Saudi Arabia-Jamal Khashoggi - Western Hypocrisy - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:yes, it makes you a permanent resident. My question is, did he have one? Has this been confirmed? Or was he in the US on just a VISA? I was trying to look this up, and I've not found an answer either way.

OK, sorry, I can't prove that either. :cheers:
Beren wrote:Maybe he was given assurance by someone he trusted.

Maybe, which amounts to being a bit naïve.

If I was saying negative things in the global media about a government outside of the UDHR, I would NOT 'trust' anything they say or try to induce me to do.

At some point in time, either the Saudi State, or it's power elite, will feel the heat, because, as we know, "The worm always turns", in a democracy, that's par for the course, in a dictatorship dressed up as 'royalty', the eventual outcomes are somewhat unpredictable in the long term.
Maybe the 'Arab Spring' has headway to run before it's finished, as it's objectives so far, are not reached.
The apologia in this thread is noteworthy and hilarious.

Turkey has audio and visual recordings of Khashoggi's death

A plague in Riyadh?
The great and the good are pulling out of the Future Investment Initiative, an investment conference due to be held in Riyadh later this month, so quickly that you would have thought a plague had broken out in Riyadh, including Richard Branson, the New York Times, CNN, Uber Technologies chief executive officer Dara Khosrowshahi and Viacom Inc CEO Bob Bakish.

God forbid, even the Financial Times has withdrawn.

The winds are blowing, too, on Capitol Hill. A bipartisan move is underway in the Senate to invoke sanctions against bin Salman under the Magnitsky Act (the legislation used against Russian nationals involved in serious crimes).

Leading Republican Senator Paul Rand is pushing to cut funding, training and other co-ordination with the Saudi military "until Khashoggi is returned alive".

Senator Lindsey Graham, an influential Republican senator, told CNN: "You don’t have to be Sherlock Holmes to be concerned here. And if this is done at the hands of the Saudi government, if the crown prince was involved in any way, it will virtually destroy his ability to lead this country on the international stage.”

The intricate network of Saudi and Emirati lobbyists in DC, a network set up to orchestrate bin Salman's entrance on the world stage, is also beginning to unravel.

The Harbour Group, a Washington firm that has been advising Saudi Arabia since April 2017, ended its $80,000 contract on Thursday. "We have terminated the relationship," managing director Richard Mintz said. Mintz is closely linked to the Emirati Ambassador to Washington Yousef al Otaiba, who acted as bin Salman’s impressario in DC. ... 1891059956


Usualy you don't sanction countries over internal oppression. Unless there is a genocide, and there isn't.
Second, the problem with Saudia is their population, not just the regime as the case with Iran. The Taliban culture is deep rooted there and indeed this is the source that spreads this culture outside. So colaborating with the regime is the perhaps less worse than other options.
I would point out that we could sanction them for invading Yemen.... But its western interest.
Anyway this assassination is a minor story and not a hypocricy, they didn't assasson him in London where given protection.. its a total different case. Nor the assassination in London was a reason for any action, he spied against Russia, what the west is doing against Russia relates only to Ukraine. So this case is not important.
I don't think my response to the Israel BDSM (Boycott Divest, Sanction Movement) thread was well expressed. What I want to say is that yes BDSM is a threat but Saudi is the biggest weak point in the Jerusalem-Mecca axis, the so called axis of evil. Its interesting to see all of the hard core Zionists crawling out of the wood work to defend Saudi Arabia as they did to defend Mubarak. Its actually better for Israel for lefties to focus on Israel rather than Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi terror network operates in western countries as did Saddam's terror network prior to his invasion of Kuwait. Saudi has been able to use his terror to make Arab opposition to the Saudi monarchy keep their heads down, all of this with a nod and a wink from our Muslim loving, Jew worshipping establishment western leadership. Something similar happened in the eighties when our leaders gave a nod and a wink to Saddams terror machine to operate on western soil.

Of course this was Reagan's right (Zionist) hand that didn't know that the far right (ultra Jewish supremacist) hand was actually backing Iran to stop Saddam winning. We saw something similar in Syria, while the Zionist hand denounced Assad as the modern day Satan, a new Hitler, the ultra Zionist hand was saying, no actually Assad must be aloud to survive, because he is preferable to a unitary Sunni Arab majority rule Syria.
LehmanB wrote:Usualy you don't sanction countries over internal oppression. Unless there is a genocide, and there isn't.
Second, the problem with Saudia is their population, not just the regime as the case with Iran. The Taliban culture is deep rooted there and indeed this is the source that spreads this culture outside. So colaborating with the regime is the perhaps less worse than other options.
I would point out that we could sanction them for invading Yemen.... But its western interest.
Anyway this assassination is a minor story and not a hypocricy, they didn't assasson him in London where given protection.. its a total different case. Nor the assassination in London was a reason for any action, he spied against Russia, what the west is doing against Russia relates only to Ukraine. So this case is not important.

I would agree that from a geopolitical game perspective, this killing isn't that big of a deal. However, from a more "average" citizen perspective. I think it is a big deal. We're seeing a bunch of government backed thugs trying to silence a member of the media. In theory, the media helps root out all the stupid shit people in power are doing. It's bad when the people in power kill them.

