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By Wels
Independent_Srpska wrote: [...] you can't escape from the fact that people in the east of Ukraine had been under attack for 8 years by the Kiev regime. That's the corner stone of this situation.

No, the "Russians" in Donbas did not suffer. Good old russian disinformation.

The percentage of russian speaking people in the Donbas may be 30 to 38 percent. A minority if you so want, but still a minority. And we are talking about language not nationality, nor "blood" (while the latter is a typical nazi idea).
So we have 200,000 Russian in France, they will call for help and Papa Putin will come "liberate" them. :p
Sorry nope.

So this minority in Donbas lives a peaceful life, but Putin does not like that his puppet had been removed in 2014 at the Maidan, so he tries to stir up a fire in Donbas, calls nationalists to arms (the real nazis, b.t.w.) to support russian conquest and imports thousands of insurgents with weapons, trying to destabilise normal life, while blaming it all on "Kyiv" and "nazis" Lmao!

In March 2014, immediately following the Euromaidan protest movement and subsequent Revolution of Dignity, protests by pro-Russian, anti-government separatist groups took place in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine.

These demonstrations began around the same time as Russia's annexation of Crimea, and were part of wider instrumentalized (read: staged) pro-Russian protests across southern and eastern Ukraine.
Declaring the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR, respectively), armed Russian-backed separatist groups seized government buildings throughout the Donbas, leading to armed conflict with the Ukrainian government forces.

Ukraine launched a military counter-offensive against pro-Russian forces in April 2014, called the "Anti-Terrorist Operation" (ATO) from 2014 until 2018, when it was renamed the "Joint Forces Operation" (JFO).

By late August 2014, this operation was able to vastly shrink the territory under the control of pro-Russian forces and came close to regaining control of the Russia–Ukraine border.
In response, Russia abandoned its hybrid approach and began a conventional invasion of the Donbas.

Following reports of Ukrainian positions being shelled from the Russian side of the border, between 22 and 25 August 2014, Russian artillery, personnel, and what Russia called a "humanitarian convoy" crossed the border. Russian crossings reportedly occurred both in areas that were controlled by pro-Russian forces and those that were not, such as the south-eastern part of Donetsk Oblast, near Novoazovsk.

Head of the Security Service of Ukraine, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, called the events of 22 August a "direct invasion by Russia of Ukraine", while other Western and Ukrainian officials called it a Russian "stealth invasion".

And so on.

a what exactly do Nazis have to do with it and
b who is guilty here?

Putin wants Krimea and he wants Ukraine. He wants it for conquest, not to "liberate" anyone. In this regard Antunov is more honest than you, he tells it like it is, he writes that torture and killing and obliterating Ukrainians and destroying all that is ukranian including civilians is all part of Putin's grand plan.
And he likes and supports this: ... index.html

And everyone knows that, fine. The gloves are off. We will see how Russia fares, with its bodged charlie foxtrot of an army.
Last edited by Wels on 15 May 2022 21:52, edited 12 times in total.
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By Wels
Britain's Ministry of Defence says Russia has lost about a third of its ground combat force since the war began in Ukraine at the end of February

The Russian invasion has been hampered by stiff Ukrainian resistance and logistical issues.

Nato secretary general Jens Stoltenberg also said Russia's war in Ukraine is not going to plan and that its attempt to capture the eastern Donbas region has "stalled". "They failed to take Kyiv, they are pulling back from around Kharkiv, their major offensive in Donbas has stalled. Russia is not achieving its strategic objectives," he said.
Stoltenberg added that Ukraine could win the conflict.

Wels wrote:Good old russian disinformation.

The percentage of russian speaking people in the Donbas may be 30 to 38 percent. A minority if you so want, but still a minority.

This is interesting, the rest is not inclined with the truth to put it mildly.

So, they are minority worth harassing and cleansing ethnically. The same what Kiev thought. The same what Washington thought when pushed puppets in Kiev into actions against the unprotected minority who did not agree to USA-Kiev ideas of ousting the legally elected president and the country's future.

8 years later - the situation is just like it is because Kiev was stupid enough to attack its own people.
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By Wels
Independent_Srpska wrote:So, they are minority worth harassing and cleansing ethnically.

