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Igor Antunov wrote:
Russia can more than match the US in terms of weaponry and troops placement by virtue of bordering the region it is in the process of annexing. NATO is shit, it has nothing, it's the US and it's an ocean away. This is not a war the US can win long term.

We want to guarantee Putin doesn't go on to invade NATO countries.

Which is happening even better than we expected.
Russia can more than match the US in terms of weaponry and troops placement by virtue of bordering the region it is in the process of annexing. NATO is shit, it has nothing, it's the US and it's an ocean away. This is not a war the US can win long term.

Russia is nothing but a hollow mediocre regional military power. Against NATO it would have to resort to nukes or be overrun in a matter of weeks. It is more like India than it is the USA or EU. NATO is FAR more powerful than Russia ever will be.

And Putin knows it. Sparking a war with NATO is Putin's worst nightmare. How do I know that? Because he and every other Russian leader says it every day.
Igor Antunov wrote:Ukraine is dug into static defenses, being encircled, being blasted from the air, by artillery, and its losing fewer troops? 700,000 defenders vs 180,000 on the offensive and russia is losing more troops? Are you counting russian artillery as russian losses? After all the shells blow up and cease to exist. :lol:

Russians are shelling the Ukrainians who are sitting in trenches waiting to die. Then simply walking over the corpses. This is not favouring the defender.

No this is not a war of attrition. It is a war of Kiev getting ass blasted, lying its ass off, having its lies propagated through western media and begging for help from the impotent west.

The west is finished if it is this mired in its own propaganda. Good riddance.

So has Kiev fallen yet? I'd have guessed we'd see hot Russian female soldiers taking some pics from downtown Kiev for their 'grams by now.

wat0n wrote:So has Kiev fallen yet? I'd have guessed we'd see hot Russian female soldiers taking some pics from downtown Kiev for their 'grams by now.

Everything is going according to plan.
Igor Antunov wrote:Ukraine has mounted no offensives, simply moved into areas Russians abandoned. No Russian forces have been forced out of towns, villages or cities by UA troops at any point.

Russia can more than match the US in terms of weaponry and troops placement by virtue of bordering the region it is in the process of annexing. NATO is shit, it has nothing, it's the US and it's an ocean away. This is not a war the US can win long term.

Alright, keep telling yourself that.

For now Russia can match Ukraine troops and hold limited offensive movement still. Let us just see what will happen in a month, two, three and so on. As Russia looses modern equipment and then replaces it by Soviet reserves and then .... with nothing while Ukraine gets shipment after shipment after shipment of weapons.
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By Rancid
@JohnRawls, looks like economists are revising their estimates on the Russian economy.

Previously we heard 15% drop, now some are saying it will be 30% drop.
Last edited by Rancid on 24 May 2022 18:00, edited 1 time in total.
Russia is just going to love the Harpoon missiles.

Drlee wrote:Russia is just going to love the Harpoon missiles.

They are certainly loving the Kamikaze drones right now. Ukraine has released footage of kamikaze drones (which I think is our switchblade drones) being used against the Russians. You can watch the video at the link below. ... e90115622f
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By Beren
CNN wrote:Nikolai Patrushev, the head of Russia's Security Council

Putin's the head of Russia's Security Council, for god's sake, while Medvedev's his deputy and Patrushev is its secretary, so he's just third in line most likely. :roll:
Not sure how @Igor Antunov actually believes Russia is strong enough to take on NATO directly in a conventional war. :lol:

I need some of what he's smoking.
Another Russian general has been 'deleted' as Igor would put it.
Shot down over Luhansk ... ian-a77788

"Major General Kanamat Botashev has become the highest-ranking Russian pilot to be killed in the skies over Ukraine, the BBC’s Russian service reported Tuesday.

The 63-year-old retired general had been flying a Su-25 fighter jet over the Luhansk region on Sunday when the aircraft was targeted by a Stinger shoulder-fired missile system, the BBC reported, citing three of Botashev’s former subordinates who spoke on condition of anonymity.

The pilot did not have time to eject from his aircraft and died.

According to the BBC’s sources, the Su-25 had been on a mission to strike at Ukrainian positions around the town of Popasna, which was recently captured by Russian forces."
Last edited by Wels on 24 May 2022 19:18, edited 1 time in total.

It looks like it was a Stinger that got that pilot based on what the article stated, though Ukraine says he was shot down by their air force (which possibly could still mean they shot him down with a Stinger from the ground).
Rancid wrote:Apparently 82% of Ukrainians do not want to give up any territory to achieve "peace" with Russia.

100% of people in Donbass did not want to get murdered by Kiev regime.
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By Wels
Independent_Srpska wrote:100% of people in Donbass did not want to get murdered by Kiev regime.

And they weren't. Instead most are being abducted and killed by the Moscow régime. Including the destruction of all infrastructure, houses, factories, shops. It will take decades to build this up again.
From Donbass to Odessa, even the former most stalwart supporters have begun to hate Russia. Putin really won their hearts with his special operation invasion.
Well, the NATO Science Fiction support group is on the second floor right.

The next level of dehumanization of "Borscht people" , their lives are not worthy, but if they unworthy as they are, get killed , they had been killed by themselves.
Rancid wrote:Out of retirement generals flying jets in a war zone?

Yes, it's going to plan for Russia.... :lol:

It is a sign of Russian reserve not being there, so they have to recruit retired personal for active duty. Plane pilots are long to train and they are not necessarily "real" pilots just after graduation.

As I said, the longer this goes on, the better Ukraine situation will become.

I am not sure what Russia is hoping for right now, if Ukraine doesn't negotiate then the war is lost. The worst thing that will happen to Russia out of all of this is that it will be a country without an army at this point lets say in a year if it drags for so long.
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By Wels
I take it Zelensky, while of course lauching a lot of propaganda himself, seems to offer Putin a chance to get out with being able to save face, via offering negotiations. Nothing will come of it, unfortunately.
More people will die, and they will be much more russian soldiers among them, who have no idea why they are even there.
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