Armenians said NO to Moscow imperialism, and Yes to NATO&EU&USA - Politics | PoFo

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Do you support fast track NATO/EU memberships for Armenian state ?

#Muscofication is a form of cultural assimilation in which #nonMuscovite , whether involuntarily or voluntarily, give up their culture and language in favor of the #Muscovite culture and the Muscovite language.

Armenians said NO to Moscow imperialism, and Yes to NATO&EU&USA

:lol: Yeah and like the Syrian Kurds and the Afghan Northern Alliance, I suspect some of them have already come to rue their choice. The fundamental problem for the Armenians was that Putin was far too soft hearted in his dealings with Georgians. Military access through and in Georgia should have been a non negotiable condition of any cease fire agreement in the 2008 war.
Why, joining the west.

Worked nicely for Ukraine. Population estimated to be 20 million and falling now, the economy is completely bust and if everything continues as it looks like in the USA, will soon completely collapse thanks to the lack of workers and funding, and what happends to the country will in the end be decided by Russia, because neither the USA nor Ukraine itself is able to negotiate. Ukrainian politicians who would attempt to do so would be murdered by ukrainian nazis, and US politicians are simply unable to comprehend that they have lost in Ukraine and only make bullshit offers.

As I said in the other thread, judging by Putins recent statements, currently it looks like Russia will more parts of Ukraine as its own - i.e. the parts dominated by ethnic russians - and leave the rest to its fate by its western masters. Where the west is already waiting, because the USA hasnt actually gifted its weapons to Ukraine.

(Europe of course did gift everything they gave, and Europe already stands by to rebuild Ukraine, with von der Leyen saying they want to spent 1 trillion euro on that. Isnt the EU a nice colony of the USA, making sure Blackrock actually has something to exploit from the rubble thats called Ukraine).

If I was an ukrainian, I'd hope that Russia take over the whole country, and do to it what Russia did to Crimea - build it up to the same standards as the rest of Russia. But all ukrainians I see on the internet seem to want to join the west.

Will work nicely for the Republic of China, if all things work out like the neocons want. Of course in that case we already know the People's Republic of China wont leave anything left of its alternative policial system for the US to exploit. But the USA is actually arming the Republic of China and so there are madmen who want to fight against their mainland people despite the absurdly high power inbalance in their disfavor.

But who knows. The chinese are known to be nifty. So maybe they will just join mainland without a fight when they come knocking.

So why shouldnt it also help destroy Armenia ? I see no flaw in this plan. Let the people fall for the lies of the west, and be surprised how suddenly their wealth goes all out of the window, into the pockets of US oligarchs. Its really like magic.

Writing this of course from Germany, where even officials have now started to talk about deindustrialization. Thanks to the USA blowing up the Nordstream pipeline, prices go through the roof in every regard, but especially also for energy and food.

We, the west, are the good guys. It has to be true. Hollywood tells us so. Everyone else is a horrible "autocrat". Which means they are trying to become economically independent from us.
Armenia has been at war with Azerbaijan for a long time. This war has heated up in recent years. Russia has supported Armenia historically. In the recent flair ups Russia might have restrained Azerbaijan. Armenia probably wants NATO weapons to use against Azerbaijan. If Armenia gets in bed with NATO Azerbaijan will receive support from Russia and this could turn the tables in favor of Azerbaijan. I can see Azerbaijan regaining some more territory through these sorts of movements.

My knowledge of this area is limited but I have invested some time looking into it and have had some Azerbaijani friends.

If it is true that Armenia is getting in bed with NATO than Armenia is going to get smaller.

Azerbaijan is also sort of allied with Israel somewhat curiously. It's not strange in the sense that percieved mutual self-interest is the basis, but it is somewhat worthy context of mention.
Azerbaijan is effectively a Turkish province and that is how it should be understood.

Russia took Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia from the Ottoman Empire and that set the stage of these countries to become tied to Russia. After the fall of the USSR Azerbaijan tilted towards Turkey and through Turkey, it has enjoyed part Western patronage.

