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How important do you believe they are?

Animals should be given the same protection as humans
Animals should be spared from unnecessary distress.
Animals should be spared from unnecessary distress unless it is to the advantage of humans to cause the distress.
Animals should have no rights
By U-235
Why should any non-sentient organisms outside of our species acquire any rights? This nonsense is comparable to giving rights to the rust and an old car.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Erwin Schrödinger wrote:Why should any non-sentient organisms outside of our species acquire any rights? This nonsense is comparable to giving rights to the rust and an old car.
I agree completely.

I voted that animals should have no rights. I'm currently wearing a horsehair belt, suede loafers, and I have a leather wallet on me. Also, I'm eating some beef jerky.
By Al Khabir
We will just feel a lot better than you, knowing that we did not contribute to the killing of inocent animals.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

3.why do you people even care of what we eat? you people seriously need a life if you worrie that much about what we eat

Because of the way that many vegetarians consider themselves so much more moral because they "feel a lot better than you, knowing that we did not contribute to the killing of inocent animals. " please". Vegetarians often have with strong links to idiot organisations like PETA. "lets set back cancer research by two years, and save a rabbit!". Worthless.
By Bricktop
democrat-hippie wrote:
'being alive' just isn't enough

who says so? any living thing deserves matter how big or small.

in answer to the question - Peter Singer ;)

in answer to the statement - in my honest opinion, not every living thing deserves respect at all. there are plenty of people i would rate lower than many animals, im into the whole heirarchy thing ;)

Drummond :evil:
By Gustav Fluffy
We will just feel a lot better than you, knowing that we did not contribute to the killing of inocent animals.

How can an animal be innocent? To be innocent you must have the capacity to commit both good and evil but choose to commit good. Animals cannot do this as they have no free will or comprehension of right and wrong.

This statement also requires universal moral rules (which do not exist without the existence of a creator).
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Wilhelm wrote:Humans have dominated animals, and the rest of the world, through science and technology. HUmans are more important than animals. And animals have no individual rights.

democrat-hippie wrote:yes. I agree that we are bigger and smarter than animas. But i seriously do not think that we are better than them.

The main thing is not that humans are "better" or "more important" than animals, the main thing is that humans struggle to survive, just like animals, and it is natural and important for humans to "throw" morality and ethics "out the window" to safegaurd the existance of humans and the best survival thereof. Animals spend much more time on survival than do humans, this is the sad part, and this is probably why humans care so much about the survival of animals and even punish fellow humans for killing animals out of defense or accident. Animals spend their entire lives just seeking food, sex, and rest; thats it. Whereas humans spend their entire lives for abstract things like religion, culture, ideology, and etc.

I think animals deserve no rights, and that rights are most essential for humans, and it is only humans that acknowledge rights, and most humans on Earth don't even have the right to just struggle to survive rather than working for religion, culture, ideology, and etc.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:Animals spend their entire lives just seeking food, sex, and rest; thats it. Whereas humans spend their entire lives for abstract things like religion, culture, ideology, and etc.

A poor choice on man's part does not an argument make against the mercy of other living things.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Big Evil wrote:A poor choice on man's part does not an argument make against the mercy of other living things.

That one-liner makes no sense. Please clarify it. Thank you.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
In other words how is cruelty towards animals justified because we suffer more? That's the thought-pattern of a psycho..

Mankind suffers more through his own choice, as you said.. we have things such as politics, religon, pride, etc. That is our problem, not God's creatures. So why should they have to pay for our shortcomings?

There is no excuse for lack of mercy towards an innocent animal, it's simply a matter if you're too lazy, just don't care, or do..
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Big Evil wrote:In other words how is cruelty towards animals justified because we suffer more?

Are you extending on your own perspective or commenting on someone else's?

Big Evil wrote:That's the thought-pattern of a psycho..

Thats your eccentric opinion, whether the above quoted part of yur post was a comment you made to extend your own perspective or as a reaction to someone else's comment. No matter what humans do to animals, they are not psychos!

Big Evil wrote:Mankind suffers more through his own choice, as you said.. we have things such as politics, religon, pride, etc. That is our problem, not God's creatures. So why should they have to pay for our shortcomings?

Because there is no God, and hence we all have to struggle fierecely to survive the best at the expense of the more inferior (less adjusted/adaptable) animal.

