Moscow posters promoting Moscow women to marry Han- Chinese men - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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ThirdTerm wrote:I looked it up and found out that the poster was posted on a page of the Russian social media equivalent to Facebook in the West. The Russian FB page is associated with the Chinese military, promoting mutual friendship and cultural exchange between China and Russia.

If the poster can be replicated, the Ukrainians should find a way to drop them on Russian soldiers with the message: Be ready to die for your country; the Chinese are ready to marry your women.
Tainari88 wrote:@litwin

Well, look at what happens when young men wanting sex don't have enough single women to have sex with or marry. Ancient South American tribes like the Yanomamo would kill firstborn infant females. After a while, they were short of women for that generation. So they would go on war hunts with other tribes often for the sole purpose of having women to have babies with. Chinese society up until 2015 had the one child-only policy for Han Chinese Mandarin speakers and look what happened? Shortage of women. A lot of shortage because of stupid sexist dumb-ass preferences. So? Now, they need Russian women to fill in the gap.

They are going to Malaysia, the Philippines, and everywhere looking for women to marry. Assholes. Should have realized don't kill your daughters due to stupid sexist beliefs. Otherwise, the men become desperate. Pendejos. :D

At the same time, their one-child policy was a stroke of genius.

If only more countries were capable of controlling the population explosion.
QatzelOk wrote:At the same time, their one-child policy was a stroke of genius.

If only more countries were capable of controlling the population explosion.

There is enough for everyone in the world Q. If the elite are not controlling everything and so many have bad values where everyone has to drive a car and pollute, and everyone has to have big bucks or they are worthless. It is all about the lies and myths people tell themselves Q.

You don't need luxuries. You do need again relationships that are meaningful.
QatzelOk wrote:
At the same time, their one-child policy was a stroke of genius.

The opposite of explosion is implosion...

Thanks largely due to the one child policy, China is going to implode. The population is going to go down by as much as half. How a country holds itself together in that sort of situation, nobody knows. But China does have a history of the government collapsing, and that is what I expect will happen at some point this century.
late wrote:The opposite of explosion is implosion...

This is true, but in the case of the expression "population explosion," the word is being used as a rhetorical device.

It means "rapid and sustained increase" in the case of population.

And with nature on the decline in virtually every region of the Earth, a rapid and sustained decrease is all that can save mankind from extinction.

I wish there was some other way, but humanity has gone too far... like domesticated animals that overpopulate the fields that they used to survive on. For farmers, having millions of domesticated sheep or cows might seem like a winning strategy... until all the grass has been eaten and the cows and sheep start eating through the electrical wiring on the side of the farmhouse. (we are here now)

That China and Japan (and a few other countries) have realized this, and acted on it (in the case of China)... demonstrates that the West is backwards. Not advanced. Living in the past.
QatzelOk wrote:That China and Japan (and a few other countries) have realized this, and acted on it (in the case of China)... demonstrates that the West is backwards. Not advanced. Living in the past.

Both China and Japan overacted, and in the case of China, its society is too suffocating to make people willing to breed again. And immigration to either country is nearly non-existent.

The West is at worst steady and decent people wanting to migrate there helps a lot.

If you are so unhappy with Canada I will ask the Canadian government to arrange a population exchange -- specifically, swap you with me.
Patrickov wrote:Both China and Japan overacted, and in the case of China, its society is too suffocating to make people willing to breed again. And immigration to either country is nearly non-existent.

It's really a complete blunder too. The CPC could have, and so has, really emerged as a leader among the Global South and turned China into a destination for the best and brightest African and South Asian students, building generational links. Pigheaded attitudes by Chinese themselves ended this before it began. I know personally a dozen Rwandans, Pakistanis and Ethiopians here in Shandong that have been here for more than a decade, and would happily become Chinese citizens. They got their PhDs here, they've started businesses, they've brought friends and family, they speak much better Chinese than I do... and yet they're still treated badly by dumb fuck uncles on the street that know nothing but sweeping streets and chugging baijiu and a weak leadership not willing to put in the effort to integrate them. :roll:
Patrickov wrote:Both China and Japan overacted, and in the case of China, its society is too suffocating to make people willing to breed again. And immigration to either country is nearly non-existent.

Sounds like these countries have wisely adapted to the condition of the world. Darwin suggested that a species-that-wants-to-survive would adapt to its environmental conditions.

If you are so unhappy with Canada I will ask the Canadian government to arrange a population exchange -- specifically, swap you with me.

I am not unhappy with Canada. I am unhappy with continuing population growth, and that it has ALWAYS served the oligarch classes by offering them low-cost helots.

The UK, as an example, was able to support 60 million people by havesting the rest of the world. What happens when it can't support this number of people? Collapse? Cannibalism? Social and cultural decay? Worse?

The smart nations took this seriously, while the bankster-driven nations continued to import helots.
QatzelOk wrote:The UK, as an example, was able to support 60 million people by havesting the rest of the world. What happens when it can't support this number of people? Collapse? Cannibalism? Social and cultural decay? Worse?

