UK condemns Trump’s racist tweets in unprecedented attack against US congresswomen - Page 20 - Politics | PoFo

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SolarCross wrote:So I implied that Corbyn was a marxist. And elsewhere I said that marxism was all about inciting violence / terrorism. And you put the two together, fine.

The latter statement about marxism is 100% correct both in their rhetoric and in actual historical practice. As for the former statement Corbyn does have a bit of a marxist whiff about him and all the overt marxists here love him and why would they do that if he wasn't? He is best buddies with a bunch of overt terrorists too. But sure maybe he isn't, time will tell.

You're the one whining that the word terrorism is being abused for no reason but clearly you are the one abusing it because Trump's tweets have in fact directly led to the terrorisation of these Congresswomen, who has Jeremy Corbyn terrorised? Yourself? Are you feeling abused by Jeremy Corbyn?
noemon wrote:What seems to have escaped you is that the President enabling the act of terrorising congresswomen[people] based on their ethnic-origins is something that cannot be excused as not-racist. This is right at the core of racism, it cannot be explained as simply unfortunate, its intent to blatantly attack their ethnic-origins and undermine their loyalty to their country while casting them aside as alien entities is at the heart of racism..

It hasn't escaped me at all that your rigid reply is just a one dimensional trap that does nothing to intellectually further an open discussion. Unless I agree with every word, sentence , intention, register as a Democrat, denounce Trump and all Republicans, you reserve the right to blow your racist dog whistle at me and cast aspersion for any kind of support for conservatives and Trump, regardless if it has anything to do with race or not. The way all these issues and questions are framed from the leftist is a no win zero sum end game to even answer. There is no more honest debate from them, its gloves off defense of your personal reputation.
noemon wrote:You're the one whining that the word terrorism is being abused for no reason but clearly you are the one abusing it because Trump's tweets have in fact directly led to the terrorisation of these Congresswomen...

Oh, for fuck's sake.

I love your special little brand of drama.

Who has "terrorized" them?
Finfinder wrote:Can you show an example of where I said I was called a racist on this thread ? Do you have anything else to offer (a counter argument)?

So you have no examples of you being called racist to support your claim.

Can you post any examples of anyone being called racist in this thread?
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you have no examples of you being called racist to support your claim.

Can you post any examples of anyone being called racist in this thread?

Can you please just get to your point. I don't have the patients today for this brand of splicing microscopic mouse hairs game you are so infamous for playing.

Admin Edit: Off-topic
noemon wrote:You're the one whining that the word terrorism is being abused for no reason but clearly you are the one abusing it because Trump's tweets have in fact directly led to the terrorisation of these Congresswomen, who has Jeremy Corbyn terrorised? Yourself? Are you feeling abused by Jeremy Corbyn?

No one has sent them to the gulag for thought crimes, no one has set a bomb off in their faces. They were rude to him, he was somewhat less rude right back at them and a crowd made some noise. That's it. A storm in a teacup.

Corbyn isn't PM yet, probably will never be, and might not even be a marxist since he has never come out and admitted it (as far as I know). So no I would say I have not been terrorised by Corbyn. If I was registered to vote I wouldn't vote for him though.
Last edited by SolarCross on 24 Jul 2019 15:25, edited 1 time in total.
Finfinder wrote:It hasn't escaped me at all that your rigid reply is just a one dimensional trap that does nothing to intellectually further an open discussion. Unless I agree with every word, sentence , intention, register as a Democrat, denounce Trump and all Republicans, you reserve the right to blow your racist dog whistle at me and cast aspersion for any kind of support for conservatives and Trump, regardless if it has anything to do with race or not. The way all these issues and questions are framed from the leftist is a no win zero sum end game to even answer. There is no more honest debate from them, its gloves off defense of your personal reputation.

Noone is stopping you from intellectually furthering any discussion, however the only thing I am reading from you is whining and whining of what a victim you are. Nope, you do not need to do any of those off-topic nonsense you are bringing forward to further victimise yourself. I have criticised Hillary and Bill Clinton quite severely in this forum, I am not a Democrat but I will call racism for what it is and unless you bring forward an actual on-topic argument I do not see your victimisation as relevant. My reply is not rigid at all, it is exactly how I understand Trump's tweets and even how his supporters have understood them by then chanting "send her back". The real question is whether you support this kind of terrorisation against ethnic-minorities just because they are ethnic minorities?

noemon wrote:What seems to have escaped you is that the President enabling the act of terrorising congresswomen[people] based on their ethnic-origins is something that cannot be excused as not-racist. This is right at the core of racism, it cannot be explained as simply unfortunate, its intent to blatantly attack their ethnic-origins and undermine their loyalty to their country while casting them aside as alien entities is at the heart of racism..

