Canada becomes "51st state" - Politics | PoFo

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Trump trolls Trudeau by promising Canucks he’ll lower taxes if Canada becomes ‘51st state’ — and backs hockey legend Wayne Gretzky as PM
Canadian citizens would pay 60% less in taxes if the country joined the US, Canadian businesses would “immediately double in size” and they would be protected.

I agree, it sounds beautiful, but if you look at the truth, it looks like a fairy tale that doesn't take into account the real laws of economics and politics.

Taxes in the US and Canada are two different stories, and it's not a fact that they will even be less in the US. There's a bunch of all sorts of fees there too, and taxes in Canada go towards social security, which the US is notoriously short of.
What I liked the most was that Canadian businesses will immediately become “cooler”, it will be the other way around - they will face American competitors and get confused by their rules.
Talking about some kind of “protection” against joining is weird too. After all, Canada is already quite a protected country, and after joining it will simply lose its independence and become completely dependent on the US.

What do you think, another joke of Grandpa Trump or “serious” intentions?
The US gov't promised Puerto Rico all kinds of shit it never delivered on. That is the MO.

They lie mostly and then force dependency so they can milk your nation dry of its resources, land and the labor of its inhabitants. If they can't do that? They threaten to bomb you from the sky and then proceed to do so until all rebellion is snuffed out.

Then they lie about you and say shit like Canadians envy the US lifestyle that is why they resist us.

I do not know why people were so dumb about how much lying, cheating and stealing goes into imperialistic nations. I hope you opened your eyes.

When you become a target of their ambitions and are having to fight for your independence and your rights from some Gargantuan nation full of money for war and greedy lying politicians in charge? How much of a chance do you have Canada?

You needed to stand up for the rights of the small little nations who have been bullied into shitty dependency problems with threats of violence. Instead many believe the slick lies of the powerful Empires. I hope it teaches Canada a lesson on the kind of evil crap that lurks in the history of Empires.
I think it could be quite interesting if Canada became the 51st state

And the 52nd, 53rd up to the 63rd.
HDR wrote:Trump trolls Trudeau by promising Canucks he’ll lower taxes if Canada becomes ‘51st state’ — and backs hockey legend Wayne Gretzky as PM

I agree, it sounds beautiful, but if you look at the truth, it looks like a fairy tale that doesn't take into account the real laws of economics and politics.

Taxes in the US and Canada are two different stories, and it's not a fact that they will even be less in the US. There's a bunch of all sorts of fees there too, and taxes in Canada go towards social security, which the US is notoriously short of.
What I liked the most was that Canadian businesses will immediately become “cooler”, it will be the other way around - they will face American competitors and get confused by their rules.
Talking about some kind of “protection” against joining is weird too. After all, Canada is already quite a protected country, and after joining it will simply lose its independence and become completely dependent on the US.

What do you think, another joke of Grandpa Trump or “serious” intentions?

This and Greenland is just Trump BS to keep his name in the news and 5% chance his brain is already getting more fogged.
Hakeer wrote:This and Greenland is just Trump BS to keep his name in the news and 5% chance his brain is already getting more fogged.

If it is not?

They voted for him.

Do you keep believing in Empire and bullshit? That is what I would like to know?

Hmm. Will they make PR the 51st state and then Canada the 52nd state? :lol: :lol:

Or Greenland becomes the new unincorporated territory of the USA. They go door knocking in downtown Nuuk, Greenland urging them to drop Danish for English only because they need to be real Americans and yet they can't vote. Just be Danish in culture but USA in passport.

Greenland. The land of ice and snow....with 50k people and low tourism. Versus PR with over 3.5 million in the island and 6 million in the mainland and over 4 million tourists a year because most people do not want to watch an iceberg melting in front of them and icy water to swim in.

It is a good trade says the Trump pendejo. Because his investment capitalist ambassador to Denmark needs to control some resource in Denmark and they can threaten Euro'pe with a bomb if they decide to cut out the USA of European profits in the future. Got to secure their positions.

You could not make this crap up. It sounds like some Villain from the Marvel Universe.

Tainari88 wrote:If it is not?

They voted for him.

Do you keep believing in Empire and bullshit? That is what I would like to know?