Where did i say that? I said they are a minority in this part of Ukraine. So even a referendum would never have brought this part over to Russia.
And those 30 something percent were not against Kyev, or especially pro-russian. It was not them who wanted to join Russia and destabilize and destroy their own region of living. The "humanitarian convoys" (lmao) from Russia did it. When they began to seize government buildings and destroy facilities Kyiv reacted, and rightly so.
The same what Washington thought when pushed puppets in Kiev into actions against the unprotected minority who did not agree to USA-Kiev ideas of ousting the legally elected president and the country's future.

The country's future? The country's future was to join the EU, this was what the people had voted for: closer ties to Europe. Of course Putin and his puppet Yanukovich didn't like this.

It was the Ukrainians who did not want Putin's puppet Yanukovich, after he had his coming-out to turn away from EU and send love letters to Moscow to help him, and if necessary with weapons. It was then that the people realized who he was, and drove him out of the country.

And suddenly, after Yanukovivh ran away, the 38 percent of non russians (real) but somehow russians (Putin) immediately wanted to join Russia[/sarcasm]. Nope, both living near the border had relatives everywhere. They were interested to cross the border for visiting, back and forth, but no one was interested to join Russia.
When the imported insurgents and russian separatists began to shell ukrainian positions Ukraine answered. The people tried to get out from the war and destruction, to the side they had more relatives. Wanting to "join Russia?" Hardly.

Genocide of russians, by Kyiv? Mass graves in the Donbas? Bullsh!t!
Wagner Group (hired thugs and mercenaries of Putin) had tried to bury their own tortured victims (like in Mali!), to make it look like it had been Kyiv soldiers. Too bad they could not complete their deeds. There is filmed evidence.
And it will be brought before the international court, at least i hope so.
Wels wrote:Where did i say that? I said they are a minority in this part of Ukraine. So even a referendum would never have brought this part over to Russia.
And those 30 something percent were not against Kyev, or especially pro-russian. It was not them who wanted to join Russia and destabilize and destroy their own region of living. The "humanitarian convoys" (lmao) from Russia did it. When they began to seize government buildings and destroy facilities Kyiv reacted, and rightly so.

But, they just wanted to live peacefully and use their language, as a regional language, not even the state language.

Kiev took that from them on 23 February 2014, and started to burning Russians alive in Odesa.

There were no ''humanitarian convoys" from Russia and Kiev was destroying the regions with Russian populations, not Putin.

The country's future? The country's future was to join the EU, this was what the people had voted for: closer ties to Europe. Of course Putin and his puppet Yanukovich didn't like this.

It was the Ukrainians who did not want Putin's puppet Yanukovich, after he had his coming-out to turn away from EU and send love letters to Moscow to help him, and if necessary with weapons. It was then that the people realized who he was, and drove him out of the country.

Yanukovich was democratically elected. The USA organized the coup. So, people who wanted USA to decide for them what they wanted, they will go to the EU....the people from DPR and LPR which are now independent states will decide for themselves where they will go and what will they do.

The rift created by the Kiev regime in 2013/2014 divided the country. They walk separate paths now.
As faster Kiev acknowledges that as better.
Dude, I don't believe you buy that shit not even for a minute. I understand you are parroting it, but I don't buy you believe that crap. The level of idiocy needed to believe that crap would require someone so brain damaged that they would need constant reminder every few seconds so they don't forget to breathe on their own. So if you look around you and you don't see a person constantly telling you "breathe, breathe, breathe" I am pretty sure you don't buy that crap.

If Putin was so concerned about these massacres that you speak off, his speeches over the last 8 years would reflect his sorrow and sadness at the situation, and his invasion would have been limited to those areas that you speak off. Instead, he surrounded the whole country and tried to invade, when that landmine exploded spectacularly on his face he started changing his tune. If this is such a noble cause that they are trying to defend fellow Russian speakers, why do you think they are embarrassed about their loses? Wouldn't they be proud of putting their lives on the line to defend fellow russians? Admit that they have irreparable loses and mobilize the whole country towards defending their fellow russians?
YOU are full of it, reality does not care about the lies you tell (or even the ones that you believe).
The fate of the Russian federation is either closed or closing up soon enough. The window for admitting "mea culpa", retreat and attempt at re-integration on an international level is either closed or very nearly so. Once that happens, there are only 2 ways back. Either they start to make consetions to western states in exchange for sanctions to be lifted (likely including reduction or elimination of nuclear weapons and drastic reductions on military capabilities) or they would have to become China's bitch. I am sure they hatred towards westerners will likely move them to become china's bitch, but I assure you, that is not going to be a better outcome for russians.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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By Rancid
Wels wrote:What we see in Russia today is a fascist who instrumentalises anti-fascism for his power-interests. Doing so he dances on the graves of 24 million Russians and 8 million Ukrainians who were killed in WW2.