THen again, I'm probably full of it as usual. :)
The hypocrisy is that quite a number of journalists and bloggers get assassinated or disappeared in several countries if they expose corruption or write against the government. Including in several countries that are now member of the Board of the United Nations Human Rights Council. You can easily look up which countries those are. The enormous attention in this case is fine but I do not hear or see anything about the dozens of dead journalists elsewhere.
Rancid wrote:More seriously:
Why do we want the US to do something about this? I thought we hated the US meddling in the affairs of other nations (Turkey and Saudi Arabia)?


The US feeds the Saudi war machine in Yemen and you think demanding not to murder US residents is "too much meddling"? :lol:
Rugoz wrote:Seriously?

The US feeds the Saudi war machine in Yemen and you think demanding not to murder US residents is "too much meddling"? :lol:

If US residents want US protection, they should stay in the US. You are demanding trade requires adherence to our dictates to their internal affairs. This is imperialism and corruption.
One Degree wrote:If US residents want US protection, they should stay in the US. You are demanding trade requires adherence to our dictates to their internal affairs. This is imperialism and corruption.

The Saudis currently violate the sovereignty of a neighbor on a massive scale with US help, while they should be sanctioned for it, as every country should be (in theory). Don't give me that national sovereignty bullshit in this context, it's beyond retarded.
This story is all over the western media despite it being an Arab killed on Turkish soil. Not something that would usually be that interesting to a western audience.

Not quite sure why trump cares and is talking about punishment blah blah. He is all over the place as usual. This guy wasn’t an American.
Rugoz wrote:The Saudis currently violate the sovereignty of a neighbor on a massive scale with US help, while they should be sanctioned for it, as every country should be (in theory). Don't give me that national sovereignty bullshit in this context, it's beyond retarded.

Fine, we should determine our relationship based upon our own pragmatic interests, not on what they MAY have done to one person who is not a US citizen and did not happen on US territory. It is none of our business unless you believe we dictate morality for the entire world.
layman wrote:This story is all over the western media despite it being an Arab killed on Turkish soil. Not something that would usually be that interesting to a western audience.

But he was a US resident and a US journalist. Media outlets do like to maintain their right to freedom of speech btw. And so does the public. A blind eye now would just encourage this to happen again. But being that we are talking about a US ally here, I am expecting nothing from Trump or his conservative supporters in terms of condemnation or sanctions. But if he was killed in Syria I would expect shock and awe and the demand for vengeance. That is just how the conservatives roll.
Rancid wrote:I would agree that from a geopolitical game perspective, this killing isn't that big of a deal. However, from a more "average" citizen perspective. I think it is a big deal. We're seeing a bunch of government backed thugs trying to silence a member of the media. In theory, the media helps root out all the stupid shit people in power are doing. It's bad when the people in power kill them.

THen again, I'm probably full of it as usual. :)

From a civic point of view Saudia Arabia is evil.
I pointed out no one really cares, not even on the assassination in London. People think the UK punnished Russia for it, but it didn't. Russia didn't even get any punnishment for massacaring the Syrian people. Russia invaded Ukraine, thats the thing. Internal lack of freedom isn't dragging an international punnishment.
Last edited by LehmanB on 13 Oct 2018 15:49, edited 1 time in total.
LehmanB wrote:From a civic point of view Saudia Arabia is evil.
I pointed out no one really cares, not even on the assassination in London. People think the UK punnished Russia for it, but it didn't. Russia didn't even get any punnishment for massacaring the Syrian people. Russia invaded Ukraine, thats the thing. Internal lack of freedom isn't dragging an international punnishment.

I think that you miss the point about the hypocrisy in respect of the UK.

The TORY government, like ALL 'TORY' government's are anti-Russian, the Russians are consistently used as political bogeymen fodder, when(as usual)they(The TORIES) screw the economy up & are literally up to their necks in the proverbial political ****.

^ Now you 'WHY' don't you?

In the instance of 'double-standards - ' hypocrisy', look at the case of the SKRIPAL'S, for whom the TORY government immediately accused RUSSIA, BEFORE any proof existed of murdering a RUSSIAN on British soil.

YET! When SAUDI government, commits an act of state sponsored extrajudicial assassination against an AMERICAN resident

That is Hypocrisy' & double-standards of the lowest order.

NOTHING to do with SYRIA or the UKRAINE, it's about a government(BRITISH) that hates another government(RUSSIAN), waiting for any-every chance to leverage world public opinion against that country(RUSSIA), but when it happens involving another country(Saudi Arabia), with whom there are huge 'defence' contracts involved, it chooses to react with DEAFENING SILENCE.....THAT'S 'HYPOCRISY'.


List of journalists killed in 2017 is about the 71 journalists killed worldwide in 2017.
Seventy one journalists have been murdered or killed worldwide while reporting, covering an incident, or because of their status as a journalist. Audrey Azoulaywas not killed and hieding , the Director-General of UNESCO condemned the killing of journalists worldwide. She also called for an investigation into the killing of journalist Naveen Gupta in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India on 30 November. Frank La Rue, the UNESCO assistant director-general for communication and information said, “On average, one journalist is murdered every four days.” ... ed_in_2017
The Guardian wrote:He said: “Well there’s a lot at stake. There’s a lot at stake and maybe especially so because this man was a reporter.

“There’s something – you’ll be surprised to hear me say that – there’s something really terrible and disgusting about that if that were the case, so we’re going to have to see. We’re going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment.”

Maybe Trump will make a gesture to the press?

He's consequent on taking denials very seriously. :lol:

Trump said Kushner had spoken to the prince and said the Saudis “deny it in every way you can imagine”.
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