Armenia & Georgia have unfortunately found themselves between a rock and hard place and unlike other similar countries that have managed to use Great Power animosity to their benefit, them 2 have suffered a lot mainly due to their geographical position sandwiched between Russia, Turkey & Iran.

Georgians and Armenians are European people with amazingly deep histories & culture.

The EU should work with Russia to find a resolution for their European aspirations.
Crantag wrote:Armenia has been at war with Azerbaijan for a long time. This war has heated up in recent years. Russia has supported Armenia historically. In the recent flair ups Russia might have restrained Azerbaijan. Armenia probably wants NATO weapons to use against Azerbaijan. If Armenia gets in bed with NATO Azerbaijan will receive support from Russia and this could turn the tables in favor of Azerbaijan. I can see Azerbaijan regaining some more territory through these sorts of movements.

My knowledge of this area is limited but I have invested some time looking into it and have had some Azerbaijani friends.

If it is true that Armenia is getting in bed with NATO than Armenia is going to get smaller.

Azerbaijan is also sort of allied with Israel somewhat curiously. It's not strange in the sense that percieved mutual self-interest is the basis, but it is somewhat worthy context of mention.

Armenians said NO to Moscow imperialism, and Yes to NATO&EU&USA 8)

noemon wrote:Azerbaijan is effectively a Turkish province and that is how it should be understood.

Russia took Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia from the Ottoman Empire and that set the stage of these countries to become tied to Russia. After the fall of the USSR Azerbaijan tilted towards Turkey and through Turkey, it has enjoyed part Western patronage.

Armenia & Georgia have unfortunately found themselves between a rock and hard place and unlike other similar countries that have managed to use Great Power animosity to their benefit, them 2 have suffered a lot mainly due to their geographical position sandwiched between Russia, Turkey & Iran.

Georgians and Armenians are European people with amazingly deep histories & culture.

The EU should work with Russia to find a resolution for their European aspirations.

"The EU should work with Russia to find a resolution for their European aspirations." with Asiatic , barbaric horde to find a resolution for their European aspirations? who hate us 7/24 ? :lol:

"Let us begin with this evident fact: Muscovy does not belong at all to Europe, but to Asia. It follows that judging Muscovy and the Muscovites by our European standards is a mistake to be avoided."—gonzague de reynold, 19501 In methodological terms, one should de-Europeanise any analysis of Muscovy policy.— thomas gomart, 20062 "
Beren wrote:They said yes to it originally, but Putin just let them down, so they have to seek another protector.

lets start from EU, Do you support the First Christian state EU Membership?

Do you support the First Christian state EU/NATO Membership? PM Pashinyan: Armenia fully and unequivocally defends Georgia’s territorial (OCCUPIED BY MOSCOW) integrity I Moscow in deep shock

noemon wrote:Azerbaijan is effectively a Turkish province and that is how it should be understood.

Russia took Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia from the Ottoman Empire and that set the stage of these countries to become tied to Russia. After the fall of the USSR Azerbaijan tilted towards Turkey and through Turkey, it has enjoyed part Western patronage.

Armenia & Georgia have unfortunately found themselves between a rock and hard place and unlike other similar countries that have managed to use Great Power animosity to their benefit, them 2 have suffered a lot mainly due to their geographical position sandwiched between Russia, Turkey & Iran.

Georgians and Armenians are European people with amazingly deep histories & culture.

The EU should work with Russia to find a resolution for their European aspirations.

terrible news for Moscow ulus... :lol: PM Pashinyan: Armenia fully and unequivocally defends Georgia’s territorial (OCCUPIED BY MOSCOW) integrity I Moscow in deep shock

Rich wrote::lol: Yeah and like the Syrian Kurds and the Afghan Northern Alliance, I suspect some of them have already come to rue their choice. The fundamental problem for the Armenians was that Putin was far too soft hearted in his dealings with Georgians. Military access through and in Georgia should have been a non negotiable condition of any cease fire agreement in the 2008 war.

ITS A GOOD THING, Armenia dont need Nigeria with snow ....

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