JohnRawls wrote:Just to clarify Russian situation and reality hitting them really hard this is the plan changes beyond just their withdrawal from Kiev.

Each time the pair of attack vectors moves east, Igor calls the previous attack vectors a distraction.... :lol:

Here's to Russia creating more distractions.
XogGyux wrote:@Independent_Srpska
Dude, I don't believe you buy that shit not even for a minute. I understand you are parroting it, but I don't buy you believe that crap. The level of idiocy needed to believe that crap would require someone so brain damaged that they would need constant reminder every few seconds so they don't forget to breathe on their own. So if you look around you and you don't see a person constantly telling you "breathe, breathe, breathe" I am pretty sure you don't buy that crap.

If Putin was so concerned about these massacres that you speak off, his speeches over the last 8 years would reflect his sorrow and sadness at the situation, and his invasion would have been limited to those areas that you speak off. Instead, he surrounded the whole country and tried to invade, when that landmine exploded spectacularly on his face he started changing his tune. If this is such a noble cause that they are trying to defend fellow Russian speakers, why do you think they are embarrassed about their loses? Wouldn't they be proud of putting their lives on the line to defend fellow russians? Admit that they have irreparable loses and mobilize the whole country towards defending their fellow russians?
YOU are full of it, reality does not care about the lies you tell (or even the ones that you believe).
The fate of the Russian federation is either closed or closing up soon enough. The window for admitting "mea culpa", retreat and attempt at re-integration on an international level is either closed or very nearly so. Once that happens, there are only 2 ways back. Either they start to make consetions to western states in exchange for sanctions to be lifted (likely including reduction or elimination of nuclear weapons and drastic reductions on military capabilities) or they would have to become China's bitch. I am sure they hatred towards westerners will likely move them to become china's bitch, but I assure you, that is not going to be a better outcome for russians.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Aside from that, he's sucking the Putin cock hard.
Rancid wrote:Aside from that, he's sucking the Putin cock hard.

Well, it has been 3 months and surely blue pills is likely a western export, so I don't know about hard, probably at this point in time is permanently flaccid :lol: .
@Istanbuller Yes, Turkey may block them. If NATO’s second biggest army says something, then all members have to obey. You have no other option. Otherwise, Sweden and Finland will be have to face Russia by themselves.

Nato's "second biggest army" would last about an hour against the US and other NATO members combined. If Erdogan is smart (and he most certainly is not I pause to say) he will realize that placating Russia is a really bad idea. Russia is, at the very best, a moderate regional power. And one with an army that can't beat Lichtenstein in a bar fight.

Russia is in serious trouble. If you look at where the fighting is occurring it is clear that Russia has no battle plan. Ukraine understands the terrain and is surrounded by friendlies.

And who was the mental midget that thought that Russia might use tactical nukes against Sweden and Finland?

That move would cost them their navy and the use of every one of its oil wells. The west has so many options to deal with this it is almost comical.

Unless I miss my guess, the negotiations depose Putin are already in the works.

So let's recap.

Russia, the big bad bear, invaded Ukraine with the intent to annex it. That has failed.

They can't get out and are stuck in a desperate fight with an enemy that has already cost Russia some 45K casualties out of an invasion force of about 140K. Of these some 15,000 or more are killed in action or died of wounds. (Estimates vary but most put casualties at 25% or more of the Russian invasion force.

I will not launch into why a casualty rate like this has a far worse effect on combat effectiveness that might first meet the eye. Just suffice it to say that any person with military training will tell you that this level of casualties leaves any unit sustaining them combat ineffective and totally defensive.

My guess is that Russian ground troops in Ukraine are not looking for where to strike next. They are looking for how to get home in one piece.
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By Rancid
I think one of the mistakes people like Putin make. Also people like Xi, Igor, etc. Basically these "might makes right" tribalist types that are obsessed with power. Is that they interpret restraint as weakness.
XogGyux wrote:@Independent_Srpska
Dude, I don't believe you buy that shit not even for a minute. I understand you are parroting it, but I don't buy you believe that crap. The level of idiocy needed to believe that crap would require someone so brain damaged that they would need constant reminder every few seconds so they don't forget to breathe on their own. So if you look around you and you don't see a person constantly telling you "breathe, breathe, breathe" I am pretty sure you don't buy that crap.

