Looking for collaborators for Haiti project... - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I am very busy at the moment, but really want to do a good piece on Haiti. Therefore if anyone wants to help, let me know. Here is what I need in terms of help. This will be a somewhat serious research project.

What I need is searches of periodicals over the past 10 years for all the major news about political activity in Haiti, this would be newspapers and major magazines like Newsweek, Time, etc.

If you are not familiar with doing this, thats okay I can tell you how to do it pretty easy, much of this stuff is on-line now, but you may have to go to a library to read the microfiche.

In addition of course I need an extra emphasis on the news about the recent events in Haiti, probably like the top 10 stories from newspapers/magazines, as well as a compilation of the links to 20 or so stories from major on-line sources, like CNN, FOX, ABC, etc.

What I then need is for all of these stories to be read and I need it to be noted if they ever mentioned anything about the American occupation of Haiti between 1915 and the 1930s, or they mention anything about American involvement in Hatian politics since that time.

If they do mention it, then I need quotes.

The piece I wil be writing will cover a brief history of Haiti, focusing on the American occupation, and then focus on American coverage of Haiti in an attempt to show that the news coverage of Haiti is generally misleading. Of course I can't show that without research into the news coverage, and if the research shows that it is not misleading then I have no story, but I think we all know what to expect here.

I'm currently writing for Edwin Black working on his book that will be out this year and he is under a lot of pressure and deadlines, so I am under a lot of pressure and deadlines, and I've been wanting to do this piece for like 2 weeks now but I just don't have time to do it myself. By the time I get to doing it myself it won't be timely anymore, and its not exactly timely anymore as it is.

So anyway, if anyone wants to help with this let me know.

Don't post information in this thread, that's too unorganized, you can e-mail me at gp@rationalrevolution.net
By Boris
argh...As much as I dislike you Malachi...Its the critic dislike like that of Lenin and Trotsky(Me being trotsky of coarse)...

I love the idea. You are writing a historical essay n'est pas?

I agree, I will give you 5 hours of my time next saturday for nothing but research. I can translate stories from France's Socialist and Communist online newspapers...

Any other details?
By malachi151
Boris wrote:argh...As much as I dislike you Malachi...Its the critic dislike like that of Lenin and Trotsky(Me being trotsky of coarse)...

I love the idea. You are writing a historical essay n'est pas?

I agree, I will give you 5 hours of my time next saturday for nothing but research. I can translate stories from France's Socialist and Communist online newspapers...

Any other details?

Thanks for the offer, but I don't need that, I want American sources, the piece is going to be able American presentation of the sitution in the media.
By Boris
Ah, Like a liars and the lying liars who tell lies thing...

I can examine just american things. But to disprove the american sources on a lot of stuff. Like the rebel uprising being a popular one. I want to find a source on exactly how many rebels there were. I believe only news sources outside the US will be able to provide me with such precise information.
By malachi151
Boris wrote:Ah, Like a liars and the lying liars who tell lies thing...

I can examine just american things. But to disprove the american sources on a lot of stuff. Like the rebel uprising being a popular one. I want to find a source on exactly how many rebels there were. I believe only news sources outside the US will be able to provide me with such precise information.

Well, that may be useful, though in fact I wasn't even going to try to present a case one way or the other about the current sitution at all, rather just going to discuss the lack of historical context that the sitution is put in.

The point is to be completely unbaised and not come off supporting either side in the current sitution, rahter just to show the lack of fundamental understand and context that is presented in the media.

In other words to show "why" Haiti has problems today, and to demonstrate that critical information that is needed to understand the Hatian sitution is absent from the press, how Haitains are stigmatized for a sitution that was thrust on them by the international community, etc.
By Boris
Ah, So I must research both left and right sources. No problem, just a bit more work. I will give like an hour a night this week and the same 5 hours saturday.
By malachi151
Not really "left" or "right" just mainstream; New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, Time, Newsweek, USAToday, etc, etc...

This aspect is not about learning any history, I have that taken care of, this part is about documenting what was said in the major presses.

So, as for method what I am needing is something like this:

(Just making this up in this example)

Newsweek April 1, 1991 "Political unrest as Cédras takes Presidency"


Article discusses the deposing of Aristide by Cedras. Paints Cedras in a negative light. Discusses Hatian poverty. No mention of former US occupation of Haiti or explanation for historical reason of Haitian poverty.

Miami Herald October 17, 1992 "Haitan boat people turned back by Coast Guard"


Article discusses the poverty and poor conditions of the Haitans and discusses the number of Haitans that illigally immigrate to the US. Shows picture of boat load of Haitans. No discussion of Haitan history.

etc, etc.

I need as much of this kind of thing as possible. I'm going to be doing the same myself, but due to the volume of info needed I can't do it all in a timely manner by myself.

If there are any interesting quotes then cite those as well, etc.

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