New Roman emperor revealed by a coin - Politics | PoFo

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New Roman emperor revealed by a coin
By David Keys, Archaeology Correspondent ... ory=494815

25 February 2004

A new Roman emperor has emerged from the mists of history, in a muddy field 10 miles south-east of Oxford.

After 1,700 years, a coin has revealed an imperial ruler called Domitianus, who seems to have seized power for a few weeks.

Last year, a man with a metal detector unearthed a hoard of 5,000 Roman coins, from the mid-third century, fused into a lump of bronze.

Conservators separated them and found one inscribed IMP C DOMITIANUS P F AUG, which means Emperor Caesar Domitianus Dutiful and Fortunate Augustus. History refers to one general by that name. Almost certainly, he seized power in the secessionist Gallic Empire, probably in 271 after that Caesar, Galienus, was murdered. Domitianus was toppled by a Galienus relative, and probably executed by Rome.
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By Commidget 42
Hey, we can't always find everything about history...that's pretty interesting. How many other short-lived Emperor's do you think we've missed? Not only Roman- there's a whole world out there of things we don't know, and I enjoy studying history to try and find out what I can. For, he who controls the past controls the present, and the present, the future. That was 1984, by the way, Orwell.

By Sponge Bob Square Pants
He was only emporer for part of the empire, part that broke away in one of the endless civil wars.

Very intersting stuff.

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