If Putin was so concerned about these massacres that you speak off, his speeches over the last 8 years would reflect his sorrow and sadness at the situation, and his invasion would have been limited to those areas that you speak off. Instead, he surrounded the whole country and tried to invade, when that landmine exploded spectacularly on his face he started changing his tune. If this is such a noble cause that they are trying to defend fellow Russian speakers, why do you think they are embarrassed about their loses? Wouldn't they be proud of putting their lives on the line to defend fellow russians? Admit that they have irreparable loses and mobilize the whole country towards defending their fellow russians?
YOU are full of it, reality does not care about the lies you tell (or even the ones that you believe).
The fate of the Russian federation is either closed or closing up soon enough. The window for admitting "mea culpa", retreat and attempt at re-integration on an international level is either closed or very nearly so. Once that happens, there are only 2 ways back. Either they start to make consetions to western states in exchange for sanctions to be lifted (likely including reduction or elimination of nuclear weapons and drastic reductions on military capabilities) or they would have to become China's bitch. I am sure they hatred towards westerners will likely move them to become china's bitch, but I assure you, that is not going to be a better outcome for russians.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol:

Oh, boy what a pile of nonsenses...
Next time, do not bother to write such idiocies, just use the compact picture that depicts your thorough comprehension of the situation around Ukraine :lol: . (I will leave it bellow.... for your usage and convenience. )

In the meantime cope with the fact that idiots in Washington , altogether with idiots in Kiev attacked Russian speaking people in Ukraine in 2014 in pursue of their Nazi dreams.
Now uncle Vladimir stepped in turning those Nazi-dreams into the nightmares.

Illustration of holistic understanding of Ukraine situation by a typical member of NATO-fan-boy club. 8)

Drlee wrote:Nato's "second biggest army" would last about an hour against the US and other NATO members combined. If Erdogan is smart (and he most certainly is not I pause to say) he will realize that placating Russia is a really bad idea. Russia is, at the very best, a moderate regional power. And one with an army that can't beat Lichtenstein in a bar fight.

Russia is in serious trouble. If you look at where the fighting is occurring it is clear that Russia has no battle plan. Ukraine understands the terrain and is surrounded by friendlies.

And who was the mental midget that thought that Russia might use tactical nukes against Sweden and Finland?

That move would cost them their navy and the use of every one of its oil wells. The west has so many options to deal with this it is almost comical.

Unless I miss my guess, the negotiations depose Putin are already in the works.

So let's recap.

Russia, the big bad bear, invaded Ukraine with the intent to annex it. That has failed.

They can't get out and are stuck in a desperate fight with an enemy that has already cost Russia some 45K casualties out of an invasion force of about 140K. Of these some 15,000 or more are killed in action or died of wounds. (Estimates vary but most put casualties at 25% or more of the Russian invasion force.

I will not launch into why a casualty rate like this has a far worse effect on combat effectiveness that might first meet the eye. Just suffice it to say that any person with military training will tell you that this level of casualties leaves any unit sustaining them combat ineffective and totally defensive.

My guess is that Russian ground troops in Ukraine are not looking for where to strike next. They are looking for how to get home in one piece.

The best course of action would be to get their tanks, run over their commanding officers and surrender to the Ukranian force for leniency before they are forced to commit war crimes at which point their options are: 1) die, 2) get captured by Ukraine and face lifetime in prison for war crimes, 3) spend years in an endless war to return to a shit country with shit economy, that values you for shit so that you can have the most literally shit life that exists.
@Drlee @XogGyux

One of the reasons that Putin has his forces bombing civilians intentionally from what I read is so to make Ukrainians angry enough not to take prisoners of war to where the Russian ground forces have no choice but to fight or be killed by Ukrainian forces upon capture. I am not sure if that is really one of the reasons behind intentionally bombing Ukrainian civilians or not, but it sounds plausible.
Politics_Observer wrote:@Drlee @XogGyux

One of the reasons that Putin has his forces bombing civilians intentionally from what I read is so to make Ukrainians angry enough not to take prisoners of war to where the Russian ground forces have no choice but to fight or be killed by Ukrainian forces upon capture. I am not sure if that is really one of the reasons behind intentionally bombing Ukrainian civilians or not, but it sounds plausible.

I think it's more that Putin and his moron Generals realize this is unwinnable, so they basically just want to level Ukraine.