Hmm. Will they make PR the 51st state and then Canada the 52nd state? :lol: :lol:

Or Greenland becomes the new unincorporated territory of the USA. They go door knocking in downtown Nuuk, Greenland urging them to drop Danish for English only because they need to be real Americans and yet they can't vote. Just be Danish in culture but USA in passport.

Greenland. The land of ice and snow....with 50k people and low tourism. Versus PR with over 3.5 million in the island and 6 million in the mainland and over 4 million tourists a year because most people do not want to watch an iceberg melting in front of them and icy water to swim in.

It is a good trade says the Trump pendejo. Because his investment capitalist ambassador to Denmark needs to control some resource in Denmark and they can threaten Euro'pe with a bomb if they decide to cut out the USA of European profits in the future. Got to secure their positions.

You could not make this crap up. It sounds like some Villain from the Marvel Universe.


Denmark told him — same as last time — that Greenland is not for sale. Trump knows that. Same story with Canada and Panama. It is all just Trump seeking endless attention like a narcissistic child.
A Canadian youtuber pursued this thought experiment and it made for interesting ideas;

This would be much more complicated and ambitious than the desolving of borders between UK & Ireland and Anzac since those countries have a body of water between them whilst the Canus/ Usda border has large cities with overlapping suburbs on it.
Tainari88 wrote:The US gov't promised Puerto Rico all kinds of shit it never delivered on. That is the MO.

They lie mostly and then force dependency so they can milk your nation dry of its resources, land and the labor of its inhabitants.

What resources has Puerto Rico been "milked dry" of? What promises were made that were not delivered?
Trump isn't saying anything new. The American Revolutionaries under Benedict Arnold tried to conquer Canada as part of defeating the British Military early on; ... ebec_(1775)

Then there was an attempt during the war of 1812: ... nada,_1812

This weird moment:

And then the USA sponsored this organization of extremists in order to destroy Canada and mess with the British:

America is a expansive Revolutionary State, everybody!

And it was just assumed in America that over time the Canadian Provinces would become US States, probably Mexico and Central America and the Caribbean too: a " North American Union" from the Arctic to the Darien Gap, and Hawaii to Greenland ( maybe even Sicily). It's a grand vision to be sure, and long held.

If America ever wants to be the centre of the universe it has to start with this, realistically speaking. They'll never willingly let Puerto Rico go.
If Trump invades Canada we'll have the British on our side at least, and possibly the rest of the the Commonwealth.

Of course he won't invade, he's just a big bully trying to throw his weight around like the small-penis bitch that he is. The northern US buys a lot of its electricity from Canada, if they invade then parts of the US goes dark, the Premier of Ontario has already threatened this. They also get a lot of oil from Canada, not to mention its their biggest trading partner generally. Trump is retarded.

His secretary of defense is going to be some FOX News host. A WH cabinet filled with TV stars won't be able to manage something as complex as an invasion. He'll probably send the cast of M*A*S*H* to lead the invasion.
annatar1914 wrote:America is a expansive Revolutionary State, everybody!

US didn't annex Iraq or Afghanistan despite having occupied their cities and toppled their governments, and didn't even make Puerto Rico a US State despite a majority vote in favor of that in Puerto Rico. Some expansion...
@Cosmo ;

You said:

US didn't annex Iraq or Afghanistan despite having occupied their cities and toppled their governments

There is no desire to formally annex those and other regions as long as their natives persist in being native.

and didn't even make Puerto Rico a US State despite a majority vote in favor of that in Puerto Rico. Some expansion...

Typically there's a lag time between eras of conquest in an Imperium as problems with annexed or vassalized regions persist for a while. The reasons for this are well known historically speaking.

That being said its more likely that Canada and Greenland would be absorbed than Mexico, Central Americs, and the Caribbean. Typically you can tell the permanent or semi permanent nature of a pull back of an Imperium by the building of walls.... its a signal that at best only retaliatory expeditions will be sent to punish those on the other side of the frontier.
annatar1914 wrote:@Cosmo ;

You said:

There is no desire to formally annex those and other regions as long as their natives persist in being native.

Typically there's a lag time between eras of conquest in an Imperium as problems with annexed or vassalized regions persist for a while. The reasons for this are well known historically speaking.