You better worry about India or China in this case -- in fact, even a slow implosion, which is happening in China and is the best as both of us perceive, means problems to many others.

Great Britain is very, very small and, even in Europe, is smaller than Russia and Germany. There are loads of countries who have to worry this before Great Britain.

QatzelOk wrote:The smart nations took this seriously, while the bankster-driven nations continued to import helots.

Most individuals, like me, want to be helots more than a serious but hopeless husk.
Unfortunately I am very much the latter kind.

I hate to say it, but for your argument against population growth, I think one can always voluntarily give their place up by, say, suicide.
(People's Temple or Heaven's Gate suddenly sounds very upright, and I do think they are better than Scientology...)

EDIT: One more thing. I still want to breed despite my prospect is effectively zero.
Patrickov wrote:I hate to say it, but for your argument against population growth, I think one can always voluntarily give their place up by, say, suicide.

That would eliminate one gay vegetarian who has no car or license. Big whoop for the environment.

But if billions of deaths (or child-bearing, car-driving, meat-eaters) are necessary, a toxic vaccine campaign would be much more effective. Perhaps the most important voice for population reduction is already on the case?

Humanity is currently killing the earth, on every continent and from every angle.

That the Chinese saw this coming, and did something to really slow down and even halt population growth... is just one more arrow in China's cultural quiver.

We can learn a lot from China, and perhaps Russian women can add a lot to their own personal culture by marrying a Chinese man.

I think a lot of countries could learn a lot from China.
QatzelOk wrote:But if billions of deaths (or child-bearing, car-driving, meat-eaters) are necessary, a toxic vaccine campaign would be much more effective.

Just start a nuclear war if that's the objective.

I am against the term "killing the earth". It's still human perception that earth is "alive" or "dead".
To be specific, "alive" here only means "with an ecology suitable for human habitation or something near".

I do think the Earth can adapt in its own way after humanity destroys itself in whatever ways.
It's merely out of our perception.
Patrickov wrote:I am against the term "killing the earth". It's still human perception that earth is "alive" or "dead".
To be specific, "alive" here only means "with an ecology suitable for human habitation or something near".

Yes, this "alive or dead Earth" seems to be too heavily focussed on NOT GOING EXTINCT. Darwin type of concerns. Adaptation versus disappearance.

Whereas, even if humans go extinct, insects will be able to carry the torch of human civilization. Right? They can pick up on the rentier-class usury and war vibes that we will leave behind us in the form of environmental radiation and chemical poisons.

If China and Russia have decided to go on their own, it's probably because the West has devolved into senseless bickering among propaganda-blinded nepo-brats.
QatzelOk wrote:Whereas, even if humans go extinct, insects will be able to carry the torch of human civilization. Right? They can pick up on the rentier-class usury and war vibes that we will leave behind us in the form of environmental radiation and chemical poisons.

It has been that way for hundreds of millions of years (not the same kind of radiation and / or chemicals, of course, but still).
And I have to remind you that, human civilization is very much something not normal.
The fact that you and I depend upon it to live doesn't mean it's necessarily good or right.

That said, I think "nuclear war" is a wrong argument in this context.
I should be more specific to your "toxic vaccine" argument.

As I personally experienced, no one would voluntarily give in to toxic vaccines (or whatever toxic stuff) if there's no coercion involved.
Remember, the Nazis still had to force Jews into gas chambers themselves.
Patrickov wrote:It has been that way for hundreds of millions of years (not the same kind of radiation and / or chemicals, of course, but still).
And I have to remind you that, human civilization is very much something not normal.
The fact that you and I depend upon it to live doesn't mean it's necessarily good or right.

That said, I think "nuclear war" is a wrong argument in this context.
I should be more specific to your "toxic vaccine" argument.

As I personally experienced, no one would voluntarily give in to toxic vaccines (or whatever toxic stuff) if there's no coercion involved.
Remember, the Nazis still had to force Jews into gas chambers themselves.

The Hans use preemptive Muscovite horde men and women as the cheap wh0res :lol:



Many, including you, think Moscovy subservient to the Han. I very much think vice versa is true -- in the sense that the Han very much "allows" Muscovy to take the lead in foreign affairs, putting the Han in "awkward" positions that, despite their claim to the contrary, decent people will look through.
Patrickov wrote:@litwin

Many, including you, think Moscovy subservient to the Han. I very much think vice versa is true -- in the sense that the Han very much "allows" Muscovy to take the lead in foreign affairs, putting the Han in "awkward" positions that, despite their claim to the contrary, decent people will look through.

ECONOMY , ALWAYS economy . the red hans have more than 10 times LARGER GDP , Moscow just can´t lead the red hans .... and Moscow has no chance to beat us in Ukraine as well
litwin wrote:ECONOMY , ALWAYS economy . the red hans have more than 10 times LARGER GDP , Moscow just can´t lead the red hans .... and Moscow has no chance to beat us in Ukraine as well

Don't you see that the Hans are at least complicit in the Muscovite crime, and very probably the biggest co-perpetrator?

If they are not, Xi would have visited Kiev, not Moscow.
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