"If I can't have you, no one can" sort of thing. Putin's pussy feelings are hurt that Ukraine would rather integrate with the west than stay in his shitty ass orbit of corruption, stupidity, and back-ass-wards thinking.
I am of the opinion that Putin was not very smart from the start. His political start came as a lap dog anyway. His so-called KGB career was mediocre to say the least. He was assigned to backwaters and never given any "James Bond" like roles.

There is something that happens to all soldiers. We are trained to be lethal and provided wonderfully powerful equipment. Very early on we come to think of ourselves as invulnerable and that our units are invulnerable. These notions are quickly dispelled and the first sound of gunfire. Nevertheless, Putin's (and many of his general's) personal experience of combat is nonexistent. All he has seen are fancy parades with very macho and pretty troops presenting shiny, cool looking equipment. And his generals love to tell him how wonderful and transcendent his weapons are. But.

They don't work as claimed. They are operated by soldiers would could not lead a rope and officers with no combat experience at all. Absent commissioned officers the units are simply parking lots filled with weaponry. He lacks trucks to carry shit and is using rental trucks. His air force can't establish air superiority or even deliver ordnance effectively. His equipment maintenance is abysmal.

I mean look at his river crossing attempts. He tries. Gets blown to shit. Tries again at the same place. Gets blown to shit. So he regroups and tries something else....Well. No. You guessed it. Blown to shit a third time. Now they are stuck. No bridging equipment. 30 tanks at the bottom of a river. They should try a fourth time. They should cross before the Ukrainians stop laughing long enough to aim their weapons.

As a soldier I see this as very sad. All of the deaths in this war have been a total waste. Yet we have people like @Independent_Srpska and Igor, both probably either paid Russian trolls or 15 year olds who hope their mothers don't catch them, talking like this is some master plan. I do see that Igor has dropped his "the country will be ours in a week" nonsense and is now pretty much maintaining that the original intent was to go for a drive and deliver pizzas in Donbas.

The only question at this point is whether the US can stop Ukraine from taking Moscow. There is plenty of time before winter. After all. Kiev to Moscow is only 469 miles of uncontested territory. Oh wait. There is the Russian Army. I correct myself. 469 miles of clever roadblocks constructed of burned out T72 tanks.
Drlee wrote:I am of the opinion that Putin was not very smart from the start. His political start came as a lap dog anyway. His so-called KGB career was mediocre to say the least. He was assigned to backwaters and never given any "James Bond" like roles.

There is something that happens to all soldiers. We are trained to be lethal and provided wonderfully powerful equipment. Very early on we come to think of ourselves as invulnerable and that our units are invulnerable. These notions are quickly dispelled and the first sound of gunfire. Nevertheless, Putin's (and many of his general's) personal experience of combat is nonexistent. All he has seen are fancy parades with very macho and pretty troops presenting shiny, cool looking equipment. And his generals love to tell him how wonderful and transcendent his weapons are. But.

They don't work as claimed. They are operated by soldiers would could not lead a rope and officers with no combat experience at all. Absent commissioned officers the units are simply parking lots filled with weaponry. He lacks trucks to carry shit and is using rental trucks. His air force can't establish air superiority or even deliver ordnance effectively. His equipment maintenance is abysmal.

I mean look at his river crossing attempts. He tries. Gets blown to shit. Tries again at the same place. Gets blown to shit. So he regroups and tries something else....Well. No. You guessed it. Blown to shit a third time. Now they are stuck. No bridging equipment. 30 tanks at the bottom of a river. They should try a fourth time. They should cross before the Ukrainians stop laughing long enough to aim their weapons.

As a soldier I see this as very sad. All of the deaths in this war have been a total waste. Yet we have people like @Independent_Srpska and Igor, both probably either paid Russian trolls or 15 year olds who hope their mothers don't catch them, talking like this is some master plan. I do see that Igor has dropped his "the country will be ours in a week" nonsense and is now pretty much maintaining that the original intent was to go for a drive and deliver pizzas in Donbas.

The only question at this point is whether the US can stop Ukraine from taking Moscow. There is plenty of time before winter. After all. Kiev to Moscow is only 469 miles of uncontested territory. Oh wait. There is the Russian Army. I correct myself. 469 miles of clever roadblocks constructed of burned out T72 tanks.