That being said its more likely that Canada and Greenland would be absorbed than Mexico, Central Americs, and the Caribbean. Typically you can tell the permanent or semi permanent nature of a pull back of an Imperium by the building of walls.... its a signal that at best only retaliatory expeditions will be sent to punish those on the other side of the frontier.

That's still not very expansionist. Expansionist is what I'd call Russia, which is annexing not just territories it seizes by force, but territories it doesn't even control (like Zaporozhye City).
@Cosmo :

That's still not very expansionist.

Give it time. America is young, still negotiating the phase from earliest conquest to later Imperium. My grandfather as a young man knew Robert Lincoln who was President Lincoln's son. President Lincoln knew men who came up from the American Revolutionary War.

Expansionist is what I'd call Russia, which is annexing not just territories it seizes by force, but territories it doesn't even control (like Zaporozhye City).

No, Russia is taking back areas that not only were Russia well within living memory, but also areas that still identify as Russian. I know people from the Donbass personally, from before 2014. I'm sorry but you just don't understand. And it will take back what is right to return to it.

You better pray that you're never in the real situation like this, you and yours.

Alexis de Toqueville once wrote:

There are at the present time two great nations in the world, which started from different points, but seem to tend towards the same end. I allude to the Russians and the Americans. Both of them have grown up unnoticed; and whilst the attention of mankind was directed elsewhere, they have suddenly placed themselves in the front rank among the nations, and the world learned their existence and their greatness at almost the same time.

All other nations seem to have nearly reached their natural limits, and they have only to maintain their power; but these are still in the act of growth. All the others have stopped, or continue to advance with extreme difficulty; these alone are proceeding with ease and celerity along a path to which no limit can be perceived. The American struggles against the obstacles which nature opposes to him; the adversaries of the Russian are men. The former combats the wilderness and savage life; the latter, civilization with all its arms. The conquests of the American are therefore gained with the ploughshare; those of the Russian by the sword. The Anglo-American relies upon personal interest to accomplish his ends, and gives free scope to the unguided strength and common sense of the people; the Russian centres all the authority of society in a single arm. The principal instrument of the former is freedom; of the latter, servitude. Their starting-point is different, and their courses are not the same; yet each of them seems marked out by the will of Heaven to sway the destinies of half the globe.

By Divine Providence this is still true, only Russia and America still remain as World Historical Nations whose movements are essentially free and sovereign, for good and for evil.

Don't continue to misunderstand what is going on.
annatar1914 wrote:@Cosmo :
Give it time. America is young,

America is almost 250 years old. The Russian Federation isn't even 35 years old.

still negotiating the phase from earliest conquest to later Imperium. My grandfather as a young man knew Robert Lincoln who was President Lincoln's son. President Lincoln knew men who came up from the American Revolutionary War.

No, Russia is taking back areas that not only were Russia well within living memory, but also areas that still identify as Russian.

How is that not expansion? Sounds like Germany just before WWII, complete with a copy-paste of Volksdeutsche (but the Russian version).

Only Russia didn't even have those areas taken from them, they voluntarily gave them up in Belovezha and reaffirmed with Budapest in the 1990s, so they have even less of an excuse to try and seize these lands.

I know people from the Donbass personally, from before 2014. I'm sorry but you just don't understand.
If they want to move to Russia, they can do so. No need for Russia to invade anything to accomplish that. Are you telling me they'd rather get their homes and cities flattened just so they can "identify as Russian" in Ukraine? Why not just move to Russia?


You're right. I don't understand that. Frankly, I think you're lying.

You better pray that you're never in the real situation, you and yours.

Alexis de Toqueville once wrote:


By Divine Providence this is still true, only Russia and America still remain as World Historical Nations whose movements are essentially free and sovereign, for good and for evil.

Don't continue to misunderstand what is going on.
annatar1914 wrote:@Cosmo
That being said its more likely that Canada and Greenland would be absorbed than Mexico, Central Americs, and the Caribbean. Typically you can tell the permanent or semi permanent nature of a pull back of an Imperium by the building of walls.... its a signal that at best only retaliatory expeditions will be sent to punish those on the other side of the frontier.

I wouldn't call building walls to keep people out "expansionist".

