Internet Censorship - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Should the internet be put under any form of censorship?

No, it should remain fully unrestricted
Yes, it should be censored (please explain the extent to which you believe it should be censored)
Other (please explain)
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By Attila The Nun
The internet should be conpletely uncensored as long as the sites are not doing anything illegal.
By Garibaldi
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:The internet should be conpletely uncensored as long as the sites are not doing anything illegal.

Ok, as long as a site's not breaking a law which says fowl language is unacceptable, then everything's ok.
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By Attila The Nun
I meant more like child pornography laws, drug laws, copyright laws ete.

I would never support a law against swearing.
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By Pongetti
It doesn't matter what medium you use, if it is illegal, it is illegal. So obviously if you use the internet to do something illegal, it should be stopped.

Censoring stuff such as swearing or porn (the kind with adults), people have the right to choose themselves.

I also agree with the private censorship issue. Anyone has the right to say, you can't put this stuff on my server, wether that means not hosting your website or a search engine not posting a link to your website, they can use their servers however they want. If you don't like this and want to be completely free from censorship, you can host the thing yourself. But Johnny Law is still watching.

If I'm not mistaken, this is pretty much the rule in most countries now.
By U-235
In addition to my opinion that there should not be any censorship of the internet, I also believe all previously illegal activates, such as ddos'ing, warez, information theft, unauthorized access of ones computer etc. should all have any legal restrictions removed. The internet should be guarded by cyber vigilantes!
By Saf
Only that which a nation has deemed illegal should be censored - build your own fertilizer bombs, check out me having sex with my 10-year old daughter, plans for assassinating political, etc. Nothing based on morals should be censored.
No internet censorship should exist at all, as governments will, as always, end up abusing their power. Ultimately, governments will ban websites that contain material opposing its policies, and perhaps even information. Censorship is just another form of oppression used by the capitalist class to keep people uninformed.
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By Hatred
I'd like to see racist sites censored but some people like to take a look at them. I think its disgusting.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I only support the Censorship of: Kid Pronography and real Rape videos.
Real Rape Videos are women that are kidnaped and raped, tortured and most of the time killed.

The Copyright Laws are BS, y pay 20$ for a CD, it doesent worth It.

i only pay for stuff that its worth: my motorbike, oil, cigarretes and thats about it.
By Ixa
CaptainCanada wrote:I think it should only be censored to the extent that any civlized nation would shut down those responsible for distributing kiddie porn, etc and other legal matters.

Cap 8)

Why is 'kiddie porn' any worse than sadomasochistic porn or even regular porn?

In my opinion all pornogrpahic material, and all nudity, and all swear words, should be censored. And images of people dressed as 'sluts', with skirts going above their knees, or in suggestive positions, should be disallowed. Ideally, U.S. propaganda (in especial), religionism, pro-capitalist articles, anti-Black and anti-Asian racism, anti-circumcision articles, American and Japanese 'culture', Nazism, fascism, homosexualism, feminazism, 'metal' and 'rap' music, everything hostile towards Socialism, Communism and Jucheism should censored, among many other things.
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By Attila The Nun
Please, you cannot censor everything. You'd have to invade people's privacy 24-7. It'd be ridiculously expensive and might even cause revolt.
By Ixa
Triggerhappy Nun wrote:Please, you cannot censor everything.

I did not say anything about censoring 'everything'.
You'd have to invade people's privacy 24-7.

'Privacy' is an hallucination.
It'd be ridiculously expensive

Explain yourself.
and might even cause revolt.

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By Attila The Nun
Ixabert wrote:I did not say anything about censoring 'everything'.

You're coming awfully close.

'Privacy' is an hallucination.

Whether privacy is a hallucination or not, people still like the "illusion of privacy".

Explain yourself.

Hiring people to moniter the internet, cameras in every room of every house, more police to hire, ete.


People like privacy. They want it, and if you were to take it away from them, some people might be pretty mad.
By Ixa
You're coming awfully close.

Compare the amount of items on the list I made of things to be censored with the list of 'everything'.
Whether privacy is a hallucination or not, people still like the "illusion of privacy".

What I propose does not affect privacy in the slightest.
Hiring people to moniter the internet, cameras in every room of every house, more police to hire, ete.

How is this necessary? Not only if it is made that the only who can create webpages are qualified authorities, and the internet can only be accessed in libraries and the like.
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By Attila The Nun
Ixabert wrote:Compare the amount of items on the list I made of things to be censored with the list of 'everything'.

Don't be so literal. Anyway, the point is you're infringing upon basic human freedoms, like freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression ete.

What I propose does not affect privacy in the slightest.

How would you expect to enforce the law without constant surveillance?

How is this necessary? Not only if it is made that the only who can create webpages are qualified authorities, and the internet can only be accessed in libraries and the like.

People will find a way to getpast the authorities making a webpage, and people can also make computers at home, not to mention just doing whatever oyu want in the library by briging the librarian.
By Ixa
Don't be so literal. Anyway, the point is you're infringing upon basic human freedoms,

No I am not.
like freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of expression ete.

All of these are hallucinations.
How would you expect to enforce the law without constant surveillance?

Surveillance of what? People's lives? No, just the internet itself.
People will find a way to getpast the authorities making a webpage, and people can also make computers at home, not to mention just doing whatever oyu want in the library by briging the librarian.

That is like allowing murder because people will figure out a way to murder anyway, or perhaps a better analogy would be that it is like allowing people to have guns because people will murder each other by other means anywise.
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By Attila The Nun
Ixabert wrote:All of these are hallucinations.

But people like those "hallucinations".

Surveillance of what? People's lives? No, just the internet itself.

Which will cost a ridiculous amount of money.

That is like allowing murder because people will figure out a way to murder anyway, or perhaps a better analogy would be that it is like allowing people to have guns because people will murder each other by other means anywise.

No, because that law can still be enforced when people get caught and sent to jail. It's very hard to track someone on the internet.
By Ixa
But people like those "hallucinations".

Where did I suggest anything in the way of getting rid of them?
Which will cost a ridiculous amount of money.

Already refuted.
No, because that law can still be enforced when people get caught and sent to jail. It's very hard to track someone on the internet.

This is because there are many ISPS, not just one, and the ISPs try to respect their users' 'privacy' to an extent, and because we have certain laws with regard to 'privacy' which we needn't have, because we have personal computers instead of public computers, etc., etc. If the government controls the internet 100%, many problems disappear, things are more easily enforced, more easily censored. Furthermore most people do not know how to connect to the internet illegally. if the government controls how people connect to it, and refuses to allow most of the population to connect to it through PCs, problems disappear, censoreship becomes easier. Internet becomes very, very small.

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