SolarCross wrote:No one has sent them to the gulag for thought crimes, no one has set a bomb off in their faces. They were rude to him, he was somewhat less rude right back at them and a crowd made some noise. That's it. A storm in a teacup.
Corbyn isn't PM yet, probably will never be, and might not even be a marxist since he has never come out and admitted it (as far as I know). So no I would say I have not been terrorised by Corbyn. If I was registered to vote I wouldn't vote for him though.

Once again, you are the one who used the word terrorism to refer to Jeremy Corbyn and his ideology, yet here you are whining that people should not use this word to refer to the very explicit terrorisation these Congresswomen are facing as a result of Trump's racist tweets. Their lives have been threatened by police officers and mobs are chanting at them to be kicked out of their own country. The President of the US is telling them to go back where they came from. If this was happening to you you would be crying of being terrorised, in fact you use the word for much less without anyone even affecting you.

BigSteve wrote:Now, I know you're probably going to miss the point, so I'll explain it. The point is that I did exactly the same thing you did with Trump's tweet to make it appear as though you said something you never did.

No dear, you along with blackjack21 have highlighted text to take it out of context. The bold text in Trump's tweet is not out of context. That is what he actually said. Go back from where they came from and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places does not change or alter the meaning of the bold text. The italic text does not change the context of the bold text. Your argument copying blackjack's argument is false.
noemon wrote:Once again, you are the one who used the word terrorism to refer to Jeremy Corbyn and his ideology, yet here you are whining that people should not use this word to refer to the very explicit terrorisation these Congresswomen are facing as a result of Trump's racist tweets. Their lives have been threatened by police officers and mobs are chanting to be kicked out of their own country. The President of the US is telling them to go back where they came from. If this was happening to you you would be crying of being terrorised, in fact you use the word for much less without anyone even affecting you.

I didn't call him a terrorist and I didn't say he was terrorising me. It is a fact that he has some terrorist chums. It is a fact that marxism is terrorism in theory, rhetoric and practice. It might be he is secretly a marxist or whatever but I am happy to give him the benefit of the doubt on that. If anything you are calling him a terrorist as you seem to be accusing him of being a marxist. I will withhold from making that accusation against him until I see some evidence of it.
Last edited by SolarCross on 24 Jul 2019 15:58, edited 1 time in total.
noemon wrote:Noone is stopping you from intellectually furthering any discussion, however the only thing I am reading from you is whining and whining of what a victim you are. Nope, you do not need to do any of those off-topic nonsense you are bringing forward to further victimise yourself. I have criticised Hillary and Bill Clinton quite severely in this forum, I am not a Democrat but I will call racism for what it is and unless you bring forward an actual on-topic argument I do not see your victimisation as relevant. My reply is not rigid at all, it is exactly how I understand Trump's tweets and even how his supporters have understood them by then chanting "send her back". The real question is whether you support this kind of terrorisation against ethnic-minorities just because they are ethnic minorities?

You are the judge and jury no doubt about that, its very courageous. What was the terrorist event again please clarify so I can answer you within the rules that govern your world?

If you wouldnt mind I am being respectful towards you I please ask you to do the same in return.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I see @SolarCross is doing his usual thing when he has no argument left: talk about his feelings about Marxism.

SC, are you abandoning your “results” argument?

@noemon brought up marxism. I merely responded.

The US has the 1st amendment so it doesn't even matter if somehow that tweet was racist (no one has any proof of that). You can't send him to gulag for thought crimes. The US is not the USSR.
Unless I agree with every word, sentence , intention, register as a Democrat, denounce Trump and all Republicans, you reserve the right to blow your racist dog whistle at me and cast aspersion for any kind of support for conservatives and Trump, regardless if it has anything to do with race or not. The way all these issues and questions are framed from the leftist is a no win zero sum end game to even answer. There is no more honest debate from them, its gloves off defense of your personal reputation.