I think it is much simpler than that. I truly think he thought the Ukranian people would capitulate to the might of the Russian army. Frankly, that was not a totally unthinkable outcome, after all, the Russian army is thought to be the 2nd or 3rd most powerful army and Urkaine on paper should not have been able to put a significant resistance. In addition, the Ukranian leader is a comedian that ended up as president by some sort of weird chance. Let me tell you, i think if zelensky had run away, or killed early on, between power struggles, corruption and people trying to save their butts, there would have been a power vacuum and the possibility to install a puppet government while in disarray. Honestly, Zelensky is winning this shit. Hopefully when this is all and done, he retires in a few years and maintain his glory rather than becoming a dictator like many other "saviours" in the past.
:lol: You guys, @XogGyux , @Drlee , @Politics_Observer , @Rancid are hillarious!

This is probably the brightest analysis of the war in 3-4 posts ever.....Putin is stupid, his generals are morons, Russians 'bomb' civilians to piss off Ukrainians so they do not take prisoners :lol: so Russians would fight better :lol: Zelensky is a Rambo crossbred with Terminator etc etc

Sorry guys, I must ask - do 4 of you internally have a competition:"Who is going to come up with the stupidest "analysis", explanation and prediction of the Special operation in Ukraine"? :eek:

So, let me re-focus you to the basics - it all started when puppet regime in Kiev decided to use weaponry against its citizens in east Ukraine and when Kiev decided to start committing mass murders like burning alive 40+ people in Odesa.
So, when opening your participation in your funny competition start with this fact, let's call it: The Axiom 1 of the Ukrainian war, shortly:"Kiev started killing its citizens, and then...." , here is where your vivid imagination kicks in.
Independent_Srpska wrote:But, they just wanted to live peacefully and use their language, as a regional language, not even the state language.

Yes, and no one had a problem with that up to 2015. But the reason for the end of this peace was Russia, not Kyiv.
Kiev took that from them on 23 February 2014, and started to burning Russians alive in Odessa.

No, Kyiv did not "take this away from them", the Donbas was flooded with insurgents from Russia and help the real two percent of pro-russian rabble rousers to become a threat to all.
Regarding your second accusation, "burning russians alive" :excited: ? And the evil Kyivers ate russian babies alive, of course. This is complete bullsh!t and you know it.
There were no ''humanitarian convoys" from Russia and Kiev was destroying the regions with Russian populations, not Putin.

Of course those were not humanitarian convoys, Russia just called them so, those were false flag operations by Russia to inflitrate and transfer weapons and soldiers into the Donbas, just like the little green men did in Krimea. Too bad this time no one fell for this maskirovka.
Yanukovich was democratically elected.

Supported by Russia, but true. Unfortunately he had lied about his intentions, and in a such blatant way that when this became obvious his former voters became so furious they wanted him to step back. The Ukrainians did not want to live under a russian puppet faking democracy, with russian pressure and corruption, converting Ukraine to the kind of sh!thole Russia was.
Yanukovich then "stepped back" alright to his beloved Moscow which then was not longer able to pull strings in the Ukraine. Then there was another president, and finally there was Zelensky, voted for by 73 percent of the population.
The EU was probably more happy about that than the US, but the latter were happy too that Moscow's marionette was gone, understandably. Most happy were the Ukrainians, having some perspective again.

Thugs and soldiers imported by Russia destabilizing the Donbas region and then "calling Moscow for help", which instantly acknowledges DPR and LPR as "independent states". Laughable. No one with a quarter pound of minced meat between the ears will believe that the majority of people living in the Donbas rgeion ever did that. You know that Russia tries to deport hundred thousands of civilians to Russia, while the rest is being brainwashed and harrassed to obey their new "leader"?
"This is what the 'Russification' of Ukraine's education system looks like in occupied areas" <2 hours ago> ... 9020cc7be7
the people from DPR and LPR which are now independent states will decide for themselves where they will go and what will they do.

Indepencence "declared" by Russia, no one else in the world.
When the russians have been driven out, the real population will not even be able to do anything because a lot of it has been deported to Russia, which again resettles the region with russians from elsewhere. Just like in Poland after WW2.
The rift created by the Kiev regime russian insurgents and FSB in 2013/2014 divided the country until 2022.

^ fixed that for you.
Last edited by Wels on 16 May 2022 11:25, edited 3 times in total.
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By ingliz
Drlee wrote:And who was the mental midget that thought that Russia might use tactical nukes against Sweden and Finland?

@Politics_Observer, I think.

I said, if Putin were backed into a corner with no way out, he would launch his ICBMs in an all-in first strike against the US, the UK, and France.

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