Big Evil wrote:There is no excuse for lack of mercy towards an innocent animal, it's simply a matter if you're too lazy, just don't care, or do..

Animals are not innocent, the word innocent has many definitions, among them is "not able to harm", animals are able to harm in one way or another, such as eating the food that we need and or harming us directly through physical violence, etc.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
The American Lion wrote:Animals are property and I have the right to eat them.

How does animals bring property automatically imply that you have the right to eat them? If you were implying private property, then still I think you failed to see that property can also be collective, so you should have added what sort of property.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:
The American Lion wrote:Animals are property and I have the right to eat them.

How does animals bring property automatically imply that you have the right to eat them? If you were implying private property, then still I think you failed to see that property can also be collective, so you should have added what sort of property.

Wow, a red-skinned troll. This is a rare occurance..

Attempting to counter EVERYBODY's messages is no way to make friends commie..
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Big Evil wrote:
NationaliDemocratiSociali wrote:
The American Lion wrote:Animals are property and I have the right to eat them.

How does animals bring property automatically imply that you have the right to eat them? If you were implying private property, then still I think you failed to see that property can also be collective, so you should have added what sort of property.

Wow, a red-skinned troll.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Big Evil wrote:This is a rare occurance..


Big Evil wrote:Attempting to counter EVERYBODY's messages is no way to make friends commie..

Who was trying "to make friends commie"? :?:
By Dark_Stalin
Boondock Saint wrote:
Randomizer wrote:It depends on the animal. Highly intelligent animals like dolphins and apes should be given protection approaching that of humans. Simple animals like mice should get little protection, maybe only against needless torture.

Not true, cattle cry while being led to the slaughterhouse. Pigs don't though.


American Lion, if I own you I will eat you. :lol:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Hey, if you have the balls to go out and hunt a lion more power to you to kill it and eat it.

I don't condone toture of the beast though, simply death and consumption because that is a natural occurance. Anything less is well.. even lesser then an animal..

Though I doubt you'd want to toture a lion less you have a death wish. And believe me had I found out you were toturing the cat warrior I'd strip you bare, throw you in a room with it and let it extract it's revenge and feast on your soft fleshy parts. Cause irony kicks ass.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Big Evil wrote:Hey, if you have the balls to go out and hunt a lion more power to you to kill it and eat it.

What does "balls" have to do with huntin and killing a lion? Have you forgotten that humans have the ability to snipe and use machine guns?

Big Evil wrote:I don't condone toture of the beast though, simply death and consumption because that is a natural occurance. Anything less is well.. even lesser then an animal..

What is lesser then an animal? Lesser and then and animal?

Big Evil wrote:Though I doubt you'd want to toture a lion less you have a death wish.

What? :?: What "death wish"? Lions don't have the intelligence to counter machine guns and sniper rifles.

Big Evil wrote:And believe me had I found out you were toturing the cat warrior I'd strip you bare, throw you in a room with it and let it extract it's revenge and feast on your soft fleshy parts.

People like you should be seeked out and destroyed for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the supremacy of humans over animals. Your sense of morality is so anti-social. You really think an animal is worth more than any human?

However I have some doubts when it comes to ox, because in India ox are worth much more than humans, and people often say that they would rather have a son die rather than an ox, and a son in India is the most valueable thing, except in comparison to a subsistence farmer loosing an ox.
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By democrat-hippie
Because of the way that many vegetarians consider themselves so much more moral because they "feel a lot better than you, knowing that we did not contribute to the killing of inocent animals.

well we are not contributing to the death of animals- and that makes me feel good. And if you do not like it- ignore us.

Animals are property and I have the right to eat them.

and can you please explan to me how you can call animals property?

People like you should be seeked out and destroyed for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the supremacy of humans over animals. Your sense of morality is so anti-social. You really think an animal is worth more than any human?

acctually- even though the question was not directed at me- i feel that any animal is worth the same as any human.
call me crazy, sick, and uneducated, but i truly feel that way. Just because we are the rulers of the world does not mean the things below us are not worth just as much.
Last edited by democrat-hippie on 23 Jul 2004 20:31, edited 2 times in total.
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By jaakko
democrat-hippie wrote:and can you please explan to me how you can call animals property?

Not animals in general, of course. But there are many animals which are 0WN3D, which makes them property.
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