You are free to try to make a political argument. You should try it. It can be quite fun once you get the hang of it.

My personal inclination is to take a very narrow view of racism. I am a republican (little and big R) and as such believe in compromise to find the best person to represent me. There are a couple of issues, however, where I am inflexible. Racism is one of them. I can compromise on the budget, the size of the military, second amendment rights, immigration and other important issues but I cannot compromise on racism. To its victim it is nothing short of soul crushing. It is the ultimate act of political and personal terror. So what can make me vote for someone as liberal as, say, Bernie Sanders? Run a racist against him.

Further. I consider dog-whistle racist comments to be simply racist. Trying to be less overt is not a good thing. In many ways trying to hide racist intent is even worse than being overtly racist. My black friends have often said to me that they can handle the old southern white guy who calls them boy or otherwise speaks down to them. They know exactly where this guy comes from. What they hate and (rightfully) fear are the folks who try to disguise their racism or hide it under a thin veneer of plausible deniability.

That is why I find the defense of Trumps racist comments by republican politicians who simply ignore what he said or proclaim it not-racist to be particularly onerous. I grew up in a time when republican lawmakers were known for their courage. You may not like what Goldwater or Rockefeller said but you could take to the bank that they would stick by it. And that they would admit it when they found out they were wrong. I miss people like that.
SolarCross wrote:I didn't call him a terrorist and I didn't say he was terrorising me. It is a fact that he has some terrorist chums. It is a fact that marxism is terrorism in theory, rhetoric and practice. It might be he is secretly a marxist or whatever but I am happy to give him the benefit of the doubt on that. If anything you are calling him a terrorist as you seem to be accusing him of being a marxist. I will withhold making that accusation against him until see some evidence of it.

It seems that denial is your modus operandi.

You called Corbyn "a Marxist-Leninist infiltrator" and then said for all those advocating Marxism: "Marxism is about carrying out acts of terrorism. It is literally inciting violence." in this very thread, so our resident marxists are apparently inciting violence against you in your view, but the people chanting "send her back" or the police officers making actual threats is not inciting violence. The word is being abused to refer to actual threats of violence in your view but it is not being abused by yourself to refer to imaginary violence. :lol:

SolarCross wrote:@noemon brought up marxism. I merely responded.

Not at all, this is from your own conversation in this thread. Clearly I am not the only one to spot the hypocrisy here.

finfinder wrote:What was the terrorist event again please clarify so I can answer you within the rules that govern your world?

Do you support ethnic-minorities being told to go back where they came from every time they express an opinion the US establishment(.Ie Trump) does not like? Do you support the mob chanting "send her back" at an ethnic-minority Congresswomen just because they disagree with her political views? Do you support the police officer saying that AOC needs a round?

Drlee wrote:You may not like what Goldwater or Rockefeller said but you could take to the bank that they would stick by it. And that they would admit it when they found out they were wrong. I miss people like that.

Oh mate, tell me about it. People making the statement but being too cowardly to stand by it are just whatever...not just on this but in everything.
SolarCross wrote:@noemon brought up marxism. I merely responded.

....and then used your incorrect beliefs about Marxism to distract from your lack of argument.

The US has the 1st amendment so it doesn't even matter if somehow that tweet was racist (no one has any proof of that). You can't send him to gulag for thought crimes. The US is not the USSR.

No one is talking about sending anyone to a gulag, so that is a strawman.

And since the US has freedom of speech, people can also criticise Trump for his racist tweets.


Finfinder wrote:Which liberals like all the liberals in the world that would take a long time?. Do you have a list?

You really need to work on your grammar and sentence construction. I can not understand what you are trying to say.

The point is that you are making unfounded accusations about other posters when you complain about “liberals” accusing others of racism.

Unless you have evidence for these accusations, it is a false accusation.
noemon wrote:Do you support ethnic-minorities being told to go back where they came from every time they express an opinion the US establishment(.Ie Trump) does not like? Do you support the mob chanting "send her back" at an ethnic-minority Congresswomen just because they disagree with her political views? Do you support the police officer saying that AOC needs a round?

Of course not I'm from South Florida my girlfriend is Cuban. I guess you wouldn't know that since you just started focusing on my postings.
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