I think Trump is fantasizing with all his threats, he's history's greatest troll.
@Cosmo :

Your ignorance of history is almost as appalling as your unwarranted arrogance and hostility. So hostile in fact that its likely that you've been on PoFo before, no?

America is almost 250 years old. The Russian Federation isn't even 35 years old. How is that not expansion?

Do you not understand what i wrote? Anglo America colonies are as old as Jamestown and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies of the 1600s, but independently American you're right: 250 years old which isn't very old at all. But Russia dates from at least by 988 AD. The Romanov period began in 1612 AD after the Time of Troubles and ended in 1917 AD with the " provisional government", the Russian Civil War, and the formation of the USSR which lasted until 1991 AD.

Sounds like Germany just before WWII, complete with a copy-paste of Volksdeutsche (but the Russian version).

Badly wrong. Wake up tomorrow under a new government that wants to destroy everything you had in the past and everything you are now and see how that fits with you.

Only Russia didn't even have those areas taken from them, they voluntarily gave them up in Belovezha and reaffirmed with Budapest in the 1990s, so they have even less of an excuse to try and seize these lands

That is a lie, a very common one in the West but lie nonetheless.

If they want to move to Russia, they can do so.

As stupid a statement as someone telling you to go back to Europe.

No need for Russia to invade anything to accomplish that. Are you telling me they'd rather get their homes and cities flattened just so they can "identify as Russian" in Ukraine? Why not just move to Russia?

The Ukraine is Russian. And " Ukrainians " live everywhere in Velikorussia just as Great Russians have lived with kin Malorussians and Byelorussians for centuries. There is one Russia which foreigners seek to divide and destroy

You're right. I don't understand that. Frankly, I think you're lying.

That's because of what i called unwarranted arrogance earlier. You lack the class and honour of past generations of American leaders and intellectuals and its frankly painful to watch this decline in real time. I could launch into anecdotes about people i know and things i've seen but speaking of frankness i think your antipathy isnt naturally American at all but has distinctly Old World roots....

You remind me of the type of " neoconservatives" in America that aren't particularly America First, quite the contrary in fact.
@Unthinking Majority :

I wouldn't call building walls to keep people out "expansionist".

You misunderstand what i wrote. Walls delineate where expansion ends with an Imperium but not an end to expansion in other areas.

I think Trump is fantasizing with all his threats, he's history's greatest troll.

No, his threats have an object.
annatar1914 wrote:@Cosmo :

Your ignorance of history is almost as appalling as your unwarranted arrogance and hostility. So hostile in fact that its likely that you've been on PoFo before, no?

Do you not understand what i wrote? Anglo America colonies are as old as Jamestown and the Massachusetts Bay Colonies of the 1600s, but independently American you're right: 250 years old which isn't very old at all. But Russia dates from at least by 988 AD. The Romanov period
The Romanovs ruled the Russian Empire. The empire collapsed in the early 1900s. The country that exists now and which invaded Ukraine is the Russian Federation, which is about 33 years old. Not my fault that shithole falls apart every 70-80 years.
began in 1612 AD after the Time of Troubles and ended in 1917 AD with the " provisional government", the Russian Civil War, and the formation of the USSR which lasted until 1991 AD.

Badly wrong. Wake up tomorrow under a new government that wants to destroy everything you had in the past and everything you are now and see how that fits with you.

That is a lie, a very common one in the West but lie nonetheless.

Nope, they're real documents. Here you go:

Code: Select all ... -52241.pdf

You're welcome.

As stupid a statement as someone telling you to go back to Europe.

The Ukraine is Russian.
How very imperialistic and expansionist of you!
And " Ukrainians " live everywhere in Velikorussia just as Great Russians have lived with kin Malorussians and Byelorussians for centuries. There is one Russia which foreigners seek to divide and destroy

That's because of what i called unwarranted arrogance earlier. You lack the class and honour of past generations of American leaders and intellectuals and its frankly painful to watch this decline in real time. I could launch into anecdotes about people i know and things i've seen but speaking of frankness i think your antipathy isnt naturally American at all but has distinctly Old World roots....

You remind me of the type of " neoconservatives" in America that aren't particularly America First, quite the contrary in fact.

Honor means following the documents you signed. You violated the Budapest Memorandum.
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