I'm generally center right wing and I can see what has happened. It's certainly not that meme. Both the far right and far left are cut from the same crazy cloth. You guys should try not to get swept up in it. ;) Evidence of the far right getting more extreme is that many of our right wingers on pofo think I'm a leftist. :lol: I could argue that the pendulum has swung so far right, it makes me look like a leftist. ;) However, i know that is not true either.
Last edited by Rancid on 28 Nov 2022 02:23, edited 2 times in total.
@Rancid I'd say our politics match up pretty well(in most regards), and I don't consider myself center-right. Hmmm...

Still, censorship has been used by "left" and "right" and right now is being used heavily to cancel out voices that some people consider "right-wing".

Humour is always going to offend some people, but isn't that partly the point of humour?
Godstud wrote:@Rancid I'd say our politics match up pretty well(in most regards), and I don't consider myself center-right. Hmmm...

I've always seen you as a more left than me actually. Not super far from me, but still left from me.

Godstud wrote:Still, censorship has been used by "left" and "right" and right now is being used heavily to cancel out voices that some people consider "right-wing".

There has been analysis on this, and most of the right wing stuff that is "canceled" has broken the moderation rules far more than the left has. There is a lot of right wing humor that has not been moderated/censored on twitter through the last few years. People are in fact over extrapolating what is happening for the purpose of propaganda.
Godstud wrote:Yeah... OK.. :roll: Courts make all sorts of stupid rulings. That it's not legally slander is beside the point. Reasonable people realize that calling someone a "pedoguy" is implying that they're a pedophile. You're still insulting a person because you are emotionally invested in it, for some reason. Your argument is shit.

I think I sound slightly less unhinged than that pedoguy going off on rescuers on Twitter because his ego was hurt that the Thais didn't want to use his submarine. :lol:

It's trolling when they do it, it's u hinged obsession when anyone else does though, right?
It makes sense that right wing stuff gets censored more. The far left doesn't inspire or fantasize about violence as much as the right does. I'm sure there are left wing wackos talking about violence, but on average you see it more on the right.

Stuff that is a constant in the far right sphere of discussion. Even propagated on right wing media like Fox News:

- Replacement theory which inspires violence, and probably manifested Charlottesville.
- A coming civil war which advocates violence, and manifested Jan 6th. Which got someone killed.
- 2nd amendment rhetoric that will often border advocating for violence.
- Armed intimidation at election polling sites.

The FBI has in fact documented a massive spike in violence inspired by far right causes. Most of these causes spread and gain support via the internet.

I'm sure there are other things that can be listed, but the point is, posting around the above subjects is sure to run afoul of moderation rules. These are subjects that have literally inspired people to kill (hence why they are moderated).

Stuff that is a constant in the far left sphere of discussion:

- LBTQ+ rights
- Trans women participation in women sports, which IMO is ridiculous to allow, but this position doesn't call for or inspire violence.
- Leftist messages in media (like casting black actors, or LGBTQ+ actors and shit like that). Which some of this is stupid, but again, it's not a position that calls for or inspires violence.
- Weird pronoun shit, like calling people demons or whatever. It's stupid, but again, doesn't call for or inspire violence

I'm sure there is other stuff to list, and I'm sure that far less of it inspires/fantasizes violence than what you see coming from the far right wing.

CLEARLY, the far left messages do not generally advocate for violence. Hence, they are less likely to run afoul of moderation rules. This whole targeting of censorship on the right is such horseshit. They break the rules more due to the nature of what they spread. This is documented and studied. However, it's effective propaganda, as people are eating it all up, getting massively manipulated by the rhetoric, lies, and propaganda. Somehow, that dumb meme that is a total lie gets believed and spread around, especially when someone like Musk amplifies it. Too many dummies submit their ability to think to Musk for some weird reason.

The far left is fucking stupid, yes, agree 100%, but the far right is dangerous. Even dangerous to the fabric of democracy itself.

All that to say is that what the world needs is militant centrists.
Last edited by Rancid on 28 Nov 2022 03:00, edited 3 times in total.
Fasces wrote:Guys a twat. Nothing wrong with saying it. Billionaires tend to be twats and Musk belongs to the club that are especially bratty. :D

He is. He's worse than a twat. A faker. A weasel.

However, what is worse than him, are his worshipers.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I invite all rightwing weirdos to recount stories about times that I owned them, in honor of Rich's example.

As a right wing weirdo myself I can attest to the horror of being "owned" by Special Olympian. Though I am not as wealthy as he is I am pretty darned doing OK fine if you know what I mean. And that is why he hates me.

No doubt we eat at the same restaurants. Gabriel Kreuther? I'm willing to bet. He just knows I must be the guy in the bespoke suit, seated at the next table making, feel oh so pedestrian for having ordered Chateau Mouton from a decent year. So always, he must think. (As we all know Latour from an off year is the bold choice.)

It must be him, he thinks. "Does he look like a Public Health anything?" "No. He looks like a retired bus driver in an expensive suit." pausing "Must be family money." His thoughts race on. "He would have told us if he was a Dermatologist. Wouldn't he?" His mind reels. "But it has to be him." "Who else would order Roasted Atlantic Skate Wing with local polenta • pea shoots • cream corn-shellfish emulsion and chase it down with Chateau Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, 96?" "That is Dr Lee of course. Sitting in a top tier restaurant taunting me with an old copy of P.J. O'Rourke. And that beard. And those round glasses. And dammit I know for a fact that he is just to the right of Rich and just to the left of Attila."

It is not so much that he hits me personally. Oh no that is not it. It is that I take hits by realizing that I just said something stupid but he fucked @Rich for it instead. (And though I find this really funny at the end of the day I am left worn and frousey in despair. It is a horrible thing to be lying in the ashes of your self esteem giggling because, well, dammit, SO is really funny. Really. He just called everyone you admire a cocksucker and you can't help but love him for it. And he savages Rich because.....well two reasons. He can and Rich deserves it. I mean really. Does Rich have to sneak a Nazi reference into the thread about My Little Pony?

Now clearly Rich is much better at saying outrageous stuff than I am. I mean seriously. Does he really need to go around with a target on his chest all the time? Then he is uber, sorry, overly offended when someone hits the bullseye.

We have seen his Rich's picture. A largish man in a tight white golf shirt, too short shorts with a white belt to match the shirt and a suspicious rash in his, (sadly) all to revealed groin area. And the eye patch is definitely an affectation. Did he think we would not notice that he was looking at POFO on a Goddam Motorola Razor? Who does that?

Yes I have been proxy-savaged by old PO and I wear it like a badge of honor. But I just got him with the restaurant thing. He should be careful where he is when he posts on POFO. But (and Rich can take a lesson from this) I must admit that at least he was on the latest generation IPhone.

SO is truly special. His posts are a gift. Aren't they Rich?
Rancid wrote:I think you guys might be falling for the internet/twitter propaganda.

You falsely accused me of knowing nothing about opensource and trying to cover up lack of knowledge of a basic fact. You still haven't apologised for that libellous insult. While that stands I'm not inclined to take advice from you with a kindly disposition.
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